Mob In Khr

By anime7105

198K 7.4K 765

You know, I would think reincarnation to be something fun or relaxing But NO When you're reincarnated into a... More

Chapter 1: Stuck in Khr
Chapter 2: Childhood
Chapter 3: Staying away
Chapter 4: Fuuta
Chapter 5: Survived
Chapter 6: Being Lazy
Chapter 7: Mission
Chapter 8: Alex's Rage
Chapter 9: Bullies
Chapter 10: Stupid Cliche!
Chapter 11: This is BULLSH*T
Chapter 13: When they met
Chapter 14: About to start
Chapter 15: Casually watching
Chapter 16: Date
Chapter 17: Marshmallows
Chapter 18: Story
Chapter 19: Store
Chapter 20: Leaving
Chapter 21: Meeting
Chapter 22: Building
Chapter 23: Shocking News
Chapter 24: Scared
Chapter 25: Past
Chapter 26: Meeting ??
Chapter 27: Demetri
Chapter 28: Kill
Chapter 29: Hacking
Chapter 30: Surprise Meeting
Chapter 31: Mini
Chapter 32: Birth
Chapter 33: Cielo
Chapter 34: Fun
Chapter 35: Teaching
Chapter 36: Demon Baby
Chapter 37: Spying
Chapter 38: Chameleon
Chapter 39: Rose
Chapter 40: Phynx
Chapter 41: Why?
Chapter 42: Aftermath
Chapter 43: Anger
Chapter 44: Announcement
Chapter 45: Finally Meet
Chapter 46: Bonding
Chapter 47: Proposal
Chapter 48: Epilogue

Chapter 12:*snore*

5.3K 204 12
By anime7105

Sorry for not updating for awhile, so I hope you like the some what long chapter

Okay, I gotta say this training camp is pretty entertaining. I mean as long as your not the one training then everything is fine.


What, you have a question.

Oh, you mean I'm supposed to be training with them


Who do you think I am. I'm staying far away from that demon tutor, I took refuge in a nearby tree watching the amusing faces they all make. I mean come on this shit is hilarious, Tsuna is running around like a maniac trying to escape the missiles Reborn launched and Hayato is chasing after him trying to save him.

Pfft, hahahah..tha..that's just..pfft...the greatest thing I have ever experienced


Oh shit



"Owi" I whine rubbing the back of my head


'He found me, abort mission run like your life depends on it. I mean my life is acually on the line sooo...*slap*' I mentally slapped myself,' stupid inner monologue I'm trying to survive so stop talking' I huffed while slowly turning my head

"Yes reborn" I say innocently blinking


I dodge immediately not knowing what had just happen I glance up at reborn and he is holding a gun with smoke coming out of the tip


'He fucking tried to shoot me. What the hell, I'm doomed super doomed' I thought

"Better run, mwhaha" Reborm laughed shooting another bullet

I ran as fast as my lazy self could handle right now and dodged all the bullets shot at me

'Wait, wasn't I supposed to stay low key. I mean I did get bribed with cake but it shouldn't make me reveal myself right?. I'm not that bribal am I?'


A all to familiar small swept by in the breeze. My head snapped to the side where Reborn is holding a chocolate cheesecake above a garbage can


'He wouldn't'

I stared at him intently ready to launch

"I'll give you this cake if you give me 1000 pushups or this(motions towards the cake) will go byebye" He says innocently

'He fucking stole my look'

I was debating wether or not I should, I mean

1. I could do the easy warmup and get cake


2. I could keep my cover longer and end up seeing my beautiful baby in the garbage

I think you know I wont be bribed so easily


~10 seconds later~

"998..999..1000" I say swiftly jumping to my feet and patiently waiting for my cake

I stare at Reborn and he's not doing anything

"Reborn, I'm finished could I have my cake now" I asked really wanting my baby

Reborn looked up from his book

'No clue where he got that from'

[A/N I'm getting Kakashi vibes]

"Huh, cake..? You mean the Cheesecake" He smiled devilishly

'No!' I speed to the trash can and see my lovely baby damaged and destroyed

I try to stay calm and pep talk myself

'Dont get mad, he's just trying to rile you up so he can see what you can do. Dont give THIS SHIT'

I release a huge amount of killing intent and stand straight up and slowly turn towards Reborn

He's just sitting with a smirk that makes me want to destroy him


In less than 2 seconds Reborn and me became a blurr

Tsuna and the rest stood their with their mouths wide open like they have just see a monster

Fly P.O.V

Oh look their is this big hole. Wonder if I'll find anything


End of P.O.V


Hayato starts coughing

"Ugh, fly in my mouth"


I'm happily eating my cake next to Reborn who looks satisfied

'Ugh, he bribed me once again and then he tricked me. Why do I feel like he is learning how to control me' I thought while watching everyone train

I catch a glimpse of my pillow and start to feel really tired

"Pillow I need you" I whine pouting at him

Murkuro looked at me and didnt come so I gave him the puppy eyes and pouted

He finally gave in and came over. I grabbed his arm and sat him down than laid my head on his lap and fell asleep

Murkuro P.O.V



Alex P.O.V

The next day arrived and then the next. All I did was hide, run, be bribed, then tricked again, then eat happily, and finally end my day with a nap on my lovely pillow

We finally returned home and I think I became even more lazy. It's just so much work to walk. Good thing my pillow is always with me carrying me around. Mwhaha I'm so evil

I tried to stay out of the plot as much as I can and forgot which point in the story I'm at

The only thing is that I didnt expect was to find Tsuna's father infront of us the day I decided to leave my house

'So where at this part' I thought ignoring Tsuna's dad and going back to sleep thinking of all the troublesome new people that I'm gonna meet......or gonna meet again

[A/N what is up with these Naruto references. First Kakashi and now a Nara]

With Varia

"Do you have info on everyone trash" Xanxus said

"Yes, this file has everyone but the only thing weird is a normal civillian girl that has been seen alot with them"????

"Hmm" Xanxus looks at the picture of Alex and a familiar glint shines in his eyes

"Alex so this is where you disappeared too" He smiles misheviuously

[A/N I know he is OOC]

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