My Protectors: College

By mxries

1.2K 41 45

Sometimes you take advantage that you have your friends with you around all the time. And when it's time to s... More

The Start of a New Beginning
High School 2.0
Spring Break
The Proposal
The Reunion
The Secret Plan
Memory Lane
Here we go again
The News
The Change
New Start
Free promises
A Bit of Truth
Love is War
Dead Before Death
Searching For Love

Gavin's Angel

48 3 5
By mxries

It's been a month since Jayson and I've broken up, so that means I'm back at college; with Hals up my ass checking if I was doing okay. Blake comes over twice a week, and those two days he always brings me something, like candy or a book or whatever to make me smile. I haven't talked to many of my friends on a day-to-day basis besides Blake, Marcus, Hals, and sometimes Dom. I especially have not talked to Rachel- Nash was devastated when I somehow (with all the crying) told him.

Cody, for two weeks straight, would text me or call me saying he's sorry for breaking us (Jay and I) apart. At some point he would cry because he knows I'm suffering without Rachel and now Jay, but I would reassure him that I was okay and that it'll be okay.

Dominic and Marcus are careful to not mention Jay to me. Marcus still doesn't have a good feeling about Dominic nor his friends, but he hasn't yet found out what's wrong with them.

Me? I'm fine. I've been sick lately though- I stopped eating. I just eat the candy Blake gives me and breakfast with the girls, and that's only when all of us have almost the same schedule. Sometimes when I know Hals, Dom, or Blake will find out I stopped eating; I eat a salad and sometimes maybe even say yes to eating lunch with them. The thing is I look dead; hell I am dead.

Marcus hasn't said a word about neither why he broke up with Crystal nor about our little makeout session. All he talks about is how annoying school is- and I agree. We also argue about stupid stuff- like sports, especially soccer, and about tv shows. But stupid and pointless stuff like that is what we argue about. Since the day Jayson and I broke up, Marcus and I have gotten closer. Marcus and I have talked more than usual, we facetime and or skype a lot too, and we've had those deep conversations almost everyday at midnight just like when we were dating.

Just as I continued thinking about everything and anything there's a knock at my door, "Come in Hals!" I yell closing the book I was supposed to be reading.

"Morning Miry."



"What did you expect me to do, Miriangely? Run up to you, hug you, and kiss you like nothing fucking happened! And then you also come home with Marcus?" Jay yells. He's been pacing and yelling around my room for half an hour.

"I told you I was going to be picking someone up. I just needed a break." I whisper

"A break from what?! Me? Well you got it- you got a whole month away from me, is that what you wanted?"

"You're an ass-" My phone rings and I answer, "Hey"

"Wow, and you also ignore me." Jay says stopping at my desk to look at my pictures.

"Shut up." I mumble, "Hey Gavin what's up?"


"Shut up Timothy!"

"Hey, sorry I didn't know you were busy I'll-"

"No ignore it, ignore him. What's wrong?"

"I'm back at therapy." he whispers

"What? What happened Gavin?" I say getting up, taking out my suitcase

"I-I got depressed, and I started cutting and kept forgetting to take my pills.."

"Where was Marcus in all this?"

"He didn't know Angel, I promise you that."

"Charles- does Charles know?"

"No... Angel I can't tell him."

"Gavin-" I lower my phone and press it against my chest and whisper to Jay, "Call Charles. Tell him to pack his stuff and come to my house."

Jay nods and walks out the room.

"Gavin we'll be there soon, okay? Don't worry, your brother and I will help you get through this."

"I love you Angel."

"I love you too Gavin." I hang up and start throwing clothes in my suitcase.

"He's coming." Jay says re-entering my room

I nod and continue running around my room.


"Yeah?" I say folding my clothes and placing them back in the suitcase

"Miry, calm down."

"Shut up."

"Miry, you can't stress yourself over a guy"

"Well I stressed myself over you for a month didn't I?" I say looking at him, "It's Gavin, he isn't okay and I'm not going to sit here and let him suffer."

"He's not your responsibility Miry."

"Just get out. If all you came here for was to yell at me for not telling you where the fuck I was those two days then get out."

"No, I mean, it was apart of it, but that wasn't the entire reason."

"Well then hurry up and tell me because right now isn't the right time Anthony."

"My name isn't Anthony."

"Yeah well it's your middle name" I mutter turning away

"Don't call me that Miry."

"Jayson it's your middle name deal with it."

He spins me around and holds me tight around my waist, "Don't." he whispers looking down at me.

We pause, taking time to admire each other, "I missed you."

He leans over and places his lips on mine when the door swings open, and Jay moves back quickly.

"Shit." Charles mutter

"Ready? It's a long drive and the sooner we leave the sooner we get there." I say closing up my suitcase

"You guys are driving there?" Jay ask.

"Yeah, it's too late to get a ticket, but we have to go. Bye Jayson."

"Bye Jayson." Charles says taking my suitcase.

I get pulled back by Jay, "I missed you too." He kisses me again then pulls away and hugs me, "See you soon, alright?"

I nod giving him a small kiss, my eyes started watering, "I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too."

I let go of him and run downstairs and outside to Charles' car, "Sorry Charlie."

"You two made up?" He says pulling away


"That's not what I saw" he smirks taking my hand, "Don't worry Angel, you two are going to be back together before you know it."

"Let's just focus on Gavin here."

"You love that boy-"

"Yes I love Jay now drop it, Charles. I know you want to know what happened to your little brother."

He grips the steering wheel tighter.

"Hey" I whisper placing my hand over his and taking it, "Everything's going to be okay Charlie."

"I'm glad he at least told you." He mutters

"He was scared Charlie, you can't blame him for that."

"I know." he sighs, "What happened with him this time?"

"He got depressed-"

"And he started cutting." Charlie whispers nodding

"And he forgot to take his pills." Charlie grips my hand tighter, "Just remember to control yourself, okay?"

He nods, "I'm thankful you're here with me."

"I'm thankful you trusted me with such a huge secret. I love your brother and I'm glad I can help you both with this."


"Hello?" I mumble in the phone

"Morning baby girl."

I get up on my seat and look over at Charlie, "Morning Charlie" I whisper

"Morning Angel" he smiles

"Morning Jay" I say into the phone

"How's the trip going? Almost there?"

"We're just about getting to the college. Then we're going to tell them we're taking him out for a month and go out to eat. "

"What are you going to do after that?"

"Gavin is going to be staying with Charlie and I'll be going everyday to be with him for a while, and three times a week we'll be taking him to therapy."

"You doing alright babe?"

I look out the window so Charlie doesn't see me blushing, "I'm alright" I whisper, "How are you doing? You have to get to class soon."

"I'm good, makes me more happy talking to you though. And yeah I'll have to leave you in a bit, want me to go to your classes and ask for whatever you'll be missing?"

"No it's alright I texted Dominic a while ago to get my stuff."

"Oh." Jay says and I can tell he's bitting his lower lip to not say anything he'll regret later, "Oh, alright, we I'm going to get going babe, I love you."

"I love you too, see you soon." I hang up and sigh.

"Now did y'all make up?"

I shake my head, "Not until I know I'm his again."

"What? Do you think he's going to come out of nowhere with a new girl? Please Angel, everyone can see how much you both love each other don't deny it, and you're probably only waiting for him to apologize and ask you out again, am I right?"

I nod, "Kinda. First I need to lie to him."


"If I mention Dominic to him he's never going to forgive me."

"It's just a small lie, right?"

I nod, "I'm going to say we stayed at a hotel because I wasn't feeling well with Rachel leaving, and then we stayed there another night because I was scared to come back."

"Sounds about right" Charlie says taking my hand, "And about not calling him or answering his calls?"

"I was scared, which I was."

He nods and chuckles, "You're scared of your own boyfriend how sad."

"Oh please Charlie, you'd be scared if you were me!"

"I'd be scared if I was with you! Have you not seen yourself?"

"Charlie!" I slap his shoulder laughing, "Hurry up I want to see little Gavin!"

"He's tall-"

"Unless you want to keep your dick you better not finish that sentence."

"Do you see why I'd be scared to date you?!"


"Hello Charles! What a surprise what brings you here?" a nice lady at the front desk asks, "Hello sweetie."

"Hello" I say softly, stepping back so Charles could talk to the lady.

"I came here to take Gavin actually, he hasn't been his best, so I thought he might need a little break."

"How long is a little break my dear?"

"A month, and I know it's out of nowhere but you know how much I worry about my little brother."

She nods and smiles slightly, "Don't worry my boy I'll get all the assignments he'll be needing for that month and I'll send them to you within a few days."

"Thank you so much, Rose!"

"No problem my dear! I'll bring Gavin down in a jiffy!" She says and goes inside.

"This was easy! I thought they would make you do paperwork or fight you for it!"

"Only when Rose isn't here is when I have to do paperwork, and that only happened twice." he says taking my hand and we sit down, "Now hopefully Deb doesn't get angry for not telling her I left."

"You didn't tell her?!"

"No, I was much more worried about Gavin."

"Well at breakfast you should call her, so she doesn't cut your balls off."

"Angel!" he laughs and gets up when Gavin comes through the door.

"No!" I push Charlie away and hug Gavin first, "Hey baby" I whisper putting my head in the crook of his neck.

"Hey Angel, thanks for coming."

"I'll always be there for you." I whisper kissing his cheek.

He smiles and walks over to Charlie and hugs him tightly, "I'm sorry." is all I hear from the both of them.

After Charlie whispers some stuff to Gavin they let go and Gavin puts his arm around me, "Marcus told me to say hi and to give you this." Gavin takes out a small box out of his pocket, "Oh and this." he says kissing my cheek.

"Thanks baby." I smile and open the box. There was a necklace inside with the letter M and a blue diamond on the corner, I smile and take it out of the box, "Help me with it?"

Gavin takes the necklace and places it around my neck and closes it, "Done. Now your outfit is complete!"

I laugh and hug Gavin, "Come on crazy, lets go get breakfast."


"Take your pill" Charlie says when we get our food.

Gavin nods and takes out a bottle of pills; he takes one, without having water may I add, and then starts eating.

"Hey, you!"

"What?" Charlie says looking up at me confused

"Ask permission to leave and go call your girlfriend!"

He rolls his eyes, "Yes mom." He takes another bite of his pancakes, "Excuse me I have to go call my girlfriend and tell her I'm alright"

"Go right ahead" I laugh and he smirks and leaves, "Why are you so quiet Gavin?"

"It would've been easier for Charles if we went to the same school, so he wouldn't be wasting money coming back and forth."

"Oh please, Gavin, your brother would go to hell and back for you no matter how much work it's been nor how much money it is to get him there, if it's to help you out he doesn't care."

"Where does he get all this money out of nowhere though?"

I shrug, "Whatever his strategy is to get money it's been working out well for him."

Charlie comes back and smiles, "It's all good."

"Where do you get money from?" Gavin asks

"What?" Charlie says taking a sip of his juice

"Money, where do you get it from?"

"I borrow money from a friend and I pay him back within two weeks. Why?"

"So you don't sell weed, right?"

I spit out my water and start coughing like crazy.

"Are you alright m'am?" a waiter comes over handing me a napkin

"I'm- I'm good thank you!" I wipe my mouth and clean the table a bit, "I'm alright, sorry for the alarm." The waiter smiles and nods then leaves, "Gavin where the hell did you get that idea from?"

"It was just an idea!" he shrugs, "You alright there?"

I nod, "Never say such a thing ever again oh god."

Charlie rolls his eyes, "Ignore him he always says stupid stuff like that."


"Honey I'm home!" I yell walking in through the house door.


"The one and only!" I yell walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Where are you?"

"Kitchen!" I yell

"Miry!" Hals runs over to me and hugs me tightly making me spill water on the floor, "Miry oh my god I was so worried!"

"What? Why? Jayson didn't tell you I went to Michigan?"

"No! When the hell did you talk to Jayson, but not me?!"

"He was just there when I had to go, long story short I'm back."

"Oh wait is that why Dominic came here today with your assignments?"

I nod, "Has Jay been here at all?"

"Nopes. Oh my god did you two make up?!"

"No" I say and shrug my shoulders, "Woah- do you have Advil I got a bit lightheaded."

"Yeah one second!"

"Shit, please not now, I'll start eating, but please don't do this now." I mutter holding onto the table

"Here ya go!" Hals says handing me two tablets, "You alright there?"

I nod, "What's for-"

"Hello? Miry?"

"Does no one knock anymore!" I yell as Jay comes into the kitchen

"Well sorry!" he says smirking. He comes up to Hals and kisses her cheek then comes up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, "Do you have plans tonight?"

"I have to do the homework I missed, but besides that no, why?"

"I'll help you out with your homework later. Want to go out for dinner?"

"Right now?"

"No, but in a bit." he smiles

"Alright, I have to get ready then."

"Okay." He kisses me gently and smiles in the kiss.

"What are you doing?" I whisper pulling back

"Trying to win you over."

"Well it's working." I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him again, "I'm sorry."


"Can we go over to Charlie's for a bit? I forgot to tell Gavin I'd be coming over to hang out with him."

"Sure thing." Jay says, "Miry can I ask you something?"

"I know." I sigh, "I know I should've called you. I should've told you that I was not going to come home, but I was scared alright? I was also really upset on how everything went down." I stop to think what I'm going to say next, "I slept over a friends because I needed a small break. I wasn't just going to a random person's house and do whatever you think I did with Marcus. Also, you had no right to ruin Spring Break for them. You punched Cody and attacked Marcus, and lets not go into details on how you broke up with me. You made everyone feel uncomfortable for that fucking week and for what? Just so you could come out of nowhere and do this? Act like we're together and act like everything's the same when it's not. I don't want to do whatever this is- I want it to be real."

He sighs and takes my hand, "I love you."

"I know you do, but that doesn't help me."

"I'll fix this okay? I promise you. I know I fucked up badly, but I promise everything will be alright."

I nod and get out of the car when he parks, "We both fucked up, but I love you too." I say hugging him, "Now come on I don't want to come home too late I have stuff to do."

We get to Charlie's apartment and I run up to Gavin and hug him, "I missed you!"

"We haven't even been separated for a day Angel" he laughs

"Shut up and love me!"

"I missed you too" he laughs, "What brings you here?"

"I forgot to tell you I was going to come over everyday to spend time with you."

"Really?" He smiles and his eyes brighten up, "Are you really going to come everyday?"

I nod, "Of course I am! Did you think I was going to push you to the side when I was given the chance to be with you?"

He shrugs, "I'm just glad I'll have you for a month."

"Me too" I hug him tightly and then go over to Charlie, "I'm going to need a copy of your apartment key mister."

He gives me his keys and hugs me, "I'm glad you're Gavin's Angel. I'm glad you're both our Angel."

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