I'm Afraid (KIRIBAKU)

By phantom_lares

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Bakugou and Kirishima had been brought up to become famous piano prodigies. They both loved music, and they b... More



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By phantom_lares

   When Bakugou woke up, he couldn't help but wonder why he was on the floor with his heels hanging onto the edge of his bed. He yawned, then noticed Kirishima sleeping comfortably on his bed.

   'The fuck?'

   He rested his feet on the floor, and fell back on his back, huffing as his head landed on a pillow.

   'So I slept on the floor,' he thought, patted the hard floorboard under his hand, and then the very thin covers that simply covered his knees. He huffed again, then stood up. 

   He momentarily thought of letting Kirishima sleep longer, but then he narrowed his eyes and grinned. He went over to his window, peeking outside, and squinting at the bright light. "Urgh," he grumbled. He closed the curtains completely, then sighed loudly and glanced at Kirishima. A wicked grin came back up on his face, and he opened the curtains quickly.

   "Good fucking morning!" he exclaimed, kicking Kirishima when he noticed him bury himself more under the covers. "Wake the fuck up!" He ripped the covers from Kirishima's grasp, and laughed as Kirishima groaned loudly.

   "No!" he whined, hugging his knees. "Let me sleep, man," he pouted, his eyes shut closed tightly.

   "Hmm..." hummed Bakugou, feigning thinking. "Nah," he ended up saying, grinning at the glare Kirishima sent him. "Come on, wake up. It is a perfect day to be productive," he said.

   "It's fucking Saturday! Let me sleep until eleven at least!"

   "Nah. Wake up and help me make breakfast, you slug," he chuckled, grabbing Kirishima's ankle, and dragging his legs out of the bed. "Also, get cleaned up. You look gross," he added, leaving the room after stretching. 

   "I hate you," he frowned, glaring at Bakugou from under his lashes.

   "Love you too," sneered Bakugou, referring to their days when they were young.

   Kirishima stiffled a laugh, then finally got out of bed. By then, Bakugou was already in the kitchen.

   He had looked in his fridge, then the cupboard, and then he finally glanced at Kirishima. In the end, he took eggs from the cupboard, and some bacon strips he still had. It isn't a great breakfast, but Kirishima is probably going to like it so he doesn't mind so much.

   He quickly cracked the eggs and began frying them in a pan, and in another pan he started frying the bacon. The oil began boiling, and it made the kitchen loud. He heard Kirishima begin the shower, but then turn it off quickly.

   "Yo! Is it okay if I take a shower after we eat?" he asked.

   "Huh? Yeah," nodded Bakugou, taking two plates, and putting them down on the dining table. 

   He stared at the cooking protein, and then glanced at the vegetable steamer in the corner of his kitchen. He sighed, and took a few vegetables from his fridge, and beginning to steam them. He knows Kirishima loves meat, but Bakugou has a secret talent that he doesn't mind exploiting. Along with Kirishima's parents, he is one of the few who can force Kirishima to eat his vegetables. Not even Himura could convince him! 'Hah! Take that,' he grinned to himself at the thought, then began serving once everything was cooking.

   "Oh! It's ready," smiled Kirishima, peeking out of the bathroom, his face brightened up. He sat down, and clapped his hands together. "Thanks for the food!"

   Bakugou nodded, and sat down at his own seat. They ate soon after. It was silent, but peaceful. Kirishima finished first, hiccuping after drinking his glass of water too quickly.

   "Hey, can I stay over today?" he asked, a distant smile resting on his lips as he stared down at his empty plate.

   "Sure. Why?" he asked.

   "I don't really want to see Himura right now," he admitted, his eyes straining to see. "I just want to be with someone I trust and know is truthful," he explained.

   Bakugou felt his chest clench, but he nodded. "Okay," he nodded again. "Will you want to go outside today?" he asked.

   "No thanks, if that's okay," he chuckled, life coming back to him. He stood up, and took his plate and glass, placing them in the sink in the kitchen. "I'll go take a short shower, do you mind if I borrow clothes?" he asked.

   "No, but some of your clothes are here from when you left them," shrugged Bakugou. "Wear those ones," he said.

   "Okay!" nodded Kirishima, giving his friend a thumb up. "I'll disappear for fifteen minutes," he said, before he locked himself in the bathroom.

   Bakugou sighed as he stretched himself. He then took his own plate and glass, and put it in the sink on top of Kirishima's plate and glass. He poured water, waiting until it was hot, and then cleaned the plates and the glasses. He cleaned the knives and forks, and dried them. The shower was still running when he finished cleaning up their dishes, and he started cleaning the plates. He felt lazy though, so he just filled them with hot water and a bit of dish soap, then letting them soak in water. He'll deal with it later.

   He was about to turn the television on when suddenly his phone rang.

   'Who the fuck could be calling me on a Saturday morning?' he wondered, sighing. 'Deku's fine, Mr Yagi didn't seem to have anything to really tell me, and Himura's annoying so I won't answer her.' He made his way to his phone that was probably thrown in a corner of the room yesterday night, and looked at the caller. He gulped as he saw who the caller was. He answered it.


   "What do you need, old hag?" asked Bakugou, sighing.

   "Insulting me so early in the day, huh?" she asked, most likely sneering. "I wanted to tell you that we are coming over, and that we'll be here in thirty minutes," she stated.

   "Hah? You're kidding, right?"

   "No, I'm not," she spat.

   "Why the fuck didn't you tell me yesterday!" he exclaimed, loudly. "I can't fucking clean the apartment in thirty fucking minutes!" he growled.

   "Then start now! If you have dust on your piano, I will scold you," she said, as a threat.

   "Fine," he muttered, ending the call, and taking a few deep breaths.

   He glanced at his not-quite-messy room, then at the corridors. 

   'Fucking hell, I guess I'm going to have to do this,' he thought as he took a vacuum cleaner from a closet, after he had gotten dressed. He quickly plugged it in, and began cleaning.

   When Kirishima got out of the bathroom, and looked at Bakugou confusedly. "Uh-"

   "My parents are coming over. Get dressed, and fucking help," explained Bakugou, quickly.

   "Oh. Okay! Aren't you going to shower too?" he asked.

   "No. Unlike you, I was cold all night so I didn't sweat while sleeping," he grumbled.

   Kirishima chuckled. "Right, sorry," he said, disappearing in Bakugou's room and taking any clothes of his that he had left over. He got dressed quickly, dried his hair a bit, and then tied it up in a messy bun that actually didn't look great.

   Once Kirishima began helping, Bakugou locked himself in the bathroom to clean himself. He just put on deodorant, combed his hair a bit, and then put some eyeliner on to look more awake. He adjusted his belt, and then scowled at himself in the mirror. 'Alright cool,' he thought to himself as he left the bathroom to go and continue cleaning. 

   He went to his piano with a duster, and quickly dusted off the top of the upright piano and the dust on the keys. He played a short melody, making sure it was still tuned, and then he sighed. 'I don't want to fucking play today,' he thought to himself, closing the piano.

   He left the room to join Kirishima, and they got lucky. Just as the doorbell rang, they had put away the vacuum cleaner and the apartment was relatively clean. Well, a satisfying clean anyway.

   Bakugou opened the door, and let his parents enter, remaining silent. Instead, Kirishima was the one who greeted them.

   "Mrs Bakugou, Mr Bakugou," he greeted, grinning. "It is nice to see you again," he said.

   "Aw, Eijirou," smiled Mitsuki. "Just call me Mitsuki, and call my husband Masaru. We've known you since you were tiny, you can call us that at least," she chuckled.

   "Ah, okay, Mitsuki," smiled Kirishima. "It's a surprise to see you two visit Bakugou," he started, hesitantly. "What's the occasion?" he asked.

   "I just wanted to make sure he was practising responsibly, and Masaru insisted we also visit to check up on him in general," she said, smiling as she took her shoes off. "I still wonder to this day why you don't call him by his first name," she sighed.


   "Fucking tea?" asked Bakugou, changing the topic and beginning to walk towards his kitchen.

   "Oh. You speak? I thought you went mute," sneered Mitsuki, joining him in the kitchen. "We're staying until four or maybe a bit later, so you better make us some good lunch," she said. "And you better not disappoint with your practice," she added.

   Bakugou frowned, but went silent at that statement. "What tea do you want?" he asked.

   "Hm, this one," she said, taking a tea bag. "I'm sure Masaru will have whatever you'll have. He doesn't like sweet tea like I do."

   "The only reason I have that tea in my cupboard is because you like it," he said, clicking his tongue as he took out four mugs and poured water in each. He put tea bags in them, and then took them out after a minute or two.

   He brought the mugs to the two men in his living room, and then took his own and relaxed.

   "Katsuki, how has work been?" asked Masaru, noticing the tension between him and everyone else.

   "Fine. More orders have been coming through, and I have paused creating new things and instead I'm spending more time on decorating cakes or making batches for items that are already in our menu," he said, shrugging. "It's been okay, generally."

   "That's good to know," smiled Masaru. "Work has been a bit insane for us, unfortunately. I have been busy making new designs for a new fashion line, and Mitsuki has been all over the place to judge minor competitions and help during recitals. She's also began volunteering at a small music school where she assess their skills and tells students where they can improve and where they should focus," he chuckled. 

   "Uwah! Mitsuki, you are becoming a teacher?" asked Kirishima, smiling brightly. "That's so cool!"

   "Not quite a teacher," she smiled. "I cannot teach children how to play, but I have one-to-one sessions with more experienced children who can read, and who can play, but not perfectly. I'm here to push them to professional level," she said.

   "That's still so cool!" grinned Kirishima. "I could only imagine about being a teacher," he sighed. "The most I do is play recitals and participate during orchestra practice," he chuckled lightly.

   "You are still involved in the industry deeply though," smiled Mitsuki. "Unlike this brat of a son," she growled. "The hell have you been doing, huh?"

   Bakugou glared. "I've been busy at work," he stated.

   "Oh, have you?" She narrowed her eyes. "Go and play, and I'll see if you have been neglecting your practice," she warned.

   Bakugou avoided her gaze, but stood up and went to the piano room he had dusted earlier. Kirishima made a move to follow, but Masaru motioned him to stay seated.

   "They'll be fine," he insisted. "She's just worried. She only wants Katsuki to do as well in his career as she did, and she isn't very supportive of his job," he sighed. "It is unfortunate for Katsuki, since he really seems to enjoy his job, but he must also focus on his piano career."

   Kirishima frowned. 'He didn't even manage to get his dad to understand, huh?' he thought.

   "I believe his job is good though, and I don't approve of Mitsuki's opinion on it, but I do agree that he should focus on piano at least whenever he has free time."

   'He tried many times, didn't he, though?'

   "You remember when you two were young? He would always beat you at competitions, and I remember that the crowd would always say you were the best," he chuckled. "The judges always wanted a perfect interpretation of the score, and Katsuki always played the score as it was written. You would put emphasis on a minor chord when it was in the middle of the piece, but he would play as it is since there wouldn't be any indication on the score. You've both had your talents, and Mitsuki is sure he would become a famous and very successful pianist," he said.

   'They are caught up in his lies, and he can't tell them the truth without being yelled at badly.'

   "I remember when you two partnered up. It was quite cute, and I'll admit that I miss those days. You would play duets, and while you two did have a rivalry, you played together like it was a perfect match," he said. "I remember the first duet you played together, and it was beautiful. Katsuki's perfection along with your fluent way of speaking through music made you two an unstoppable duo. It was moving for everyone, and everyone loved your duets after that first one," he said. "I'm disappointed to see how Katsuki doesn't put so much devotion onto his piano career like you do," he sighed.

   'He's been hiding the truth since high school...'

   "Anyway... Mitsuki has been trying to motivate him since he left for university, and it was truly tiring because he wouldn't tell us the exact course he was taking, and he was doing all of the finance on his own without help. You and Izuku were with him so I didn't worry as much, but you didn't seem to contact him as much, although you were doing a music course, and he too I supposed. Izuku seemed to get much closer to him although he was taking a course about culinary arts, and although Katsuki has shown great interest in it, I was sure he chose one of the courses we showed him. He's so secretive and distant... so we can't help but feel worried."

   'All the way through university too...'

   "We know he has been active with his piano career however. He has been playing at recitals more than competitions, but he never invites us. I'm sure you've been going to them though, right?"

   'And now too.' Kirishima nodded, a smile straining on lips. "Yeah," he said. "He's improved-"

   "You brat! You think this is going to get you gold?!" Mitsuki's voice startled the two men, but they sighed as Bakugou began fighting back.

   "Hah? I've been practicing! You wouldn't know since you weren't fucking there!" he exclaimed.

   "So what? This sounds no different from the last time you played it, maybe even worse," she growled loudly.

   Kirishima almost stood up, but Masaru motioned him to stay seated.

   "They are fine," he smiled. "She always gets like this," he said.

   "But..." Kirishima frowned. 'That doesn't mean Bakugou's okay,' he thought. 'Well, he always gets over it so I guess he'll be fine...'

   Mitsuki left the room with a loud sigh and scowl, and she sat down next to her husband, picking up her tea and relaxing once she took a sip. "He'll be practising for a while longer," she said. "Feel free to go and see him, but he needs to concentrate," she sighed.

   "Alright," nodded Masaru.

   "So, Eijirou," she began, smiling, relaxed. "Are you enjoying practising with the orchestra? Tell us about it," she grinned.

   "Ah, it is really fun!" he responded, smiling.

   While they talked, Bakugou slammed his fist on the keys, unable to keep down a growl. He didn't want to play. Not now, not soon. He tried to play, but it was too harsh. He tried with the pedal, but sounded worse. He let out a groan, and slammed his hand on the keys, letting out a quiet scream.

   He wanted to yell, and he wanted to break. Yet he knew he would regret it if he did. Instead, he played the first five bars of Arabesque No. 1 by Debussy, then began playing another piece.

   It wasn't a calm piece, and it certainly didn't calm his nerves either. He just got angrier and angrier as he played it, and he's sure the neighbors won't appreciate it even if he plays well.

   'Rachmaninoff's Prelude Op 23 No 5 always seems to just take my anger away,' thought Bakugou, as his mind yelled and screamed, but his heart softened from the stone it became when his mother scolded him.

   He slammed the keys in chords, and he knows Kirishima is listening to his frustration, even if Bakugou hears him laughing along with his parents. 

   As soon as he began playing the piece, he ended it, and he paused in his anger. He wiped his eyes, although they were dry, and then glared at the music sheet that was taunting him. 

   He didn't want to play it, but he wanted to play for his parents. There is a love between them that no one can comprehend. She yells at him, tells him to be better, and his dad tells him he's doing good and that he should continue. He wants to be better, but he has his own ambitions. He wants to be a famous patissier. He wants his name in magazines. Praises telling him he makes beautiful pastries that are not only tasteful, but also can give people a taste of his life. A bit of acidity to show his sour view of the world. A bit of spice to show the anger he expresses. A bit of sugar to show his happiness he has when he's with people he loves. A bit of coffee to show his bitter thoughts about himself.

   He knows music is a way of expression. He knows major to be happy, and minor to be sad. He knows different chords' feelings, and he understands why they are in a piece of music. He understands why things must be loud, why things must be quiet, why things can make you cry while listening to a melody. He understands, but doesn't know how to do it. 

   He knows Kirishima makes people cry during his performances. He also knows that he, himself, can make people amazed. They can move different types of people. Kirishima moves everyone, making anyone who listens to him forget the score and just float in his music. Bakugou reminds everyone of the score, making sure that anyone who listens to him knows that he is making no mistake, and everyone stays grounded during his performances and knows he is playing it perfectly.

   He's mastered that now. His parents want him to be better, and he doesn't want to disappoint them. He doesn't want to disappoint himself either. Whilst he dreams of fluffy choux pastry and sugary smooth light cream, his parents dream of amazing concertos and moving calm nocturnes.

   He played the first five notes of the right hand, then let the last note ring on as his foot stubbornly stayed on the pedal.

   They always wanted him to play piano. Cooking and becoming a patissier was just a hobby according to them.

   "Hey, old hag... listen, I-"

   "Still calling me old hag? You've called me that since you were seven and maybe even younger," sighed Mitsuki, loudly, as she glanced up from the magazine she was looking at. "What do you want?" she asked. "If it's money then no. You are eighteen, you can get a job now," she shrugged, waving a dismissing hand in the air.

   "Tch, it isn't about money," he growled. "I want to talk about the career I want to have," he stated, standing up straight. 

   "Yeah? You decided which university you are going to? Eijirou is planning to go to Tokyo to study classical music. Are you applying there too, or another one?" she asked.

   "It's... still in Tokyo, but I don't want to... I don't want to-"

   "What? Get to the point, brat. You shouldn't ramble on like this," she sighed, putting her magazine down, and staring into her son's eyes, which were currently directed as his own feet.

   "I want to study culinary arts," he declared, after a couple long seconds.

   Mitsuki stared, then frowned, then raised an eyebrow. "Are you kidding me? What are you trying to achieve by getting such degree?" she asked, beginning to raise her voice. "That's what Izuku is doing."

   Bakugou shuffled on his feet, frowning and glaring at the floor. "This isn't about him-" he spat out.

   "Hah? Obviously it is," she growled. "You two are always up each others throats, and don't think I didn't notice you two being enemies started at the end primary school. You two always hated each other, and you always boasted about being better than him in everything, especially music," she said, narrowing her gaze.

   Bakugou looked towards the side, then glared at his mother. "Like I said, this isn't about him this fucking time," he said. "It is what I want to fucking do-"

   "You always wanted to be better than him, didn't you?" she asked. "Why don't you go for a piano career? He doesn't play piano, so you'll surpass him in that," she said. 

   Her final word made the conversation end, and Bakugou didn't know what to do with the heavy ache in his chest when he had stormed into his room.

   He played the first five notes of the right hand again, and with a sigh he brought his left hand up to the keyboard.

   "One, two, three... One, two, three, four," he murmured to himself as he glanced over the sheet music.

   He began playing by scanning his eyes over the bars of the sheet music, but as he finished one page, he let his eyes drift down to his fingers. He had the score in his mind, and he heard the piece being played thousands of times. He knows how it should go, but he supposed that if he plays it like it is supposed to go exactly then it would seem boring, won't it?

   At some point he closed his eyes, forgot about thinking, and simply felt. The melody was calm, the melody itself was calm, but as Kirishima had said last time he played it: he plays it unnecessarily sad. Well, he can't play it genuinely if he plays it with a happy tone. He can't. His family life doesn't bring him joy to his heart, and he doesn't feel bursts of happiness when he sees his parents again.

   Maybe relief that they are back? Maybe calmness that they can let him relax for a few seconds. Maybe fear that they will not accept him. Maybe anger that they keep disregarding his views and wants. Maybe hope that they can support him as they are his parents. 

   Perhaps he played it too sadly last time. He really did feel like he was drowning in an ocean, feeling nothing but blue, and alone. But, if he thinks of it again, he can be grateful, and hopeful for happiness. They may not be the kindest, but they've always been there for him during struggles. They always have been honest with him, never letting him believe a lie to make him cry about the truth later on. They never restricted him fully. He always had freedom, truths, hope when he was with them. Truths hurt sometimes, but who is he to say what will and what won't hurt?

   He lost himself in the melody, but his fingers remembered. They'll always lead him to the end of the piece, and he won't need to think about it. 

   Bakugou opened his eyes, and almost felt his heart weeping as he played the last chord quietly. He breathed in a shaky breath, blinked a few times, then breathed out unevenly. He was about to let his eyes water to let out emotions, but as he heard light clapping, his heard turned around and his eyes went wide.

   "Ah-" He stared as his father smiled at him from the door. The door was shut behind him, and Bakugou could still hear his mother laughing with Kirishima. "How long were you there for?" he asked, after a few long seconds of extended silence.

   "About halfway through? It is nice to see you get into your music like that," he smiled. 

   "It's embarrassing," muttered Bakugou, looking away.

   "I think it is liberating," grinned Masaru. "You know your mother and I have different views, and whilst she believes you never really think about emotions when you play, I think about it differently. I think that you secretly express everything when no one is listening," he chuckled.

   "Tch. You aren't supposed to intrude then."

   "Perhaps not," smiled Masaru. "I apologise for your mother's behaviour," he sighed. "I know she's harsh, but she doesn't mean anything bad. She doesn't express herself with words very well," he chuckled.

   "Yeah. I fucking realised," frowned Bakugou.

   Masaru huffed out a laugh and a smile, and then placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Mind if I play something? I want you to just relax and empty your mind for a few minutes. It'll do you good," he smiled.

   Bakugou glanced at the keyboard, then sighed and nodded. "Okay," he said in the end, standing up, and sitting down on another chair in the room.

   Masaru sat comfortably, and without moving anything on the music rack or lid. He whispered the tempo and time signature under his breath, as Bakugou did before playing, and then he began.

   At the first note, Bakugou fell on clouds. Or perhaps it was more like a boat. A small boat in the middle of a big ocean. With his eyes closed, he could feel the sway of the waltz as waves, and the notes as the fresh breeze around him. 

   For some reason, his father always knows what to play. He could be sad, and his father would play something soothing and uplifting, but as he's angry and frustrated today, the calmness and steady rhythm of the waltz made him settle back to neutral. He felt his heart begin let go of tears as it calmed, and he felt his mind go blank. 

   All he could enjoy was a melody, a feeling, but no words. Nothing to overthink, nothing to twist.

   Bakugou blinked his eyes open, and he stared at his father's back. Watching him sway on his seat made him remember things he forgot. He forgot of the times when he was five and piano wasn't the career his parents set for him. He forgot the times when he couldn't play, and all he could was enjoy and cry with no understanding as his parents played. His mother always played skilfully, like him. His father, however, was never determined enough to put all of his potential in his playing. His love for classical music made him learn though. He provided an open window for Bakugou. He let Bakugou get fresh air before needing to focus back on whatever he need to. Bakugou's father was the kind of father who didn't force Bakugou to play every single second he had during free time. 

   As the final chord was played, they stayed silent. Even as the music faded, they were still silent. As some point, it was too overwhelming.


   Masaru didn't turn back, but he answered. "Yes?"


   Bakugou could feel that his father was smiling. It was comforting, in a way. 

   "Don't worry too much," chuckled Masaru. "If you ever need us, we'll be here. I know your mother is stubborn, and so am I, but you are too. Don't get discouraged by whatever you are thinking, and confront us about what you are worrying about. We are your parents, Katsuki," he smiled, setting his hands on his lap. "We'll always love, and be there for you."

   Bakugou let out a smile. "Thanks," he repeated, the music still playing in his mind. "I'll continue practice. I think you should cook today," he said.

   "Alright. Come join us when it is ready, please." Masaru stood up, and let Bakugou sit on the stool again.


   Bakugou was left alone again, but he was no longer weeping. With a smile, however sad it may be, he played Arabesque No 1 again, knowing that he'll always love his parents too.


(the song masaru played is Waltz in C Sharp Minor  Op64 No2 by Chopin(well, that's what i had in mind lol)

anyway! Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Next update will be angst for the bois, but you all will love it, I'm sure xDDDDD


Until next time~!!

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