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(Just a note that Kaliani's Asian language she speaks in the elemental lands is basically the same as the one spoken on remnant)

Qrow runs into the school until he gets her to the infirmary. He sits next to her bed after they assess her and get the arrows out. You may stay mr. Broadwen she only needs rest now. He sighs and runs a hand over his face. After an hour Kali's eyes open and she pushes herself up. She looks around her eyes wide. Easy! Her eyes widen when more and he notices that the bottle of water on the table trembles. Easy...he says slowly. He picks up something on the table I'll just call Oz and h- no! Don't use that what? Why? Kali closes her mouth. She sinks back against the cushion and she closes her eyes. Why shouldn't I use my scroll? Because of the monsters. The monsters...Grimm aren't attracted by scroll waves he says. I don't know what Grimm are but if they're those black creatures those are mice compared to monsters. Mice? Mice. Kali says. He sets the scroll
Down. We could see you on the camera why didn't we see the monsters? No everyone can see them. Why not? Kali sighs and puts her head in her hands. Okay how about this I'll just go and get him ok? Kali nods not speaking. He sticks his head out the door and sees his nieces waiting. Hey guys she isn't ready for visitors. Ahh come on! I've got to go and get Oz. He glances back at the girl through the crack. I guess you can keep her company. Just don't make any sudden movements. Okay. The girls go into the room and the girl doesn't look up. Qrow sighs and hurries down the hall. Kali doesn't look up when she senses more people coming into the room. One of them sits next to her and sets a plate of cookies by on the table. Her eyes widen and she looks up. Cookie? The girl says. She slowly reaches for one her hand wraps around it and she takes a bite. Then she sets it down and looks around. Her eyes settling on her bag she says can you hand me my bag please? Okay...they watch as the girl digs through the bag and pulls out a small case of small yellow squares. She takes one out and eats it breathing deeply she closes the case and finds her necklaces and puts them back on. She rubs the trident in comfort and then the door opens and she watches Qrow and two others come in. Kaliani stares at them and then the guy that rescued her says uh...I'm
Qrow and this is Oz and general ironwood. Kaliani nods after a moment. What is your name? Kaliani Jackson. Miss Jackson ...what school do you go to? Oz asks her. School? Kaliani says confused. Was it Vaccuo? No...Kaliani says I haven't gone to a school. The three glance at each other. You haven't - alright. Qrow says. Where did you learn to fight like that? My friend taught me what he used and then I adapted and used it for water. But ...how do you explain this she sees herself kneeled down from far away and she sees a large stream of water rise and engulf a few monsters. Uh...and the earthquake ...earthquake?! That is exactly where it happened - it appeared you caused it. General! Now don't - then Ozpin says are you the Summer maiden? She's not summer is in Vaccuo she could've killed the original maiden - Kaliani coughs. I haven't killed anyone - can you prove that? The general asks can you prove I did? He takes out his scroll and Kalis eyes widen - don't do that here Qrow says. Why not i can - he looks around why not? He says. Kali doesn't answer. Ozpin suddenly gets an alert. I've got to take care of this he says. Qrow gets up and his eyes widen at the scene in the courtyard. Oz he says come see this. Ozpin goes over to the window and his eyes widen. I've ...I haven't seen one of those in decades. Go he tells Qrow I have a feeling they're connected. Qrow nods and flies out the window. Minutes later a teenager runs into the building and finds Kali's room and locks it behind him. Kali pushes herself up and her eyes widen when she sees who it is. P-percy?
Percy practically runs forward and engulfs Kali in a hug. The general had stepped out and Ozpin had left to find Percy. Kali shakes as he sits next to her he wipes her tears with his sleeve and he says Kali ...what happened? I...the general storms back in and he says there he is I've found him! Percys eyes widen and he goes onto the other side of the bed. He looks out the window and he says hey! What are they doing with blackjack?! Whatever that is it's an undiscovered Grimm what?! It's a Pegasus Kali says blackjack is a winged horse he isn't ...Kali Percy says glancing at a machine how long has this stuff been on? I don't know I wasn't conscious when he brought me here. Percy nods trying to stay calm. This stuff needs to be unplugged. What? The general was we can't  - Percy blackjack! Talk to qrow! Who? Qrow! But I- go! Kali says he nods and runs out. Kali pushes herself up. What are you looking at leave so I can change! She tells the general and he steps out of the room shutting the door. Finally. Kali mutters. She gets up carefully and digs through her bag finding her clothing and she changes quickly wary of her bandages on her shoulders crisscrossed across her back. She wears a tank topped dress with varying blues with a tiered bottom white shorts underneath and a light purple cloak over it. Her beaded necklace,compass and trident are around her neck and she slides on her sandals she's sitting on the bed looking out the window doing her hair when she hears miss Jackson? I'm in here she says. She hears her brother laugh and the door opens. She sees Percy and Qrow standing there together. Percy rushes in and he continues to braid his sister's hair. Qrow sits down in one of the chairs and he says so...I'm taking her back with me Percy says. Look Qrow says I understand you've got to get her where she'll be safe but we don't even know who the two of you are. I'm Percy Jackson and shes Kaliani Jackson. Right. But why can she move water like that? Like- Percys eyes go wide when he sees video. You were videoing her? Oz has cameras in the forest for training and safety purposes. But why- Percy Kali says. He turns to her. I was attacked she says finally I was attacked and I had no choice. Percy sighs and nods. But they're not supposed to know! I know! Kali says. But I was underwater for longer then normal and I don't remember much else until I woke up here! What happened to her? She was hit with an arrow in her shoulders Qrow says. Percys eyes widen - then she was pushed off a cliff. Percy buries his head in his hands and he sits down. Kali pulls her legs up and buries her head. Kali...Kali's voice is small. Is he going to be angry with me? Percy looks up. No I don't think so. Did you have some medicine? Kali nods. Did you see any monsters? Kali nods. They came when the woman took out her cell phone. Percy nods. Did you kill them? I think so I sort of well—- we she basically took water from the river and drowned them. Percys eyes widen. Then he turns to Qrow can uh talk to her a moment alone? Huh? Oh yeah kid. I'll be right outside. He leaves. Now what really happened? Percy asks. Kali sighs she rubs her head. I don't know how I got here Perce. I...I was with Zuko in the elemental lands and then....then I was here. Kali wipes her face and says a woman and her friends started chasing me. I was only on the defensive. Anyway she used her scroll to get backup and that attracted monsters. She said you're a maiden or something like that. Kali shrugs. Then I was fighting her plus her two friends plus the monsters ...all at once. They struck me in the back with two arrows and I couldn't move my arms ...there was this bug thing I didn't know what it was. ....I made the water swallow the monsters and then she pushed me. Percy wraps his arms around his sister gently. There's a knock on the door and he says come in. Qrow enters and behind him is three others. Percy jumps up. His eyes narrow. Who are all of you? Hello I am professor Ozpin and - I am general ironwood ...and I am Glynda Goodwitch. Right Percy says. Why are you all here? Qrow chuckles and the general says frankly we need your sister you see she has special abilities and - let me stop you right there. I'm taking Kaliani and we're leaving Percy says. You can't do that. The general says. Why not? You're both minors and unless a parent comes we can't let you leave. Percy growls softly his arms are crossed and he says what exactly do you need my sisters abilities and what makes you think she'd do anything for you? The man opens his mouth and closes it. Then he looks at ozpin. What's your favorite fairytale? What? Percy says. Fairytale stories from your childhood. Uh..I don't know Percy says. He sits back down. I like love amongst the dragons Kali whispers and Urashima Tarō. What? Percy says. I'll tell you later. I haven't heard of those but they sound intriguing. Ozpin says. Specifically the tale of the for maidens. He says. In short an old wizard gifts for maidens with the magical powers of the seasons. Percys eyes widen. Winter spring summer and fall. We believe you are the summer maiden..based on your abilities ...Percy Kali whispers. Percy scratches his head. I assure you he says her abilities are hereditary. Why do you say that? Because I can do what she did he says. How is that possible? You're a male! Hey! I thought - enough Ozpin says. You say your abilities are hereditary? The general says there are more of you? I never said that Percy says. There's a war coming - we don't want any part in your war! Don't speak for her! Trust me Kali says I've had enough war to last me a lifetime. You're only 14! Kali crosses her arms. I'm old enough to know. She stands up and begins to pack her things. Just where do you think you're going? Back to school Kali says. If I disappear it's for the better especially with that maniac coming after me. But you're - save it jimmy. Qrow says. Kali's eyes soften when she looks at him. Thank you...you saved my life. She bows to him. Of...of course he says. Percy follows Kaliani out of the infirmary as the others follow her. Wait you can't just leave! Watch me. Kaliani says hissing the word. My brother is right I want no part in a senseless war. I grew up with it. The big evil that seems too big to fight that no one really blames for anything. Yeah I know the one. She sighs. Everyone has a weakness. Even those that can't be killed. She flips her hair behind her and climbs onto blackjack. Who purrs at her presence. She smirks and looks at her brother. He waves and gets on. He says something to blackjack and he takes off.

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