The Gift.

By ShelbyWinds

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When Jesse gets to the sacrifice's glade he is unimpressed with the girl laying on the ground crying. Then hi... More

Epilogue 21


7.6K 285 58
By ShelbyWinds

Esme is pulled onto Jesse lap once more. She snuggles into him knowing that what he's going to tell her is hard for him to say. She gives him what comfort she can, knowing that he is doing this to take her thoughts away from Areon and how much she misses him.

"When I and my brothers were born things were different. Our father was a petty little kinglet of his petty little kingdom. I was the first born and made arrogant from the spoiling that was done. I was entitled and knew it. My father never allowed others to punish me. However, due to my status, my father had his own punishments to give me.

"I was never allowed to lose control. If I did I was whipped. I was forced to learn self control at a very young age. I didn't like the pain of being whipped.

"My brothers were also taught this lesson, but it wasn't as strictly enforced for them as it was for me.

"Because of this, I was very controlled around my father, but when away from home I let loose. I was a very wild young man. Carlo was joined at the hip at that time and I am afraid that I got him into a lot of trouble because of it."

"I was a willing participant, Jesse. I knew that I could and even likely would get into trouble. But the fun we had was more than worth it." Carlo smiles at Jesse and Esme could feel the love and warmth the brothers have for each other.

"Soon the twins were old enough to join us in our fun and mayhem. I got them in more than a few scrapes as well." Jesse although sounding regretful is now lost to his memories and so doesn't hear his brothers denouncing the need for the sorrow, just like Carlo had.

"My father's territory was little more than the city and a few hundred acres beyond. There were many such countries like that at the time. There were constant wars changing the boundaries as the petty kinglets wished to add to their territory and were unable to hold onto what they would win.

"The neighboring kinglet was friendly with my father and had invited me to a party he was throwing. My father refused to allow me permission, fearing that something would happen to me. In my arrogance and pride I defied him, as did my brothers. We left the castle and village of my father and traveled to the nearby city state where the party was to be held.

"Carlo was courting the daughter of the kinglet so he soon separated to go looking after her. The kinglet introduced me to his special guest." Jesse is no longer there as memories take over. But the words come out telling Esme just what happened so long ago.

"The man presented to me was dark, but powerful. Immediately I knew that this man would be able to take and hold any territory that he wished. My father would have no chance, I would have no chance should he decide that he wanted what was ours.

"I was mesmerized by his eyes. I was mesmerized by him. By the end of the night he had taken me and made my his. When I woke the next night with a throat burning in need for a drink of blood he was shocked that I wasn't going crazy trying to find blood. It was the beginning of his fascination with me.

"We were just supposed to be there for a week long celebration, but things changed once I was turned.

"My master, or king or father whatever label you'd like to give him was more than pleased with me. I gained more than a little of his power when I turned. That added to my control I had learned growing up made it so that I never once gave into the blood lust all newborns experience. What he wasn't happy about was how close I was to Carlo.

"While he was busy with me, his brother and sister took interest in Desanto and Santo respectively. They too were changed that first night.

"When they were turned they did experience blood lust, but a much more controlled one then either of them had expected. 

"Desanto's maker was much like mine, just slightly less powerful. But Santo's maker, well she was different. She was a sensualist and so needed sex almost as much as she needed blood to live. Santo gained that trait from her as well. She spent long hours teaching him how to gain the most from each experience.

"That left only Carlo without being turned. I was heartbroken. How could I damn him to this life? But my maker made my wishes immaterial. He ordered me to kill Carlo, due to jealousy at how close we were." Even now the memory makes Jesse angry. 

"So, I had no choice. In another century when the blood didn't call so strongly and I wouldn't be such a weak vampire I might have been able to resist the order. But with the strength of the order and the call of the blood being so strong I gave in." Jesse clenches his hands in remembered anger as he kills his brother. He still feels the skin under his mouth, the sound Carlo makes as he bites him. At least he was able to make the death pleasurable.

"What my maker never expected was that I was strong enough to turn Carlo. For a month I was able to hide Carlo from him. I was able to control my blood lust and that of Carlo as well. At the same time I was only around my maker when he commanded my presence. 

"I think it was that, that made my maker realize just what a mistake he made in ordering me to kill Carlo.

"He became angry with his siblings for some reason that I never found out. He had all their made vampires and those that were bound to them killed. He had me watch as they were one by one killed. 

"I watched helplessly as he got closer and closer to my brothers. When he didn't kill them I was shocked.

"I was even more shocked at what he did next. He severed the maker bonds my brothers had with his siblings and gave them to me.

"I watched in disbelief as he then callously killed his brother and sister.

"I hadn't realized that he had seen me with Carlo at that time. He knew that I, a newborn had created and controlled a newly turned vampire myself. It shouldn't have been possible for another century, but he'd seen it for himself. That is why he gave me the control of my brothers, that and he was trying to gain my forgiveness for ordering me to kill Carlo.

"It was only as he was preparing to leave that I found out that he was in truth the vampire king and then he named me his heir.

"He set me up and ordered me to bring peace. Not just among the humans, but among the supernaturals and the humans.

"I slowly and surely took over one territory after another starting with my father's. It wasn't that hard to kill him. I just waited for him to finish with his whore. I killed him and his whore that was pregnant with his child. That just infuriated me.

"My mother was less than pleased at the death of her husband. Santo took care of her." Jesse smirks and Esme looks over to Santo. He refuses to look at Esme. What he did to his mother isn't something he's proud of, not that it's wrong in the vampire culture. There is very little wrong in the vampire culture when it comes to certain things.

"After that all other territories came under my control. The humans were in dire need of protection. Between the incessant wars and the supernaturals picking them off they were dying."

"That is the reason for the treaty or accords or whatever the hell you want to call them?" Esme says in sudden understanding.

"Yes, that is the why and how they came about. Cities were decimated. Whole villages were gone. They were happy to gain my protection with just the loss of one girl every decade. It wasn't ideal, but it was far better than they had before." Jesse agree with her.

"The werewolves have long been a dying breed. The humans had damaged the wolf packs to the point that there was just one and it too was dying. The old alpha, Areon's father, doesn't remember that part of the history. He just remembers that the wolves would go and take what ever human they wished. They are actually far stronger now then they were in his great grandfathers day." Carlo adds in.

"Wow, no wonder you were so upset at my village not following the accords. You've done a great deal for them."

"We still do. But we do the same for the supernatural people as well. That is why they respect Jesse," Desanto says.

"What happened to the one that hosted the party?"

"Santo seduced the daughter and was ultimately the one to kill her. By the time we left all the humans had been killed. The humans in the village, either came with me to my father's territory or they were left unprotected for any that wanted them. Most came with me." Jesse says fighting to not fall back into the memories.

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