See If I Care

Від 0Aratay0

126K 3.5K 793

Everyone thinks they know the prophecy. The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches Born to... Більше

Before we start


2.9K 93 15
Від 0Aratay0



-September 1st, 1991-

{Alex's POV}

Alex entered their room. The walls were a soft, pale blue, so pale that it was almost white. There was one bed on the right side of the room, the bedsheets a deep azure. The bedframe was bronze, as were the handles and detailing on the chest of drawers next to the bed. There was a window seat in the middle of the back wall, the view leading out over the grounds, quidditch pitch and forest. The dark forest that was now forbidden.

Alex found their trunk at the bottom of the bed. They opened the trunk, flicking their wrist and having all their belongings move to their assigned places in the room. They then placed a warming charm on the window seat and Akira moved from around their waist and onto the seat.

$Tomorrow I am going to see if my mother still lives here. I am pretty sure she does, as we live for hundreds of years. If she does, I will probably stay there during the day while you're at classes,$ Akira hissed.

$Alright. That sounds like a good plan. Just make sure you aren't seen; I don't want anyone trying to harm you. If she doesn't, which I doubt, you can stay in my personal quarters during the day,$ Alex replied. Akira nodded in acknowledgement to their request, before curing up on the window seat to sleep.

Alex changed into their sleepwear, slipping into their bed. The bed was just as soft as the bed in their personal quarters had been. They closed their eyes, quickly becoming enamoured by sleep.

-September 2nd, 1991-

Alex woke the next morning at 5:30, as they did every day. They got dressed into their combat robes, before opening the window and shifting into their Dark Phoenix. They quickly flew to the dark forest, landing in the clearing that Godric had always chosen to train in.

They went about their normal routine. Charm a few trees to become combatants and duel for 20 minutes. Then a quick mind check before weapons. They would throw knives and practice links with their daggers for another 20 minutes. This routine took 45 minutes and they completed it every day.

After finishing with their knives, Alex shifted back into their Dark Phoenix and flew back into their room. They shifted back and changed into their everyday robes, after a quick shower. It was Sunday, so they wouldn't start classes until the next day. They got ready for the day before leaving their room, settling into one of the armchairs near the fire with a book. It was 6:30, so they would have half an hour before Professor Flitwick came to give his welcoming speech.

They opened their book, becoming immersed in Salazar's theories and ideas concerning potion making. It was one of Salazar's potion journals, written in Parseltongue. It was one of many, as he had filled up a single journal every few months. It contained everything Sal had ever thought of about potions; theories surrounding the different ingredients, ideas to create new potions and ways to improve ones that already existed. Sal hadn't actually acted on many of the ideas, leaving Alex free to try them out.

Alex soon became aware of a presence behind them. They turned in their chair. Standing behind them was Padma and Terry.

"How did you sleep?" Padma asked.

"Fine. The bed is simply wonderful."

"It is," Terry agreed.

"I didn't see you in our room last night. This may seem rude, but that makes me assume you're a boy?" Padma commented. Alex sighed, how were they going to answer that one.

"But Alex must have been in your room last night," Terry said, turning to Padma. Alex could see the confusion on their faces.

"They weren't in the girl's dormitory."

"Well, they weren't in the boy's."

"You're right, I wasn't," Alex said, interrupting before an argument could break out. "I slept in my own room." Alex observed the faces of the two people in front of them.

"That can't be right. There are only two sets of stairs," Terry said. Confusion was all over his face. Alex didn't let their emotionless mask change as they answered.

"Because I didn't use either of the stairs. I can't." Neither Padma nor Terry replied. Instead, Padma grabbed their hand, pulling them up out of their chair. They marked their page in Sal's journal, placing it on the seat before allowing Padma to drag them towards the girl's stairs.

"Can you show me? I don't understand how you can't use the stairs," Pada requested. Alex nodded, knowing that a demonstration would help them understand. They placed one foot on the step, their other on the one above. They managed to get six steps up before the steps above them disappeared, becoming a slide. The steps leading down disappeared as well.

"See, can't use the girl's stairs," they said, walking back down the few stairs still there.

"Well, what about the boy's?" Terry asked. Alex moved over to the boy's staircase. They did the same as they did with the girl's, slowly walking up the stairs. This time, they made it up three stairs before the stairs leading up and down disappeared. They walked back over to where they had been sitting, sitting down again with the book in their lap.

"I'm non-binary," they said once they were settled down. "I'm not a girl or a boy." Padma nodded, a look of understanding appearing on her face.

"That makes sense. How long have you known?" she asked.

"I've known I wasn't a girl since I was about four. I didn't have a word for it until I was five though."

"Ok, I'm confused. What's non-binary?" Terry asked.

"It means that Alex isn't a girl or a boy. Their gender is outside the binary," Padma replied. Terry nodded. To Alex, it seemed like he was still confused, but understood a bit more.

"What book are you reading?" Terry asked, breaking a comfortable silence that had fallen over them as he tried to comprehend everything. Alex looked up from the journal, having gone back to reading.

"Oh, nothing much. A potions journal I found in one of my family vaults," they replied, looking back down at the book. Terry came and stood behind them, obviously trying to read over their shoulder.

"You can read that?" he asked.


"What language is it?" Padma asked from directly behind them. Alex looked up, guessing they weren't going to leave them alone to read. They didn't answer, simply shrugging before pocketing the book.

"Do either of you know the time?" When they both shook their heads no, Alex cast a quick tempest. Numbers shined in the air in front of them, showing the time as 6:55.

"People will be coming down soon," Padma said. Just a few moments later, Lisa, Mandy and Su came up the stairs, Mandy still rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"Morning," Lisa said, her voice indicating that she was perfectly awake.

"Still don't see how you're awake Liz," Mandy said, her words slightly slurred.

"I disagree. How are you not awake Mandy?" Michael's voice asked from that boy's stairwell. Mandy simply grunted in response.

Not long later, Professor Flitwick entered the common room. He moved in front of the group of first years that were all sitting together. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the 11 first years.

"Good to see you all awake and getting to know each other. I'm Professor Filius Flitwick. I am the Charms teacher as well as the Head of Ravenclaw. If you have any worries, concerns or questions, feel free to come talk to me. My door is always open.

"Ravenclaw is a noble house, just as noble as the other three, despite what others might think. We are not just walking dictionaries, but are our own smart, wise and knowledgeable people. In Ravenclaw, we prise knowledge and wisdom above other things. This doesn't just extend to book smarts, but wisdom surrounding many other things in the world.

"If you have any issues with housemates, please keep these quarrels to the confines of the common room, outside we present a united front. We look after our own, but that doesn't mean that you can't have friends in other houses. I hope that you feel comfortable in Ravenclaw and if you need anything to help you settle in myself or the prefects will be happy to help," Professor Flitwick said.

"If you will follow me, I will lead you to the Great Hall and give you your timetables." The first years filed out after the professor. Alex made sure to stay at the back, as it would seem suspicious if they knew the whole castle layout as it was only the second day.

They made it to the Great Hall at the same time as the Slytherins, the Hufflepuff table already full. The Gryffindor table was still empty, however. Alex nodded to Draco and received a nod in return before finding a spot at the Ravenclaw table. Professor Flitwick handed out the timetables to all the Ravenclaws as they ate. Alex inspected their timetable, interested about which subjects were still being taught, and which were not.

They quickly saw that Dark Arts had been removed, not that they were surprised. Dark Arts had been labelled evil quite a while ago, unfortunately. Mind Arts had also been removed, along with weapons. Alex found this ridiculous. Sure, weapons were considered uncivilised, considering muggles used them, but they were so useful and would be an advantage in a fight. And Mind Arts. That was such a useful skill that everyone should know.

Alex also noticed etiquette had been removed, which was just wrong. How were muggleborns and muggle raised half-bloods going to learn how other magicals acted without learning proper etiquette or customs. Languages was gone as well, though Alex realised they shouldn't have been surprised about that. Most magicals thought other species below them and didn't bother learning their languages. And the ministry wouldn't want them learning Latin, French or Greek. How would the ministry keep control if school-aged magicals were creating their own spells?

Alex calmly ate their breakfast, trying not to be annoyed about how loudly Gryffindor entered the Great Hall. Not long after the Gryffindors calmed down, the Great Hall was swarmed with owls, all carrying letters or other packages for the people in the hall. Alex noticed Remus owl, Iris, making her way down to them and set aside their plate as she landed on the table. They carefully untied the letter from her leg, offering her some treats before she flew away. They opened the letter, wondering what Remus wanted.


How is Hogwarts so far? What house did you get? How much has the curriculum changed since the founders time? Have you made any friends yet?

I just wanted you to know that I am missing you already, even though it has only been a day. Its weird having the house to myself again, especially after having your company for the last 4 years.

Also, St Mongos was wondering if you could make some more of the adapted calming draught, or if you could send the recipe to them. They have found it extremely useful, especially in the children's ward as it tastes better than the old one, as well as lasting longer. They said they would pay the same price as last time if you made it or would be happy to pay whatever you wish for the recipe.


Alex quickly read the note, making sure no one else was looking over their shoulder. They would reply later. They tucked the note into their pocket, thinking over what they would do concerning St Mongos. They would be happy to give the recipe over. They simply wanted to help people. Yes, they would give the recipe to them.

They finished their breakfast before leaving the hall, deciding to head up to their personal chambers to think for a bit. They had a lot to think about and do before classes started tomorrow after all.

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