Reject (mxm)

Von isabella_kai

5.4M 216K 48.4K

Paranormal Romance (Werewolf) You know that movie Jerry Maguire? It's about this sports agent who got fired f... Mehr

Quick Note
Chapter One: Ruari
Chapter Two: Ruari
Chapter Three: Ciaran
Chapter Four: Ruari
Chapter Five: Ciaran
Chapter Six: Ruari
Chapter Seven: Ciaran
Chapter Eight: Ciaran
Chapter Nine: Ruari
Chapter Ten: Ciaran
Chapter Eleven: Ruari
Chapter Twelve: Ciaran
Chapter Thirteen: Ruari
Chapter Fourteen: Ciaran
Chapter Fifteen: Ruari
Chapter Sixteen: Ciaran
Chapter Seventeen: Ruari
Chapter Eighteen: Ruari
Chapter Nineteen: Ciaran
Chapter Twenty: Ciaran
Chapter Twenty-One: Ruari
Chapter Twenty-Two: Ruari
Chapter Twenty-Three: Ciaran
Chapter Twenty-Four: Ruari
Chapter Twenty-Five: Ciaran
Chapter Twenty-Six: Ruari
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ruari
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ciaran
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ciaran
Chapter Thirty: Ruari
Chapter Thirty-One: Ciaran
Chapter Thirty-Two: Ruari
Chapter Thirty-Three: Ruari
Chapter Thirty-Four: Ciaran
Chapter Thirty-Five: Ruari
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Ruari
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Ciaran
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Ruari
Chapter Forty: Ruari
Chapter Forty-One: Ciaran
Chapter Forty-Two: Ciaran
Chapter Forty-Three: Ruari
Chapter Forty-Four: Ruari
Chapter Forty-Five: Ciaran
New Story: ReBOUND
Side Story: Marked (Kevan x Lorcan)

Chapter Thirty-Six: Ciaran

82.6K 3.4K 606
Von isabella_kai

Bran and Sorell groaned awake a few minutes after Ruari left with Kevan.

The pack warriors outside of the house immediately linked with me when Ruari told them he and Kevan were going alone for a run. I commanded them to stand down and let them leave. At the same time to be prepared for anything just in case something about this set up goes wrong.

I don't trust Kevan and I'm sure the same goes for him in regards to me. But we both want the same thing, to protect Ruari. I just hope that my situation with him would improve given time like it did with Jean. I'm not hoping for a full reconciliation but I hope we could at least tolerate each other's presence in the future, not just for Ruari's sake but for Lorcan's as well.

"He's yours." I turned to my beta. It wasn't a question but a statement of fact.

"Alpha I..."

"No need to explain." I answered cutting him off. "I would have thought less of you if you had reacted any different than you did. It's a mate's job to protect his partner when someone threatens him, regardless of who."

Lorcan still looked rueful but I understand his confusion. He's Kevan's mate but he is also the beta of Moonscape. With this new development his loyalties are currently divided. He respects me and Ruari as his pack leaders but it is difficult to hold back when your mate needs to be protected, all sense and reason just flies out the window.

Personally, I feel sorry for Lorcan because clearly I got the better and good looking twin but I'm happy that he's found the other half of himself, the only person in the world who'd complete him. The situation is a bit complicated for now and I'm sure Lorcan would have a very tough time dealing with Kevan but we'll figure this out, somehow.

Harkin and Prior are still eyeing each other warily but they haven't tried to go for a second round at tearing each other's throat out so for now everything is well and good.

"Where's Kevan?" Sorell asked shaking his head, probably to ward off the dizziness he was feeling.

"Out with Ruari," I answered.

He nodded and went back to nursing his sore head.

"Son of a bitch," Bran cussed without venom holding his own head between his hands. "Alpha really should learn how to control his strength."

I smirked and eyed the damage done to the room. There were a lot of broken pieces of glass scattered on the floor, the african blackwood table would have to be replaced and part of the floor and wall where Ruari slammed Bran and Sorell would have to be repaired. Actually, now that think about it the council room would have to be renovated for it to be useable again.

I laughed out loud and sat on one of the chairs that survived the whirlwind that was my mate. Ruari's been so keen on keeping peace and keeping everyone in check he didn't even realize the havoc he was wreaking and the damage he was creating.

With that, my thoughts tuned to Ruari's. He kept his promise and did not stray too far from the pack house. He and Kevan are now by the lake after burning off some steam by running close to the borders of the pack lands.

I ran a hand through my hair and closed my eyes enjoying the calming presence of him on my mind.

Kevan's appearance is an added complication to our already complex situation. And if my suspicions were correct, more wolves would come to seek out Ruari. Some would be after his life while others would look to him for guidance.

Ruari is meant for greater things. It's become clearer now that if this situation heads to where I think it would, his decisions and choices would a have great impact on a lot of lives. As for now, I don't think he even realize just how important his existence is to the werewolf community. But Ruari is not the type to shirk responsibilities so I'd have to be prepared for anything.

"He's not meant to be here." Someone intruded in my thoughts. I looked up and saw Harkin staring at me. So he's the one with the natural aptitude for telepathy.

"And what made you say that?" I asked.

"You saw his show of power and it's not even close to his real potential." He answered. "I know you're feel it too. He doesn't belong here."

"Hold your tongue Harkin!" Sorell chided. "It's not our place to say where he should belong or not. Let Kevan talk to him. What we're here for is to keep them safe, nothing more. Your impudent behavior would result to nothing but trouble!"

"But you know I speak the truth Sorell," Harkin retorted back unfazed. "He's the rightful..."

"It doesn't matter what you or I think you immature pup!" Sorell snapped. "No more word out of you! In case you've forgotten, the one you're antagonizing is his mate and the alpha of this pack. Do you think he'd even consider coming with us if he learns of your impertinence towards his consort? Who do you think you are chiding someone who's far above your station?"

Harkin immediately bowed his head in shame and muttered a silent apology to me.

I know status and position are important to royals but this is insane! Harkin was just expressing an opinion. It not wholly true but he has a point. He doesn't need to be reprimanded because of that.

"I deeply apologize for Harkin alpha," Sorell turned and bowed low to me. "He's untried and very emotional. He often forgets his place."

"It's alright, no harm done." I answered a bit uneasy at how formal he is. "What do you mean when you said you're here to protect 'them'? I thought you were Kevan's personal guards?"

"We are personal guards but our master is not only Kevan." He answered. "We're born to serve both Ruari and Kevan. I don't know if you've heard of the Radbourne pack alpha. It's a royal bloodline sired mostly of red wolves, their mother Alessandra hailed from that pack. And our family have been serving theirs for generations."

"You mean to say you're slaves?" Lorcan said aghast. I guess it's a bit daunting to hear someone refer to themselves as servants. And wolf slavery had been banned for centuries. But I've been to court and it's a normal thing for royals to have someone specifically serving under him or her.

Sorell just chuckled at Lorcan's callous comment and slightly shook his head.

"I prefer to think of our position as keepers or guardians but yes, I guess we are, to some degree, no more than slaves." He explained. "But you have to understand that this is our way of life, what we've been taught from infancy and our reason for being. No one forced us. We live to serve and would do anything for our masters."

It's a bit over the top if you ask me but sure I could understand. I'm just worried how Ruari would respond to this new addition to his life. He's barely accepting his role as pack leader and still clams up when someone addresses him as alpha. I wonder how he'd react when someone calls him 'Master'.

"Uh, word of advice." I said. Might as well help them a little. It looks like they'd be a permanent addition to Ruari's life therefore to mine as well. "I think you should refrain from addressing Ruari as master for the time being, at least until he gets used to your presence around him. He could be very stubborn and he hates these sorts of things. You know titles and labels..."

"We'd take you advice under consideration alpha." He bowed again.

I tried not to grind my teeth at the formality. It's easy to tell Sorell is a stickler for propriety and manners. I wonder what it would take to get him to loosen up. But looking at him, I think it would take a hundred years, if not a thousand, for that to actually happen.

I looked over at Harkin to see he's still contemplating about what he'd done and I kind of feel sorry and responsible for it.

"Don't think too much," I said through my mind and his head immediately snapped up to my direction. "I'm not saying you're right because despite of what you may think Ruari belongs here. He'd always belong here because this is home. Whatever he chose to do in the future I would always support him. I would follow him wherever he wants to go and I'm sure it's the same for you. But never forget that it's his choice to make not yours, mine or anyone else's."

We met each other eye to eye before he turned his head away and muttered, "You're too kind..."

I laughed out loud earning a puzzled look from Sorell, Lorcan, Prior and Bran. They have no idea what just transpired between me and Harkin. I know this particular conversation would stay between us, just the way I wanted it to be.

Since the council room was thrashed and everyone's awake and ready move I told Lorcan to ask someone to clean up the mess while Bran and Prior showed Sorell and Harkin to their rooms and have another prepared for Kevan.

If I know Ruari, and I believe I do, he'd ask Kevan and his companions to stay. And while we wait for them to come back, I think it's better for everyone to go our separate ways and rest to avoid any more conflict.

I was in my office checking documents, or pretending to since I can't get my mind off Ruari, when the alarm sounded.

Piercing howls filled the air and followed by angry growls and snarls.

We're under attack! Shit!

My first thought was to send someone to find Ruari, to make sure he'd be away from the fight. But I remember the last time I was away from him during an attack, when he had to defend the pack house by himself and had to watch Leanne Wyatt die.

Ruari! I called through our mating link. Come back now!

I was out of the pack house in record time. The fight had already reached the grounds near the house and the raiders were coming from all directions.

How did they get so far in our territory without being noticed? What happened to the patrols?

Lorcan! Take Sorell and Harkin, find Ruari and Kevan they're by the lake. I ordered through our pack link as I joined the fight.

If the raiders made it here it could be possible that Ruari and Kevan are fighting a battle of their own by the lake. They're here for Ruari so they'd specifically look for him. I can't abandon the pack and search for him. My whole body is screaming to run and find Ruari but seeing the fallen bodies of my pack members, how could I call myself their alpha if I don't stay and fight to defend them.

I lunged and shifted in mid air. I allowed Keiron to take over and in an instant he through three raiders. I commanded everyone who couldn't fight to run and hide in the forest. The pack house isn't safe anymore and the core of the attack is just starting.

I managed to fell more wolves and save more of my pack but the raiders seemed limitless in number.

"Ciaran!" I heard Ruari's voice call out to me and immediately sought him out.

I located him fighting by the tree line with Kevan. Sorell and Harkin were not far their sides so were Bran and Lorcan. I had to fight my way towards them and it took me some time before I could even get close to where they were. They're here for him. That was all I could think about as I fell and kill every wolf that was on my way.

I stopped to look around me and to watch Ruari as he fought to protect the pack. Our pack. He had blood splashed all over him and a feral but resolved look on his face. I know that the trauma of Leanne's death is being refreshed on his memory by this attack. I could feel the hysteria and turmoil boiling inside of him. He doesn't want a repeat of that night. He doesn't want to lose anyone else.

But we're severely outnumbered. Everyone is trying to stand their ground but who knows how long our defenses would last. This is going to turn into a massacre in no time and I don't want him to be here to witness all that.

Ruari would never forgive me for what I'm about to do. He would hate me but I have no other choice. He has to live. He has to survive!

With my resolve formed I set my plan into motion and quickly dispatched every wolf surrounding Ruari. I phased back to my human form and quickly ran to him, unconcerned that I was vulnerable and stark naked. I quickly wrapped my arm around him on a chokehold before he could react to what I'm about to do.

"What are you doing Ciaran!" He hissed trying to get me to release my hold but I had the upper hand.

"I'm sorry," I whispered by his ear as I slowly cut off his air. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."

"No..." He breathed out still trying to claw at my arm. Only sheer force of will was keeping him awake.

"I love you..." I whispered as I tightened my hold around his neck relieving him of his consciousness.

Ruari gave one last futile struggle before he slumped unconscious against me. I held onto him a second longer to save my sanity before pushing him on Kevan's startled form.

"Take him away!" I said desperately. "Keep him safe and no matter what don't let him go back here."

Kevan was too shocked to realize what just happened. But Sorell immediately understood what I did and quickly went to action. He lifted Ruari's unmoving form on his back and motioned for Harkin to take Kevan. Noticing this, Bran and Lorcan were by my side within seconds.

"Go with them," I ordered both of them. I could trust Bran to look after Ruari and keep him from doing anything stupid. Lorcan needs to be with his mate. There's no reason for him to stay here and die as well. "After this is over, gather all the survivors and take them away from here. Stick to Ruari and protect him. He's the alpha of Moonscape now."

Bran scowled but nodded and disappeared to follow Sorell, Kevan and Harkin who has Ruari with them but Lorcan didn't move to follow.

"I'll stay." He declared.

"No! I need you to go with them."

"Bran would take care of Ruari and Kevan would be fine without me. Sorell and Harkin would make sure they'd all survive." He reasoned. "Please alpha, I want to stay and fight alongside you."

There's really nothing anyone could say to someone who's already made up their mind. The only I could do now is to make sure more of my pack would survive the attack, including Lorcan. This might be an insurmountable task but I am the alpha of Moonscape pack.

The alpha protects his own or he dies trying...


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