Pidge Captured

By BlueDemon1999

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Pidge decides to help another intergalactic team on a supposedly simple mission. Things go wrong. More

Chapter 1 Things Go Wrong
Part 2
Chapter 3 Not the Rescue Planned
Chapter 5
Endings and Beginnings
The End *I think*

Big Brother's Perspective

194 4 8
By BlueDemon1999

Matt was beyond livid. How did his life get here? Couldn't his family catch a break? While completely unprofessional, he had a total meltdown when he first heard the news. Thank goodness he was alone with Shiro, who didn't judge. He just felt responsible and was so quiznacking worried. But when he finally calmed down and looked in Shiro's eyes he knew that he was right there with him.  They stayed a while, just sitting in the dark conference room trying to work out a new plan. Trying to get their emotions under check and at least back to the point where they could pretend they were professionals. Sigh.

When they got back to the main conference room, they were met with Mr. and Mrs. Holt who didn't follow directives and were now on the Atlas as well. Matt could see this had taken a toll on them both but he respected that they needed to be here, closer to the action than back on Earth. After everyone was settle in the room Shiro finally asked for a full report via the link they had set up. He stands at the head of the table, with all parties squeezed in the room to hear all the details. Not that it even matters at this point but they all needed to feel like they were doing something, anything to get Pidge back.

On the holo screen both Keith and Griffin looked battle worn, solemn and tired. Keith waves to Griffin to relay what happened. Griffin suddenly stands straight, giving the report like he was back at the Garrison, very stiff and proper. "Sir, we arrived at the coordinates Paladin Holt supplied, or where the transmission originated from, if you will. Upon arrival we immediately entered active combat. The original Galra ship was in the process of being attacked by *cough* space pirates. They took supplies, killed Galra crew and managed to take *growl* Katie. The pirates retreated and while we have captured some and some are dead, I would estimate a good majority were able to escape. Upon a thorough search we found two members of Katie's team, with one still missing and presumed dead. A Blade ship is on its way and our next step is to question the remaining crew. Sir."

A day later, Matt sat in a forgotten rec room with the remaining paladins. It was late, but no one could really sleep. His parents had each other and they were better for it. Yet, he couldn't help feeling like a third wheel. Because Matt didn't have a significant other at this time, he had Pidge. They worked together, hung out, laughed, fought. She was probably one of his best friends. In fact, since the end of the war, this was probably the longest he has gone without talking to her. Teasing her, working with her...God, he was a mess. Then he looked around the room and thought no one else was faring much better. Shiro, Lance and Hunk, they all looked like shit as well. No one can sleep without knowing if Pidge was safe. Was she hurt? Has she eaten? What if she was being tortured? And they were so damn close to getting her!

His gaze landed on his other best friend, who was unfortunately, not handling Pidge's capture well. In fact, Shiro has been taking the complete opposite route of his parents and was currently avoiding Curtis. He knows this first hand because Curtis gave him an earful until Matt told him he didn't know what Curtis wanted him to do. Shiro loved Pidge as much as he did. She was his little sister. They were hurting. Curtis deflated and said he just wanted Shiro to let him in. Damn. What could he say to that? He feels for him but honestly, this was Pidge and he didn't have the energy for this now. He ended up patting Curtis' shoulder and telling to just be patient.

But then his mind went down a path that caused everyone in the room to just disappear. He couldn't help but wonder, what could he have done differently, could he have been faster?? It shouldn't have taken Keith of all people to ask about tracking her. He should have thought of it sooner, he should of...Shiro kicked his foot, grabbing his attention.

"Stop. We did everything we could. Look, in a few hours, Hunk is going to patch us into the surveillance of the questioning of the pirates.  We can see if we can help them figure out where Pidge is now. I have to believe that if they took her, they were going to keep her alive."

Hunk nodded. "I agree, I was thinking, maybe they knew she was a Paladin? Do you think they will ransom her? I mean they are pirates right? Don't pirates just want loot or money? They can't be that different from Earth pirates right? Do you think the Garrison will pay a ransom?"

Lance looked up, "I don't think the Garrison or Earth will pay a ransom. Fuck. Can we get to the Blade ship? Maybe Matt and I can go and help. We don't have anyone holding us here. I just need to get closer so maybe I can help. Hunk, you and Shiro have partners that need you so need to be here. But I honestly don't think I can stay out of the action anymore. Please. I couldn't help Allura, I couldn't do anything really. I need to help Pidge."

Matt quickly agreed. "Yes, please, we can take a ship and get out there, no wait!! Cosmo can take us!" I looked over to Shiro, who looked sad, he puts his hand on his shoulder, "Shiro?"

Shiro is silent for a few minutes. "I'll call Keith. But I'm coming too. I'll tell Curtis and your dad; he can take over command of the Atlas. (Looks up at me) Matt don't argue. I know what I'm doing."

I reply, "I don't think you do. Man, Curtis isn't going to like you leaving. Talk to him."

Hunk stands, "I'll pack. I'm coming too. Don't think you can talk me out of it. I'll ask what Shay wants to do, but no matter what I'm going." He gets up and leaves first, patting each of us on our back as he leaves.

Several hours later, it's now morning and we are in the hanger waiting for Cosmo to arrive. His parents are there as well, hugging him and telling him to be careful. Turns out Shay has decided to come as well, and I don't see Curtis so, I'm guessing he chose not to come or he just isn't  happy with Shiro. I really hope this experience doesn't kill their marriage, but he can't bring himself to tell Shiro to stay back. He knows he needs to be on hand too. Cosmo poofs in and there's no time for second thoughts. We all need to keep moving forward.

It's been a crazy day. The Blades assigned them a group room with Griffin while Hunk and Shay got a private room. Keith, as a blade, already has a room on a different level. Not that anyone was interested in sleeping, they just dropped their stuff off and went to the interrogation area. But, after a few hours, he wondered, what was going on between his little sister and these two men?

Both Griffin and Keith were being especially ruthless when questioning the space pirates they had captured. Matt actually was shocked. The Blades took it without a blink so he was assuming this was normal for them. But, Matt had never seen Keith like this. While he didn't know Griffin as well, he knew this was not Garrison interrogation techniques. It was like watching bad cop and badder cop. Neither seemed to care that they saved two of Pidge's teammates. They were solely focused on finding out where Pidge was. God, I'm her brother and I'm having a hard time watching them. Where was Pidge??? If they didn't find her...what was that going to do to all of them?

Finally, Shiro had enough and intervened when it looked like Keith might really kill the pirate he was questioning. He called both Griffin and Keith in a small viewing room. "Both of you stop! Killing the pirate isn't going to get Pidge back. We need someone to cooperate!! So both of you, get out of here until I can get some answers. And that's an order."

Griffin listens an actually stomps off and slams the door. Keith on the other hand-seems to just fall into a chair. "Shiro, I need to find her. (Hands running through his hair) I know, I'm not acting especially honorably, but I have to find her. Don't you understand? I can't fail (whispering) I can't fail her."

Shiro replies, "Do you finally recognize that you love her?"

Both Keith and I freeze. Love??? Shit when did this happen? My eyes snap to Keith as he replies, haltingly, "I...I... don't know what you mean. I'd do the same for anyone on my team...anyone of you."

Shiro levels a look at him, slamming his robotic hand on the table. In a low and steady voice he starts, calming stating "Really? That's what you are going with? In case, YOU have forgotten, YOU grabbed Pidge's arm in the mental field, no one else's. YOU eat lunch with Pidge on the Atlas every chance you get. YOU remember to call Pidge. YOU DON'T EVEN CALL ME! Don't lie to yourself now. We'll get her back, we must, because quite frankly I can't accept another option. But I don't know what she will have been through. And honestly, I'm just tired of seeing you dance around the issue that you fucking LOVE her! I know you are scared. I get it. But more, *voice quieter* you are IN love with her. This whole episode should make it clear to you, don't waste any more time. It hasn't escaped any of our notice that you had a FREAKIN shirt that she wore that smelled like her, because you didn't wash it, ON HAND!!!"

Keith opened his mouth...then closed it. He then closed his eyes, eventually laying his head on his arm. "Shiro, I can't ruin what we already have. I don't think I can take that risk. But, yeah, I can't say you're wrong. But we need to find her regardless of what our relationship is or could be. (Quietly) And it hasn't escaped my notice that Griffin is right here with me every fucking step of the fucking way. The Boy Scout, who is breaking just as many rules as me. Fuck. So what are we going to do? I can't stop."

Shiro smiled, "Well I finally have some good news. Colleen has been busy channeling her energies into something productive. She has a truth serum that should work on most alien life forms. And your space dog has just gotten it to me, so, let's see what this asshole has to say."

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