Total Drama Brutally Honest O...

By Nicguy101

611 25 34

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The Seasons.
Brutally Honest Gwen Edition
Gwen and Heather
Courtney and Heather


128 2 7
By Nicguy101

I love this couple so much. This is my second favorite couple.

In season 1 they were perfect the bad boy and the uptight goody two shoes. Their interactions were hilarious.

   In season 2 I still loved them but let's face it they had problems Courtney was abusive and tried to change Duncan and she kicked him in the kiwis but I still loved them regardless especially when Duncan was checking Courtney out in the spy challenge. They broke up when Duncan voted Courtney then got back together in the finale. They broke up again in the celebrity manhunt reunion special and then got back together when they kissed on the bus. Duncan even said "I miss that girl"

In season 3 Duncan quit in episode and Courtney missed him and seem to care about him a lot more especially from last season. She still tried to change him but she still loved and cared about him regardless. Unfortunately Duncan cheated on her with Gwen (I will talk about my opinions Gwen and boy I have a lot to say about her lol) honestly Duncan is a coward in my opinion he should have breaken up with Courtney first before kissing Gwen in my opinion. I will say they did a good job for making drama since it is total drama after all. Duncan was a jerk to Courtney. I still love them together.

In total drama all stars Courtney was pretty much over him which sucks but Duncan still liked her. Sucks for him.

Overall rate: 8.5/10

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