Mafia BTS

By Babyfoxyang

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Suga's little sister decides to visit him knowing he's in the mafia. What happens when she meets the group. I... More

(Flashback to middle school to highschool)
Not an update sorry


933 22 3
By Babyfoxyang

Asher's p.o.v.

I was done packing now just to find out where I can stay. I pick up the burner phone and dial a number I never thought I would ever have to dial again.

"Hi, it's Asher... ya I need a place to stay."

Suga's p.o.v.

"Boys don't go after her. Let her leave. It will help you guys out in the long run." Our boss said to us as we all watched Ash go up the stairs crying. "So you guys have a new mission, TXT is out and about on missions here and there, but we have Super Junior making a comeback in missions again." I heard all the boys choking on their drink while I stood up sighing.

"What's the use sir? You remembered what happened last time we went up against them." I glared at him out of the corner of my eye slamming the living room door shut heading to my sisters room.

I knocked on her door and saw Jungkook following me. "Asher, can Kook and I come in?" I waited for a few before I looked at Jungkook with worried eyes. "She is probably just upset. Let's leave her for today. Tomorrow she will come out and maybe then we can talk." He nods and I walk to my room and Jungkook comes with me and we chit chat.

"Suga?" I look at the door to see Jin and V both upset. "Can we all talk since I know we all have a connection to Asher, and we all need to talk about it." I nod and wave them in, Jin shut the door and I nodded.

"So let's start this conversation with this... I don't want her with either of you two. You both turned on her when Ariel died. I know I did, I don't deserve her forgiveness because I'm a horrible brother but, you two claim to love her, but what I want for my sister is someone who will stick by her side no matter what happens." I then turn to Jungkook giving him a chance to speak.

"Asher and I have been on and off the past years I've known her. I started out as someone who hated her because she looked like a guy, but she was more than that. She was my first and only love. No one has ever made me see the world differently than her, I saw black and white before I knew her, and after I left her. When she was around I was so happy. I understand she did the same with you, but please let me be able to call her mine." I saw tears form in his eyes, I knew his feelings were true.

He was the one I want for my sister. "SHES GONE!" J-Hope and Jimin came breaking my door down almost.

I felt my heart drop, this was our fault for not going after her when she was broken today. I ran out my door and into her room nothing of hers was there. She was doing it again. Disappearing just like she did after Jungkook disappeared.

"Fuck!" I felt my body crumble and my legs couldn't move, I was losing my sister once again.

"Suga, she left a note." RM handed me a small yellow piece of paper, it was her handwriting.

'Dear boys,
Thank you for everything you've done for me. I am very grateful for what you have done. It has been very clear that it is time for me to take my leave. I love all of you and hope your guys lives are lived to the fullest!
~Min Asher❤️'

I felt my heart shatter even more when she thanked us. Who could she of gone to this quick. Who could of answered her within 10 minutes. I wish she was here and not wishing she was gone.

"Suga it's not your fault. It's our boss' fault. He made her feel like shit." J-Hope rubbed my back and I swatted him away.

"I want to go on missions by myself for a while. It will help me get out of my head. I want it to be like old times. I remember where my sniper is. Just let me go on my own please." I looked with begging eyes at RM and he nodded quickly sending a text to our Boss.

"You will be leaving tonight to the states. Get ready... we wish you wouldn't go. We will do this mission without you but we will miss you. Until you come back I will fill in for any interrogations that happen." I shake RM's hand and go to my room locking the door until I have to leave.


OMG I am so sorry this took forever to post. The amount of mess up took me forever to correct but this is the end of this book. Watch out for the sequel! I hope you will all like the sequel. I am already working on it

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