Hell to Pay [COMPLETED]

By fragmentedink

210K 8.5K 3.1K

He'd been abandoned. That much Lev knew. Amara had up and disappeared. Lev was left to fend for himself in a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Part Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Part Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Eight

2.5K 131 43
By fragmentedink

Morning wasn't fucking welcome. At some point in the night Reneé had taken the bottles off the coffee table and put them away, probably. Amara rolled over with a groan, and rubbed her face. She had- someone had to tell Raziel. If Amara hadn't already done so while drunk as fuck last night.

"Water?" Cin offered helpfully.

Amara grumbled, burrowing deeper into her shitty couch. Maybe if she went back to sleep, she could wake up and Lev wouldn't be fucking dead.

That hadn't worked when her parents were killed, though, so she shoved herself into a sitting position and flopped a hand around until Cin put the cup in her hand. She drank half of it, and set it down on the coffee table, rubbing her temples. "What time did I crash?"

"Late," Cin replied dryly, petting her hair before padding off to the kitchen.

Amara only stumbled to her feet when she heard someone knocking on the door. "I got it, Ren," she muttered, rubbing her face again before yanking open the door.

She was greeted by the sight of two tall men. The taller of the two reeked of magic, but his brown face was kind. A good witch, then, because she barely felt any sort of wariness about him. No, her attention was drawn to the shorter of the two, a sullen looking strawberry blonde with freckles splashed across his tanned skin. Considering that one was a demon, she was surprised sullen was the worst she was facing.

"Can I help you?" She asked, lifting her chin.

"Are you Amara Claire?" The witch asked.

"Who's asking?" She shot back.

"I'm Cyrus," the witch offered. "This is my mate, Sorin."

Interesting. Witches didn't always take mates. She eyed them both once more, before leaning against the doorway. "I'm kind of busy. Death in the family. What do you want?" Fuck, if she hadn't managed to give herself a hangover this time.

"I'm sorry," Cyrus said, grimacing. "We'll be quick." He nudged Sorin, the many rings on his fingers glinting in the midmorning sunlight.

"An angel killed my cousin," Sorin said gruffly. "Several years ago. I want to know who."

And they wanted her to do the work for them. "Your cousin," Amara repeated slowly. She could make this work for her. "And how do you know it was an angel? Demons aren't exactly a friendly bunch."

"No, we aren't," Sorin said, flashing a mirthless smile with just enough fang she recognized the veiled threat for what it was. Fucking demon posturing. "I did what I could, and it definitely wasn't a demon. Angels aren't exactly friendly with demons, normally anyway, and I know Fax used to date one. An angel, that is. Doesn't take a leap to get to the conclusion an angel did it."

"Fax," Amara echoed, mulling over things. "That short for anything?" As if she didn't know already.

"Fairfax," Sorin clarified.

"And you expect me to just help you for nothing?"

Sorin bristled, a low sound building in his chest, but Cyrus dropped a hand on Sorin's arm. "What are your prices? We're willing to pay whatever."

Amara considered the witch, letting the taste of his magic coat her tongue. "I'm sure I could think of something."

"You're dealing with me," Sorin snapped. "Leave Cy out of our deals."

"Sorin," Cyrus chastised as Amara gave a low laugh.

"For an omega, you sure are territorial," Amara said sweetly, just to see the anger flicker in those piercing blue eyes.

"It's fine," Cyrus said. "But if it's my magic you want, I'm limiting you to one spell."

"Fine." Amara straightened. "Right. Well. Like I said. I'm busy. Death in the family myself. My cousin, if you can believe it. What a coinkydink. His name was Remiel. The guy you're looking for. I can't really put the time in to do the rest of your research for you, but if you're ballsy enough to go talk to Baylor, little short angel with a temper? He'll- mmm. He'll probably know more about Remiel."

"That's it?" Sorin demanded. "That's all you can give me?"

"For one spell? Sure. You can't figure out what to do after that, come back and we'll renegotiate. Until then, I have a dead body to deal with. Gotta pick which urn we're using and all that. Have a great day."

She shut the door in their faces.


It was a quarter past four in the damned morning when Cameron was hauling a half limp Nik through the front door. Parts of Nik's face were covered in bruises, his lip split and his entire body reeked of alcohol. He ignored Nik's slurred mumbling and dragged him to the bedroom where he peeled Nik's clothes off him and ordered him into bed.

Nik grabbed Cameron's hand before he even made it a step to pick up the clothes from his clean floor. "Don't leave me too," he said, face half in his pillow. "Please."

Cameron sighed through his nose. "Will you finally get some sleep?"

"Will you?"

"I guess," Cameron said, knowing damn well he wasn't going to get nearly enough sleep as he should. "You need to let go of my hand first, though."

Nik made a pleased, drunken purr and let him go, pressing his face deep into his pillow, because of course he did. Cameron cleaned up the clothes from the floor and threw them in a garbage can before coming back to crawl into the bed, despite the stiffness still lingering in his back. Nik already was moving though, halfway just crawling on Cameron.

"Tis cold," Nik muttered into Cameron's chest, before instantly just passing out.

Cameron did feel that shiver jolting through his shoulder. He tried ignoring it and just awkwardly pulled blankets around this stupid omega before he got himself sick. It was a while before he let sleep pull himself under, and it was as restless as it usually was, just because he was too worried about biting Nik in his sleep since Nik decided to not move from Cameron's chest the whole night.

It was well past his usual wake up time when his phone buzzed from the nightstand. He let it ring several times before electing to get out of bed, despite Nik's instant loud whine. He answered, "What do you want?"

"Sorry it took a couple of days, but, I got everything taken care of. Do you want the ashes?"

"Sober for once?" he asked, too tired to even attempt to be any form of politeness, even about this. "Why would you give me the ashes," he said, "isn't your family weird about your bloodlines."

"Because he loved you, and you made him happy. Besides," she said, "You're his alpha."

"Again," Cameron said, ignoring that entire sentence. "His bar is so extremely low. I'm sure his family would prefer to have his ashes over me."

"I talked to Raziel about it and his parents are fucking dead," Amara said. "She agrees with me."

He let silence drag out while he thought over her answer. "Fine. Bring them by later." He could put them near the others. He hung up before she could even answer him and looked over at Nik who was still passed out in the bed. The bruises were clearing up some, thanks to angel blood, but they were fairly prominent against Nik's golden brown skin. Nik stirred, face curving into the pillows as he pulled the blanket up over his head. "Turn the heat up," he mumbled.

Cameron rolled his eyes, but notched the temperature up a few degrees before moving to the kitchen. Zareth looked up from the counter, the steaming cup of coffee, suggesting he had been awake for a while. Cameron started breakfast. "Are you going to tell me why you're still in my fucking house," he said. "Or are you just planning on moving in here. If you are, I suggest paying rent."

Zareth didn't even blink. "I- Mm. It would be stupid of me to suggest that I was worried about you. And Nik. And well, with Lev being gone, I'm assuming neither of you have enough emotional intelligence to understand anything."

Cameron flicked him a look. "And I suppose you do?"

"Well, certainly more than you," Zareth said, under his breath, bringing the coffee to his lips.

Cameron chose to ignore him and put a plate of food down in front of him. "Eat or get out."

Zareth instantly went at his food, wisely using his mouth for something than being an idiot in Cameorn's house. He had another plate sat out when he heard the loud-mouthed mutt herself barge into his house. "I was already on my way," she said.

"I know," Cameron said, turning back to his cooking. He let the sizzling bacon cook for a few more seconds before putting the plate on the counter. "If you're going to annoy me with your presence, then eat while you do it."

The blond hybrid holding a casserole behind Amara blinked at him. Amara, however, looked over her shoulder at the hybrid. "No nibbling."

Cameron rose a brow, but elected to not bother. "Sit down."

Amara sat the sleek, black and silver urn down on the table while the hybrid awkwardly sat the casserole on the counter. The hybrid instantly sat down next to Amara and bit down on her shoulder hard enough, Cameron could smell the blood. "What is that doing here? Are you expecting anyone in this house to eat that? I do the cooking and you will give us all food poisoning."

Amara gave him an odd look. "Reneé had made it and if I have to eat pity casseroles, so do you."

"No," Cameron said, "I really don't think I do."

Under his breath, Zareth said, "It's a custom for a lost loved one."

Cameron flicked him an annoyed glance. "Who said I loved him?"

"He was loved," Amara said. "By other people. Ergo, a lost loved one. Eat the pity casserole, asshole."

"You eat the pity casserole," Cameron said. "You don't have my palate and probably lost any and all taste buds you've acquired in the last twenty-one years."

Amara gave him another look. "We have like ten at home and Reneé made that one especially for you. She wants you to critique it and give her notes."

"Then she should have given it to me herself," Cameron replied, moving back to the stove. "If she wanted critiques that badly she should have used a better excuse than her cousin's death for one."

"You think I'd let my sister step foot in your house?"

"I think you let her rot out in your car instead," Cameron said, flatly. "Where my sentries and other demons could very easily eat her. But sure, I'm the threat to your sister." The same one that had already acquired a room in his house.

The hybrid leaned over. "I told you," he said, getting up. "I'll go get Reneé."

Amara looked so annoyed, watching him leave them alone in the kitchen. "First he makes me ride in the car, then he makes me not leave Reneé behind, and now he wants me to let Reneé in the house."

"I'd rather have her in this house than you."

"If you want me gone so bad, then why are you feeding me?"

"Because currently my omega is hungover and passed out in my bed and I'll just have to make do with the next alcoholic omega who just so happened to walk through my door."

Zareth choked on his coffee, but didn't wisely didn't say a word.

"I don't know why you're so worried about people finding out about you having emotions," Amara said, "when no one's gonna be able to fucking understand them anyway. You are so fucking werid."

"Pot meet kettle," Cameron said. "Now eat your fucking food before I force it down your throat."

"Yes, alpha," Amara said, with a sickening sweetness that had Cameron tempted to reach for the knife on the counter. But she took a bite from her eggs, just in time for the hybrid and Reneé to come into the room.

"Sit down," Cameron said. "Eat."

"Okay," Reneé said, promptly sitting down at the counter, going to reach for the plate of food waiting for her. The hybrid settled between Amara and Reneé, lightly biting down on Reneé's shoulder before reaching for his own food.

They had been eating in silence for just a few moments before he heard Nik stagger into the room. Though, he could smell him before he even laid eyes on him. Cameron watched Nik go for the cabinet where there was an unopened bottle of vodka, but got to it before he did. "Sit. Down."

Nik bared his teeth at him, but Cameron's cold look had Nik doing as told. He slumped down onto the nearest stool, nearly sliding off onto the floor, but just barely as he dropped his head on his arms. Renee offered a careful, "Good morning, Nik."

Nik's only response was to flip her off.

Cameron popped Nik upside the head. "Eat something."

Nik cut him a bloodshot glare before dropping his head on his arms again. Renee's amused look was not missed, but Cameron chose to ignore it all the same. Cameron's teeth latched down on Nik's shoulder hard enough to make the skin break. Nik instinctively went pliant under Cameron's fangs, but reached for a piece of toast.

Amara looked at Nik. "You look like shit," she observed.

Nik drug his head up just enough to give her a half-blank look. "Oh really? Was it that obvious? Here I thought I looked radiant."

"Grief looks terrible on you."

Nik kept staring blankly at her before trying to get off the stool, only for Cameron to force him back down. "Drink something and behave."

Nik growled low in his throat until Cameron latched onto the back of his neck and forced Nik to look up at him. "Do as you're told," he said, with enough steel Nik's eyes cleared a bit. "Now."

He let go and Nik reached for the mug of coffee Zareth pushed toward him. Nik had it half downed before Cameron was satisfied enough to get his own food and start eating. It was only a few moments of peace before Nik drug his bloodshot eyes back up to Zareth. "And what the fuck are you still doing here?" he asked. "Figure since Lev's dead you can swoop in and take his spot before it gets cold?"

Zareth blinked blankly at him, trying to process Nik's barely coherent accusation. "...No? I'm married and I figured you'd both be wrecks and stupid of me to think you'd want some help since neither of you can process shit in this house."

"Hmph." Nik seemed to deem that an appropriate answer since he said, "Fine. Then make yourself useful and make me a drink."

Zareth's steely pale gold eyes didn't waver. "I think you've had enough, Nik."

Cameron only took a long drink of his tea, watching Nik deciding to stab at his food. But when Amara snorted, Nik's head shot up and he gave her a savage look. "What the fuck is so funny?" he snarled. "I'd think you would know something about grief since this is what? The third family member that's dead? Or is this just you once again being an untouchable bitch not letting anything get to you."

Cameron cut Amara a warning look, but she just stared Nik right in the eye. "Go fuck yourself," she said. Renee gave the smallest wounded sound that made Nik look in her direction. There wasn't any pity on his face, but there was a small morsel of regret, though, barely any at all. "You don't know anything, Nik."

"No," Nik said. "I never know anything, do I? Just a waste of potential who got his boyfriend killed."

"Okay," Cameron finally said. "That is enough. Nik- go to bed. I'll deal with your pity-party bullshit later. Go sleep your idiocy off. Zareth, make sure he doesn't split his head open on the way back to my room."

Zareth was already moving, hauling Nik to his unsteady feet and moving him back to the bedroom. Cameron turned his attention to Renee's silent tears rolling steadily down her face and fought the urge to just walk out with them. "Stop crying."

Renee mumbled a small, "Sorry," while wiping her face, but Amara puffed up like the annoying bird she was. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Lev practically raised us. I didn't ask for us to stay here, you insisted on feeding us."

"Amara, it's fine," Renee said, quietly.

"I know he did," Cameron said, bluntly. "I do not have time to coddle your sister when I am trying to keep Nik from shredding himself to pieces. That is your job. So either do it, or get out."

He was trying to keep as close to his schedule as he could, to keep it as normal as he could so his brain didn't splinter again, but nothing around him was cooperating with him, so Cameron was going to have to at least control this before he lost his temper.

Amara stood abruptly enough, he heard her muttering about his help while promptly storming out the door. Renee stood up slower, saying, "Thank you for breakfast. I hope you like the casserole. I worked hard on it." Cameron gave a terse nod, watching her follow after Amara. The hybrid looked to his half empty plate mournfully before grabbing a piece of bacon and trotting after them.

Cameron gave a long, slow sigh before going back to the bedroom to see Zareth leaning against the doorway with his arms folded awkwardly, staring at Nik sobbing into the bedding. "This wasn't a coincidence," Zareth said, under his breath. When Cameron didn't say anything, Zareth flicked him a side glace. "He needs you, you know. You are his alpha, whether you want to admit it or not. Take responsibility for Nik before he wastes into nothing."

Cameron debated on cutting out Zareth's tongue for talking to him like that, or just at all, but just kept looking at Nik. "I am taking care of him."

"No," Zareth said. "Take care of him. He needs you, he doesn't need a parent, he needs to know that you are there, even if you are shit at literally the entire spectrum of emotion."

"Careful," Cameron said, in a bored tone.

It was the first and only warning Zareth was going to get for his unsolicited insolence. Zareth sighed softly before wisely taking his out. Cameorn kept watching Nik for a few more seconds before sliding into the room. Cameron wasn't sure what to do. It wasn't like he could just fix everything and force it all back into how he had it, and that fact alone was grating on his mind.

He ended up sitting on the bed, not quite knowing what he was doing. Nik was still clutching at the bed, sobbing hoarsely. Cameron was hesitant, but leaned close to Nik, awkwardly running his fingers in Nik's blue and black hair, making a note to check that the windows were closed. Nik's cries lessened some, before he turned to look up at Cameron, almost confused. "What are you doing?" he rasped.

Fuck if I know, Cameron thought, bitterly.

"Are you done crying?" Cameron asked.

Nik sniffled, but pressed his face back into the bedding momentarily before, "You are shit at literally anything that doesn't involve your dick."

"I can cook," Cameron deadpanned.

When Nik didn't say anything, Cameron kept combing his fingers in Nik's hair, watching Nik finally quiet down enough that he started falling asleep, purring quietly. After a few more minutes, Cameron made himself get up and go to his office. He stopped at the closest sentry, eyes narrowed as he stared them down for long enough, their eyes dropped. "If he wakes up," he finally said, "come get me."

When they nodded, Cameron went to do the paperwork Zareth had left for him on the desk. It was about thirty minutes of waiting before someone knocked anxiously at the doors. When Cameron ordered them inside, it was a sentry, looking as anxious as that knock was. "We found a traitor- we thought you should know. He's the one who told... him- about you and your angel. We didn't want you to worry about our loyalties."

"In case I decided to kill the lot of you?" Cameron asked, dryly.


"It has crossed my mind," he said, mildly, standing. "Take me to them. And tell me why, exactly, the rest of you decided to wait until now to hand them over."

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