It Was You

kimope23 tarafından

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You have just moved to Japan after moving constantly for your entire life. You enroll at Ouran Academy, and t... Daha Fazla

The New Girl Yet Again
The Host Club is Weird...
A New Host?!?!
A Camping Trip?
Water May be Bad Luck...
A Mischievous Redhead's Plans
A Ball?!!
Author's Note
Last Author's Note
Together at Last

Denial and Determination

2K 40 26
kimope23 tarafından

Hello! Here's the next chapter of the story! If you don't like the dress I wrote about, just imagine your own dress ^,^

The dress fit you perfectly, hugging your bust and waist before flaring out elegantly. It had layers of tulle that gave it the full, ball-gown look. It laced up in the back, and had a shorter layer of a lacy sheer fabric on the top layer of the skirt. The dress reached the floor, and was absolutely gorgeous.

You grinned at Hikaru, surprised he was able to pick a dress that you liked. He gave you a thumb up, and then pushed you back into the changing room.

"Change back and then give me the dress! I have to go choose accessories now!" Hikaru demanded.

You huffed at all of the manhandling, and reluctantly handed him the dress.

"What's up with this ball Hikaru?" You interrogated

"What do you mean?" He replied innocently. You rolled your eyes.

"You must be up to something.... I don't trust you."

Hikaru clutched his heart in fake surprise. He gave you what he hoped was a good heartbroken look, but you only snorted and pushed past him. You were glad the Host Club wasn't doing any crazy cosplaying today, and you just sat with your designations.

Many girls complimented you on the outfits your team came up with for the Host Club, and they also asked you how you were doing after your near death experience. Hosting hours flew by quickly, and pretty soon it was almost time for closing.

You waved goodbye to the Host Club, and started on your way home, only to be stopped by Tamaki.

"It is official!" He squealed. "The ball shall be at the end of the week."

You sighed and showed your acknowledgment of Tamaki's plan.

Hikaru watched you and Kaoru's interactions as the next day passé, and decided that the ball alone wouldn't do the job. When Kaoru was distracted, he pulled Kyoya over.

"Wouldn't the Host Club's profits increase significantly if we started hosting male students as well? I mean we have a female host now, and a beautiful one at that. No doubt boys will be lining up to designate her." Hikaru offered with faux innocence.

Kyoya was going to brush Hikaru's comments off, but then he froze. The ginger idiot actually had a good idea. He pushed his glasses up on his nose, and turned towards the smirking twin.

"That is a surprisingly valid offer that I will take into consideration." Kyoya drawled.

Hikaru strolled away triumphantly, and imagined the jealousy that Kaoru would endure having to see many boys fawning over you.



The next day, you strolled into the Host Club, and were surprised to see Kyoya waiting for you. He motioned you over, and informed you of the new set-up. Apparently, you were now going to be hosting boys.

That was exactly what you wanted to deal with, as putting up with the drama of the Host club and your own messed up hormones just wasn't enough trouble. You mentally sighed as you agreed with Kyoya.

You went to the back to change into the cosplay for the day, and groaned when you saw your costume. A maid dress! Really? Damn perverted redhead. You put on the dress grudgingly, silently thanking the fact that it wasn't ridiculously short.

You put the little headband in your hair, and pulled up the tights. You sneaked outside, and saw the rest of the Host Club dressed as butlers. You poked your head around the corner, and flushed as everyone immediately turned towards you.

"(F/n), my lovely daughter, come and show daddy how cute you look!" Tamaki squealed.

"You sound like a pervert Tamaki." The twins stated in unison. The blond idiot looked at them and burst into tears.

"You don't think daddy is a pervert, do you my sweet daughters?" He sobbed.

You and Haruhi just glanced at each other, and ignored the weeping blond. Kyoya looked up and told the Hosts to take their places, and you all greeted the customers as the door opened. Notice, customers. Not ladies. Kyoya apparently got to business quickly if the chance of increasing profits was included.

The rest of the Host club looked perplexed towards the appearance of the male population of the school, but quickly realized the reasons. Everyone took their places, and an overprotective blond along with a jealous redhead glared daggers at the boys that designated you.

You smiled cutely at the boys that approached your table, and turned on your hosting charm. Deciding that this cosplay would fit a shy, clumsy maid, you went full out. You blushed and peaked out under your lashes, and you were surprised with how well received the act was.

Kaoru glowered at the males perving over your cute maid cosplay, and he was pissed at whoever came up with the idea. You were the Host Club's princess, and you weren't supposed to be lusted after by Ouran's male population.

Hikaru was silently gloating at his brother's obvious jealousy, but realized that their twincest act was lacking recently. He had been so focused on hooking you and Kaoru up, that the brotherly love act had gone... Lukewarm.

Feigning envy, he mustered a few tears.

"Kaoru, why aren't you paying attention to me?" He whined. Snapping out of his daze, Kaoru glanced back at his twin.

"No one could ever replace you Hikaru!" He wailed.

"But you've been looking at (f/n) so much." Hikaru whimpered.

"You do too Hikaru!" Kaoru sniffed. "Don't tell me you would rather have (f/n) serve you?"

"No Kaoru!" Hikaru declared. "You are the only one for me!"

Fangirls squealed at the touching brotherly love, but considered the twins words. Were they fighting over (f/n)?

Suddenly, a motor started, and Renge's platform rose as she cackled.

"It seems that there is a juicy love triangle between the Host Club's twins and our newest Hostess, (f/n)." She smirked.

You blanched at her words, and then groaned as the girls started screeching over the romance of the idea. Dreading the actions these ideas would lead to, you glared at Renge.

Kyoya thought of the idea, and considered how much money he could make off of this scandal. Estimating quite a bit, he told you to host with the twins the rest of the time. You sighed in exasperation, and bid your customers goodbye.

You slowly made your way to the twins couch, and then squealed as Hikaru grabbed you and placed you on his lap. He was definitely going to provoke his twin's jealousy with this opportunity.

You squirmed trying to remove yourself from Hikaru's grasp, and the girls watched in fascination. Oh the drama. Kaoru glared at his brother, and pulled you off of Hikaru and onto the seat next to him.

Annoyed at the boy's manhandling, you stood and put your hands on your hips.

"Stop it guys!" You growled at them. They flinched at your glare, and didn't complain you calmly sat in between them.

The girls watched intently, already starting to ship you with one twin, or both of them. They had noticed how close you three were, and wanted to see how this would play out. Renge, content with her meddling, lowered herself back into the depths of Ouran.

You spent the rest of Hosting hours sandwiched between the two redheads, and once hosting time was over, you sprang up and glowered at them. They winced and apologetically stared at you. You couldn't resist the puppy dog stare.

You changed out of the maid costume, and prepared to go home. You ate dinner when you arrived, and as you lay in bed, you pondered you feelings for Kaoru. Why were they so insistent on being at the forefront of your mind? Why couldn't you just push them down and ignore them? Hikaru's meddling sure wasn't helping you.


The days before the ball flew by quickly, and you were already walking into school dreading the ball later that night. You weren't the worst dancer... But dancing in a huge dress with a lot of squealing fangirls and dramatic rich boys was not your cup of tea.

However, it was either go or face the dreaded tears and drama of the Host King, and quite frankly, that was much more tiring. Hosting was cancelled after school as everyone needed to prepare themselves, so you just followed the twins and Haruhi to Music Room #3 after classes ended.

You walked into a circus of preparations, and immediately avoided Tamaki's hug of death. While you liked the guy, it just wasn't in your personal interest to be suffocated. Instead, you pushed him towards the unsuspecting twins, and laughed evilly as the redheads struggled to remove themselves from the overenthusiastic blond.

Hikaru glared at you as Tamaki immediately began flailing to rid himself of "the shady twins", and they shoved him off of them. He instantly pouted at your refusal to greet your "dear father" lovingly and sulked in his corner of woe.

Ignoring his dramatics for the time being, you merely glanced at Hikaru, silently inquiring about your job. Hikaru peeked around, and seeing no assistance required, tugged you towards the changing room.

He grabbed the dress in its cover along with the makeup and accessories he had packed, and pushed you into the dressing room. As you changed, he left and directed the Host Club to begin changing into their suits.

He returned to see you in your dress, and he smirked at how he was going to make Kaoru drool.

"So, (f/n), you'll let me dress you up fabulously for you and Kaoru's wedding right?" He inquired innocently. You immediately flushed and glared at him.

"Baka, stop trying to embarrass me!" You screeched.

"I'm merely stating the truth." He exclaimed in mock hurt. You just glared more.

Rolling his eyes at your stubbornness, Hikaru just sat you down on a chair and told you to shut up and be still. You reluctantly complied, and daydreamed as Hikaru messed with your face.

You wondered what Kaoru was going to be wearing, and then mentally slapped yourself. It didn't matter, because the Hosts would be dedicating their time to the customers, and not their poor lonely hostess.

Hikaru covered your face in foundation, and then got to work on your eyes. As he applied your eye makeup, he plotted more ways to set you and Kaoru up. He was nothing if not diligent. A plan smacked him across the face, and he smiled maliciously.

He finished up your look with some gorgeous flowers in your hair and an elaborate updo. (If you have short hair, then no updo >3<). Satisfied with the final product, he told you to look in the mirror. You were surprised with how well Hikaru dressed you up, and you grinned at him.

"Kaoru won't be able to resist you now (f/n)." Hikaru smirked. Way to ruin the moment butt-head. He told you to wait in the back as he changed and checked on the other hosts.

He returned quickly, and led you out into the main room. Tamaki was immediately in front of you gushing about your beauty and sophistication. You smiled and just pat him on the head like you would a dog. Apparently, this was a satisfying response, as Tamaki grinned and glomped you.

Kyoya checked the clock as you struggled to free yourself from Tamaki's grip.

"It's time for the ball to begin." He declared.

You all straightened, and fixed your outfits. You looked at Kaoru, and blushed as you saw what he was wearing. He looked so cute! You shook your head and collected your thoughts, and the Host Club began going to the ball room.

You lined up and greeted the guests, and you were surprised to see boys in the crowd. Well, if they were allowed to designate in the Host Club now, they must be allowed to come the the events.

The Host Club dispersed, and began to dance with whoever asked. As you danced your way through the attending males, you were kind of disappointed to see that you couldn't dance with any of the Host Club members.

Finally the lights died down, and Tamaki took center stage.

"Thank you for coming to this ball, and the Host Club wants to dedicate this event to our newest member, (f/n)." He announced. "And now, our Host Club Princess will share a dance with each Host."

You blushed as everyone clapped for you. Tamaki stepped towards you first, and held out a hand. You gently grabbed it, and he elegantly waltzed with you. You smiled at his calm demeanor, happy that for once in his life he wasn't being too energetic.

As the dance ended, he bowed and kissed you on the forehead. Kyoya stepped up next, and the crowd applauded. Wondering why the Hosts were having you dance with all of them, you smoothly fell into another waltz with Kyoya.

After his dance, he placed a small kiss on your hand. Still slightly perplexed, you glanced up to see Mori. You had to reach up a bit, because he was so freaking tall, but the dance went off without any major issues. After your dance with Mori, he grunted and patted your head.

Smiling at the typical Mori behavior, you were brought out your stupor by a little pair of hands. You gazed downwards to see a grinning Honey- senpai. He dragged you into a cute little dance, and after it was complete hugged you around the waist.

You were then to dance with Haruhi, and you were surprised with how good of a dancer she was. She did a short waltz with you, not necessarily as elegant as the other Hosts, but nonetheless excellent. You gave her an exasperated grin as your dance came to an end, and she sighed in agreement and gave you a hug.

Next in the long line of dancers was Hikaru. He performed a faster waltz with you, and you were starting to get uninterested in that style of dance. As if sensing your boredom, he winked and said to prepare yourself for a tango.

You grinned at the prospect, and then froze. The only person left to dance with was Kaoru... And the tango is a very intimate dance. You glared at Hikaru, knowing it was his idea, and he simply smirked and gave you a kiss on the nose.

Resigning yourself to either being unable to deny your feelings anymore or failing miserably and hiding under a rock for the rest of your life. Neither was an appealing prospect. Kaoru nervously stepped forward and offered you a hand. You gently placed your palm in his, and the music began to play.

He led you around the floor, and you actually found yourself enjoying the dance. You flushed in excitement, and giggled with him, as he performed some more daring twists and dips. The crowd cheered as you and Kaoru danced, and you felt as though time was abandoning you, and only the dance remained.

At last, the song ended, and Kaoru bowed grinning. You politely curtsied, and then gasped as Kaoru kissed you delicately on the cheek. His lips felt so soft and warm, and your feelings hit you with the force of a Tamaki glomp.

It's impossible to deny your feelings now. You looked back at all of the things Kaoru did for you, and all of the times you blatantly beat your feelings into submission. You felt foolish. Hikaru was right. Crap.

The cheering of the crowd brought you out of your stupor, and your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Tamaki began addressing the audience, and you awkwardly fled the dance floor. Relieved to be away from the crowd's eyes, you attempted to sneak away.

Hikaru, of course, had to mess your plans up again, so he grabbed your arm. He pulled you towards the rest of the club as Tamaki bid the guests farewell. The entire Host Club bowed, and the throng of people began to depart.


The club began preparing to leave, and you were avoiding the perceptive eyes of Hikaru. He knew about your comprehension of your feelings towards Kaoru, and he was intent on making you confess. You were quickly able to change back into your normal clothing, and prepared to head home.

Before you could flee, Hikaru dragged you away from the others and grinned triumphantly at you.

"So you do like my brother." He boasted.

"Shut up. Stop interfering Hikaru. I know that Kaoru doesn't like me, and I'm not going to follow your dumb plans." You snapped angrily. "This is really idiotic, I'm going home now."

You stormed away, and Hikaru gazed after your departing form mournfully. Why could you and his brother not accept your feelings for each other? He was done with your woe is me act. It was pathetic how in denial you two were.

He was going to put a final end to this rejection of love. One way or another, you and Kaoru were going to start dating. And there is nothing you can do about it.


I hope you guys liked this chapter! This story is about coming to an end, and there should only be one or two more chapters. Please comment!


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