Deadly Games

By xofantasiesxo

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They were playing a game all along, and I definitely was the game piece in this deadly situation. More

[1] You Choose
[2] Manwhore
[4] Russian Roulette
[5] Not A Joke
[6] Time Out
[7] Dangerous 'Affair'
[8] Can't Be Fooled
[9] Scared Straight
[10] Playing Dirty
[11] Sneak Attack
[12] Total Control
[13] Kidnapped Buddies
[14] Quality Time
[15] Trouble
[16] Pain And Disappointment
[17] Inhuman
[18] More Problems
[19] Adjustments
[20] The Bad Guy's Surprise
[21] Orders And Arrangements
[22] Opportunities
[23] Ex-Best Friend
[24] Caught
[25] Over
[26] Ridiculous Grief
[27] No New Friends
[28] Get It Together
[29] Down Low
[30] Free, Alive And Together
[31] Difficulties
[32] Breathe
[33] Visitors
[34] Surprise, Surprise
[35] What I Deserve *Epilogue*

[3] Game Plan

770 122 91
By xofantasiesxo


I watch as the teacher drones on about the tests coming up, but my mind is everywhere else but school right now. Speaking of it, I still can't get yesterday's conversations and run in with Michael out of my head. I usually stay away from him because he's the player type and just tries to get in my pants, but I also know he doesn't like Daniel, which is another reason why I stay away from him. The bell rings and I jump up, gathering my stuff and shuffle out of the room and through the halls like the rest of the kids in this school who don't give a fuck. I don't really have friends to meet up with and socialize about my day and the latest drama.

I apparently decided I didn't want any friends when I stayed with Daniel.

He was an arrogant asshole behind my back and ran all of my friends away. Then again, I suppose they were never my real friends if they believed all the shit he said to them. I ball my fists at the thought of previous years, and I stop, my feet glued to the floor as I watch Daniel attempt to tongue the shit out of some girl leaning against a random locker. I really try hard not to cry as I stand completely frozen and just watch them tongue kiss.

I don't even think me and him have ever kissed like that, but I do know I feel fucking stupid for thinking he actually still loves me. I know there was a time where he really did, but now I'm sure he's just been stringing me along. The girl opens her eyes as he disconnects their lips, only to latch them onto the skin of her neck, and she sees me, shrieking loudly.

"What the hell you weirdo!? This isn't a free show! Go away!" She screeches, but I just bite my tongue, knowing my mouth is brutal when I'm mad and I can't afford to get a detention tonight.

Danny finally stops sucking on her and turns, his eyes widen as he sees me standing here probably and hopefully looking as pissed off as I feel. He tears himself off of her and steps towards me, but I step all the way back, shaking my head.

"Fuck everything you said to me yesterday, huh?" I growl and he licks his lips while running a hand through his hair that the bitch he was kissing probably messed it up. He reaches his hands out to me.

"Solana..." He says in a low voice, dragging the quiet whimpers out of me.

"Don't. Let's just talk about this." He says, but I shake my head.

"No! Fuck you and this so called 'relationship' we have. I'm done with you!" I spat at him, turning and fast walking my ass out of there.

He makes me look like a fucking dumbass every single day.

I smack my tears away and bump into a smirking Michael, but his face falls as he notices the tears on my face.

"You know I've doubted you a lot..." I start, leaning back and shaking my head. "..but you were completely right." I sniffle and his eyes widen and he looks at me as if he's trying to figure me out.

"Danny was cheating on me, I just saw him kissing some girl. Thanks for at least not lying to me unlike everyone else who knew." I snap, continuing to walk past him and he grabs my hand, giving me a sympathetic look.

"I'm so sorry, Solana." He whispers, but I just shake my head.

"Don't be... I'll see you at the game tonight." I murmur and his eyes light up at the sound of that.

"You're still coming?" He asked, excitement in his voice. I nod and he smirks.

"Maybe I should drive the panty collector here tonight then." He wiggles his eyebrows and I actually crack a smile.

"Whatever, Michael." I say, sniffling a little as I turn and continue walking down the hall.


At The Game...

I walk through screaming classmates with all kinds of ridiculous shit on their faces. Tonight's game theme was a luau, so there are kids with hula skirts on, lei's, flowers pinned in their hair and others that just went all out with morph suits and our school colors painted on them. I rolled my eyes as girls walk around with bandeau's on and players numbers painted on their stomachs. I mentally make a note of the number I see. Number 58.

Wonder who that is.

Glancing up at the fence surrounding the field, the senior players plate signs with their last name and numbers on it are hanging up.

#58- Jackson


I shake my head as two girls walking past each other glaring at one another due to them both wearing 58. I don't know how they can walk around, proud of the fact that they let the same guy hit it and quit it. I walk up to the concession stand and buy a coke and popcorn, sitting down in the first two rows of bleachers. I watch as the cheerleaders stretch out on the field and practice small cheers, readying themselves for their big performance too. My eyes then catch sight of my ex-best friend, Alicia Thomas.

She was the closest person I had to a best friend, or so I thought until she got all jealous of me and Daniel's relationship, especially when he made varsity his sophomore year. Only juniors and seniors are supposed to be on varsity. I watch her wave to a player with all of his gear on as he jogs up to her, and he removes his helmet, making me automatically recognize him. Danny leans down and kisses her softly, glancing towards the bleachers and making eye contact with me, widening his eyes.

What? So is he actually trying to make me feel worse or some shit?

Someone taps my shoulder and I look up to see the Number 58 staring right at me.

"Oh, it's the most popular number of the night!" I shriek, forgetting all about Danny, and causing Michael to laugh and sit down next to me with a balled up jersey in his hands.

"Better believe it." He winks and I roll my eyes, landing them on Danny again, who's watching me intensely.

"So, Solana." Michael nudges me and I tear my gaze from Danny, looking at him.

"You know you want to wear this." He whispers, wiggling his eyebrows as he holds the jersey up by the sleeves, letting it unravel to reveal his number in our school's colors.

"Wow, the official 58." I gasp, placing a hand to my chest and he grins.

"Come on, wear it. It'll really piss Danny off." He smirks, shaking the jersey in my face and I groan.

"Fine." I playfully roll my eyes and he smiled widely and opens up the shirt, pulling it over my head and smoothing my hair back while I pull it down and over my shirt.

"There. Now you look perfect now." He whispers, a little too close for comfort, so I nudge him playfully.

"Thank you." I mumble and he winks, standing up.

"Don't mention it, this is more for you than me!" He calls before he turns and trots down the few bleacher stairs and run out onto the field, setting up for the game.


Shortly after me and Michael's conversation, I found myself enjoying the game more than I thought I would, and I even jumped up and held my 5 and 8 up everytime his number was called out on the intercom. Girls looked at me and gasped seeing as I had on the original number 58 jersey.

After the game ended, I found myself waiting around for Michael, wanting to thank him for inviting me and lending me his jersey. It entertained me by all of the looks and whispers I was getting and from the glares Danny and his friends were sending me too. I run my fingers through my hair and smiled a little as Michael comes out of the field with half of the cheerleaders hanging on him. He glanced up and sees me, moving them aside and smiling.

"Hey twin!" He cheers and I giggled.

"Hey, great game tonight! I'm really glad I came!" I shout over the cheering crowd.

"You did amazing!" I smirk and he smiled to the point where it looks like it hurts.

"Thank you! You coming to the after party?" He asked, high fiving some other players as they walk past, and I shake my head.

"Nah, I think I'll pass on that." I say, taking off his jersey and handing it back to him as he snatched it from girls trying to get it next.

"Aw, well goodnight, Solana." He whispers as he leans into my ear, and presses a soft kiss against it. I melt instantly and watch him wink at me as he throws his arms around two girls and walks off, being praised as he does.

What a player.


I turn to leave, but a hand grips my wrist hard, turning me around to look into his sky blue eyes.

"Solana, we need to talk!" He says loud enough for me to hear him, but I snatch my wrist away.

"No, fuck you!" I snap, turning to leave, but he grabs me tightly around the waist and whispers into my face.

"Please, stay for a little longer so I can talk to you alone. I'll tell you any and everything you want to know." He says, his eyes searching my face, and I groan annoyingly as my weak side for him starts to unravel.

"Fine." I mutter and he grins, leaning in for a kiss, but I hold up my hand in front of his face.

"Hell no!" I give him a look with pure disgust. He frowns, but lets me go upstairs and saunters back out onto the field.

I lean against the fence, watching as the bleachers empty out, and I look back over at the field where Danny and a few of his friends are huddled together, like they do during the game.

I wish they hurry the fuck up, so I can go home already.

After a few minutes, the coaches yell at the players left to clean out the place and lock up while they leave. They do as told and get all of the students out, with the exception of me.

"Solana!" Danny calls out to me. "Come here so we can talk!" He shouts and I roll my eyes, but open the door, walking past the fence and onto the field.

Danny stands in the middle where he holds his helmet in his hands and I finally reach him, glancing around to see his friends scattered out on the field, far away, having their own private conversations.

"Lana, I know what you saw today twice in a row was heartbreaking, and I'm sorry-" He pauses and looks at me, intensely.

"But I was hurt that you have the nerve to make me choose between you and my friends." He says, his voice dropping low and I scoff.

"You can't be serious. Look, if it's that hard, then we can just leave it at what I said earlier, we're done!" I repeat and his sky blue eyes darken.

"No, I don't want to fucking leave it at that!" He says, tossing his helmet away from us and I furrow my brows, but freeze as I glance around.

It's now seeing all of his jock friends lined up around us with smirks on their faces, that I realize Daniel didn't bring me out on the field to make some sweet, romantic apology-

Nah, that would've been too easy. He lured me out here on purpose.

I whirl back around to see Daniel farther away from me than he was, smiling deviously at me.

"I love you Solana, but you can't make me choose!" He shouts, then lifts up his keys, sucking in a breath and blowing on the shiny key chain whistle attached to it, hard.

The high pitch noise makes my ears sting, and I gasp loudly as four heavy built senior guys I go to school with everyday and am suppose to graduate with soon, come running full force at me, like they do when they're on the field. I turn and run for it, knowing I don't stand a chance at out running them, they're football players and they have their stamina and their plan.

Which is to tackle me down.

And that's exactly what they do, tackle me down like they would to an opponent. And I was knocked out as soon as the four muscular bodies collided with mine and piled on top of me.

I'm so stupid.

How did I think I could stand a chance?

They were playing a game all along, and I definitely was the game piece in this dangerous situation.

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