WIP Stories I Can't Finish

By BlueCipher0

9.2K 372 133

Basically stories I have half way written but don't [think] really intend to pull through to finish as a stor... More

Orphans Lost [Pt. 1] Tomtord
Orphans Lost Pt. 2
Orphans Lost pt. 3
Orphans Lost Pt. 4
Silence is A Virtue [Pt. 1] TomTord
Silence is a Virtue Pt. 2
Silence is a Virtue Pt. 4
Silence is a Virtue Pt. 5
Silence is a Virtue Pt. 6
Red Game Pt. 1 [Tomtord]
Red Game Pt. 2
Red Game Pt. 3
Peace and Love [TomTord]
Of Angels and Demons [TomTord]
A King's Love Pt 1
A King's Love Pt 2

Silence is a Virtue Pt. 3

511 23 15
By BlueCipher0

~+Red Army Base: Cell area+~

Tom woke up, vision blurry the first time he opens his eyes. His head is fuzzy since he could remember landing on the ground a good foot off the ground.


The blue leader looks around after blinking a couple of times. He sits up from the cold floor of his confinement chamber to get a better look of his surroundings.


"Don't be silent, say something Witness."

'God...' Tom thought as he meets a silver grey eye looking at him through the bars. 'Please let this stop.'

A smile stretches Tord's lips as he walks towards the cage. "Really now Thomas, did you really think you could evade me forever?~" Voice sweet and dripping like honey. However, to Tom, it's only hidden poison to his ears.

Tom scoots back as Tord gets close to the bars of his cell. A deep chuckle raising from the man leading the most powerful army in the world.

"Says something Thomas... I miss hearing that voice of yours."

Again, Tom stays quiet. He didn't have to listen to this man- no, rather, traitor.

The sound of two doors sliding open catches their attention. Tord looks back to see his beautiful fiancée walking towards them with a seductive smile only for him.

"Hello Beautiful~" Tord greets with a purr as the woman wraps her arms around his neck. He kisses her on the lips as his hands rest on her hips.

"Hello to you too Handsome~," She says back after breaking their kiss.

Tom's heart aches to see the two so close together. Kissing each other so lovingly without a care that he's here.

Tord smirks as he presents his fiancée to his longtime rival and enemy. "Thomas, may I present my fiancée Emilia Valentine. We're engaged."

Tom glances their way as the blond woman shows her hand with an elegance silver band around her ring finger. His heart hurts, how he wanted to escape and never see the two again.

The brunet looks away keeping his mouth shut to not even say congratulations for the two.

Tord's eyes narrow at Tom's silent form. This was not how he was expecting his old friend to react. He should be arguing a storm with him, shouting and cursing him for everything that's happened. Maybe he could use them against his old ex-roommate.

"It's would really be a shame if something were to happen to your little demon."

At the mention of little demon, Tom's eyes widen and look at him quickly. His expression turning into what Tord wanted.

"What do you mean Tord?!"

"I mean what I say," Tord smirks as he begins to explain Tom's predicament. "After you fell back to the ground, your little demon came after you by jumping out of the plane. Not only that, he fully transformed to try and protect you once he landed."

'Tomi no... He should have stayed on the plane!' Tom thought as his mind riddled with fear for his little boy. "Let him go!"

Tord playfully hums as he shakes his head, "Not sorry to say but he will be staying here. He'll be staying with the little devil until further notice."

Without a second Tom ran up to the barred barrier, kicking the bars with a resounding clang. Emilia flinched as he gave a glare at the man on the inside of the cell. She looks up to her fiancé to see the happiest and most of all excited look on his face which surprised her.

"If you hurt him-"

"Then I say we strike a deal, Thomas."

Tom takes his foot off the bars and stands in waiting to hear what Tord had to say.

"You work for me, simple as that," Tord says putting everything on the table of their game. Yes, a game. Ever since Tom won their last game, he's been waiting for another player to strike up another challenge. But no one could challenge him like his old friend in blue could. "You take the position as my secretary and bodyguard, you'll get the benefit of overseeing your little demon."

Tom grins his teeth at the deal, it's tempting sure, he would do anything for his little love. Then he remembers:

'What about Tormy?'

"If I work for you... you have to also give me permission to oversee that other experiment," Tom adds to the bargain as he holds onto the bars tightly.

If Tord could grin any wider he would, all of this is falling to his favor.

"I heard from the Little Devil you named him Torm."

"It's better than any other name you could ever give him."

Red leader laughs having had this much fun since he left that house. He looks at Tom with a nod.

"Then we have ourselves a deal."

Emilia could only look between the two of them with little understanding. However, what she could make out from this conversation was the poison.

This deal is Toxic.

~+Main Lab Area: Experiments+~

Torm was surprised when Tomi had been thrown into his cell quickly so they could lock the door before any of the two monsters could think of escaping. The young devil growls at the two soldiers to scare them off which works with success, leaving the two monsters be.

He rushes over to Tomi and gets on his knees next to the demon to hold him up in his arms.

"Tomi, Tomi hey..." Torm pats the younger experiment's cheek lightly to wake him up.

Tomi stirs from his sleep, black eyes blinking slowly as he takes in the situation. He sits up quickly, "Mommy!"

"Hey Tomi, calm down shh..." The devil hugs the other in his arms to comfort the demon who starts crying. "What happened?"

Tomi hugs his friend back tightly as he cries, "Mommy got captured by Red."

Torm sighs and keeps comforting Tomi in hopes he could calm him down. He only met Tomi and Tom today but he's become attached to them.

"It's okay Tomi... I'm sure your caretaker will find a way back to you."

Tomi clutched onto the back of Torm's medical gown. "...back to us..." He backs up from the hug a bit to look at Torm. "We're not leaving without you too Tormy."

Torm looks surprised at first, but his silver eyes soften when he feels a refreshing care come off Tomi.

"Yeah..." He simply responses as he's pulled back into a hug by Tomi.

The two of them soon enough drifted off to sleep hoping in their minds that they could see Tom soon. They hope and wish the man is alright where ever Tord had placed him in this base.

~+Back to Tom+~

Tom was escorted by Tord and Emilia to a room that Tord had actually planned on giving Tom in the future once he caught him. He planned the room accordingly to Tom's preferences, if there was a need for change, Tord would be able to provide it in a snap.

They came to a section of the base where Tord's office is located. They went passed it for a moment until they reached a blue metal door.

"Alright Thomas, place your hand on the scanner. My scientist registered your handprint into the system so you'll be able to have access to certain locations of the base."

"How did you get my handprint?" Tom asked raising a brow.

Tord smirked, "We took what we needed when you were unconscious."

"Fuck you."

"I'm engaged," Tord merely responds in a playful manner followed by a chuckle.

Tom ignored his response even if it was playful. He places his hand on the scanner to let the blue metal doors slide open. To his surprise, the room looked like it had been done to fit him.

He steps into the room, blue walls greeted him with a white ceiling and black flooring. His bed is a canopy style bed with a black frame with a dark blue covering blanket.

What caught his attention on the bed was a certain stuff animal. "Ah! Tomee Bear!" He carefully picks up his precious doll and looks back at Tord who has a smug smile on his face. "I was wondering where he disappeared to! I can't believe you had him all this time!"

"Not my fault someone like you can't keep track of their precious little things."

Tom turns away from him with a huff as he goes back to inspecting his room. They'd a tv across from the foot of the bed on the wall. The closet filled with new clothing that he suspected to be his new uniform.

That bastard had been planning all of this from the beginning but he kept his mouth shut. He wouldn't give Tord the luxury off hearing him blow off like he usually did in the past.

"So, where's Tomi and Torm?"

"They're in Torm's cell back in the main lab." Tord simply answers as he takes a seat at the small standard table in the corner room fit for two people. Emilia joins him, sitting across from her leader and fiancé.

"I rather keep them close to me if you don't mind." Tom wanted to get Tomi and Torm out of the cage they're being kept in at the lab. It just wasn't the proper place for them to be staying in.

Tord hums in thought about allowing such a request from his rival. "What do I get in return?"

Okay, now Tom knows Tord really is the devil if they keep making deals like this.

"I'll give you a fucking free card to ask to do anything, limited I won't tell you where Edd, Matt, and the resistance base is and anything about them," Tom says crossing his arms.

Tord could always use these free cards Tom gives any day. If it keeps up like this he can have Tom at his mercy.

"Alright. I'll go fetch them for you." Tom watches with a stern stare as Tord gets out of his seat, then walking out of the room.

He left Emilia in the room with him.

Tom turns away from facing Emilia, the blond beauty watching him carefully. She didn't understand what her future husband saw in this man.

Tord talked about this man the most when they're together. The only time Tord's old friends were brought up his words would speak for a moment about the other two before running off about Tom.

Her eyes inspect the man as he's busy looking about the room while caring for the doll in his hands.

He wore black jeans and a blue hoodie, peaking out from the dip in his hoodie is a grey shirt underneath. His skin pale, contrasting with his dark black eyes which made her wonder why they were like that in the first place. Not to mention his hair all spiked up in which it defies gravity like her fiancé's devil horns as she likes to call them.

Tom went over to the dart board and grabbed the dart case. He opens it up as he walks over to the end of the bed.

'What's he doing? The dart board is all the way across the room by the drawers.' She thought watching more as Tom proceeded to pull one of the darts out of the case.

He didn't even look as he threw the dart in the direction of the board. Successfully landing in the middle perfectly.

"They're too dull." Emilia heard the man mumbled.

When he said that the doors opened once again, Tom quickly got up when he saw Tomi's tear-stained face.

"Mommy!" Tomi cries running to the blue wearing man with open arms.

Tom smiles in relief as Tomi jumps into his arms. He hugged his little demon tightly, petting his hair and whispering soothing words into his ear.

"I'm here love. Shhh... you're safe..."

Tomi weakly cries into his mom's hoodie with a few hiccups here and there. Tom patting the boy's back gently.

He opens his eyes and looks to see Emilia and Tord looking at him with surprise. Ignoring them he walks over to Torm who is still standing by Tord after walking into the room. Tom beckons Torm to come over which he complies to acceptingly.

He squats down to get to eye level with the little devil. Tom shows the little one a comforting smile, "Did you take care of Tomi for me while I was away?"

Shyly Torm nods as he keeps his hands behind his back.

"Thank you." Tom pushes Torm's bangs back and kisses the boy's forehead. His fingers run through his hair which Torm found soothing.

Once he's done thanking Torm, he stands up again, carefully carrying Tomi in his arms still. "If you and your fiancé as would leave... I would like to catch some sleep now. It's already 11:30 p.m. if you haven't noticed. I'm sure there is work to be done in the morning."

Tord in his surprised daze snaps out of it slowly. "Emilia lets go shall we." The blond woman gets up from her seat and takes her place by Tord's side. The two of them leave through the door.

Red Leader giving one last glance over his shoulder.

Tom setting Tomi on the ground, back on his feet so he could hug the two experiments in his arms.

With that last image, the door slides close behind him.

~+Morning: Tom's room+~

Tom is the first to wake up as usual before Tomi. He looks around remembering he's now working for Tord in order to keep these two little experiments close in case they fall prey to danger.

He looks to his left to check on Torm, the boy still sleeping heavily.

"As I thought, you're a deep sleeper like him." Torm definitely sleeps like Tord as Tom assumes by the way his simple movement didn't wake the boy up. He even said this in a normal volume yet the boy did not wake up either.

Tom remembers that one time he cursed up a storm in the house so loudly that it was enough to shake the house a bit. He didn't realize Tord was home when it happened until he stopped downstairs finding the man lying across the couch like a little earthquake didn't happen.

He smiles a bit and pets the boy's hair, Torm smiling in his sleep at the comforting hand soothing him once more.

After that, Tom carefully got off the bed to not disturb his little demon sleeping lightly like he usually does. He picks out his new uniform already set up together to give Tom an idea what his uniform would look like from now on as he works for Tord.

Oh, the very thought of working for Tord makes him close up at the idea. 'This is for Torm and Tomi, remember this Tom,' He thinks to himself. He picks up the set of clothes and brings it with him into his private bathroom.

While he takes a quick shower Tomi wakes up a bit when he hears the shower running. He sits up on the bed rubbing his eyes and yawning. He looks to his left to see Torm still sleeping, so the little demon moves closer to the other boy to continue sleeping next to him. He hugs the devil's arm and smiles in content as he is lulled back to sleep by the sound of the running shower.

Tom turns off the water and steps out of the shower, taking the towel on the rack and wiping himself down dry. He quickly puts on his new uniform mostly consisting of the color black and a dark blue. The black clothes being his pants, vest, tie, and dress shoes while the dark blue is his long sleeves, button up dress shirt with two black and white checkered circles on the side of his shoulder.

"I don't think it looks too bad," Tom says to himself as he checks himself out in the mirror.

He walks out of the bathroom to finally go wake up the kids so they could get an early breakfast together, then he can walk them back to the room for them to stay here until he's done with work for the day.

Tom nudges his little demon lightly, "Love, it's time to wake up. We're going to get breakfast."

Tomi whines as he blinks his eyes open, he let's go of Torm's arm to hold them out to reach for his mom. "Mom..."

Tom laughs as he reaches down to pick up his son from the bed. He swings Tomi around once in his arms earing a delightful giggle. The blue leader leans down kissing his son's forehead. "Good morning."

"Good morning..." Tomi says back a little drowsy.

"Come on now, you should wake up Torm so we can have breakfast." Tom says as he pats Tomi on the head before going back to the bathroom to pick something up.

Tomi nods and nudges the monster next to him. "Tormy..." He says still a bit sleepy. "Tormy... wake up..."

The devil didn't seem to want to wake up any time soon judging by a huff and a trim in the opposite direction from facing Tomi. So the demon yawns and flops all his weight onto Torm, now laying flat on top of him.

He presses his lips against Torm's neck and blows a raspberrie there. What he didn't expect was for Torm to jolt up from his sleep suddenly.

Tomi fell back on the bed while Torm's face flushed red and his hand came up to cover the place where the demon blew.

"Tomi don't do that." Red cheeks still present on his cheek.

Tomi sits back up confused. "Why?"


"Are you two ready?" Tom asks as he comes back into the room. He sees Tomi looking confused and Torm flushes red. "Torm are you okay?"

"I'm fine... just flustered..." Torm replies as he removes his hand from his neck. "Tomi kinda messed with one of my only weak points."

Tom comes over and and inspects Torm's neck. Nothing noticeable but some left over saliva from Tomi he supposed. He knows it's Tomi because only his little devil would be the one to blew raspberries at someone's neck to wake them up. Him being one of the victims himself.

"You should be weary about what's going on around you Torm. Self defense would be necessary to learn if I were you." Having an open weak spot like that, even if the enemy didn't know, would be a problem. "If you want I could teach you. I'm teaching Tomi too so it would be easier if you two could spare together."

Torm smiles, "I think that would be cool."

~+Dining Hall+~

Tord and Emilia sat together for breakfast as usual to discuss some plans. It wasn't until Tom came into the dining hall with the kids by his side.

Some of the scientists and soldiers tended up seeing the two little monster experiments walking about. They were tense and unsure if they would attack them.

"Come on you two, breakfast first before you go off to play."

"Yes mom." Tomi giggles as he grabs onto Tom's hand to hold onto. His other hand keeping hold of Torm's hand to make sure he doesn't lose him.

"Tom!" Tord call's for his old friend, but the other man gave him one simple look before ignoring him to go get breakfast for himself and the kids. So to say the leader felt like a nerve was hit due to being ignored.

Tom was given a few glances from the cooks while they prepared his meal and for the children. Unlike other people, he wasn't phased by their looks at him because of the times people have been glancing at his eyes. Water under the bridge he could understand since petiole were either curious or just scared at first glance. Although these cooks may be looking at him differently because he is the leader to the Blue faction of the resistance.

Not a moment late he gathered the tray holding three plates of food. The other tray, with drinks, going to Torm because Tom doesn't want the youngest experiment to spill it all over the floor if it were too heavy for him. Even with Tomi's monster strength he's still not trusting the outcomes. On the other hand, Torm's a little bit older in appearance too so the devil can reasonably carry his own weight.

He lead the two over to a table away from Tord's table and surroundings less occupied by Red soldiers. He set the tray down and placed breakfast down at each seat, then the drinks from Torm's tray.

"Alright you two can start eating. I'm just going to put the trays away."

"Okay." Tomi replies while he pulls the quiet devil with him to sit down at the table. The two of them chatting every now and then while Tom's away.

While Tom's walking to place the trays back, Tord, who had gotten out of his seat after a bit of thinking, placed a hand to stop Tom. The light haired brunet looks back at Tord with narrowed eyes.

"What do you want?"

"I called you earlier Tom. First thing you should do is come over to me." Tord said sounding pretty annoyed. A plus one in Tom's book so far today.

Tom faked a sad expression, "Oh I'm so sorry your highness," Voice sarcastically apologetic. "But you see, I have two little ones much more in need of attention than you." His lips curved into a smile at his own acting. Man he feels like he's on a roll today.

"Haha, very funny." Tord said plainly, clearly not amused by Tom's act.

Tom starts walking again towards the counter but to find Tord still following after him. "Do you need something Commie?"

"Well seeing as you didn't answer me this morning, you'll be required to come eat with me during meals." Tord says with a sly smirk forming on his lips.

"What?!" Tom hissed clearly not liking the idea of having to share meals with Tord again like in the past where he had to since they lived in the same house. "I have a right not to."

"Well you're freebie card is allowing me to make you. Remember the one you promised me yesterday in return for letting Torm and Tomi stay with you in your quarters." Tord was really liking the idea of Tom's freebie card. Sometimes he just has to remember to save them and be careful with using all of them at once.

The blue leader groans as he finally sets the tray back with the others. He punches the bridge of his nose before turning back to face Tord. "Fine," He says firmly. "But don't complain to me if I'm being such a bother to you and your fiancée."

He knew he shouldn't have said that last part. His heart resounding to the pin he felt thinking about it.

"Everything will work out fine." Tord wasn't keen on letting Tom off anytime soon. His rival needs to stay within his sight and hopefully out of his old friends' hands.

Tord knew that Tom has all this potential to do so many great things, for him and this Army. Tom's skills were very much higher than the average soldier by the way things have been going for his fraction of the resistance. His stealth will come in handy on various missions. Skills in combat will need to be retested again at a later point but he knows Tom will succeed no less.

"By the way, after breakfast you start work. So you'll need to head to my office right after breakfast."

Tom clenched his hands into a fist by his sides. "And the children?"

"They're allowed to stay in your room or roam about the base. However, they can't disturb work progress." Tord answers knowing this question would be brought up. He knew well enough not to keep two monsters confined in a room with no support to contain them in properly. So roaming the base should be enough. "If they try escape then they'll be met with a proper punishment."

Tom wanted to retort at that but knowing Tord, the Red Leader wouldn't give a damn. So he quickly and wordlessly walks pass Tord with an annoyed look, not once looking back.

Satisfied, Tord goes back to his table where his fiancée just about finished her breakfast. He helps her up from her chair and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"Back to work for me handsome." Emilia says with a giggle. She kisses him back on the cheek for a moment before backing away. "I'll see you at lunch."

"Can't wait beautiful."

They walk out of the dining hall together and go their separate ways to their work stations. Tord all dazed thinking about the months away from their wedding. The honeymoon he couldn't wait for while he shatters his love with all his affection.

Until then, Tord will focus on his work.

~+Red Leader's Office+~

As given when he entered, Tom received his daily tools being Tord's secretary and personal bodyguard. As a secretary, he carried a holographic data pad filed with the updates information. A side app for personal use during meetings to take notes or record conversations.

Then his bodyguard status allowed his to care at least a few weapons around on his body. The usual seen gun on the hip, a hidden dagger at his ankle, and a stun gun attached to the opposite side of his hip.

Tord was reluctant to give him the stun gun at first but decided it would come in handy in the future if needed. The gun enough was also going past limits to Tom's aid, But he's willing to take the risk. It's not like he can leave his old rival without a weapon to defend himself with now that he's working for him.

At the moment, Tom's skimping through today's agenda to understand today's schedule. Tord glancing at the brunet a couple of times while going through today's paperwork.

"Red Leader," Tom said.

That actually caught Tord off from what he was doing. "Huh?"

Tom looks away from the screen to Tord who wore an expression of dumbfounded confusion. "What's with that look on your face?"

"I... I didn't expect you to willingly call me by my title. I was expecting one our usual insults or nickname is all." Tord thought he would be hearing the usual, but was instead hearing the unusual from what he expected of Tom.

Tom scoffs as he looks back to his screen. "If you're lucky I might say it. Now that I'm forced to work with you I might as well act the part. Isn't that right, Red Leader..."

The leader stayed quiet as Tom got up and walked over to stand in front of his desk.

"It's what you want, right?" Tom leans down a bit to make eye level with Tord. "The perfect soldier."


The former rebellion leader straightens back up and looks back at the holopad he's holding. "Anyways, you have a meeting in a few minutes in War Room R1. We better start making our way over there now if you want to make it on time." Tom didn't look back to see if Tord was following when he friend his back to the man.

Red Leader, Tord, stays in his seat a second longer before getting off his chair to follow after Tom, his bodyguard and secretary.


Torm was the one to lead Tomi around the base since he put himself in charge of taking care of him while Tom's away. Honestly he wished Tom didn't have to work for his creator... it just wasn't right.


The little devil looks back at Tomi with curiosity. "What is it Tomi?"

"Do... Do you know why Red Leader made us?" The little asks fiddling with his fingers.

That question was actually one to behold and wonder why exactly. For one, Torm himself looks exactly like Tord besides the shade of his hair being unnoticeably lightly unless looked at closely enough. Why his creator made him made was probably be useful to the army in someway.

As for Tomi, he had no clue what so ever. He looks exactly like their caretaker who he heard from some of his creator's closes friends is his rival or old friend.

Torm shakes his head to clear his thoughts before looking at Tomi. "I'm not sure Tomi... Maybe we were to be weapons, we probably still might be if our creator decides it."

This time it was Tomi's turn to to shake his head but with his eyes squeezed shut. "Mommy would never allow him, right?"

This time the little devil turns around, placing his hand on Tomi's head to pet him comfortingly. He surely hoped their caretaker would defend them from such.

"I hope Tomi... I truly hope so we don't have to see each other get hurt." Torm smiles as he gets a better look at Tomi. He's gotten so attached to the young experiment made a few years after him. "I trust our caretaker to do his best."

Tomi smiles as he grabs Torm's free hand to hold between his hands.

"Yeah, me too."

~+Resistance Base+~

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Two leader look up from their desks from their current papers from the rapid knocks against their office door.

"The doors open!"

Immediately the door quickly opens, slamming onto the wall next to it.

The two greeted by soldiers from one of their three fractions, all looking like lost forgotten children.

"Green! Purple!"

"We got trouble!"

The Green and Purple Leader look at each other than to the two soldiers their coleader's trusted soldiers who controlled their section's patrol department.

"Reggie, Zack, what's wrong? Where's Tom?" Matt questions concerned just like Edd.

"That's the problem." Reggie says ever so troubled. "The Red Army has captured them."

Edd places his hand over his mouth with wide eyes. "You mean..."

Zack looks at the coleaders seriously.

"Red Leader has Blue."

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