
By TashaPageWriting

887K 40.3K 12.7K

In a town controlled by fear, Indianna is trying to find a way to survive. The only goal is to take down Rogu... More

I- Tai
II- Indianna
III- Introductions
IV- Letters To Him
V- Rogue
VI- Punishment
VII- Fight
VIII- We're Werewolves
IX- You Really Shouldn't Have Come To This Town
X- Kick
XI- Girl Talk
XII- A Plan?
XIII- Lone Wolf
XIV- Secrets
XV- Gender
XVI- Revenge
XVII- Rules
XVIII- Grave
XIX- Cry
XX- Dinner
XXI- Blood
XXII- Rogue's Order
XXIII- Oscar's Old Pack
XXIV- Claws
XXV- Hey Sugar
XXVI- Mate bond?
XXVII- Reward
XXVIII- Greyson's Back
XXIX- "You Lost My Mate"
XXXI- Lily
XXXII- Brandon's Heartbreak
XXXIII- Eight Weeks To Get Rid of Rogue
XXXV- The Map
XXXVI- Preparations
XXXVII- Christmas Dinner
XXVIII- Greyson's Sacrifice
XXXIX- Trust
XL - Wish For Death
XLI- Day One

XXX- Brooke's Secret

16.2K 726 164
By TashaPageWriting

Hi guys.

I'm very sorry for not updating any of my stories. I haven't actually been at home for the past month, I've been working away from home where there has been very limited WiFi and limited time to write.

I'm back now, and have lots more free time and better WiFi;)

Enjoy and I'll update soon.


Two hours earlier Brooke had been sitting opposite Alec in the kitchen. They were eating in silence. "I'm going to tell you something, but don't let it give you any false hope," Alec said suddenly. "I'm telling you because you deserve to know."

Brooke frowned. "What is it?"

"Your Alpha, Greyson. He's alive."

Brooke blinked. She dropped her cutlery in shock. "You're joking. I know you're siding with Rogue, but you're not a horrible person, Alec. This isn't something to lie about."

"I promise you, I'm not lying," Alec said. "He was never dead."

"Oh my gosh," Brooke whispered. She couldn't help but grin. "That's wonderful news! Indie is going to be so relieved! She was so scared about raising those babies alone. Oh gosh, this is amazing-"

"Yes, yes, it's all lovely!" Ben walked into the kitchen and rolled his eyes. "He'll get to see his children being born. He's lucky." Ben looked at Brooke and crossed his arms over his chest. "Harry won't be so lucky."

Brooke froze. "What?" She demanded. The joy she was feeling disappeared. "What?"

"I think it's time he finds out the truth, don't you?" Ben said. "It's the reason you're in this mess in the first place. You refused to let him into your head because you didn't want him to find something out."

Brooke paled. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

Ben sighed. "Let's not lie, Brooklyn. How long have you been keeping it a secret for?"

Brooke wanted to be sick. "I..."

"You're pregnant?" Alec butted in. He suddenly stood up and glared at Ben. "You've made me keep a pregnant girl away from her mate! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is for the child-"

"Watch yourself, Alec. Remember it's me who controls your mate's life."

Brooke was in shock. She was holding her stomach. "He can't know," she whispered. "It would kill him."

"Oh, I'm hoping it does," Ben smiled. "I'm sure it would be awful for Harry, to know his mate is pregnant and to know that he will never ever see his child once it's born. Neither of you two will."

"No!" Brooke yelled. "I'm not letting you do anything to my baby!"

"You have no choice. This is all your fault, Brooklyn. You should have told him when you first found out."

Brooke's heart started to race. "No, no," she said and shook her head. "No, this can't be happening, this-"

"It is happening. And I promise you, it's going to be hell," Ben said with a sick smile.

Brooke felt like she wanted to faint. She wanted the ground to swallow her whole. She wanted Harry to hold her and make everything better.

Suddenly, the kitchen window shattered and Ben groaned. Brooke cried out when Ben fell to the floor. Blood started to ooze from Ben's head and it was then Brooke realised the arrow sticking out of his skull.

"Shit," she swore. She looked at Alec. "Is he dead?"

The back door opened and a girl with long blonde hair walked in, she looked a few years younger than Brooke. She had a crossbow in one hand and a knife in the other. She fired another arrow into Ben and raised her eyebrow. "If he wasn't he sure as hell is now."

"Who the hell are you!" Alec gasped.

The girl looked at Alec, her expression cold. "I'm none of your concern," she said sharply.

"You just killed a man in front of us, I think it is of our concern!" Brooke gasped.

The girl's expression softened when she looked at Brooke. There was a faint smile on her lips. "Brooklyn Fox, I promise I will explain everything," the girl said. "But first I need to take you somewhere safe."

"I don't want to go anywhere with a random crossbow wielding girl!" Brooke exclaimed.

"You will if you want to see Harry."

The crossbow didn't worry Brooke anymore. She grabbed a knife from the table and held it up at the girl. "What have you done with Harry?"

The girl raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Relax, Brooklyn. I haven't done anything to him. I'm here to help."

"She did kill the dude forcing me to keep you hostage," Alec spoke up.

The girl's head snapped to Alec. "I don't like you," she said suddenly. "I know he had your mate and that you were forced, but I still don't like you. Your mate is safe, but you are not getting out of this easily." She raised her crossbow and within seconds there was a small arrow sticking out of Alec's neck.

"You didn't have to shoot him!" Brooke yelled as Alec fell to the floor.

"It was a sedative," the girl said dismissively. "Now, you need to come with me. I'm not asking, Brooklyn."

"I want to know who you are," Brooke demanded.

"I'll explain everything," the girl promised.

"Okay, explain and maybe then I'll come with you," Brooke said.

The girl narrowed her eyes. "You really are stubborn all the damn time, aren't you?"

"No!" Brooke said. "Just most of the time, especially when it comes to strangers that kill people in front of me!"

"What is it going to take to get you to trust me?" The girl muttered. She suddenly reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, dialing a number. She handed the phone to Brooke who took it cautiously.

"Hi, Brooke," a female voice said. "You don't really know me, but we've met before. You need to leave now, with Lily. She can get you to safety, and then she can get you to Harry."

Brooke frowned. She recognised the voice. "Oh my gosh," Brooke whispered. The voice belonged to Harry's mother.

"I would very much like to meet you properly, Brooke."

The girl took the phone back and looked at Brooke with raised eyebrows. "Can we go now?"


At the pack house Rogue had left. Greyson had literally thrown Harry from the room and told him to cool off and to come back when he was in the right headspace to come up with a plan. Kal was pacing in the corner of the room. Kimberly was watching him anxiously.

Indianna didn't know what to do.

"Who could have taken them?" Ace asked quietly. "Are they good guys or bad guys?"

"If they were good then surely they would have brought them back to the people that care about them?" Tai said.

"Thanks, you're really helping," Greyson snapped.

"Grey," Ace said sharply. "Stop it, man. She's my mate, give her some respect."

"I trust you, Ace. I don't trust her," Greyson said. He paused and sighed. "Yet."

"You can still be nice," Indianna said with an edge to her voice.

Greyson turned to Indianna and raised an eyebrow. *Are you pissed at me, sugar?*

"Yes, I am pissed at you," Indianna said. "But that doesn't matter right now. Brooke and Alice do."

"Why is it Brooklyn that always ends up in trouble," Greyson sighed and shook his head. "We'll wait for Harry to return and then we'll start searches."

"I'll speak to Brandon," Indianna said.

"You're not going anywhere near him, especially now we know he's a wolf."

"I can handle myself, Greyson."

"I know," Greyson said. "I just don't want you near him. He can't be trusted."

"And my brother can? I can deal with Rogue so I can handle Brandon," Indianna said. *Greyson, I've changed. You need to let me do this.*

"KAL!" Harry stormed into the room, shoving the door so hard that it came off its hinges. "Your sister is outside."

The colour went from Kal's face. "What?" He whispered.

"She's unconscious, you should probably deal with her," Harry growled.

"And you just left her out there?" Kimberly said.

"She's not my problem," Harry said, giving Kal a glare. "Don't give me that look. You got your sister back, there's still no fucking sign of my mate."

Kal was gone in a blink. Kimberly scrambled up from the couch and followed after him.

"Greyson, you should probably get out there too," Harry said and ran his fingers through his hair. While Indianna was relieved for Alice, she felt awful for Harry.

"Why?" Greyson asked.

"Alice's mate, Alec, the dick who was keeping Brooklyn away from me, he's outside too. He's tied up so I wouldn't rush. The bitch can rot outside for all I care," Harry said. He sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands.

"Harry," Indianna said softly. She placed her hand on his shoulder. He stiffened but didn't shove her away. "She's my best friend, Harry. I'm not resting until we get her back."

Harry looked up at Indianna and nodded.

Indianna left Harry alone and everyone else joined Kal and Kimberly outside. Alice was lying on the ground. She looked as if she was sleeping. She seemed unharmed. Alec was bound, gagged and wide awake.

Kal was by Alice's side, shaking her gently. "We should bring her inside," Kimberly said, putting her hand on Kal's shoulder.

Greyson had walked up to Alec and ripped his gag off. "I'm giving you one chance to not mess me about because you're an Alpha, but I will have no problem tearing your head from your shoulders. Tell me everything you know."

Alec looked up at Greyson with wide eyes, but his concentration soon turned to Alice who was being carried into the house by Kal. "Is she-"

"She's not your business at the moment," Greyson snapped. "Tell me what happened. Where's Brooklyn?"

"I'm sorry," Alec said. "I don't know. We were at the house with Ben, and then Ben was shot. It was this girl, I don't know who she was. She shot me and then I woke up here. I have no idea where Brooke is. I never hurt her. I didn't want to keep her away from her mate, but I was just trying to protect mine-"

Greyson held his hand up, silencing Alec. He turned to Ace. "Get Harry. We need to find Brooklyn."

"Wait," Alec said. "It's not my place to say, but Harry deserves to know."

"Know what?" Indianna asked.

"Brooke is pregnant."

"Shit," Indianna swore.

"He's already pissed, this is going to make him unmanageable," Greyson sighed.

"I'll go talk to him," Indianna said. "I'll tell him."

"Sugar, I trust Harry with my life, but when it comes to Brooklyn he is unpredictable. I don't trust you to be around him when he finds this out. He's going to see red," Greyson said.

"I trust him to not lay a finger on me," Indianna said confidently. "Trust me, Greyson."

Greyson stared at Indianna for a few moments before nodding. "Go to Harry. I'll be in the cells with him."

"Cells?" Alec exclaimed. "I'm a victim in all this! Just as much as you guys are!"

"But you still kidnapped my best friends mate. We don't like you. We don't trust you." Greyson grabbed Alec and pulled him up from the ground. "You want us to trust you? You're going to have to prove your fucking worth."

"Greyson, he's not the enemy," Indianna called.

"No, but he was working for the enemy."

"He was just trying to protect his mate. What would you do to protect me? What would Harry do for Brooke?"

Greyson looked away from Indianna and walked off with Alec. "Ace, can you please go with him," Indianna said. "I don't trust him to not hurt him. He was only trying to protect his mate. Protect Alice."

Ace nodded. "Of course."

"I think I should go," Tai said, looking uncomfortable. "This isn't really any of my business."

"You're Ace's mate, unfortunately, it is now, Tai," Indianna said softly. "Go with Ace. Ignore anything Greyson says to you. He's the Alpha, he's not trusting, that's how he is. Make him trust you."

"Indie, Greyson is different. She's my mate and it's like that doesn't count for anything," Ace said. "How is she meant to make him trust her?"

Indianna sighed. "I don't know," she admitted. "He needs time. He doesn't trust overnight, but he will. Just don't let him walk all over you. Don't be afraid to call him an ass, because he is one."

"You're so nice, how are you with him? He sounds... well he sounds like a shit guy," Tai said bluntly. "And you, how is a guy like you friends with a guy like him."

"He's good. He's a good man," Ace said seriously. "You've just got to get through to him. He and Harry are very similar in that sense."

"Speaking of Harry," Indianna said, "I need to talk to him."

"Good luck," Ace said.

Indianna took a deep breath and walked towards the house. "Thanks," she said. *Harry, I need to talk to you.*


*Don't ignore me, Harry. I need to tell you something,* Indianna said sternly through mind link.

*My room,* Harry's said.

Indianna made her way to his room and walked in. He was stood by the window, arms crossed over his chest and jaw clenched. "Harry, I need to tell you something about Brooke."

"I'm going to kill him," Harry said. "I'm going to kill him for keeping her away from me."

Indianna had no doubt that Harry would.

"You can't. We need to focus on finding Brooke," Indianna said softly. "Especially since..."

Harry turned and looked at Indianna. "What is it, Indianna?"

"I know this isn't how you should have found out, but you need to know," Indianna said.

"Spit it out," Harry snapped.

"Brooke was hiding something from you, wasn't she?" Indianna said.

"She was always hiding things from me, but there was something, in particular, she didn't want me to know," Harry muttered.

"She's pregnant, Harry."

Harry went still. His face was blank. Indianna could tell he was having an internal battle. His eyes were changing from black to normal colour. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Indianna whispered. "Harry-"

"Respectfully, Indie, fuck off," Harry growled. "Because I'm going to punch something and I would not like it to be you."


"I will hurt you if you don't leave!" Harry shouted. His eyes were fully black. His wolf was taking over. "Indianna, get out of my sight. Now!"

"When you're calm, we need to start searching for her-"

"I've not been calm. I've not been calm since she was taken from me!" Harry hissed. "Get out. Now, Luna."

Indianna nodded and slowly exited the room. As soon as she closed the door she heard a loud crash and the sound of glass shattering.

They needed to find Brooke. 

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