General of Darkness 1

By LordDagz

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"Darkness took everything from me, so I have to become darkness to take them back." Natasha Walker is a gener... More

Copyright Message
Prologue Vol. 1
Chapter 1: Death is Just the Beginning
Chapter 2: Crack God
Chapter 3: Deal and Discussion
Chapter 4: Is This Entertainment To You?
Chapter 5: Tutorials
Chapter 6: Babysitting
Chapter 7: Management
Chapter 8: Salute
Chapter 9: Selfie First Before Escaping
Chapter 10: The Weapon of Greed
Chapter 11: Watching the Show
Chapter 13: Best Stealth Mission Ever
Chapter 13.5: Intermission
Epilogue Vol. 1

Chapter 12: Rescue Mission

84 11 94
By LordDagz

Author's Message:

Real villains know their limits.

Natasha's POV


Ruler of Darkness title has been activated!

Additional 1,000,000 to all for your Stats and 100 Loyalty for your people.

Remaining Time: 4:59

ATK: 51,905 + 1,000,000

CONT: 25,455 + 1,000,000

STR: 18,477 + 1,000,000

DEF: 15,576 + 1,000,000

CRIT: 11,546 + 1,000,000

DEX: 6,477 + 1,000,000

SPD: 10,477 + 1,000,000

MAG: 66,666 + 1,000,000

INT: 99,999 + 1,000,000

WIS: 99,999 + 1,000,000

SPT: 66,666 + 1,000,000

CHAR: 69,696 + 1,000,000

LUK: 77,777 + 1,000,000

Natasha Shadowwalker is in Demi-God Mode!


I stared at the purple gaming screen in dismay.

This is my second time using the Demi-God Mode but the additional 1 million points for my intelligence and wisdom is a fucking joke! I don't feel anything new! I thought it could give me a glimpse of the past and learn something from it.

Anyway, my targets are a bit too far away from me. They can run all they want and I heard one of them is trying to chant a ˹Mass Teleportation˼ spell but he got silenced because of the intense fear. Then I slowly extended my hand and the black smoke materialized.


In a blink of an eye, my hand turned into a vicious-looking black sword. It may look heavy but I can lift it easily and slashed the air horizontally. I may look like an idiot while slicing the empty space but my real target is those cowards. Their heads landed on the sand and the caws of the crows became intense. My bodyguards seemed to be cheering at me by doing this stuff.

I learned this technique from my soldiers with [Samurai Master] title. Everything from Earth has some sort of soul. The stronger the soul is, the harder to cut it in half. This logic is the same as Octavia, everything in here possessed a soul that made the skilled swordsmen can cut everything.


PK Rewards


I shook my head in dismay as I disabled the ˹Weaponizer˼ skill because I gained nothing from killing those humans. Then I looked at the dying man who is waiting for his death but that's my assumption and to my curiosity, I want to check his status.


NAME: Elios

RACE: Shadow Walker (Awakening is recommended to become a Shadow)

TYPE: Commoner

CLASS: Villager


AGE: 25

JOB: Hidden Soldier of Avarice Army



STATUS CONDITION: Poisoned and Frightened New!

[LEVEL: 199]

HP: 15/150,000,000

MP: 547/70,000,000 {0/0}

XP: 251,450/30,000,000

SKILL PTS: 10,000 {0}

ATK: 41,342

CONT: 20,560

STR: 23,034

DEF: 14,543

CRIT: 9,321

DEX: 34,754

SPD: 29,654

MAG: 58,382 {0}

INT: 1,675 {89}

WIS: 1,324 {85}

SPT: 32,452 {5,000}

CHAR: 9,696 {25}

LUK: 1,000

LOY: -100,000,000 {100,000} – He don't trust the empire.



4 SILVER STARRED GENERAL OF DARKNESS [LOCKED] [HIDDEN] – ??? (The locked effects will be activated once you transform him into a shadow.)

GREEDY BASTARD [HIDDEN] – Greed is the same as the abyss. Elios is exhausted in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. Additional 1,000 Loyalty every time he was given something that will satisfy him a little bit. If he's not satisfied, -1,000 Loyalty.

{ONE MAN ARMY} – This title can be gained from killing 10,000 enemies in just one move. Additional 5,000 CRIT.

{ELF SLAUGHTERER} – This title can be gained from killing 100,000 elves. Additional 5,000 STR.





SNATCH [HIDDEN] – Stealing items instantly with a radius of 10 meters. The items will be instantly teleported inside the assigned Spatial Ring. (-10,000 MP)

INSTANT DARK HEALING [HIDDEN] – Healing a damaged darkness in an instant (-1 MP per 100 HP).







REGENERATE [ACTIVATED] [HIDDEN] – It prevents the user from being destroyed by paying regenerate mana cost (-1,000 MP per second).











After reading his status, I never thought I found the ancient general. I mean, he's a descendant of the ancient general. Then I asked the system to confirm if this man is original or maybe a fake because shadow walkers can't reproduce.

He's a general that I'm looking for?

System: Yes he is.

I smiled in triumph and asked Elios as polite as possible, "Boy, do you want to live?"

Elios didn't reply as his breath and heartbeat stopped. Then the red game screen appeared.


General Avarice has been slain.

Your deceased general's skills and passive skills have been automatically stored in the Library.

You have now 7 remaining Generals.

I clinched my fists, "I'm too late to save this kid but..."

A triumphant smile drew in my face as I remembered the sole purpose of the Save Station.


I commanded mentally and all I can see is my selfies before tapping the second to the last saved game file.

Do you want to load this saved game file?

> Yes

> No

Before I could say yes, tiny Crack appeared in front of the blue gaming screen and he pressed the Yes button with his two tiny hands.

"This cheat can instant-kill you if I'm not beside yah." He said as my surroundings began to fade into darkness and the blue loading screen appeared.

Game Loading ... 99% ... 100%

Shadow Continent in the East Beach

I and Crack spawned where I took my second to the last selfie and my goal is to save the man from those weaklings but my progress didn't change. All the skills that I copied from the war event are still in my status and library.


Life Steal

Kill to Heal

Soul Reap

Soul Restoration

Heal (Elven Magic)

Rain of Fire

Rain of Elemental Arrows (Elven Magic)

Water Ball

Water Blast

Heavy Rainfall


Speed Enhancement

Strength Enhancement

Paralysis Spore (Elven Magic)

Poison Spore (Elven Magic)

Quicksand (Elven Magic)


Mass Barrier

Mass Teleportation

Sky Walk

Gravity Field

Summon Elemental Spirit (Elven Magic)

Summon Familiar (Elven Magic)

Snatch (Demon and Shadow Magic)

Instant Dark Healing (Shadow Magic)


Mending Spirit (Elven Magic)

Mending Familiar (Elven Magic)

Soul Collector


New Languages Recently Learned

Avarian Language

Ancient Elven Language

New Elven Language

I blinked my eyes in disbelief.

Is this a bug? This progress shouldn't exist in this saved game file.

System: No. It isn't. That is the main purpose of the Save Station.

"Kraaaa... I feel woozy..." Crack weakly muttering on my right shoulder.

I slowly turned my head to see him. He might be tiny like an ant but his dark skin became pale. Crack hugged himself and shivered as if this hot weather is too cold for him. Before I asked him about it, the blue gaming screen appeared with a victorious chime. That's the first time hearing it and maybe there's a new update of the system's abilities.

You acquired an Achievement!


Time travel without being detected by the God of Space and Time is not a joke.

Loading the saved game file is like a time machine but I expect that the God of Space and Time is stronger than us.

I activated my ˹Gate of the Abyss˼ skill so my chosen bodyguards will get inside of the Pocket Dimension. After that, I glanced at Crack but he's still pale and shivered.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Crack?" I asked him coldly as possible because he might be doing this drama to make me pity him.

"Krrrrr... Half of my HP is gone. I better go back to my domain to instant-heal myself." He replied, still hugging himself.

I rolled my eyes, "Then go! The show will probably be the same."

He stood with a grunt, "Krak! Not now! I never leave beside you when you're not around in this continent!"

I crossed my arms under my chest, "Is that the part of your script?"

"Krak! I'm not lying!"

I massaged the bridge of my nose and sighed to lessen my anger, "If you're not lying, instant-heal yourself in your domain and teleport back beside me. Your problem is so easy to solve and you're trying to make it complicated."

Crack was astonished for a moment and laughed, "I never thought about that strategy!"

I mentally facepalmed, "But before you teleport back to your domain, why are you staying beside me if I'm in the foreign continent?"

He levitated and said with his usual smile before he disappeared, "Just don't abuse your ˹Time Travel˼ skill."

"That's not even an answer." I complained.

Southwest Part of Nature Continent...

Natasha's POV

I arrived at the war event venue and took a selfie again for another saved game file. As I watched the scene, everything happened in the previous saved game file is the same and I'm wondering why the gods or demi-gods didn't take action when Elios is soon to be a four silver starred general of darkness.

Anyways, I summoned my bodyguards who are currently disguised as crows with Spatial Rings in their legs and ordered them to take all the corpses, items, spirits and souls once the war event is over but except the divine items. From what I learned in fantasy novels, the divine items can only be touched by the worthy people. I guess Crack's creations are not worthy to touch them because those things were meant to kill us.

Another thing I learned from my soldiers with [Tracker Master] title was those things from the war event might be also installed by some kind of trackers that were made of magic. Learning the ˹Tracker Corruption˼ skill will be pretty handy which we can use it to remove the trackers. So I have to use my ˹Tracker Detector˼ skill to make sure that everything I wanted to experiment inside my Pocket Dimension is safe. A few minutes later, the blue gaming screen appeared with a beeping sound.



100% No Trackers

Elven Bodies:

70% Middle Class Trackers (98% Success Rate)

5% High Class Trackers (90% Success Rate)

25% Epic Class Trackers (80% Success Rate)

Elven Souls:

70% High Class Trackers (93% Success Rate)

30% Top Class Trackers (89% Success Rate)

Elven Items:

75% High Class Trackers (92% Success Rate)

25% Epic Class Trackers (80% Success Rate)

Human Bodies:

55% Middle Class Trackers (98% Success Rate)

19.9% Top Class Trackers (89% Success Rate)

25% Epic Class Trackers (80% Success Rate)

0.1% Legendary Class Trackers (0% Success Rate)

Human Souls:

99.9% Top Class Trackers (87% Success Rate)

0.01% Legendary Class Trackers (0% Success Rate)

Human Items:

85% Top Class Trackers (85% Success Rate)

14.9% Epic Class Trackers (80% Success Rate)

0.01% Divine Class Trackers (0% Success Rate)

My enemies are extremely cautious because all of them have trackers both bodies, souls and items especially the divine items and 4 humans that I murdered in the last saved game file are truly pissing me off. I can't take them with me because the tracking magic is classified as legendary class to divine class which can't be lifted by my bodyguards and me.

Tiny Crack suddenly appeared in front of my face but this didn't startle me, "Krak! Yah want my help?"

Crack seems fine and energetic as he levitated around me. I nodded and glared at those 4 humans.

He laughed as if he knew what I'm thinking, "Oooh... You want to loot everything!"


"Krak! But I can't remove the Divine Class Trackers. I can't even touch them." He said in dismay but his smile is still remained.

That's fine.

"But can you tell me why you want to loot everything without a trace?"

If my enemies are cautious, my cautiousness level is higher than them.

"Krak?! I don't understand!"

For example, Epic Class Trackers will never disappear even the body/item/soul broke down into molecular level. If my enemies have those kinds of trackers, they'll never stop searching for it. Looting without removing the tracker is a bad move. Our location will be revealed if we do that now.

Crack was amazed of my explanation as he clapped his hands but I'm not done yet.

If we don't loot anything today, the looters will possibly be the families of the corpses or the reinforcements from their country before anyone or anything can loot after this event. The worst possibility about those remains is... Maybe ˹Revival˼ skill is common in this world or maybe ˹Respawn˼ passive skill exists. That shit is not fair while we don't have those skills.

Crack didn't say anything as he smiled so I continued.

And for the witnesses such as the spirits... we must collect them all before someone will investigate this place while the air, dust and sand... they can't communicate the living or maybe the undead too. The problem is... The gods will investigate this place and they can possibly communicate those things. That would be so troublesome. I'm hoping those guys will never investigate and stick their asses in their domains.

Crack laughed and sat on my right shoulder, "Yes! Gods can communicate the non-living things! Krak! Krak! Kraaaaak!"

My non-existent sweat trickled from my forehead and I'm planning to load my saved game file but Crack stopped me from doing that.

"Nope! We can't time travel now! I'm still tired yah know."

I narrowed my eyes and tried to load the saved game file but the purple gaming screen popped up with a disappointed sound.


Time travel is not ready.

Time Remaining: ?:??:??:??:??:??

I sighed in exasperation and gritted my teeth. Maybe the time travel thing is connected to Crack. Since I don't know when this cooldown ends, I let this slide. Forcing this attempt will lead to my downfall.

When Elios killed all his comrades except those four bastards, it's time for me to take action. I shadow walked towards them first before he could sprint.


Their barrier couldn't protect them with my debuff skill because it only protecting them from any damage attacks. So those 4 bastards are paralyzed and their barrier disappeared. I killed the man named Jerome Hedrix who has the divine arrow and the other two through decapitation. Then my weaponized hand turned back to normal before Elios arrives.

The darkness that covered his entire body dissipates, he looked worried even I managed to kill some of these losers.

He looked at me shyly, not minding the crows immediately removing the trackers and put the things inside of their Spatial Rings that I wanted to collect from the war event. Then the blue gaming screen popped up with a soft chime.

You acquired 2 Achievements!


Greedily scavenging from 10,000+ corpses is a first step to unlock [PHILARGYRIA (GREED)].


Collecting 10,000+ souls is a first step to unlock [GASTRIMARGIA (GLUTTONY)].

You have a message from your God!

Krak! I removed the Legendary Class Trackers!

This scene feels like I'm an alien that secretly took the specimens because of curiosity and greed but this is important to my mission. Those things might help us improve our weaponry against our enemies.

"Uhm... Inabugnu? Inehtuk elidecnidnu? Uhh... Ewkesukogn umofinuy ohkay, abagn aneyognu oyelikekebon eynilewk ewzili? Alevu ihpilewk izakewzili?" (Uhm... Who are you? Why did you help me? Uhh... Based on your uniform, are you perhaps a noble from another Nation? What continent are you from?) Elios asked as his cheeks darkened. He is blushing. This guy reminds me of Emmanuel.

The blood types of the Shadow Walkers are basedon the color of their blood.

In my previous life, Emmanuel is the only Shadow Walker with black blood. He's powerful enough to overthrow me but he chose to stay beside me.

And now, another world threat monster is talking in front of me. He's speaking Avarian language and it's a good thing that I learned their language. Since this boy is asking me a lot of questions, I don't want to choose the lie option because based on my experience, it doesn't end well. So it's better to be straight to the point.

I used ˹Weaponizer˼ and my index finger turned into a long black spike. Then I let it extended its length until it pierced to the red-haired man's head in just a split second. When my finger turned back to normal and sent my bodyguards in the inventory. He stared at me in disbelief but I didn't mean to scare him.

"Questions later and come with me, Boy. The Gods might take action if we don't leave this place."


I cut him off as I grabbed his free hand before shadow walking to the Shadow Continent.

Elios' POV

Am I that handsome?

The beautiful woman I just met kidnapped me in a blink of an eye. And now, we are floating in the middle of the void while she's still holding my hand.

"Why is this so slow?" The woman muttered as her grip tightened.

Then she turned her head and those pair of amethysts glowed.

"Uhh... Hi? Where are you taking me?" I asked her with no guts to look at her completely because I'm fully aware that my cheeks are heating up without my consent.

"To my territory." She may sound emotionless but her reply made my dirty mind and heart are out of my control. I'm imagining things intensely such as I and she is dating somewhere in the flower field and a warm bed. Maybe this is the time to say goodbye to my virginity.

A few moments of my intense imagination, the woman interrupted my thoughts as she said with the stern look on her face, "Boy, we are here."

I saw a purple portal hovered in the middle of the void and we entered from it. After that, the next thing I saw is unbelievable as the air changed. Although the atmosphere from earlier was filled with an eerie silence, the scene before my eyes now exceeded that by far. The air became a pressure that weighed heavily on my entire body.

We are standing on the cliff as the sun's light never reached this unknown territory but my Shadow Senses never failed me to see in the dark. We are currently watching an underground city or maybe a kingdom. The strange gigantic black pillars with purple lights are supporting the ceiling and the ground which were filled with strange black skyscrapers. Some strange giant sleek black flying objects passed by, not minding our presence as the purple fog is making this place look mysterious and dangerous.

"Welcome to the Underground Base, Last Floor." The woman continued as she held my hand once more, "Hold on tight."

The woman starts to float and suddenly flying at high speed. When she stopped, I can see the people with black uniforms as if they're waiting for her return. Then we silently landed on the purple carpet as the people's gaze followed at me. Honestly, it feels like their eyes pierced right through me which made me looked at my toes. Maybe they're jealous because she's holding my hand.

When she finally let go of my hand, I secretly smell it. Her scent that remains in my hand smells like lemon.

As I glanced at her, she withdrew something from a small black portal. It looks like a small stick, decorated with purple crystals. Then she spoke the language of the ancient shadows as that thing is close to her mouth.

"As what you can see today, I brought this man to our territory because he's very important."

I can't believe she spoke that language so fluently while I and my siblings are still struggling to perfect it but why am I very important to her?

"Brigadier Generals... Major Generals... Lieutenant Generals... Please proceed to the Main Palace immediately." Then she put that thing back to the black portal.


I gulped the lump of my throat as I watched the caped people with silver stars on their hats passed through the huge silver double doors like a bunch of ghosts. Some of those generals are elderly, women and children. I stared at her in disbelief, she and these people around me might be another group of Shadow Walkers.

"Follow me, Boy." The woman said as she leads the way and I laid my eyes on the giant doors before us.

The majestic set of double doors were over 15 meters in height, and covered in intricate carvings. The left side was shaped into a giant cruel humanoid monster as it ate humans, while the right was made to resemble an ocean of naked humans with their agonizing facial expressions. This realistic art sent chills through my spine. They might suddenly move if I don't keep my eyes on them.

Then the doors opened by themselves so slowly, in deference to their massive weight.

The air changed once more as the door behind us closed by themselves. The pressure that I'm experiencing today has been tripled.

To be honest, what I'm seeing today was an exquisite piece of work.

And in this wide, high room—

Even packing several thousand people inside would not make the room feel crowded. The high ceiling and the surrounding walls were a predominantly black color, with silver decorations as highlights. The numerous chandeliers which hung from the ceiling were made of purple crystals, and they emitted a fantastic, nightmarish radiance.

In the center of this room that was tinted silver, there was a flight of stairs about 20 steps high. Atop these stairs was a gigantic throne, carved out of a single piece of giant black crystal, whose back was high enough to touch the ceiling above it. A huge black banner hung down behind it, proudly displaying the symbol of this mysterious group of Shadow Walkers.

"Stay here." The woman ordered me before she was sunk into her darkness. That skill she's using today is the same skill she used earlier. I'm a bit jealous of her because she learned ˹Shadow Walk˼.

As my eyes focused at the throne, she was sitting in there with pride. Then the people simultaneously raised their right hand to their brow with utmost respect.

Is that their salute?

I widened my eyes in disbelief when I realized that she herself is the leader of these people.

"At ease!" She ordered and the people who hold their salute dropped simultaneously with discipline.

And now, my dirty thoughts from earlier have been torn to pieces. No date. No warm bed.

I'm here—

Nervously standing in the middle of bone chilling meeting with powerful strangers and floating small spherical-shaped black drones in this massive throne room.

The banner above her has a symbol of the God of Darkness' eye, maybe she's something related to my ancestor but, there's a rumor about the demons pretending as Shadows or Shadow Walkers. So I better ask her to confirm if she and her people are the same as me.

"What are you?" I asked in Avarian language and I don't care if some of them don't understand me.

She looked at me with those pair of glowing purple eyes as the generals looked at me with the stern look on their faces.

"Is my race not popular anymore?" She asked and that made me shivered.

"You're... like me?" I asked again.

She tilted her head, "I'm not like you... I am a Shadow. We... are... Shadows."

I disagreed as I shook my head, "No... Shadows are humanoid monsters and some of them are huge. In addition, the ancient Heroes eradicated the Shadow Army 6,000 years ago."

She gave me a surprised look, "Eradicated? Then why are we still breathing? I mean... We don't have lungs to breath but we're still alive. And you... It's strange to see a silver haired Shadow Walker with pure darkness in your eyes. Did you dyed your hair and wear contact lenses to hide your true identity?"

All I can smell from her is the truth. I don't think she's a Shadow wannabe. Shadow Walkers are commonly have black hair and purple eyes like these people around here but I and my siblings are different.

Suddenly, even her face doesn't show any emotions, I can smell her rage. This rage is far more intense than any other rage that I've ever felt, saw or smelled before. And this pressure, it's familiar and terrifying. It's the same feeling that I felt from the ice emperor.

A Demi-God.

I turned my head to see the generals' reactions and they seemed to have the same feeling as what I feel right now. Then they all fell to one knee in obeisance.

"Boy... You don't know how we've been through in this hell hole but seriously... Those god-like scumbags lied and claimed that they were victorious. From what you said today is fake news. I'm sure they will lose their face once we... Shadows will rise again."

"Don't you know where you are now?" She asked as the purple crystal ball materialized on her palm.

I didn't say anything because I don't want her to be offended. Then the crystal ball floated towards me.

"You are in the center of the Shadow Continent..." She said as the crystal ball showed me the image of the center of the continent and there's another black throne.

"Impossible! Shadow Continent is gone. The One True God erased it." I didn't hold back to say it but she arched her left eyebrow.

"Really? This is the largest continent in this world and it proudly remained standing to where it belongs. How can you say that our motherland is gone? Are this evidence is not enough for you to believe that still exist?"

Once again, she's telling a truth. Then she continued as the crystal ball showed me the giant black double doors that hovered above the throne, "And that thing, that's the secret entrance where those losers trapped us inside that hell hole."

This conversation might be very important but I have unfinished business. Forget about the date, nice warm bed and losing my virginity. I have siblings to save but the problem is, the Divine Barrier is impenetrable. Even with her help is futile because she's a shadow. How can I save them? I can't abandon them like that.

I sighed in defeat and raked my hair, "I believe you... Uhm... How should I address you?"

The leader stood from her throne as the crystal ball disappeared and she slowly walked down the stairs. When she's in front of me, she removed her hat, revealing her beautiful features even her black hair was neatly tied up in a bun and her face showed no emotions then said, "I'm Natasha Shadowwalker... The 5 Silver Starred General of the Shadow Army and President of the Shadow race."

Then Natasha extended her right arm, "Call me General Shadowwalker."

"I'm Elios..." My eyes looked at her hand but I don't understand why Natasha has to extend her arm like that.

"You are supposed to shake my hand," Natasha explained.

Then I hesitantly hold her hand and she took control on how to shake it.

"I guess only Shadows know this type of greetings," Natasha muttered and let go of my hand.

"I never heard of a handshake as a greeting but what do you want from me?"

After Natasha wear her hat, she withdrew a black ring with a purple hue from the small black portal and ordered me to remove my gauntlet but I nervously stepped back, "I'm sorry. I'm not ready for this..."

My God! Why did I say that?! She's clearly wants to marry me!

The generals looked at each other with a confused look on their face while Natasha seems to understand me.

"Don't worry. This is just a ring to teleport you everywhere in this continent." Natasha said as she put the ring on my palm.

Did I just misunderstood her?

I mentally facepalmed as I wear the ring.

But... What if this is actually an engagement ring?

Natasha's POV

Elios is satisfied!

+1,000 Loyalty

I mentally sighed in dismay as I watched Elios staring at the ring he's wearing. I thought he can't get easily pleased with that item.

But this boy is so obviously has a crush on me. Was it because of my charm stats?

The drones that float around this room are recording this scene and aired it LIVE. So this show can be seen from my people who are watching from different places around this continent. Unfortunately, Elios spoke Avarian Language and my people couldn't understand him but he understood me while I'm speaking Shadow Language.

I signaled one of the drones to come closer to me. Then I announced why this guy is very important in English Language because I'm sure he can't understand this, "My beloved army, you should be happy because this man is a descendant of the ancient general A. V. A. R. I. C. E."

The silver starred soldiers gasped in shocked while Elios looked around with a confused look on his face. Then the blue gaming screen popped up with a victorious sound.


Your people acknowledged Elios as General Avarice.

"What did you just say?" Elios asked but I remained silent as I signaled my generals and drones to leave the throne room so we will talk privately.

"Code 324." I commanded and the AI of this room responded through summoning the table carved of gleaming black stone in front of us with a pair of luxurious chairs.

Elios stared at it in awe and I let him sit one of those empty seats. And now, it's time for me to know more about this man. I summoned my crystal ball and showed him the images of the 4 bastards earlier, "These men tried to kill you through those divine items. Unlucky for them, I killed them first."

"Divine items?" Elios asked as he curiously observed the images of the divine items.

"I didn't bring them as evidence but I'm sure they did that because you have the blood of the shadow and you wielded the fake forbidden weapon. Am I right?" I said as my index finger pointed at his long sword.

He looks offended, "Fake forbidden weapon?! My father created this and you called it fake?!"

I shook my head slowly, "Your father is talented but the original Avarice's Shadow Long Sword is probably more powerful."

Elios seems he doesn't know the truth of that sword based on his disappointed look on his face. I don't know if he believes me or not but the important thing is that I told him the truth.

Unfortunately, Elios is angry.

Shit! I screw this up.

"I knew it! The original must be somewhere in the Cathedral because they won't let me in!"

I didn't expect him to hear that but I guess I misunderstood him. Maybe his father did created the original but Elios used the fake one.

He put the sword on the table and glared at it in distaste, "This thing... I kept using this fake all these years."

I clasped my hands, "Do you believe me?"

"I can tell the difference between lies and truth even without using magic."

I arched my right eyebrow, "You? No magic?"

"Everybody knows that I don't have magic."

"You have healing magic, snatch magic, regeneration and those skills require mana. I guess you used them once without realizing it... Without people to witness it. If you have magic inside you, your magic resistance is higher especially you have the blood of the shadow."

He fell silent and I typed his status before showing it to him through the hologram. Elios doesn't looked surprised at this technology which means holograms is common in their country.

"I don't understand the language." Said Elios as he scratched his head.

"The language is English. I'll read it for you."

After reading about his stats, his face became paler, "Is this what you want from me? You want me to become your general because I'm Avarice's descendant?"

I don't know who Avarice is but I pretend that I know that person.

"Yes. Is there a problem with that? If you don't want it, I don't think the people from your home will see you as their soldier since they know that you murdered your troops but the Gods seemed doesn't care about this. I'm sure they'll regret this."

"Why are you keep mentioning about Gods? They won't intervene the mortals anymore."

"Are you sure? Those losers made sure that none of us ever set foot across Octavia but why are you still breathing and why are we here?" I asked him.

"I don't understand. Why they have to trap the shadows and told us their fake victory in the first place? And me... Why they didn't tell their Demi-Gods to erase me?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know either, that's also why I'm here to investigate while finding my generals and you will be my first step."

Elios pondered for a moment and said, "If you want me to become your general, I have one condition."

"Hmm... Then tell me."

"This is about my siblings. Help me save them."

Do you want to accept Elios' Request?

> Yes

>  No

> More Info

I chose for more information, "Tell me more about my enemies before I accept your request."

Elios sighed and stood up, "Just forget about it. I'll do it alone."

Before he could turn around to leave this room, I immediately grabbed his neck with my full speed and activated the ˹Gate of the Abyss˼ skill so the both of us will be teleported to a random sun because I knew Elios' ˹Zero Needs˼ and ˹Ghost Mode˼ passive skills have been automatically activated.

I used ˹Fly˼ to keep our distance from the sun while I'm still holding Elios' neck. Since we are too near from the sun, the cloth of his armor instantly burned to ashes while the corrupted metal plates are slowly melting.

I did this to him because if I let him go and tried to save his siblings, he might get captured. Then the enemies will possibly torture him and spill our location. So he's better to be dead in my hands.

Elios didn't struggle to free himself from my grip and he seemed hopeless, "Kill me."

I gave him a questioning look and his armor is no longer on his body but his long sword remained intact as it covered his manhood. The corrupted liquid metals are floating around us and I activated ˹Weaponizer˼ skill to form my free hand into a small blade.

It's such a waste to kill him but I have to ask him first, "Why would I?"

Elios' POV

I couldn't stop my tears from escaping from my eyes and it instantly evaporated. I'm extremely embarrassed because I'm completely naked in front of her even I used my long sword to cover my penis. And now Natasha is asking me why she would kill me.

My answer is simple.

"In this world our kind is helpless."

I closed my eyes and hoping she can kill me without pain.

"Helpless?!" Natasha asked with a slightly raised voice as she let go of me.

I seemed to be floating and I opened my eyes to see what happened to me. We are no longer near the sun and everything around us is darkness. I'm still in front of her but she's grinning as if she was challenged by the thing I said to her.

"If we are the virus of this game, this world has an anti-virus."

Virus? Game? Does she think this world is just a game? Is she a god? Only Gods can think of this as a game because they can do whatever they want.

"Is this game designed to test my faith in you?" Natasha asked as she looked above.

Who is she talking to?

I looked above as well but I saw nothing but darkness.

"I know you're listening you fucking twerp! Come here and maybe you're useful in this problem."

She's asking help to an insignificant entity? How is that helpful?

I thought doubtfully but suddenly, I heard some thunderous noises from the above following with strange music and purple light between those gigantic cracks until the eye opened lazily which was the same shape of the symbol of their banner.

The God of Darkness' eye.

"Is that your new grand entrance? Ptf! Lame." She insulted the god as if he's just a joke for her.

I gulped the lump of my throat because her comment will make the god offended.

Why she's not afraid of this God? She supposedly treat him like her master.

The eye's iris descended to see us but there's someone exited from its pupil. When the person is in front of us as the music ended, I blink my eyes in disbelief.

He's a 6 footer scrawny human with dark skin. His blue and red eyes are staring at her as he smiled which shows his yellowish teeth that have a gap between the two upper front teeth. He didn't shaved his beard neatly and there's a white powder around his mouth.

His black shirt and pair of blue pants are covered with dirt. His black hat didn't completely covered the glowing purple crack on his forehead as his long black dreadlocks that reached his chest are decorated with dead cockroaches and dried leaves. A wet white towel tied on his neck as his scarf which made the upper half of his shirt wet. He's wearing a right black shoe which exposed the left dirty white sock.

He may look hopeless but I can't sense anything from him. No emotions. No odor. It's just him.

But, is he the god that history has been telling us all these years? A threat that almost erased Octavia? The center of the universe?

"You looked like a joke!" I insulted him and hoping he'll show his true form before he kills me.

"Krak? What-cha-say?" He asked as if his intelligence is impossibly very low to understand what I just said to him.

"If there's a mirror in this place, you could just see it from yourself." I insulted him once more but Natasha put the mirror beside him which was big enough to see his entire reflection. Then she gave me a thumbs-up as if she supported me to insult this man.

Then the man looked himself in the mirror and said as his smile remained intact, "Hmm... I didn't see anything."

"You supposed to look like that giant thing or the goat! And now! Look at you... You looked like a homeless from the streets. You're not the god we worshipped for years! You're a... You're an imposter!"

Suddenly, Natasha giggled while the imposter is in deep thoughts. The color of her happiness is light pink as it smells like strawberries.

Did I made her laugh? If I did, then... I'm happy too.

I looked away from her because my cheeks heating up again. Then suddenly, the imposter cackled which made Natasha stopped giggling.

"Natasha! You're not alone anymore! Cos both of you can see me as human! Krak! Krak! Kraaaaak!"

Then he throws a bunch of live cockroaches at us as if those things are flower petals from the basket. Fortunately, there's no gravity in here so those disgusting creatures floated somewhere else.

"Natasha, is he always like this? He's disgustingly insane."

"In my eyes... Yes."

The imposter suddenly appeared in front of me and said as his eyes glowed, "You should thank her and me. Cos we saved your ass from your fate."

Then the purple crystal ball materialized on his palm and I saw my headless body in the middle of the desert.

"Consider yourself lucky cos without us..."

The next thing I saw is William gave my severed head to Orion. Then there are more severed heads in his ice palace and he turned them into something else.

"You will become one of his Ice Undead Toys."

They turned into humanoid ice golems with different sizes and characteristics but I looked different from them. I'm a knight with sword and shield which were made of ice. The entire kingdom was covered in snow and all the people in there are helpless against Orion's army. Then I murdered his father alone.

"You are his toy that is enough to kill a Demi-God." The imposter said as the crystal ball disappeared.

"So, are you going to help us?" Natasha asked him and he turned around, facing at her.

"Just a little faith is enough to motivate me to crack the un-crack-able!"

Natasha sighed in defeat then the blue words appeared before my eyes.

Your request has been accepted!

The End of Chapter 12

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