Kaliani daughter of the sea

By loveacting

882 22 9

General Iroh told me 11 years ago there was a ship that wrecked on the shores of the fire nation. I was the o... More

"Water girl"
The call
Open sea
Camp halfblood
Cloaked in darkness
More family?
Northern Water Tribe
Friend or foe
Traveling agian
Talking with professors
Professor Rj lupin
Realm of dream

Into the red

16 1 1
By loveacting

Kali and Zuko spend most of the day confined to their room after breakfast. Kaliani sits against one of the walls with her head in between her knees ...the door opens and Katara says what's wrong with her? Headache Zuko says not looking up from the book he was reading. Hey! Katata nudges Kali's side with her foot. Come help me with lunch. Kaliani doesn't answer. Don't bother her she's resting Zuko says. Well she doesn't get to Katata says I decide what you do and now she's going to help me with lunch. Kaliani doesn't respond. Hey! She pulls on Kaliani's arm and Kaliani's eyes widen and she stands up water from the air pooled in a ball in front of her. Her eyes clear when she sees the water tribe girl. What do you want? Didn't you hear me? We're having fish come on. Kaliani pales and she says what? I said were having fish. No we're not. Kaliani says in a low voice. Uh yeah don't you know how to fish? Kaliani crosses her arms and she says actually it's just something I chose not to do see I like fish and I'd rather you not eat them. Yeah whatever come on. Kaliani doesn't move. I'm not helping you with that Kaliani says and she goes past Katata and onto the deck. She mentally reaches out to the nearby fish. Get away they're going to start fishing soon. You must swim away. Princess! It's the princess! Swim away! Yes princess! We will miss you safe journey! Kaliani smirks and she watches the water tribe girl toss her net in. Princess! I'm caught! Kaliani's eyes widen and she considers the ocean below her. Then she takes off her cloak and outer tunic and she stenches her arms behind her before climbing into the edge and jumping off. Hey! Sokka says. Kaliani looks around and she goes over to the net and she begins to free the fish that are caught. Moments later Aang jumps in an air bubble around his head and he begins to help Kaliani with her task. He smiles and eventually he points to her head and then at his bubble she shakes her head and says I can breathe Aang I don't need a bubble. His eyes widen. Kaliani offers him her hand and she rises up out of the water and Katara says what the heck?! Kaliani is dry and he slowly dries Aang. Kaliani looks out at the earth kingdom. We're here she says. Too late for anything else. Ehh ehh! Katara says walking away. Kaliani goes to her cabin and she picks up her things packing she goes onto the deck and puts her cloak into her bag and wraps up in her white tunic. She stands next to Zuko as Katara and the others get off of the ship. She goes off with Zuko and stands to the side while the avatar and the water tribe siblings are welcomed and celebrated. Kaliani looks down as Zuko puts a hand on her shoulder. He smiles at her and she sighs as the earth kingdom guards come over to escort them into the main hall. What is their crime? The general asks. Besides being fire nation he laughs. Then he says take the boy to the prison and the girl to the lower dungeon. Kali! Zuko calls out reaching for her. Zuko...Kali's hand brushes his and she meets his eyes. Be strong prince Zuko. Then the guard opens a door and begins to take her down a dark rickety stair case. He pushes her into the small dank room and she hears one of the guards say she'll be gone by morning they always are.
Kali stands up and readies herself she walks over to the back wall and feels it. Her hand goes through the wall and then suddenly like a whooshing she's sucked in. She falls into the dark red leaves. Kali stands up and looks around. Behind her is s dark tree that is old and smelly. She stands up and calls out Zuko? She turns grabbing a dagger from her side when she hears something in the bushes. Her eyes widen when she sees a creature with dark red eyes. She goes over to it and touches its head. Her eyes blink as she feels no life from it and yet she senses it did not come from her uncles domain. She uses the dagger to stab it in the eye and with a few more cuts it begins to fade to smoke. Well that's weird she whispers to herself. She shrugs and keeps walking not stopping. There is no clear path to follow so she just goes based on Instinct and smell. She sighs as she comes across a river and she fills up her water skin. She drinks from the river. Now who's this? Kali turns and studies the trio that is staring at her. Has one of Ozpin's students wandered away from the school? Kali doesn't answer she doesn't understand the ramblings of the woman she only knows the words are threatening. She tilts her hip and blows the hair from her face. She walks past her and the woman's eyes widen and Kali turns before the attack strikes her dissipating the fire before she even feels the heat. She keeps walking before she begins to run reaching a cliff she sees there's a rock pillar a few feet away. She backs up and she hears them running...help me family she says to herself before running forwards and making the leap. She makes it barely and she gets to the other side. She looks across the ravine at the woman and then she continues on her way. She kicks a rock into the water below and watches it make impact and rings upon the water. Then she turns and begins walking again she turns when she feels a flash of heat. Kali raises her arms in defense as the woman comes towards her and she grins. Oh...looks who's here ...who are you? The summer maiden? What?
Kali looks around and sees two others and she braces herself. She jumps and rolls out of the of the arrows she stumbles when a circle of light surrounds her but she jumps and lands and the earth shakes she turns her hair is blowing behind her and she hasn't drawn her weapon. The woman pulls out a electronic thing and she says we need backup. Kali continues to avoid and defend herself against the varied attacks and the earth shakes even more ....

Beacon academy.

This is like we have never seen before in vale in the forever fall forest there is a level five earth-

The boy lands a hit on Kalis chest and she spirals her arms and she flips backwards landing on her feet. She looks around and she sees several furies coming out of the trees. You have got to be kid for me. She doesn't even glance at those trying to fight her and she goes towards the furies taking out her sword and she charges at them she slices one reducing it to dust but then she's hit in the shoulder with an arrow and her eyes widen. She swings again ignoring the pain when she's hit with another arrow and she falls to her knees. Behind the woman is the fury and the woman is holding her arm towards her and the two kids are holding her back ...Kaliani screams and the water comes out of the lake below and surrounds the fury she closes her eyes and the furies are overtaken by the water and dragged to the bottom of the river ...Kali opens her eyes winded and she looks at the strange bug and says what's that? Your worst nightmare. Kali tried to laugh but she's out of breath...she moves to the right and she takes them by surprise she rocked back and kicks the woman in the chest and she picks up her sword getting to her feet she grips the sword but the woman just grins and backs her up to the edge of the cliff then she pushes Kali off ....Kali's eyes are wide as she frantically looks up at the sky clicking her sword into place praying - and she closes her eyes blacking out from the blood loss and pain before her body hits the water...

Headmasters office...

Glynda! Glynda! What? What is it? Come see this! Who is that? Is that is that a student? No! They watch as the girl fights without a weapon and only pulls it out for the giant grimm...I've never seen Grimm that - gods! Where did that water come from? Why are you showing me this? We should help her. We don't even know who she is let alone ...Glynda's eyes widen when they see the girl fall off the cliff ...oh dear. Qrow! Qrow! Why are you sending him? I've got a feeling this girl won't like a crowd why do you think that? Just a feeling. A few minutes later a man enters the office and he says Oz? Take a look at this. It's in the forever fall forest ...is she- I don't know but I've never seen anything like that. Never? Never. Okay. What do you want? Go and find her. Why? She's a child alone in the forever fall forest do you need a reason? Her family could be nearby ...he looks at the monitor where is she? She hasn't surfaced. Glynda says. Alright. I'll be back.


A large hippocampus comes out of the water with a young girl on her back. She puts her body on the shore and backs away watching as a crow flies down and transforms into a man. His eyes widen when he sees the girl dry as a bone with two arrows sticking out of her back. He looks into the lake and he sees something sticking out of the water. Hello? He says curiously. The hippocampus rises out of the water and his eyes widen. Whoa...who are you? Qrows eyes widen and he says my name is Qrow I am a huntsman...he turns to Kali. Who is she to you?
She is the princess she is my friend.
Your princess?
Yes. Her farther is my lord. Take care of her huntsman.
Qrow bows his head I will ...
The rainbow creature jumps out of the water and sinks back into the water ...Qrow shakes his head and goes over to Kali and picks her up placing her on her stomach and he runs and transforms landing in the courtyard. Oz!

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