Ring Around [BEING EDITED]...

By MissGrizzlyBear

69.7K 1K 138

Rosemarie Franklin. At sixteen, her and her family are infamous in werewolf society for their twisted past. B... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Ring Around TRILOGY!

Chapter 13

1.8K 26 5
By MissGrizzlyBear

Hey everyone! How was your week? Mine was good, I cheered at my last game of the fall season this week :( but on the bright side, competition is soon! My squad moved up a division from last year I think, since we won Best Overall and Best Motions.

Also: hoping everyone is okay during Hurricane Sandy for all my fellow East Coast-ers! We're probably going to lose power over where I am, but I'm getting this chapter up as a little gift before the storm hits soon. I'll try to write a lot so that it satisfies everyone :)
COVERS. DUE. NOVEMBER. 6th. It's really disappointing, I haven't even gotten a SINGLE COVER YET. :( Merp.

Anywhoo, here's the chapter! :) Enjoy, and happy reading everyone!

**Not Edited**

xoxoxooxxooxxoxx, morgan~



“Wait but, do you have any leads on us- I mean, the hunters?” Sam said in a nervous voice, slipping up.

“Not yet, I haven't been looking for them that much since the summer. Still no leads though.” I sighed, disappointed.

“Oh, okay, well that sucks. Anyways, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow, I just remembered I have, uh, something to do. Bye Rose, feel better!” Samantha said, practically running out the door.

Why was she acting so weird about the hunters?

It had been a couple hours since that weird conversation with Sam about the hunters. I decided to just not bring it up around her, simply because she seemed so, well, nervous. My main question though, was why? Of all things to worry about, Sam wasn't a hunter. She had no reason to be. She couldn't be a hunter herself, since I had seen her shift with my own two eyes! Her wolf was beautiful. I hadn't seen it lately, since my leg and I was kidnapped and all this other stuff.

No, Sam had nothing to do with the hunters. And that was that, I told myself.

But why did I have this weird gut feeling that she did?

Rose's POV

I sighed, throwing myself on my bed....in my dorm room! It had been about a week and a half, and Dr. Harris said I could go home, thank god. I was so fed up with just laying around in my room all day, not being able to do anything.

Erik came into the room, smiling at me.

“Hey, Rose.” he said, setting down all of our luggage by the dresser. Damn, these Alpha boys were strong..

“Hey Erik!” I said happily, as he laid down next to me.

“You sound happy,” he observed, grabbing onto my hand.

“It's because I am,” I admitted. “I'm just so happy to be back here. And to be with you.”

Erik smiled, and I snuggled into him, enjoying the closeness of my mate. He kissed my forehead softly, and then I suddenly felt this weird, warm feeling. My wolf was practically growling at me to get on top of Erik, so I did.

“Erik,” I said to him, as he placed his hands on my hips so I wouldn't fall off of him.

“Yes?” he replied, his heartbeat speeding up as I trailed a finger down his shirt.

“Hi,” I answered, leaning forward to kiss him softly. Erik's arms tightened around me, and my wolf was eager to take it further. I deepened the kiss, pressing myself closer to my mate and satisfying my wolf – for now.

I broke away, gasping for air. Erik was staring straight at me, his eyes filled with lust.

“Hey,” he murmured, out of breath. He pulled me back down to him, tangling his hands in my now undone hair. Rolling us over so he was on top, he stopped for a second to just look at me.

“What are you looking at?” I panted, wanting him to kiss me again.

“You,” he responded. “You're beautiful.”

His comment made me blush uncontrollably, as Erik sat there chuckling.

“You think I'm pretty?” I whispered, not used to compliments like these.

“No,” he said truthfully. My heart dropped out of my chest, and I felt a slight burning in my eyes signaling I was going to cry soon.

“I think you're insanely stunning. You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen to grace the planet, Rosemarie.”

I half snorted, half laughed at his cheesy-ness. “Sure, Erik. Whatever floats your boat.”

He laughed, and kissed me again, only rougher this time.

The warm feeling ran through my body again, and I shuddered, wrapping my legs around Erik. He growled, starting to attack my neck with kisses. I sighed happily, and then he suddenly sucked hard on a spot in the middle of my neck.

I hissed, but then I realized it was a pleasurable hiss.

What is happening to me?! I'm not like this! I thought to myself.

Don't fight it, honey. My wolf answered me.


It's your heat, dear. She casually remarked.

WHAT!?!??! I exclaimed inwardly. Erik kept kissing the same spot, so I wasn't going to object. I'm just hoping he didn't leave to much of a mark. A girl only has so much concealer.

Well, it explains the hot feelings you've been getting right? Why you just feel the urge to jump on Erik and just have him all to yourself? All the male wolves on campus can feel your arousal, especially your mate.

I felt my face flush in embarrassment, when suddenly Erik bit down on my neck. I gasped, not expecting it, and immediately slapping my hand to the right side of my neck.
“ERIK!” I screeched at him. He was looking at me with pride and apology written all over his face.

“Shit, Rose, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to mark you, it just happened!” Erik apologized quickly, as I pushed him off of me and ran into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door angrily.

I lifted up my hair and then looked at the now very prominent mark on my neck. Shit, everyone was going to flip out when they saw this!
“Rose, I'm sorry!” Erik said, knocking on the door. “I didn't mean to, it was just in the moment and-”

“ERIK, SHUT UP!” I seethed at him, as he fell quiet like a good boy and sat next to the door.

I probed the mark he left on my neck, and I hissed in pain.

Why are you mad? This is a GOOD THING that you're marked. My wolf decided to butt in at the worst possible moment.

I wasn't even thinking about being marked! We hadn't even talked about it before! What made him think he could just mark me and get away with it?! I snapped at her.

Rose, calm down. Now other wolves will back the hell off, because you're marked territory. Especially since you're an ALPHA'S marked territory. You should be out there on your knees in thanks! You didn't even have to go through anything, you were marked the second it happened. My wolf explained matter-of-factly.


Now go apologize to him, Rose. And by the way, your mark looks lovely. With that, my wolf stopped talking to me.

Studying my new mark in the mirror, I realized how beautiful it was. It was a circle, but inside of it were very detailed swirls and hearts. The inside of the circle was blank, but as I touched it, I felt warm all over. Opening the door to greet my mate, he looked up at me, awaiting my response.

“Sorry for flipping out on you like that, Erik,” I started. “The mark is actually really pretty. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, I was just kind of shocked that you marked me.”

“It's okay, Rose. I didn't mean to actually mark you, it just happened. At least everyone will know that you're mine right?” He said, rubbing his thumb over my mark.

I smiled, looking at the ground as my cheeks turned bright red. He put his finger under my chin, forcing my face up.

“Rose, I think the mark looks beautiful on you.” Erik said sweetly, complimenting me once again. I giggled, and blushed. Again.

“Stop it, you're making me blush!” I jokingly complained, as Erik hugged me to him.

“No way. You're cute when you blush.” Erik refused to listen and he laughed as my face went even redder.

“Rose, I-” Erik started, but was cut off when the door slammed open from the living room.

“Hey R-OH MY GOD WHAT IS ON YOUR NECK?!?!” Samantha screeched loudly, snatching me from Erik's arms and into the other room. Erik sighed, but let Sam have me.

“What? Sam, he was about to tell me something!” I hissed at her, irritated that someone came in between me and my mate.

“Did he-” she started.

“Yes, Sam, he marked me.” I stated the obvious. Sam squealed so loudly, I had to cover my ears.

“God, you're so loud!”
“OH MY GOSH! How did he do it? Tell me everything right now!

“Okay, calm down!” I exclaimed.

“Erik, we're going out!” I said, grabbing a light jacket and my dorm key. Sam did the same, and grabbed both our purses as we walked out the dorm room and over to the small coffee shop that was right outside our dorm.

“Hi, welcome to the Coffee Cavern, how may I help you?” said the cashier.

“Hi, one double chocolate chip frappacino tall and a cinnabon please,” I said, placing my order. I paid and received my items and walked over to a table.

“Okay, so what happened?” she asked eagerly. I smiled, taking a bite out of the cinnabon first.

“Well, okay, so,” I started, as Sam leaned forward.

“We were just laying there, and then I got this warm feeling. My wolf was like, urging me to get on top of him so I did. We ended up making out and then he just bit me. At first I was pissed as hell, and I went into the bathroom to look at it, but I talked to my wolf and she helped me see I didn't really have a reason to be mad. So we made up and now I'm marked.” I said quickly, beaming as I touched my mark again.

Sam's eyes darkened a little bit, but then quickly lightened again after she learned I wasn't mad at Erik anymore.

“Well, that sounds so cute!” she gushed, and I laughed at her girlyness.

“But Sam, I have something to ask you,” I stated, not forgetting my last conversation with her.

“Yeah, what is it?”

“Do you have anything to do with the hunters?”


DUH DUH DUHH! Woah there! Erik marked Rose without her permission! Rose asked Sam about her being a hunter! What do you guys think? Is Sam a hunter, or is she not? And aww, this chapter was a cute little moment between Erik and Rose. But hmm, will Stella be allowed into Moonstone Academy with everyone else, or will Alpha Zachary and Luna Teresa (Rose's parents) not let her in the pack?? Guess you're going to have to wait and see....

Anyways, hope everyone is okay during Hurricane Sandy though! See you all next week, or possibly earlier, since I don't have school until Wednesday because of the storm :D

Also, Rose's mark is on the side.

AND WOAH: I got 3,058 reads, 76 votes, and 40-something comments. Woah. Just thanks guys, I really appreciate every single one of those.

Until next time!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo, morgan~

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