Memories for a Lifetime

By Jemmaleena

26 1 0

Annie Stuart will tell you that her friends were her family. And she was correct. After her parents perished... More

Chapter One

Chapter Two

7 0 0
By Jemmaleena

Chapter Two

I stepped out of the office and into the sunshine, a huge smile on my face. I felt like stretching my arms out and spinning around in my boot heels but, mainly for my steely image, I decided against it.

I'd probably end up ass over tit anyway. I pulled my shades down and began the walk to The Garden. It was in Shoreditch where my flat was and the walk only took twenty minutes which in this heat was more than worth it.

I was originally from Manchester, which is in the northern side of England but I hadn't lived there for almost five years. If I wanted to do my job and do it well, I had to live in London, it was as simple as.

On the occasional weekend I would go up to watch Manchester United as I did like my football but I hadn't been since... well since Luke left. We used to drive up together so it didn't really feel right going without him. Huh, maybe we could start going up again now that he was back? Even bring dumb and dumber?

I pulled my phone out, I best send a text to Thomas and a few of the others to say that if they needed anything, to contact the main office because I was going off the radar this weekend. They'll probably-

"Woah!" My feet slipped from under me and I squeezed my eyes shut expecting to hit the pavement but when I didn't feel the impact, I quickly realised I had been steadied on my feet.

They're chuckling vibrated me as they kept hold. I guessed a man because they had strong arms but... I could be wrong. I flicked open one eye to see my saviour and then both once I noticed who it was. "Luke!" I yelled as I threw both arms around him. "Oh my God!"

He carried on laughing as he hugged me back, his arms felt so strong! He put me back down on my feet but I didn't want to stop rubbing his arms – so I didn't. He had been seriously working out!

"It is starting to get a little creepy now." He told me with a huge smile.

I took my sunglasses away from eyes to get a real look at him. His blonde hair was still short on top of his head and he had a bit more of a stubble but it suited him. His green eyes were as bright as ever and really shone under his tan and white button down shirt which was rolled up to the elbows.

I rubbed my hand down his chest. "Wow Luke, you've really buffed up!" I laughed. He was rock hard under there!

His legs were wrapped in blue denim and he had brown boots on his feet. He looked smoking. Damn, this was going to be harder than I thought. "Thanks, I guess." He muttered while scratching the back his neck, looking a little uncomfortable.

I scoffed and hit his chest with the back of my hand – he had done way worse in front of me to be embarrassed! "What are you doing here?"

He looked a little put out, "Am I not allowed to meet my best friend after she skips out of work on a Friday early?" He questioned with a smirk.

"Hey! Have you seen this weather? I'm not being stuck up there while people down here are enjoying themselves!" I defended. "You also didn't answer my question."

He shrugged. "I wanted to see you – genuinely. I've missed you and we have loads to catch up on."

"Fair enough, how did you know I was finishing early then?" That was a little spooky. He hadn't just been waiting out here for hours has he?

"I rang your assistant and she told me."

"I either need to change her number or sack her." I joked as we crossed the road. Why wouldn't she tell me that Luke was waiting when I walked past her desk? Damn her! "Are you not boiling hot in those clothes?"

"Eh, not too much. I can tell you made the most of the sun though." He replied, an eyebrow raised as his eyes raked over me. Woah, my stomach exploded just at the attention. I really did love him, didn't I? Was there any denying it really?

"I did wear a blazer but I left it in my office." I countered.

"You were talking about how much I've changed but just looking at you - you look happier than I've seen you in ages." He had pride in his eyes as he walked by me and my chest swelled. I flicked my shades back over my eyes and carried on smiling.

"It's called being single."

He stood still in the middle of the street and turned to me, a few disgruntled citizens pushing past in a huff. "Wait, you're telling me that you have stayed single for more than a couple of weeks? You?" He asked, the shock clear in his voice.

I narrowed my eyes – not that he could see and pursed my lips. "Not funny. Between Mitch and Sean there was six weeks."

His eyes widened in fake shock. "Wow, record."

"You really aren't funny. You've had a fair few in your past."

"Chill Annie, I'm messing around. We all already know you need attention or you'll pass out." I scowled as he laughed but I knew it was just banter. "So how come anyway?"

You. And it was too late by the time I'd realised.

"No reason, I just haven't been looking. Without you as a distraction I've actually been doing my job and been too busy." Yes, not thrown yourself into your job to help with the pain, no – not at all.

I was seriously pathetic.

I'd seen Luke bare naked, I'd kissed him for dares when we were kids, I'd climbed trees with him and we'd both cried on each other's shoulders when we were upset and yet all through those years I never saw it. He was just Luke – my best friend. Why fucking now?

He had the cutest scar across the bridge of his nose after he got into a fight with the aforementioned Mitch who had cheated on me – Luke found out before me. He beat the living daylights out of him, and it was probably at that point that I started to see Luke in a different light – he had never done something like that before.

I was absolutely devastated when I'd found out.

Sean was more of a rebound, and I ended things because my feelings for Luke were starting to get out of control and I knew it wasn't fair.

"I'm offended!" He cried, hand covering his mouth in fake-shock. "Anyway, where are we off to now?"

"Well, I finished early to go and meet Zoe at The Garden but we can go wherever, if you want? We do need a catch up and I'll be seeing Zoe tomorrow anyway." I replied easily, although I kept an eye on him to make sure he didn't see it as desperate.

He stepped off the pavement and pulled me with him. With barely a glance at the road, he pulled us across. I squeezed my eyes shut as I ran with him, hoping I didn't feel the weight of a car suddenly smack into me.

"You can open your eyes, you know?" He chuckled as I felt the step up of the curb, confirming I was to live for at least another day – or, in the case of being with Luke - for the next couple of minutes.

"Why would you do that?" I yelled furious. "There is a zebra crossing like a hundred metres away!" I glanced around at all the people, aware of the glares.

"What! I've always said-"

"That the way you would die would be by being hit by a car. Yes I know. I still don't want to be the one in the casket next to you, though." I finished.

He was still chuckling, "I forgot how much you know me."

"Well don't." I warned. "I have secrets that will make anyone scared to go near you." I laughed.


"I have boobs." I countered, with a loving smile sent down to them.

He barked out a laugh and pulled me to his side. His smell just fell over my face in torturous heaven. "You're so funny Annie." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and looked up towards him, an easy smile on my face. "I've missed this."


My phone buzzed in my hand. I pursed my lips and had to resist not answering it. I couldn't help it though, it could be work and I had no backbone, and I checked the message. Sean. What the fuck?

SEAN: Fancy meeting up tonight? Xx

I glared at the home screen and locked it again. I wasn't even going to dignify that with an answer. I hadn't seen the bloke in weeks! What made him think I was just going to open myself up to him?

Eurgh, men.

I mean, although we weren't dating, I did have an itch to scratch and so did he. Occasionally we'd hook up and leave as 'friends' but they weren't that often. Hell, it must have been about a month since I last saw him. Probably a record since I lost my bloody virginity.

I sighed, I shouldn't be mad, he didn't know Luke was back in town. He'd probably be pissed if he found out to be honest. He knew I split up with him because my feelings were elsewhere and he'd kind of put two and two together about Luke and I couldn't force myself to deny it. I was upset and drunk, who liked splitting up with people? Besides, drunk Annie has less of a filter so I can talk myself away from the situation whereas sober Annie would sit and make things more awkward.

"Whose more important than me?"

"Everyone?" I cheekily replied.

"Classic Annie. Avoiding the question." He retorted. "Anyway, I'm taking you to a pub closer than Shoreditch."

I smiled at it just being the two of us spending time together and I let him lead the way. I was kind of glad he didn't bring up the text again too. It felt different now, our dynamic, and I didn't want to bring up Sean in case he encouraged me to go and get my itch scratched.

Him sending me on my merry way to Sean would just confirm he didn't have feelings for me and I really couldn't handle that. I'd rather be left in the limbo I'm in because at least I can dream.

Don't get me wrong, I felt bad about ditching Zoe.. in fact, I felt awful, she was my best friend and she meant more to me than anything but she knew what Luke meant to me. I'll send her a text and get her to meet us later, or I'll have one or two and then tell her to grab the underground.

My phone started to buzz again, I growled under my breath. Thomas.

"Just wait there Luke, I really need to answer this." I told him as I stood to a stand still for a second in the nook of a doorway.

"Thomas?" I answered. "What is the matter?"

"My girlfriend found out about Kent!" He yelled. "I thought it was going to be a secret?"

I scowled. "Thomas, you're the most famous face on this bloody planet. If I didn't tell someone, someone else did. You're lucky Disney aren't the ones who know. You've been dating your girlfriend for about 6 months, you'll be fine." I dismissed with a wave of my hand.

"Open whatever news app you use." He said. "It isn't just my girlfriend."

I gulped, I didn't want to read whatever I was going to see and I just knew that whatever Luke had planned was going to be cut short. "Okay, give me a second." I opened Twitter because that would be quicker than sifting through the news and noticed he was the number one trending topic in the UK.


"Exactly!" He shouted. "I can't lose the exposure from being sacked Annie!"

"Look, they're only reporting on you being spotted with another girl Thomas, they haven't realised about the other half of last night and as long as that stays quiet you'll be fine. Just keep indoors and stay off social media. Contact your girlfriend and beg her not to say anything and if she does, contact your lawyer." I advised. "If you see anything else just ring me – but if you do it better be important."

"But the girlfriend is the more frightening part! Her dad has shares in Disney!"

"Look, if he hasn't got the surname Disney, I don't care. I know how powerful he is, I've met him before with some of my other clients. I'll speak with him."

"Thanks Annie."

"Speak to you later Thomas."

"What was that?"

I gave Luke a sheepish grin, "Just a client, they're a pain in the arse." I waved away with a gesture of my hand. "I'll just need to make a few phone calls when we get to the pub that should only take a second."

"Look Annie, if you need to go back to the office I don't mind meeting you later." He said. "I don't want to get in the way, I know business hours are still working."

I started to shake my head before he had even finished talking. "No way, I've missed you. The phone calls will literally not take that long I promise."

He gave me a wary look before nodding. "Okay, but I know how hard you have worked for this career and I am so proud of you so I honestly wouldn't mind. I'm back for a bit so I won't be offended if you need to go back."

Is he trying to get rid of me? His words feel like he wants to get rid of me. I know I should go back to the office but I have a social life as well and this is the first time in so long that I get to hang out with Luke and this is just me and Luke time, I don't know how common or rare that will be while...

"Wait a minute, did you just say that you are only back for a while? Are you not staying?" I questioned. I thought he was moving back... that was the impression I got from his texts and phone calls.

"Well... I'm not fully decided yet. Thing is..." He trailed off.

My furrowed my brow. "The thing is..." If he says girlfriend or fiance or any other shit like that I'm gonna break. Like I'll actually collapse in the middle of the street. Oh fuck, my heart beat was going so fast I could barely keep my shallow breaths hidden.

"Well... I got offered a job in the States and I'm undecided on whether to take it or not." He admitted. His eyes darted slightly to the left and a stone dropped in my gut. Is he lying to me? Is he telling me the whole story? Should I go back to the office? Forget I never saw him and go back into my own Annie land which is much safer and every ending is much better than the current one I am facing.

"Oooh, which city?" I tried my best to sound happy but even he wasn't convinced. Damn him for knowing me too well!

He ignored me anyway. "Austin, they want me to help start up this gaming company." By this point we had started to walk again. I had no idea where he was taking me but I hoped it was somewhere new. Once I found the bars around Shoreditch, I didn't tend to drift further out. I didn't see the point.

"Gaming? Isn't that like online? Can't you just Skype them?" I asked. "I'm always video chatting with our New York office. I only go over about once every two months."

"Not quite the same sorry. Anyway, I've not fully decided yet. Are you going back to the office or not?"

I shook my head. "No. The weather is too nice. I'll make the two phone calls I need and then I am all yours. If he wants anything else he can call the main office and someone there can help him. I swear Yasmine owes me a favour."

"Only if you are sure, I don't want you getting into trouble."

I laughed. "Don't worry about that, with my clients I am basically unsackable."

I love this story so much! Annie is so much fun to write!  I am also sorry I totally suck at uploading but I've not really had the writing bug in years now so I don't blame you if you guys give up on this . Thank you if you actually read this though, it does mean a great deal.

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