Shadows of Your Dreams

By Rivernugget

51.9K 2.1K 1K

SEQUEL TO "Colors of Your Whisper" ~ BUGHEAD When someone from Jughead's past shows up with a baby, stating i... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

5.6K 137 104
By Rivernugget

Hey guys! This was the 26th fanfiction that I wrote. I like to believe I've developed and learned new things throughout writing all those stories, so the newer they are, the better grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary they have. Thanks for being with me! xx, Lotta.

Fingers flying over the keyboard, eyes hurting, deep in the headspace of a finishing degree student, she sighed to herself, nuzzling deeper into the couch. Sipping a glass full of cola didn't help Betty stay awake enough, so instead of trying, she shook her head and thanked the holiness for online school, knowing she still had two days to hand in the last essay of her university career.

The kids in the small private Spanish school in New York had been so hyper and excited to work with her that when she reached her front door, she was already almost dead. Deciding to take a nap instead of writing, Betty lay on the couch, pulled the comforter from her bed over her exhausted body, and closed her eyes.

There were small bubbles flying around in front of her eyes in the darkness, drooped close, brain starting to shut off slowly when the phone call came. Huffing to herself, the blonde reached out her hand and grabbed it from the small coffee table, next to her laptop. "Hello?" she mumbled.

"Betty?" Jughead's panicking voice sounded through the speaker. The woman frowned, slowly blinking open her eyes, and kept listening to what the guy on the other side was rambling about. "Betty, she just came here and gave me the baby, and I don't know if it's mine, but she said I had to go to court... and... I... what if it's not mine and what if it's robbed from someone or if it is, why did she keep it or why didn't she simply tell me or—"

"Juggie," Betty cut him off with a sharp voice. "What are you on about? Who? What baby? Take a deep breath, I don't understand anything."

Jughead took a shaky breath as she had insisted on, and only then let a sob escape. "Betty, I need your help. Please come."

"I'm on my way," she promised, pulling on the jeans from the floor—she hated pants and always took them off whenever there was a possibility. "Calm down, alright? Is there a baby with you?" She tugged the ponytail holder out of her hair.

"Yes," he breathed. "A woman... who I slept with a while ago. She just showed up and gave me some court invitation and told me the baby was mine. And now I don't know what to do, because how the fuck am I supposed to know it's mine? Am I a father?"

Wide awake now, she pulled on her boots on and shrugged on a coat. "Jughead, keep the baby safe, alright? Did she leave you something to feed it with?"

"I think so..."

"Okay. Just in case. I'll be right there. Stay calm." She wasn't going to tell him she herself was freaking out. Jughead had a baby? At first, she weighed the option of taking the subway to Brooklyn where he lived, but then just grabbed the first taxi she saw. While sitting on the backseat of the car, she imagined a little boy with hair and eyes just like Jughead's.

Jughead was pacing back and forth in the apartment when Betty got there. She gently closed the door behind herself and hugged the shaking man in front of her. "Hey," she whispered when they had both calmed a bit down. "Where's the baby?"

Jughead looked towards his bed, and Betty followed his eyes, frowning for a moment at the loss of pillows on the couch. They slowly walked up to his bed, and Betty smiled softly at the cuteness. Jughead had surrounded the baby with pillows. "So that she wouldn't fall off," Jughead explained quietly.

It was a girl. A tiny girl with an adorable dark set of hair on her head, cute chubby cheeks, and a weirdly photogenic face. She had a pink onesie on, and eyes closed, breathing while sleeping calmly. There was a quality about her that Betty noticed immediately though: she only had one arm. "She's a newborn," she told Jughead quietly. "And they can't roll over, so I think you're safe without the pillows for now." She leaned up to kiss his cheek, eyes staying on the little girl.

"She's mine, Betty," he said with an emotional voice, earning her attention. "I know she's mine. I feel it."

The woman sighed, looking into his eyes that were green like hers this time, and nodded a little. "Has she woken up?"


"Maybe we can sit and you can tell me exactly what happened?" she suggested.

Jughead nodded. "Uh, you want a tea or something?"

"No thanks." She smiled at him reassuringly while feeling horribly anxious inside.

He told her about everything he knew from the papers that had been in the duffel bag the woman had dropped the baby off with. The little girl had birth documents, but the name was yet to be chosen, Jughead's name was written as the father, she was healthy but had been born with a Phocomelia syndrome. They now knew she had been born four days ago, on February 2nd.

"I go away for a year and you manage to make a baby," Betty teased him, having converted him into a better mood by making cupcakes. Now, the sweets were in the oven, and both of them were sitting on the couch that had pillows on it again.

"Technically you were here," Jughead rolled his eyes. He had just told her earlier about Karen, the porn star she had met at Archie and Veronica's pre-wedding party. "And if we go down that path, it's basically your fault. You told me to go have sex with her."

"Did not," Betty smirked.

"Did do."

She shrugged with a slight smile on her face. "I didn't think you'd have the balls to actually do it." She tilted her head against her shoulder, grinning up at him.

"Oh don't you worry about my balls." They giggled together for a moment until the baby started crying. Jughead's panicking expression said it all, so Betty was the one who got up first and went to the baby. She picked the tiny girl up carefully and stared into her greyish-green eyes in awe. She kept screaming and crying, so Betty looked at Jughead with raised eyebrows.

"Check if she needs a change," she told the guy.


"You're her father..." Jughead's frown deepened at that. "I'll warm up a bottle or something," Betty informed him, helping his arms into the right position for holding a baby, and then placed the little crying girl in them. "She's cute," she sighed quietly while walking to the kitchen area.

Jughead found the baby did need a change and somehow managed to do it on his bed, noticing there were only a few clean diapers left. When she had been changed and Betty walked back to the two with a warm bottle of the only carton of milk that had been in the bag, the little girl was calm in Jughead's arms, staring up at him with her matching eyes. "Here," the blonde spoke quietly and handed him the bottle.

He chuckled nervously. "Betts, I've never fed one..."

Betty smiled softly. "Here. Just put the tip into her mouth and she'll do the rest of the job."

"What if she chokes on it?"

"Jug," she sighed with a gentle smile still on her face. "Sit down. Relax. She's a baby, not a science project."

"Easy for you to say, big sister," he mumbled in protest, but did as she said and sat down, bringing the bottle to his daughter's lips. Betty watched the two, feeling bad for the little girl who had born with only one arm and apparently was unwanted by her mother for whatever the reason was. She smiled gently while seeing the look in Jughead's eyes. He was already in love with the baby, she could tell. And it was super endearing watching the two of them together, just silently staring at each other.

"Jug," Betty brought him out of his haze when she sat down next to him on the couch. "Hold her head, even if you're tired." He sighed, hating that he didn't know how to do it, but let her move his arms back into the right position. "She doesn't have neck control for the first couple of weeks, so until you can see her lifting or holding it up by herself, always support her."

The way she was talking about it like him taking care of a baby was a permanent thing made him shudder in terror. Of course, he wanted to be part of her life and grow her up now that he knew he had a child, but it was scary thinking about actually being responsible for another human being's life.

Betty took away the bottle soon after it was empty and handed him a pacifier she had found. Just him putting it into the baby's mouth was an experience by itself. The woman looked at how he tried to be so incredibly careful and gentle, not wanting to do anything wrong and smiled at that. "Now just sway her in your arms a little. Maybe she'll go back to sleep."

It was definitely the calmest baby Betty had met—at least out of her friends' and her little brothers. She just stared at Jughead quietly, not fussing now that she wasn't hungry anymore, and slowly fell asleep when the man swayed her, his thumb brushing over her chubby cheek and forehead. Betty also noticed there was a pout on her lips most of the time while asleep. That was definitely something she had gotten from Jughead.

"Do you wanna sleep next to her?" Betty asked quietly, yawning to herself while doing so. "We could make a bed out of your laundry basket or something. She needs a bed until she stays here, and since you're not even sure if it's permanent, maybe you shouldn't buy a crib just yet?"

"Yeah," Jughead nodded. "But I'll do it. You go to sleep."

"I need to get back home..."

"No, Betts. It's late. Take my bed."

"And you?" she frowned worriedly.

"I'll be fine right here on the couch."

"No," she sighed. "I should go home; I have an essay to finish."

"Fuck. School," Jughead cursed, only now realizing he had to go tomorrow.
Betty smiled softly. "Don't worry, I'll watch over her. I just need you to fetch my laptop from mine when you get back."

"Really?" he breathed. "I think I should just skip..."

"Jug, you have your exams coming up, you should go. I'm finishing this week, online. It's not anything I couldn't do..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now get your laundry basket and get me some sheets for the couch."

"I don't need sheets, it's my couch."

Betty rolled her eyes. "You're taking your bed."

"I'm not."

"Shh, she's asleep," she giggled. "Where's your laundry?"

"The bathroom." Nodding, she took that direction and went to find it. When she did, she shook her head and swore at Jughead under her breath, deciding she was going to do all his fucking laundry the next day. That guy really needed to learn something about hygiene.

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