Hunter's Journey book 4: Devi...

Goldengun2002 द्वारा

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It has not been long since the battle of Beacon, our hero's beginning to slowly recover and rebuild. Though p... अधिक

Chapter 1: The call
Chapter 2: The White Fang
Chapter 4: Conflict
Chapter 5: Influence
Chapter 6: Lies in stone
Chapter 7: Coruption
Chapter 8: Broken fangs

Chapter 3: Whispers growing

653 9 33
Goldengun2002 द्वारा

F/N's perspective

F/N: "Um..... excuse me, what did you say?"

I asked in an angered tone, the tension in the room rising after what Sienna Khan had said. I firmly had my hand around the grip of Thorn in its holster, the whispers biting at the back of my mind, incoherent mutters, wanting violence, wanting death. Though I pushed them back, this was not the time to deal with them.

Sienna: "This is your fault, if those four arm freaks haven't-

F/N: "Elixni, their Elixni or if you want them be specific, the House if Devils, but I'll admit that I am at fault."

Sienna: "I will allow you to cut me off once, but it's good that y-

F/N: "But then again, it's equally your fault as well. If you had kept a leash on Adam, maybe you wouldn't have been a target."

Sienna growls, her hand moving to her whip. Some of her guards glanced at each other in concern.

Sienna: "He never would have been swayed if those Devils never had come and I remember precisely what you said on that broadcast!"

The situation was starting to turn downhill. The whispers grew louder as my anger began to pool even more. Growling slightly under my breath, Star tried to do her best to calm everyone.

Star: "Hey hey! We are all on the same side, there's no need to-

Sienna: "Shut it you Drone! Before I scrap you!"

Mithrax: "You touch her and.....

But Mithrax went silent as I unholstered Thorn and cocked back the hammer.

F/N: "Don't you dare insult her."

I said in a low, almost sickly tone. The whispers stopped as a bone chilling voice rang through my head.

???: "Kill her, we only need their location."

I wasn't phased by the voice, as if it was always there, but something deep within me was screaming for it to go away, but now, in this moment, I didn't care. Sienna pulled out her whip, her guards lowered their spears into combat ready, Mithrax pulled Lord of wolves from his back.

???: "Pull the trigger, none should insult-

But whatever the voice was about to say was stopped by the heatwave that washed over everyone and the loud clang of metal hitting the stone floor.

Saladin: "Enough!"

Everyone lowered their weapons to look over at the lord of iron. His flaming ax alight as he moved between me and the leader of the White fang.

Saladin: "You are both acting like children! Trying to shift blame to another to escape your own guilt! You two are leaders, act like them!"

He yelled out in his booming voice before slamming the butt end of the war ax into the ground again, making the same boom as before that startled some of the guards with the raw strength behind it.

Mithrax lowered his rifle as I shook my head, the whispers fading instantly at the Iron Lord's light. Putting the cursed weapon back into its holster. The anger I felt dashed away instantly..... it was unnatural......

F/N: (What the fuck was that.....)

Sienna: "Why should I-

Illia: "Sienna please, this is just wasting time."

The elder tiger Faunus looked at her subordinate for a moment, her hand dropping back to her waist to clip her whip onto her belt.

Sienna: "Fine....

Saladin: "Good, now that you are done squabbling, we can do what we came together to do. Now, Ms. Khan, do you know where the Red Fang are hiding out?"

Sienna: "Not yet, but we have leads, follow me."

She turns and talks past the large titan and to the corridors of the base, sneaking a dirty look at me when she walked by.

F/N: "What's her deal."

I mutter before following, Saladin staying next to me Illia and Mithrax taking up in front, Star flouting over my shoulder.

Saladin: "That was most unlike you."

F/N: "Ya just.... didn't have my coffee this morning."

He gave me a slight glare after my poor attempt at the lie.

Saladin: "This is no time for jokes, you know that."

F/N: "Ya ya..... just tired ok? Really haven't had a good night's rest as of late."

Star: "Nightmares? Is it Oryx?"

I shivered slightly when she said that name. Oryx, the hive god, father of Crota. For what seemed like a lifetime ago, before the arrival of the fallen, he had spoken to me in a dream, telling me he would come for my light. Since then, he had been silent, but I could sense he had now an ever growing hatred beyond me being the Traveler's chosen. I had slain his son in combat, now more than his want to consume my power, he seeks revenge.

F/N: "No, just..... normal nightmares."

Star: "About Beacon?"

F/N: "Ya....

I hated lying to her, I really did, but I knew that the moment I told her, Saladin, or anyone else about what I'd been seeing, what I'd felt from the weapon of sorrow, it would be taken from me..... and I didn't want it to go.

Saladin: "Well, try and sleep well tonight, I have a feeling you will need your energy tomorrow."

F/N: "I'll try."

The older guardian patted my shoulder before we entered a large room, maps of the continent lay across the walls, a single skylight let some natural sunlight stream down onto a center large oak table, a map with several pins and markings on it lay spread across its surface.

Standing around the table were a couple Faunus, one of them I recognized.

F/N: "Lieutenant."

Lieutenant: "Kell of Kells, Ms. Khan."

Sienna: "What did you find out from the scouts."

She moved to stand next to him, the myself and the rest moving around the table to get a look. The markings I saw earlier were around small villages that lined the coast.

Lieutenant: "Outside from what we got from the village, no. The raids have been quick.... they killed some that tried to defend their homes."

F/N: "Meaning it it's likely the Devils.....

I frowned at the thought. I'd been fighting them for so long at this point, I knew that Sienna was right when she said they were my fault...... they will be brought to justice.

Mithrax: "Lieutenant is it? Where did they strike from?"

He pointed to each, tracing their path onto each village.

Lieutenant: "They came from these directions, anything from their tactics you want to share?"

Mithrax looked it over for a moment, his upper right hand resting on his chin as he thought. Star flouted over and looked over it for a bit.

Star: "Seems they all came from and disappeared into the jungle, they could have gone anywhere in there."

Illia: "Which is why we haven't found them, it takes months to comb all the routes they could have taken, by then, they would have moved camp."

Lieutenant: "Tricky bastards."

Mithrax: "Not entirely, I may not be a old fallen like many of the other Kells, but I recognize what they are doing."

Saladin: "You see it too."

Mithrax nods as he points to the path that runs through and stops at the end of the dense jungle.

Mithrax: "Pikes could easily move through many of these other paths, but this is the only one that a walker could potentially move through."

Sienna: "No reports have said anything about walkers."

Saladin: "Yes, but think it this way, would you really send a contingent of your force out without the ability to reinforce if trouble arises, especially in the heart of enemy territory."

Lieutenant: "You have a point, so what do you suggest we do?"

F/N: "Simple, myself, Saladin, Mithrax and Illia will investigate those paths, if they have been using it, then there should be some sort of tracks."

Mithrax: "From there, we can follow them to their encampment, message back to you, and mount an assault to capture as many as we can. That was your plan correct?"

F/N: "Indeed, does that work with you."

I said, looking at the leader of the Fang. She rolled the idea around in her head for a bit, glancing over to Illia.

Sienna: "Can you guide them through the jungle?"

Illia: "I-I can do my best ma'am."

Sienna: "Then that's all I ask, I'll go along with this plan, but to be sure we are clear."

She leans over, resting both her hands on the table, her face stern as she looks into my eyes.

Sienna: "Any and all former White Fang members you find, they belong to me to do as I wish."

F/N: "........fine. We will take our leave now."

She nods and gestures out to the hall.

Sienna: "Good, you should know the path."

I nod and gesture with my head to my crew to follow. Mithrax and Star follow right behind, Saladin moving in behind them.

And so we exited the base, a skiff waiting for us at the entrance. We boarded and made our way back to the cloaked Wolves ketch. After that, I headed to my room, Saladin and Mithrax were going to cover my duties. The old man stating that I needed sleep, be it naturally.... or a body reset.

F/N: "He really can be scary if he wants to be."

Star: "Agreed, then again, you haven't died yet."

F/N: "And I would like to keep it that way as long as I can."

I said walking into my quarters, it wasn't very elaborate like my one back in Kell's Landing, but it was good enough. Star transmated all my gear off my person, leaving me in a pair of shorts and a white tank top.

Star: "Sleep well guardian, you know where to find me if you need anything."

F/N: "Thanks, see you when I wake up Star."

She gave me a small bob of her shell before vanishing. Laying down in bed, stared up at the ceiling for a bit, thoughts about that voice lingered in my mind as I faded into slumber.


My eyes shot open as I found myself in the same place again, the wasteland of ebony, green mist covering the floor that reaches up to my ankles. This time the whispers around were louder, few said anything understandable, like they spoke in some alien tongue. Not sure what to do, I tried to summon forth some light, only to feel a pain ripple through me, like a searing pain, it coursed up my arms and legs like vines to a tree's trunk.

???: "That won't be necessary here child."

I snapped my head over to the detection of the voice, the same one that had spoken to me in the throne room. Like before, stood the figure, encased in armor as black as they land around me, the green mist streaming off it like a waterfall, a cloak covering his face. He turned to face me, his hands held outstretched in a warm manner.

F/N: "Who are you?"

I said, slowly walking towards him, but kept far out of his potential reach.

???: "I am many things, but you have no need to fear me, I only wish to help you."

F/N: " spoke in my mind earlier, you wanted me to kill her, so I find it hard to believe you."

???: "Oh?"

He lowered his arms, his stance not turning aggressive, but his tone seemed to shift slightly.

???: "That, that would be the weapon itself, a prison I have been trapped within. It uses me to speak to you, to taint you, I only wish to help you control it."

F/N: " that's where are we, inside the weapon?"

???: "Yes..... and no. Where we are matters not, but the offer I shall give you? I only wish the best for us."

F/N: "....and what do you gain from this exactly?"

???: "Freedom, it is quite simple, I help you control the power you possess, and I will finally be freed from this dark realm."

F/N: ".....if this is a trick, despite it being a gift from my father, I will destroy the weapon, along with you."

???: "A fair request, but I hold no lies for you, I only wish for you to control the weapon.... and for me to be free."

He paused on the last part, my suspicions rising about this figure, but if I couldn't tame this...... then what chance did I stand against Oryx?

F/N: "Fine, I agree, but what do I call you?"

The figure seemed to smile under his cloak, but I could only guess as he bowed slightly.

???: "Well, Kell of Kell's, you may call me........Rezyl Azzir."

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