Unexpected ➵ Horan

By taylahjasmyne

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Taylah and Niall grew up together and now are dating, After being together and reunited with her best friend... More

Chapter 1 "Dinner and a Sleep Over"
Chapter 2 "Ive Got A Feeling"
Chapter 3 Saying Goodbye
Chapter 4 "Happiness"
Chapter 5 "Flirting Guys"
Chapter 6 "Retelling My Nightmare"
Chapter 7 "Friends Together Again"
Chapter 8 "Isn't she Lovely"
Chapter 9 "Telling Our News"
Chapter 10 "The Interview"
Chapter 11 "Truth or Dare"
Chapter 12 "Girls Night Out Goes Wrong"
Chapter 13 "Waken"
Chapter 14 "Life Line"
Chapter 15 "Country Girl"
Chapter 16 "Big Jet Plane"
Chapter 17 "Nightmare"
Chapter 19 "The Light"
Chapter 20 "Torment"
Chapter 21 "Struggle"
Chapter 22 "Nothing To Be Afraid of Right?"
Chapter 23 "Halloween Night Party Part 1"
Chapter 24 "Halloween Night Party Part 2"
Chapter 25 "Sadness"
Chapter 26 "Locked Up"
Chapter 27 "No More Suffering!"
Chapter 28 "She's What?"
Chapter 29 "Gotta Get Home!"
Chapter 30 "Excuse Me?"
Chapter 31 "Model Time, Is A Fun Time"
Chapter 32 "Heartbreaker"
Chapter 33 "Depressed Mode On"
Chapter 34 "The Promise"
Chapter 35 "We're In Danger, RUN!"
Chapter 36 "I'm not Afraid!"
Chapter 37 "Free Falling"
Chapter 38 "Travelling"
Chapter 39 "Beauty In The Studio"
Chapter 40 "Take Me Home"
Chapter 41 "Madness Behind Friends"
Chapter 42 "One Time, One Love"
Chapter 43 "It's Now or Never"
Chapter 44 "Christmas Time!"
Chapter 45 "Another Little Seed"
Chapter 46 "Things are going downhill & setting the Date"
Chapter 47 "The Wedding & New Life"

Chapter 18 "The Fair"

390 3 0
By taylahjasmyne

Isabella’s POV

Something was off, ever since yesterday everyone has been acting weird and i don’t like it one bit. When i woke up this morning Harry wasn’t in the bed with me. He was watching TV while making breakfast and he never made breakfast for me. Unless he was upset about something. I then hear my phone go off. It was a text from Taylah

From Taylah <3

Hey Izzy,

Just wondering do you wanna chill today or something? Maybe double date to the fair? Ride some rollercoaster’s and have some fun? Niall and I are heading over to your place at 10am anyway J

Cya in about two hours <3 <3 xx

Hm, maybe going to the fair would be a great idea, Staying in this flat is depressing, and i wanna know what Harry is hiding from me. I walked over behind him and kissed the back of his neck

“Good morning Handsome Harry” I said giggling.

“Good morning Baby, sleep well?” He said back kissing my cheek.

“Yeah, by the way, Taylah & Niall asked did we wanna go to the fair. You wanna go?” I asked.

“That’s a great idea” He said placing breakfast on two plates “But eat your pancakes first” He said winking at me.

“Okay Honey” I ate my pancakes as fast as i could then ran into my room to pick my outfit. Found what will make it me look amazing in front of Harry.

Outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_11/set?id=52411402#stream_box

Simple but still looked great. I put my hair in a messy bun then walked out back to Harry. His jaw dropped and he started to blush. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my small waist-

“Gosh, you look smoking hot today babe”

I blushed and smiled back “Thanks Harry”

He leaned in and kissed me softly, but it grew more passionate. I moved my hands around his neck playing with his curls, he moved his arms lower down my waist, gripping it a bit more than normal, He stopped kissing my lips and started kissing my neck. Then someone cleared their throats making Harry & I jump.

Niall’s POV

I cleared my throat making Isabella & Harry pull away from each other. “Get a room you two” I winked at them and felt Taylah laugh. I wrapped my arms around her waist smiling.

“How did you two get in here?” Harry asked.

“Um, your door was wide open Harry” Taylah said blushing.

“Oh, that’s a little awkward, people walking pass would of seen that” Isabella said blushing then smiled at us.

“You guys ready to go?” I asked.

“Yes” Harry said dragging Isabella out the door. We jumped into my car and started to drive to the fair. We got out and no one was there. Looks like Taylah’s plan worked. Tay smiled and looked at me.

“Thank god my plan worked”

“What plan?” Isabella asked.

“I got in touch with the manager of the fair and asked could only us four use it for the day” Taylah said smiling.

“Taylah, you did this for me? Thank you so much” Isabella said hugging Taylah.

“Come on already! I wanna ride some rides!” I said playfully.

“Fine” Harry said quietly.

We all ran into the fair, so many different rides to try.


We went on some rollercoaster’s. By the time i checked my watch we had been at the fair for hours. It was about 5pm. We jumped on the fairest wheel, Tay and I went in one carriage and Harry & Isabella in another.

I pulled Taylah onto my lap, holding her waist. Then the fairest wheel topped at the top. Taylah started to freak out but i whispered in her ear “Relax baby, I wanted to top at the top, i thought it would be romantic to have a little up here” I winked at her and she blushed.

“You’re the cutest boyfriend i could ever ask for Niall” She said. Without a second to spare i started to kiss her passionately. She wrapped her arms around my neck like normal and i moved my hands down her back leaving them just lower from her waist. She gripped my neck making me moan, “Taylah” was the only thing that escapes my mouth. I could feel her smile when i said her name.

Harry’s POV

Since i wanted to make every last moment with Isabella special i sat her on my lap, kissing her neck, she moans with pleasure and i felt her giggle. I stopped kissing her and asked-

“Whats so funny?”

“The fact that you’re kissing me on a fairest wheel, knowing Taylah & Niall they are prob doing the same thing. Can we save this for tonight Harry?” She said smiling at me.

I winked at her “Of course baby” I kiss her nose “Whatever you say” Then the fairest wheel moved again and we all jumped off. We walked over to the car and Niall drove us home. When we arrived at the flat Isabella’s parents were inside our flat, Niall, Taylah, Isabella and I entered our flat; her parents and her brother were sitting on our couch.

“Whats going on here?” Isabella asked, holding my hand.

“Baby, how was your day?” Paul said walking over to us.

“Fine, now why are you here?” Isabella said madly, holding my hand tightly.

“Can we not just stop over and say hello?” Joanna asked with a worried tone.

“You never do normally so why start now!” Isabella said stepping forward madly, i pulled her back by her waist and whispered-

“Isabella, they do care about you, just talk to them for a bit, I’m not going anywhere ya know?” I kissed her cheek.

After Isabella sat and talked to her family they said there goodbye’s.

“Bye Honey, Have a good sleep” Paul said hugging her.

“Goodnight my sweet Angel” Joanna said hugging her and kissing her goodnight.

“Bye my beautiful sister Bell Bell” James said hugging Isabella crying.

“Why you crying James? You will see me again soon” Isabella said hugging him with a confused look on her face.

“I just wanted you to know that i love you” James said, Then he took Joanna’s hand and they walked out the door. She walked over to me and asked-

“What was James on about Harry? I have another month to live, i will see him before that, he knows that right?” I didn’t want to lie to her but i had to.

“I don’t know, maybe cause he is just worried about you. Come on, lets head to bed” I said carrying her into the bedroom. We got changed into our Pj’s then Niall and Taylah walked into our room.

“Um, so what room do ya want us to stay in?” Taylah asked.

“The one next door Tay Tay” Isabella said smiling.

“Well, goodnight guys” Niall said hugging us then him and Taylah walked into their room for the night.

Isabella’s POV

Well, least me and Harry are finally alone. But i feel odd, with how James was acting before is making me think. Was my life shortening again? Is Harry hiding something from me? I don’t know i will ask tomorrow. After tonight we have a little make out session i don’t wanna ruin it by asking if he is lying to me. Harry hurry up and come back to bed i miss you.

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