I bleed for you ~A sequel to...

By UndertaleTrashEX

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I was finally free, free from the chains of the VOID. I was welcomed home with open arms and reunited with th... More

Chapter One: Flight
Chapter Two: Tattoo
Chapter Three: Impulse
Chapter Four: Reminiscence
Chapter Five: Escapade
Chapter Six: Mother
Chapter Eight: Grave
Chapter Nine: Home
Chapter Ten: Comfort
Chapter Eleven: Caught
Chapter Twelve: Regret
Chapter Thirteen: Support
Chapter Fourteen: Brothers
Chapter Fifteen: Murderer
Chapter Sixteen: Sickening
Chapter Seventeen: Reunite
Chapter Eighteen: Shirtless
Chapter Nineteen: Eyes
Chapter Twenty: Out
Chapter Twenty One: Deltarune
Chapter Twenty Two: Spade
Chapter Twenty Three: Crossroads
Chapter Twenty Four: Guest
Chapter Twenty Five: Tune
Chapter Twenty Six: Blood
Chapter Twenty Seven: Treatment
Chapter Twenty Eight: Distrust
Chapter Twenty Nine: Surprise!
Chapter Thirty: Daze
Chapter Thirty One: Makeup
Chapter Thirty Two: Intimidate
Chapter Thirty Three: Trade
Chapter Thirty Four: Deal
Chapter Thirty Five: Expecting
Chapter Thirty Six: Message
Chapter Thirty Seven: Malus
Chapter Thirty Eight: Broken
Chapter Thirty Nine: Altered
Chapter Forty: Water

Chapter Seven: Revival

301 10 22
By UndertaleTrashEX

~Ink's POV~

I was suddenly jolted awake when I was pulled into a tight hug by someone laying next to me. I flinched but calmed down when I realized it was only Y/n. I instantly was brought back on edge when I realized she was sobbing into my shoulder.

"Woah, hey are alright? What's wrong?" I asked in concern, wrapping my arms around her in a warm embrace. She didn't answer, only continuing to soak my shoulder.

I had absolutely no idea what could be upsetting her right now, everything had been going great so far. What happened to make her upset?

I could feel my SOUL race as I thought of what I could do to help, since I didn't know what was wrong I was pretty low on options. The only thing I knew that would only help a little was just to keep hugging her, so I did that.

I held one of my hands on her head, gently rubbing it to help her calm down. My other hand was still wrapped around her waist, keeping her close to mine.

I'm not sure how much it helped, since she was still crying quite a bit. I could feel anxiety slithering up my spine like an unpleasant snake that was ready to strike. What if I did something wrong to upset her like this? But then surely she wouldn't be letting me hug her, she was the one who hugged me first after all.

"Face it, you must have done something wrong." That sinister familiar voice whispered in my ear. I only slightly turned my head to look at her, she was floating there with her arms crossed and disgust all over her face.

'Just get out of here, Blade. I have to concentrate on her.' I thought, knowing she could hear me anyway. Blade scoffed and rolled her eyes, floating over to get a better look at my weeping girlfriend. I blocked Y/n's face from her, trying to be as subtle as possible.

"I bet she's only letting you hug her because she doesn't want you to be upset. I think that counts as an abusive relationship." Blade said, her words piercing through my thin skull. I did my best to shake them off, I knew what she wasn't saying was true but they still hurt.

"She's so sensitive, a little dream has turned her into an emotional waterfall. That's really annoying isn't it?" Blade floated behind Y/n so she could look at me in the eyes. The easier to destroy her blows.

'Don't you dare insult her. Can't you have at least a little compassion?' I thought, getting slightly frustrated. This was the absolute wrong time to have Blade try and make me feel bad about myself.

"No, I literally can't because you took that away from me. How's that feel? I wouldn't know since you took away all of my feelings. I am your own creation because you murdered me."

'You were trying to kill Y/n, how many times do we have to go through this?'

"I don't know, how many times do I have to remind you that you're a murderer?"

I felt Y/n pull her face away from my shoulder, the flowing of her tears had temporarily subsided. I attempted to wipe away some of her tears, but being a skeleton meant I only got my hand wet. I think she appreciated it nonetheless though.

She sniffed loudly and placed her hand over mine which was still holding onto her right cheek. I noticed in my peripheral vision that Blade had vanished into thin air.

"What's the matter, babe?" I asked again in my most soothing voice. I used my other hand to brush some of her hair that was sticking due to the wetness of her face out of the way.

"I-I, I dunno if I s-should talk about it." She finally answered, looking the other way as to not make eye contact with me.

I made her head face towards me and said, "Of course you can talk about it. I may not have any ears but I can listen."

She sniffed loudly but stayed silent, I could practically see the gears turning in her head. I didn't want to pressure her but something was definitely wrong that I needed to know about. Especially if I was the one causing it.

"Which you are." I heard Blade mutter into my nonexistent ears. I would've told her to shut up if Y/n didn't start talking.

"So... for s-some reason I've been g-getting a lot of timeline jumps t-to my past. And this last one I w-was brought back to when I was t-teenager." She stuttered, some tears still falling down her face which I did my best to wipe away. I still didn't quite understand what the issue was.

"I... I got to s-see my mom again. It's been so long... I fell underground when I was at least 15 so I haven't seen her in 11 years... 11 years where she thinks I'm dead."

Oh, there's the issue.

"Y/n... I..." I had no idea what to say, or how to make her feel better. Truth be told I can't relate to her at all right now. I don't even have a mom or a dad. I just kinda... appeared.

"Sorry, I know that seemingly came out of nowhere... I was just wondering if maybe... maybe we could go see her? I'm sure she'd like to know I'm not dead." She asked, looking down at the pillow.

"Of course! I'd love to meet her too and-" I was cut off as I remembered the grim truth. Y/n looked up at me puzzled, wondering why I suddenly stopped speaking and had a dark expression.

"Dusttale was destroyed... we wouldn't be able to..."

Y/n's face didn't change as she absorbed the information, but the pools in her eyes rose to a breaking point once she understood. She hugged me tightly again, crying harder than ever before. It absolutely broke my heart, why did I have to remind her?! I messed up... I messed up so bad.

But wait... a shimmering thought came to light. If Dusttale was destroyed then how was she able to timeline jump to it? It doesn't make any sense. But do I tell her this? I don't want to give her any hope, in case I'm wrong. I've already broken her heart enough.

"B-But then how was I able to see her? If it destroyed how could I jump to it?"

"Guess she's smarter than you gave her credit for." Blade leered at me from the corner of the room.

"I was just thinking that too... I'll be right back. I'm going to go check." I replied to Y/n, quickly getting off the bed and grabbing my much too big paintbrush.

"If it's destroyed, I won't be able to make a portal to it. If it isn't... well we'll see."

I readied my paintbrush, taking in a deep breath. I brushed it against the air like a canvas, putting all my thought into Dusttale. I felt my paintbrush vibrate slightly against my hand, like it did when making a portal to somewhere far away.

A dark gray rift had appeared in the room when I finished my swipe. I felt out of breath, like I had finished a short run. I couldn't believe it.

I felt Y/n's presence right next to me, I hadn't even heard the creaking of the bed. We were both staring in complete disbelief. Error said he had destroyed it... he wouldn't lie, would he?

Y/n was about to step into it, but I grabbed her wrist quickly. She seemed to snap out of her temporary trance and backed away from it.

"We should tell everyone where we're going first... just in case." I said, readjusting my hand to be holding hers.

"Yeah... yeah we should." She responded, still seeming a bit out of it. She gripped my hand and shook off whatever she had been thinking. She beamed up at me, making my SOUL beat quicken. She was too damn cute.

"Perv." Blade muttered, rolling her eyes.


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