She Was Always There (Eremika...

By OneRealPerson

61.8K 1.3K 562

Taking place after finally seeing the ocean, Eren and Mikasa start to become more of aware of each other. The... More

Chapter 1- The Ocean
Chapter 2- If We Go Beyond The Sea
Chapter 3- Visions
Chapter 4- Memories
Chapter 5-Relations
Chapter 6-High Up
Chapter 8- Run
Chapter 9- Peaceful or So I Thought
Chapter 10- Infected
Just The Beginning
So Much To Say
The One I Do Not Know
Those Grey Eyes
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7- Flowers and Rain

3.7K 82 14
By OneRealPerson

Eren POV
Standing here, being consumed by the pools that are her eyes, I can tell. There's much to be said that we both feel is not easy to express in words.

So much to say.

"There's something I..." we both say in Unison.
I stop.
She gestures for me to speak first.

The lump in my throat grows, causing me to stumble on my words a little bit. My hands sweating a little bit. I let go of hers, not wanting her to feel the sweat that my body is giving off. Clearing my throat I begin, looking down.

"Mikasa, I'm." I say, stopping the trail of words.
In a fast and gentle manner, I put my arms around her. Tight, I hold her. She hugs me back.

I bury my face into her head. She smells good. I don't know how to describe it.

It's like vanilla but lavender at the same time. I feel myself start to get a little emotional.

I owe her so much because she's done the best she could for me and I haven't returned anything back. I've been terrible to her for so long.

I hold the back of her head and feel her cling tighter, holding on for dear life.

Mikasa POV
I cling on to him tighter. My hands on his muscular back. I feel the toning through his shirt.
I run my hand up to his head and put my hand through his chocolate colored hair. Soft.
He squeezes tighter. I've never seen this side of him. Didn't even know this side existed.
I thought he'd be a cold hearted little boy forever. It seems he's really grown up.
A lot more than he gives himself credit for.

Loosening my grip a little. Breathing in his scent one more time. I let go, facing him, staring into his big grassy eyes that consume every inch of me and give a warm smile. I turn my body back to what I was doing then I continue packing.

We have to get going.

"Come, we gotta head out if you want to make it back to HQ by night fall."
I say, he nods.

He begins helping me, packing up his stuff.
I restrain the last of the supplies and use my ODM gear to gracefully set my feet to the grass.
Gearing up my horse, I look up to match the sound of the ODM to the figure of Eren gently falling to his feet.

He walks to his horse and does as I am.
Re checking everything over I feel myself satisfied. I put my foot through the hoop of the saddle and climb on my horse.
Eren doing the same.
We ride.

While riding we came across lakes with different kinds of beautiful fish that have shimmering scales, grassy land the extended miles over, forests with oranges and red leaves.

We began to head back in the direction of HQ with the map that we were given by Levi.

On the way we came across a valley with so many flowers you could never pick them all. So many colors.
A meadow.
I lean my horse in the direction of it and Eren notices my difference in path.

"Mikasa where are you going?" He says eagerly.

"We have to look at this," I say back with some excitement.

He follows as our horses run down the hill of the valley and Stop in the middle of, surrounded by colors.

I get off my horse and walk slowly, arms down feeling every flower I walk passed. I've never seen something so bright through all the darkness that the passed 6 years have been.

This is just something I have to see. I stop at a violet flower. It looks familiar. I've seen it before. I hold onto the stem and pick it up admiring the beauty. Eren's footsteps trail behind me. Turning to face him, i hold out the flower for him to see.
He gazes at it and then gazes at me.

Third POV
A while goes by and the colors go dull. The cloud turns from a vibrant blue to a cloudy gray washing over all the color. Droplets fall and Eren and Mikasa stand under a tree for cover.

Not wanting to get wet,
The two watch as the sky gets a little darker and the rain continues.

Everything is quiet. Both Mikasa and Eren sitting on the ground, Mikasa hugging her knees, Eren lounging with one knee up and the other leg straight out. Eren leans his head back and closes his eyes hoping to rest for just a few minutes.

Suddenly there's a loud howl.

*howling in the distance*

"Was that what I think it was?"
Eren asks Mikasa.

"We better get going, we can't wait for the rain to stop." She responds firmly.

Alarmed, the two look at each other wide eyed and stand up getting ready to go. They climb on their horses and trot out into the rain.

*howling closer*

Eren shouts to Mikasa, "should we be worried that they're going to attack if they find us?"

Mikasa says nothing. This answers Eren's question.
At this point the horses are running faster, cautious not to slip in the mud. The rain coming down faster and heavier.

Mikasa sees a house like structure in the distance.
She steers her horse in the direction of it.

"Come on, that's a supply house. We can't make it back to HQ in time. It's dangerous out here!" Mikasa says to Eren yelling over the loud water coming from the sky.

He just follows.
Quickly Mikasa's horse kicks open the door to the house and walks in on her horse. The door way is just big enough that it fit through no problem. This house is one of the many supply quarters that scouts used for their expeditions outside the walls when they needed a break.

Eren climbs off his horse and closes the big door behind them. Mikasa jumps off hers and uses the horse reins to lead the horses to the side of the room they're in so it can rest for a little.

Once done that, Mikasa and Eren find each other's eyes looking into the other's. Slightly flustered, Eren

"I'm going to go into the cellar and check out the supplies this place has." Mikasa nods and watches Eren go down the stairs.

Going down the steps with a lantern, Eren notices the smell gradually getting worse as he walks down one by one.
Finally he creeks the door open.
Walking in he looks around.

"Seems to be use...." Eren trips over something and stumbles.

"What the hell!" He says angrily to himself, shining the light towards where he tripped and freezes. Eyes wide, he stares at the eyes of the animal facing him.

A big animal corpse is there. Lying half eaten.


Chapter 7!!! I'm so sorry that it took me even longer to update this time. I had a hard time brainstorming and continuing with what I had started with. I hope you enjoyed! I don't plan for the next chapter to be updated as long as this one was.

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