Fate: Sakura Book Of Zero (Ad...

By Honored_Reader_13

38.2K 1.2K 705

Being put in a team with arrogant emo, classicist jinchuriki and lazy pervert, not to forget that they are ov... More

I'm Sorry


4.2K 159 126
By Honored_Reader_13

A/N I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE, I couldn't find the time to update and the Corona Virus is a pain in the ass, juts when u throught that I could finally have a break from the school, they came up with the Online Classes just WTF?!


🤣🤣🤣 LOL the comments from the last chapter! Bet a lot of you didn't expect Sakura to actually summon Kaguya did you?

Please comment on who you throught she would summon, I really want to know 😊.

Now to the story!

Sakura tightened her cloak around her and cursed under her breath about the harsh weather's of the Land of Iron.

For the three solid days she had been traveling nonstop from the borders of Grass through the Waterfall and had finally crossed the Iron borders.

Kaguya was besides her hidded in her Dimensional space she could use to not to overwhelm everyone with her solid pure Chakra, throught she wasn't that happy to do so, but she had no choice. Sakura had used one of the Command Seals when she almost revived the God's Tree, but thankfully Sakura stopped her and stopped the dossaster before it actually happened.

After Kaguya calmed down Sakura got to know with her and she was actually very nose person. She only held to much love for the land they lived on and it sometimes blinded her judgement, but they were slowly working on that.

Oyherwose everything was going smoothly, Kaguya actually acted like a mother hen when it came about Sakura, like a mother Sakura always had dreamed off, Kaguya was delighted about that and Sakura in return had even started to call her an endearment in form 'Mama Ya'.

Week after that she set to visit her uncle, Akinori Azai, older half-brother of Kizashi.

Akinori-oji-sama lived in a Iron Land. Well, to say that he lived there was an underestimated fact of a century.

Akinori-oji-sama ruled the Land Of Iron.

Sakura remembered one -and only- time Kizashi took her and Mebuki to visit him.

It was seven years ago and it was his 30th birthday celebration. Sakura spent about week there, at that time she didn't understood who he was to Kizashi and why everyone always whispered and looked at them strangely, but Sakura has alway been sharp minded person.

From the pieces of whispers and silent talks Sakura realised that he was Kizashi was the past Daimyo's illgimate son that decided that he wanted nothing to do with his family and then later had taken on the name of his wife. Haruno.

First time Sakura saw her Oji-sama she was awed.

He had a pale skin, cold ice blue eyes and lond pink hair. Like her own.

Akinori had the aura of knowledge and power around him, he held himself like a real leader and most importantly he didn't looked at Sakura like she was the disappointment, like she should have never been born and unlike her parents he didn't took her like some kind of a bargain object.

To be brought for the highest price and then used as a breeding machine.

No, he looked at her with a curiousness that he tried to hide behind his guarded eyes, like he was trying to solve the world's mistery, like he had never seen a child before.

When the party started had placed her in his lap and held her throught it as other Daimyos', nobles and their heirs gave him their respect.

For the whole seven days and night, she stayed there, he never let her down from his arms.

He choose the clothes she would wear and fed her himself, he read the books for her and often asked her opinion.

He approved her decision to become the Shinobi even throught she didn't tell him the real reason, but he didn't pried to it and didn't invaded her privacy.

Throught those days he taught her how to use the Katana blade, saying that if she ever decided to change her mind and quit being the ninja, she would always be welcome to his lands.

They never talked much, but words weren't needed. Their familial bond was strong anough for them to understand each other without talking.

Her parents weren't that pleased at the attention he was giving her, but they had no say to what he was doing, through they never visited him ever again and she suspected that they deliberately did it.

It didn't mattered anyways, on the seventh day, day they departed from the Land of Iron he had given her the silver pendant with Azai clan's crest that would give her any access she wanted within the Land of Irons and also give her free pass throught the other lands borders.

Sakura had never used it before, but was going to now.

She had finally reached the castle her Oji-sama lived in and took out the Azai Pendant that dangled from the silver chain. Making the tinkling sound.

(imagine that white line around the crest is silver and that it dangles from the silver chain)

She pulled her furred hood back and let her pink ankle length -thanks to Kaguya- hair to flutter with the wind and spoke as the guards recognised her from the seven years back.

"tell Oji-sama that Sakura came to see him"

It was short and didn't give any reasons to why she came, but they didn't pried.

She, after all, was in the possession of the Heir Seal, only second to the Daimyo and had the Azai Clans' symbolic hair color, they wouldn't dare to question her.

She was immediately led to the traditional room that overlooked the inner Palace garden where snow didn't reached and some of the maids took her cloak and gave her warm shawl blanket while others led her to the low table that was assorted with the numerous sweets, including the three colored dango and hot green tea.

Sakura sat with the perfect seiza and smiled behind the tea cup as she inhaled the fragrance, even after all those years they still remembered what she liked.

She didn't had to wait for too lond because just as she finished her cup of tea and da go's second stick guard outside the doors announced arrival of her Uncle.

Doors slided open and Sakura got up without hitch and bowed lowly.

"Sakura greets Uncle"

She said softly and heard Akinori to give a soft 'Hn' before the doors slammed shut again.

Sakura felt him to place a hand on her shoulder and looked up at him. As usual he was dressed in his official robes and had his emotionless expression, but she could trace softness in his eyes and small uplift on his lips.

He looked nothing near to his age.

They stared each other for a while before Akinori softly brought her in a hug and sighed.

"long time not see, Uncle missed you so much"

Sakura beamed brightly and hugged him tightly.

"Sakura missed the Oji-sama too!"

Akinori give a faint smile that looked absolutely breathtaking on his usually cold face and swept Sakura off from her feet, causing her to yelp and fluster.

"Oji-sama! I'm not six years old anymore!"

She almost whined childishly and it made her more embarrassed, much to her uncle's amusement.

Akinori smirked.


He said as he gracefully sat down to the table with Sakura on his lap.

Sakura huffed and puffed her pink cheeks out, but still leaned to her Uncle's touch as he wrapped the blanked tighter around her.

"where have you been?"

He asked silently as Sakura snuggled to his warmth.

"Kizashi and Mebuki always refused when I asked to be brought to the Oji-sama"

Sakura quietly and Akinori frowned. It deepened when he saw that the tea had become lukewarm.

"replace the tea"

He called out coldly to the maids outside. Like usual he never showed his warmth to anyone, but Sakura and it make her feel little special.

As the maid left the room Akinori started to brush his hand throught Sakura's long hair, raising an eyebrow at the length of it and asked.

"Kizashi? Mabuki?"

Sakura flinched. Of course he had catches on her lack of use for her parents honorifics.

She looked up to her Uncle. Dam finally broke as the years worth bottled up emotions finally burst to the surface, causing Akinori to widen his eyes a little in panic and anger.



Akinori was angry, no Akinori was furious.

He gritted his teeth as he hugged his dear niece possessively to him. Rubbing her back as her silent cry shook her in his hands.

Those ungrateful mongrels had tried to sell his niece, one that he treated as a daughter.

Just as he throught that Kizashi wouldn't fall lower than he was...

Akinori stopped his flow of thoughts in order to control his bloodlust, so that Sakura wouldn't feel it.

He scowled, Kizashi didn't deserve to call her his daughter.

Possessive side in him curled up in pleasure as he recalled Sakura's words.

"-I'm no longer Haruno... I disowned their name... I hold no ties with them other than the blood now... -"

It was not hidden fact that Akinori hated his half brother.

He hated him for how much he resembled their father, Reo.

He hated him for being the proof of the Reo's disloyal towards his mother.

He hated him for disgracing their grandfather's name.

He hated him for rejecting his own family.

He hated him for what he did to Sakura.

Akinori looked down at Sakura and saw that she had fallen asleep. Dried tear paths visible on her flushed face and she was frowning in her sleep.

His face softened and he carresed spot between her eyebrows and smiling when Sakura stopped frowning and snuggled deeper to him, while sighing happily.

Her face much relaxed than before.

Akinori shifted Sakura in his arms so she was comfortable and gracefully stood up without moving her.

Walking out of the room he didn't even acknowledged the servants that stood outside the room with the tea tray. She hadn't dared to disturb them when she heard their princess to cry. Tea gone cold.

Guards and other main following behind him as he carried Sakura through the halls of his palace.

His Right Hand walked up to him and said quietly. Knowing that it would upset his lord if his niece woke up now.

"My Lord, should I tell servants to prepare the guest room or-"

He immediately closed his mouth when Akinori glared at him icily.

"she will stay with me" he hissed softly, there was a undetected possessivity in his voice as he tightened his hold on Sakura and tensing up as she shifted a little, but relaxing when she only muzzled in crook of his neck.

"as you wish My Lord"

His Right Hand bowed lowly and didn't said anything else.

As they reached his resting chambers he himself wiped Sakura's face with a warm towel and let the maids change her clothes while he changed his own in the bathroom, before he brushed and braided her lond hair.

He made sure that she was tucked in comfortably before laying down besides her and curling protective hand around her shoulder.

Akinori looked at her peaceful face as she snuggled to his shoulder and swore then and there.

He would protect Sakura and treat her as his own daughter.

He would never let the Haruno's near her ever again.

He would be damned if he saw another tear on Sakura's face that was caused by them or another.

A/N meet the Akinori Azai. He's my OC and probably the best uncle ever. I hope that you like the relationship between Sakura and Akinori.

Pleace Vote and Comment.

I love the feedback 😆😆😆.

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