Don't Let Me...

Par double-xo

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One boy with a troubled past not knowing who he is anymore, lost and broken. Another boy not caring and compl... Plus

Don't Let Me...
Chapter 1 - Party
Chapter 2 - Temptation
Chapter 3 - Coping
Chapter 4 - Carter
Chapter 5 - Fangirling
Chapter 6 - Different
Chapter 7 - What If...
Chapter 8 - Memories
Chapter 9 - Letting Go
New Book

Chapter 10 - Gym, Sex, Ambulance

136 14 3
Par double-xo

Dedicated to my friends @Dem4Guys you guys are my bitches v.v
since its a joint account ill say thank to all of you individually:

Axel- Thank you

Keegan- THank you

Jesse- THAnk you

Hunter- THANk you

xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD

Hey Guys Happy thanksgiving hope you all had a great thanksgiving. Was going to upload this yesterday but decided not to lmao.

Im putting this out there just cause someone had asked me if i write the the heated scense or the ones that come really close to sex i do not write those v.v

My friend writes it for me that little freak lmao but yea whatever shes read those types of books and so she writes them for me I just fix them and add shit or take away some lmao.

*********Warning RANT and SEX:  there is sorta sex scene not really actually like barely but i still dont want people telling me shit like its to dirty or whatever if it is dont fucking read it damn. Plenty of other books for you to read you dont need to take the damn time to tell me its to fucking dirty like what the actual fuck -.- whatever if its to dirty for you you can skip those parts or just not read i frankly dont give a shit.********Rant over ttyl babes

Chapter 10

7 Years Ago

“Get in,” James simply said not even bothering to help. I rolled my eyes and dragged Austin into the car opening the back door and getting in with him. I sat with him in the back to make sure he didn’t stop breathing or anything and then looked up at James and nodded for him to go.

“Damn Ace the fuck did he take and what did you two get yourselves into?” he said as he started driving

“He doesn’t know what he took. Just that it was a pink pill that Aiden gave him,” I said monotone looking out the window

“Then how am I supposed to know what to do,” he said and shrugged

“Well you’ve consumed more drugs than anyone I know so just figure something out,”

“I don’t know what he took but I’ll help okay,” he said and looked at the mirror catching my eyes with his the gray of his eyes trying to look for some forgiveness in mine like he’s been trying to do for a long time now but he can fuck off for all I care. I looked out the window again and looked up at the dark grey sky and sighed thinking about how many things can go wrong.

“So how have you ummm… been Ace?” James asked drumming his fingers on the wheel looking at me through the mirror

“Just peachy,” I said rolling my eyes

“Oh ok,” he stated and the silence crept in again, “How’s your mom?” he quickly brought up

“Haven’t seen her in almost five years, though she’s probably better without us anyways,”

“Why what happened?” I gripped onto the seat annoyed as fuck since this is the fourth time I have to go over the same story with him.

“Oh Im sorry that’s right I forgot that you were getting high when I was busy going to jail doing your job as the protecting father,” I said gritting my teeth

“What do you mean, what did you do Ace?”

“Nothing much really just beat up moms boyfriend and maybe almost killed him, sadly I couldn’t because mum pulled me off. Why was she protecting him? Who the fuck knows?!” I exclaimed annoyed

“How long were you in?”

“Just a few months since Im a minor, It was defense and he used to hit mum and on top of all that Austin’s dad pulled a few strings, the dick didn’t get a life sentence though just around 15 years hope he just dies in there, he should have gotten life for what he did,” I said darkly

“What did he do Ace?”

“Well that’s none of your damn business maybe if you would have been there like you should have been none of it would have happened,” I shouted and James looked away making me feel guilty for a second…just a second though.

“I know Ace and Im so sorry, I’ve tried making it up to you,” he said sadly and I looked away

“Whatever your to late now anyways your found your family with the drug lords,” he shook his head and sighed sadly.

“I’m so sorry son, I—”

“Don’t call me that,” I snapped

“That’s who you are though, I wish I could have done better by you and your sister and—”

“Yea you should have, but your to late now, so just drop it,” I sighed and he gripped the steering wheel harder, obviously he didn’t like taking orders from his son. I shrugged and continued

“How’s he doing?” he mumbled

“What father?” I said rolling my eyes

How is Austin?” Shit I forgot about him. I reached out to make sure he was still breathing and luckily he was

“His breathing is like really slow, how much longer?”

“For him or until we get there?”

“Both,” I stated quickly

“He has a few hours and we’ll be there in a few minutes so he’s gonna be fine son,”


“what no thank you?”

“How rude of me thank you for leaving, you made our lives a living hell,” I harshly said and he flinched.

“I’m sor—”

“Don’t say sorry for shit but I might be able to tolerate you better if you help him,”

“You want to see how fast I just dump you both on the side of the road. Don’t fucking test me Ace I’ve tried with you all damn day,”

“It’s not like leaving me will be something new so go ahead and do it,” I said back and he shut his eyes tightly holding the wheel but continued driving at least this time in silence.

Present Time

-Ace’s P.O.V.-

“Ace Im going to the gym,” Austin called out to me from the living room.

“No your not sit your ass back down,” I groaned calling back

“But Im fine it’s already been a week,” he argued coming into the room with his bag slung over his shoulder. I shook my head knowing he wasn’t going to listen and he smiled casually flipping me off muttering that he was still going. I decided to not argue.

“Fine just make sure you call and shit if something happens and if you get in pain stop working out don’t over due it because I will not be taking you to a hospital,” he grinned and waved bye going outside. I continued flipping through the channels as Brooke and Taylor walked in.

“You know he shouldn’t have gone, why’d you let him?” Taylor asked sitting next to me as Brooke took her seat on my lap

“There is no point in arguing with him he’s stubborn as fuck,” I said reaching for the bottle I had next to me. I took a sip and offered some to Brooke who did the same and Taylor followed.

“You know I was thinking if Austin’s girlfriend is online how does he know she’s not lying about anything?” Brooke questioned shrugging her shoulders.

“He says he trusts her so whatever, it’s fine though I’m ready to pick up the pieces when this ends, it’s online how long can this possibly go on?” I pointed out and the girls nodded in agreement

“Ace give him some credit, he’s been doing so good this past well. She’s really good for him, he’s happy, he isn’t stoned everyday, and she’s just really good for him,” Taylor replied and I shrugged

“It doesn’t matter this summer fling will come to an end and hell be depressed this girl or whatever will go back to her life and Austin Is going to spiral down. Im just preparing myself for that okay, We all remember to well what happened last time, he almost died because of her,” I said harshly referring to his last girlfriend.

“Can we not talk about her,” Taylor said quietly. I nodded giving her a small smile and wrapped my arm around her. She snuggled into me and Brooke laid her head on my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair. Now yes most people think im just a total badass, who’s usually drunk or stoned and heartless but those people don’t know me. The world just assumes it knows you. It takes one look at you, labels you and that’s it, but lucky for me I don’t give a fuck about what the world thinks just because Im labeled as an ass doesn’t mean I am. We can all be whoever we want to be. If you want to me a dick, a sweetheart, a goody goody, a loner, a stoner, a jock, a slut whatever who the hell cares we can all be who we want to be, its your fucking choice to pick who you want to be and you can definitely be more than one thing there’s such a thing as multi labels he worlds just to slow and can only comprehend one label at a time.

“Ace how long until all this blows over with Austin?”  Taylor questioned holding onto my shirt and I felt her cheeks wet probably from mentioning Austin’s last girlfriend.

“I honestly don’t know Taylor maybe just until school start, she wont have time for him then so we have about three weeks with fun cheerful Austin,” I stated looking at her.

She nodded and gave me a small smile placing a small kiss on my lips. I smiled into the familiarity of her lips and ran my hands along Brooke’s waist who was placing small kisses along my neck. And she pulled off my shirt and continued kissing as I nipped along Taylor’s neck and pulled both their shirts off and moved closer to the middle so they were both on different sides of me and me in the middle. They kissed up my chest and when they’re lips met they started kissing and I ran my hand up their back unclasping both their bras and started with Taylor first kissing along her body as I felt Brooke tugging at my pants pulling them down.  I faintly heard a buzz in the background and groaned slightly at the interruption, like which guy want to b interrupted in a moment like this? Taylor nodded toward the phone telling me to get it and I reached over seeing it was Ryan.

“hello,” I said gritting my teeth as Brooke wrapped her cold hand around me and Taylor started nipping at my neck

“Hey Ace it’s Austin,”

“Ok so what do you want?” I said annoyed and kind of harshly causing Brooke to tighten her grip making it a little painful as her nails dug into me. “One sec,” I said breathing hard I didn’t have a chance to hear what he said because Brooke kept putting pressure and Taylor was licking and a nipping at my chest

“Be nice to him babe or we won’t be nice either right Taylor?” Brooke said smiling innocently looking up at me through her eyelashes and Taylor nodded leaning down to kiss Brooke

“Ok I’ll be nicer just a little less painful,” I said breathing hard and Brooke nodded releasing her death grip and I sighed relieved.

“Okay yea what’s wrong?” I asked Austin as the girls continued with me.

“Nothing’s wrong—” he started

“Then why the fuck are you calling me?” I groaned forgetting about the girls and Brooke who was running her tongue along me bit down hard making me squeeze Taylor’s waist extremely hard making her jump a little. I whispered a quick sorry to her and glared at Brooke who just shrugged and told me to be nice.

“I was getting to that I left my phone there with you so call me here if anything ok?” he said and I can hear the faint sound of punching bags and the instructor screaming and worried he might be taking it to far going to the boxing side of the gym but as Brooke’s hand wrapped around me going up and down I quickly forgot, I replied with an okay and put the phone down continuing with the girls. It was literally like a minute before a buzz went off again.

“What the fuck?” I complained and the girls sighed Brooke ran her fingers through her hair and I knew this was over.

“Maybe another time Ace,” Taylor said and pulled her shirt on as Brooke did the same they gave me a quick kiss and I pulled up my pants getting the phone finding out it wasn’t my phone that went off but Austin’s. I picked it up logging in and his kik opened up to his chat with his girlfriend. I could see Austin had left a message for her earlier before he left to gym and now she responded.

Hey I’m James, Kaylee’s friend, she’s like high right now with Alex so yea lmao and she looks sexy as fuck tbh  I looked at the time and down at the phone and decided to reply

Hey what’s up Im Austin and yea I bet she always does

Yea that’s true but like lets b honest something about a girl high that’s sexy asf I laughed and agreed maybe its just how careless and free they look they just look happy and fun and shit

Yea here ill send a pic

Okay cool I wonder what Austin would say to this I started coming up with different things he would say but then I received the picture and my mind just stopped…shit

Doesnt she look hot as fuck?

Hell yes I stared back up to the pic where it was two girls high about to kiss. Yes I was just doing this with the girls but damn how did Austin even get a girl like this over the damn internet when she can whoever the fuck she wants?

Dude like they look sexy as fuck

yea Id definitely fuck Kay I hit send without realizing and figured there must be a way to delete this so I shrugged atleast I was being honest

saammee, anywyas though gtg have fun with the girls ttyl Now that got me thinking. Girls when high dont really know or care they're to busy teasing and looking hot but woul James try to fuck her?

Whatever not my problem. I got up and went to the kitchen where the girls were making food as they passed the bottle between them. They looked like professional drinkers and chefs. As I sat down Taylor lightly passed the bottle over to Brooke and I snatched it taking a sip and handing it back to her.

"Ace! we were playing a fucking game," Brooke yelled walking over to me pissed off. I laughed and realized I was stupid for not noticing them play Count Drink.

"What number were you guys up to?" I said laughing

"37," she said rolling her eyes going back to the food. I laughed louder realizing she was trying to beat the socre Austin and I had set at 69 yes we stopped there on purpose but I was also feeling like I was about to pass out now AUstin on the other hand drinks alchohol like a fish probably because he drinks it more than water.

"Whatever fuck you Ace," she said and flipped me off going to help Taylor

"I'd much rather fuck you," I replied smirking

"Well to bad it sucks to suck,"

"Wouldnt suck if you'd suck me," I replied shrugging walking to her. I could see she was holding back a laugh instead she just pushed me away and I kept my smirk on walking back to her and Taylor placing a arm around their shoulders

"Ace stop," Brooke said softly as I kissed down her neck but she tilted her head subconciously and gave up just leaning into me letting me have her. I ran my hand up and down her body as i pulled Taylor closer kissing her and bit her lip as she ran her hand down my chest.

"Ace off my girlfriend," Brian said stumbling in. Taylor pulled back and I could see brooke trying to hid the amusement in her eyes.

"Well you see Brian if your not going to fuck her or hell act like a boyfriend then I rather just fuck your girlfriend," I said putting airquotes as i said girlfriend.

Brian looked up at me furiously and Taylor quickly went to him as Brooke bit her lip to stop her from laughing I was holding my laughter back as well though.

"Don't touch her Ace," he said gritting his teeth

"Okay I'll stop once you start and you can't do that till you get your ass sober," I said smirking and Brian got up again but he was so drunk Taylor pushed him back down and told me softly to go.

"Brooke you coming or staying?" I asked

"Ill stay we'll pick this up later though Ace"

"I promise babe," I told her and walked out deciding to go pick up Austin instead of having Ryan come drop him off.

I drove fairly quickly to the gym and when i pulled in the ambulance, paramedics were there. Shit what happened to Austin? If he seriously thought i was serious when I said I wouldnt take him to the hospital hes insane btu crap what did he do. I quickly pulled in and parked the car running quickly to the ambulance where I was stopped by one of the medics.

"Excuse me you can't go through we're heading off already anywyas you can meet us in the hospital," he said monotoned as if he was bored

I glared up at him and he seemed taken aback but when I tried to move forward he put his hands on my chest pushing me back, "Dont fucking touch me someones allowed to ride in there with him im his best friend,"

"Someone is already going in with him," he stated as he lowered his hands I rushed past him but a different one pulled me back along with the first one  not even letting me see. I cant belive fucking Brian is the one riding in with him I rolled my eyes and made my way back to the car with tons of questions floating through my head.

I know its been a while but I hope you liked it :D

Song: Talk dirty to Me by Jason Derulo

THanks btw for 7K reads you guys are awesome!!

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