ᴀ ᴊᴇᴅɪs ᴛᴀʟᴇ. || ᴋʏʟᴏ

By poison-fruit

18.9K 394 987

From before the reign of Kylo Ren TIL after. Also this is not a Reylo fanfiction. More

The Force.
Dark Thoughts.
Dameron and Organa.
Left Behind.
Dear Karva.
Supreme Leader.
First Mission.
Love Is Weakness.
Lord Vader.
A Shift in the Force.
With me, or Against me.
Solo's Return.
Calm The Anger.
Leia and Anakin.
You Are The Reason.


1.1K 22 48
By poison-fruit

The week I had been on this planet has the rain turned to snow. It's freezing but I manage to make fires to keep warm. The several days of practicing and meditation have made me so much better but the dreams just become worse.

I sit against a tree with a blanket around me, heating up next to the fire. I look up and grab my hilt as I just know. I hear a lightsaber spark up with a red dim light coming from not too far. I put the fire out quickly and stand, having my back against the tree. "I can feel you." He speaks.

I part my lips and toss my blanket to the side. "I can feel the pull to you, Karva." I hear the sound of his voice shift which means he has taken his helmet off. "You said, if you weren't in that room you could take me on. Well here I am." He speaks and I step from behind the tree to look at him. "And I still mean that." I say and he tosses his helmet to the snow. "You were easy to find." He says and looks to me.

"Then you felt it too." I speak to him in almost a mocking tone. It was what he said in school. This makes his cheek twitch slightly. "Join us. Join me. We could be strong." He closes his saber and takes a step to me. "I would never. That is not me." I hold my hilt and clench it. "Just forget Luke. He didn't save you or anyone." He speaks and takes another step.

I hold my hilt up and turn my lightsaber on to reveal the glowing purple. He looks to it and then me. I twist it in my hand. "I'm not afraid of you." I speak. "We'll see." He steps out and ignited his as well.

He comes at me and I deflect his saber. He grits his teeth and turns the smaller one in to almost pierce my shoulder. I push his saber and kick him back. He stumbles abit but catches his footing. He kneels down and looks up to me, flaring his nostrils. "I was the top in our class Ben. You can keep trying." I hold my saber by my side. This infuriated him more due to the pit of my stomach telling me so. He runs at me again and we clash our sabers against one another, multiple times.

I take a breath and he presses against my lightsaber harder, making me walk backwards into the tree. I quickly reach for his wrist and he looks to me. All you can see were the color in his eyes. Then time he is able to pierce my shoulder. I let out a yell and then push his wrists back with more force. The singe and the smell of burning flesh and fabric fill the air. I can fill my arm weakening as I take heavy breaths to steady myself. I push his wrist enough just to hover over my shoulder and duck quickly. I kick the back of his leg and then start sprinting. I raise my hand to the ship to start it. I turn the saber off and get on, trying to pull away. He's using the force to pull it back from the way the windows are facing him. I push the steer harder and hold my hand out to the tree behind him. I forcefully clutch my hand and pull it back to me, causing the tree to fall over and collapse.

He releases and moves from the tree. I pull up slightly and hear the lightsaber strike against my starship. I quickly move the ship faster and leave the planet and Kylo behind.

I feel the pain in my shoulder and grasp my hand onto it. I'll worry about it later. Right now I need to get as far away from him as possible.


I continue to move on until I know I'm not being followed. I put it in auto drive and step away, quickly rummaging through the bandages. I pull my vest and jacket as well as my shirt off, pouring ointment on it. I clench my jaw and close my eyes at the intense stinging. I place another thing to it and then place a bandage over it. I pull my shirt back on and reach for my jacket as the same red light appears. "No, no. Damn it!" I stand and quickly look around to find the problem. I shake my head and set the route to a close by planet that looks as though it has some type of life forms on it by the ships monitors. Jakku it reads.

I shake my head and push into their orbit. The ship is slowly giving out by the amount it shakes. I try to steady it but land roughly. Luckily it's close to the city... too close.. I stand and grab my things, stepping from the ship. I look to a junker and walk over. "How much for the ship?" I tap my fingers onto the desk and he looks at it and grumbles. "300." He furrow my brows. "How much to fix it?" I look at the alien and he grumbles again. "400." I part my lips and look to it. I place the blaster on the table and look at him. "100 and the blaster to fix it." He looks at the blaster and hums. "200 and the blaster." He looks at me. I reach into my pocket and place the money in his hand. "Deal."

It was the last of what I had but it will be better towards the resistance. He grumbles and I start walking off, I continue to walk around, holding my jacket around my waist to conceal my hilt. I look as a girl is speaking to a droid. I furrow my brows. A BB Droid. Those are only found with those colors on the resistance. I start to make my way but stop when I see another guy, running to somewhere practically pushing past me. "Water!" He speaks and I look at him like he is crazy.

I look as she starts walking to a man. I furrow my brows. Something about her is almost magnetic but I can't put my finger on it. I walk towards her and hear them talking about portions and then the droid. "60 Portions." I purse my lips and cross my arms as I listen. She touches the portions and looks to the Droid. "No. He's not." She takes the small portion and I hear the man speak when she walks away. "Get the droid and the girl." He closes his shop and I immediately step towards her. When she turns, one of them drapes a cloth around the droid and she yells.

I quickly run over and kick one of the guys and punch him. She hits the other with her staff. I look to her and she looks to me. "I didn't need your help." I shrug slightly. "I didn't think you did." She takes the cover from the droid and he looks to me and then her. I look up to find the guy staring at us. The droid speaks and Rey speaks to him. "Who? Him?" She start running towards him and I immediately follow with BB-8. She ends up hitting him and he falls back. "What's your hurry, thief?" She looks at him and I tilt my head to the side at him.

"What? Thief?" He breathes hard and looks up at her. BB-8 zaps him and I let out a snort almost. "Ow!" He yells and moves his leg up. "Hey! What?" He looks at her. "The Jacket." I finally get a good look at it. The resistance. "This droid says you stole it." She says and he gestured. "I've had a pretty messed up day alright? So I'd appreciate it if you'd stop accusing me of-..." BB-8 zaps him again and he jumps. "Ow! Stop it!" His voice booms and I cover my mouth.

"Where'd you get it? It belongs to his master." He takes a breath and puts his head back, returning his gaze to her. "It belonged to Poe Dameron. That was his name, right?" He looks to BB-8 and then me. "He was captured by the First Order." How? I was just there. This was possibly after me. "I helped him escape, but our ship crashed." He takes a pause and looks to BB-8 again and takes hard breaths. "He didn't make it." BB-8 lets out a noise and looks down. I place my hand on the top and run my thumb against it. "I tried to help him. I'm sorry." BB-8 rolls away and I look between them two. "So you're with the Resistance?" She speaks and I stand up straight.

He pauses and looks up to her. "Obviously." He gets up quickly and fixes the jacket. I raise a brow as he looks at me then her. "Yes. I am. I'm with the Resistance, yeah." He whispers. "I am with the Resistance." I look to him and tilt my head. "You don't look like you're from the resistance." I speak and then she does with a small smile. "I've never met a Resistance Fighter before.." He looks between us. "Well this is what we look like. Some of us. Others look different." He looks between us two and than she looks back to me. "BB-8 says he's on a secret mission. He has to get back to your base." He looks towards where BB-8 left. "Apparently, he has a map that leads to Luke Skywalker. And everyone is after it."

I part my lips. Kylo said he was dead. I knew he was lying.. "Luke Skywalker?" She whispers. "I thought he was a myth." Well he isn't..

BB-8 chirps quickly. "What?" We quickly move to look out of the tent we are in and look to find stormtroopers. "Shit.." I tap the guys shoulder quickly and he grabs her hand. "We gotta go." We all start sprinting away as they start shooting. They are running behind me but quickly pick up as soon as they let go of each other. "BB-8 Keep up with us!" We keep running while being shot at with blasters.

"This way." She speaks and goes into the tent. "They are shooting at all of us." The guy speaks. "Yeah. They saw you with me. You're marked." Sure yes. Because of him. "Well thanks for that." She speaks and he speaks while fumbling with things. "Hey! I'm not the one who chased you down with a stick." I take heavy breaths and look between them both. "This isn't helping anything." I speak and then there's noises outside. He runs over to us and shushes us. He grabs both of us and runs out of the tent. "Stop taking my hand!" She says and as we are running we are hit with a big boom.

We all are pushed back and I spit out sand that happened to come in my mouth. I breathe heavily and stagger to get up. "Follow me" she speaks and I look to them. "I have a ship." I say and they run with me. "You're a pilot?!" The guy says and I continue to run. "Not exactly!" We start heading towards my ship and then right when we do they explode it. "Okay so another plan!" We stagger back and he points to the other. "What about that one!?" He asks. And she speaks. "That garbage!?" We start running for it. "It will do!" I yell and we start running to it.

We get on and I quickly take a seat in the co-pilot chair, her in the other. "Hang on!" She says and I grab the steering. "Pull up!" I say and she does as well as me. As we try and start flying he speaks. "Keep it low! It confuses their tracking!" We listen and try and dodge things. They end up hitting us and she yells. "Try shooting at them!" He shoots down one and she speaks. "Nice shot!"

I press a few things and grab the steer again. We dodge through wreckage and continue to go. "Wait wait! What are you doing!?" She's headed straight towards wreckage and then pulls up. "Get ready!" We head into a broken ship. We are dodging things and she pulls out of there. We set it into free fall and he shoots it down. "Wooh!" He yells and I take harsh breaths as we set it foreword.

We fly out of the atmosphere and I wipe the sweat from my forehead as we rush to meet up. "Night shooting." "Nice flying." They day to each other and I look at them. "Thanks." I shake my head. "Don't worry about me. Totally didn't help." I shrug and they keep speaking to each other.

BB-8 starts chirping and she leans down to speak to him. "You're okay. He's with the Resistance." I look to him and he looks to me. I cross my arms and BB-8 looks to him. "He's okay. He's going to get you home. We both will." I look to her and let out a breath. "We all will."

She stands and looks to both of us. "I don't know your names." He looks to me and then her. "Finn. What's yours?" She smiles slightly. "I'm Rey." She looks to me. "Karva." I nod once and Finn steps to her as a pipe bursts. "Help me with this! Quick!" We run over and pull up the heavy grate. I can't use the force.

We move it as she works on it.


As Rey works on the pipe, I take a seat and place my arms on the back, Finn is helping her. I feel something in the pit of my stomach and sit up. It's like anger almost and exhaustion. "We've gotta get out of this system!" Finn speaks lowly to BB-8 and I clasp my hands together. "Where are the coordinates we are going to?" Rey looks to them. "Go on BB-8 tell her." BB-8 looks between the two multiple times. He then chirps. "The Ileenium system?"

I stand up and place my hands on my hips. "I'll drop you both off in the Ponemah Terminal." I look at her and make a face. She just said we were all going to go. "What about you?" I speak and she looks to me. "I gotta get back to Jakku." Finn yells. "Back to Jak-... Why does everyone wanna go back to Jakku?" He says and hands her bonding tape. "That's not the one. No. No. No. if we don't do this the propulsion tank will overflow and create toxic gases!" I grab it and hand it to her as he looked through several things.

She goes back down. "Rey. You're a pilot. Why would you go back? You got a boyfriend? A Cute Boyfriend?" I shake my head and roll my eyes as she pops up. "None of your business that's why."

The power stops and turns to a red color. I quickly look around. "That can't be good." I quickly run to the front and start looking. "Someone has latched onto us and overridden our power." Finn climbs up and looks out of the window. "Oh no.."

He sits down. "It's the first order." He says. "You said there was poisonous gas." Rey speaks. "I fixed it." He gestures quickly. "Can you unfix it!?" We all quickly run and grab masks, putting them on. We jump down and pull the grate over.

"Do you think this will work on stormtroopers!?" I speak and reach my hand under my coat that's around my waist to the back, gripping my hilt, looking to the grate.

"Yeah. Their masks filter out smoke, not toxins." He leans to Rey as they try and fix it. Finn lifts the grate and looks above. He quickly dips down and we wait, hearing the steps and slight talking. I grip it tightly and take breaths.

Rey drops something and then the grate opens to reveal a man and a Wookiee. I move my hand and hold my hands up.

"Where are the others? Where's the pilot?" Rey speaks up. "I'm the pilot." He makes a face as he has the blaster faced at us. "You?"

We take the masks off and look to them as the Wookiee growls. "No, it's true. We're the only ones on board."

"You can understand that thing?" Finn speaks and the man speaks. "And 'that thing' can understand you too, so watch it. Come on out of there." We climb out and look to them. They speak and I look to them.

"Who stole it from me!" I look at them and part my lips. "Well, you tell him the Han Solo just stole back the Millennium Falcon for good." Han Solo.. Ben's father. Rey speaks. "You're Han Solo?"

He speaks. "I used to be." He steps off and Finn speaks. "The Rebellion general?" She looks back to him. "No. The smuggler." The Wookiee shrugs with a growl. I look to him and take breaths. My heart almost out of my chest.

"This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in 14 parsecs?" He yells back. "Twelve!" The corner of my lip raises with a slight smile. We start walking after him. "We need your help." Rey speaks and he responds. "My help?" I speak up. "This droid has to get to the Resistance base as soon as possible." He looks to me. Finn speaks as he starts walking again. "He's carrying a map to Luke Skywalker." Han Solo stops and I watch him.

"You are the Han Solo that fought with the Rebellion." Finn speaks again and he turns to us. "You knew him." He says and Han speaks back. "Yeah I knew him.. I knew Luke.." We hear thuds. "Oh don't tell me a Rathnar got loose.."

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