REMEMBER ME ➸ Poe Dameron X R...

Oleh myPOTATOscreamed

1.3K 13 5

"Love is known to be the strongest emotion beside determination. Both will cause you to stop at nothing. Unti... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

111 1 0
Oleh myPOTATOscreamed

~Got To Stay Alive~


BB8 chirps inquisitively at me and I flip around to him.

"You saw Rey run into the forest?!"

You lift your head up to multiple TIE fighters and you gasp. First Order.

"We need to get her! And get out of here!" You exclaim. "Go find Rey! Please, I'm begging you! I'll find Han- OW OW!!"

BB8 beeps at you aggressively, practically fuming. You crouch down to the ground who is now after your shins.

"You won't lose me too. I promise." You give him a kiss on his head and he calms down. "Go find her. Please."

You run off but BB8's loyalty is higher and he follows you. You don't have time to argue against BB8 and you draw your purple saber.

Lasers fire and you gasp. The place is crumbling down with fire and flames. Being destroyed by a hundred and one TIE fighters.

It's falling apart.

You draw your saber and run. Troopers who come in your way are decimated and they fall. You get shot in the ankle and you scream loudly. Landing in the dirt. BB8 heroically rolls ahead and since the trooper is so close, zaps him and disables him. BB8 rolls over to you again, being careful with his zapper arm still out.

You wince, hissing in but you manage to limp at the slightest.

"Come on, Chewie!"

Your head instantly flips to the sound of Han's voice. BB8 rolls forward as you run off. You run toward Finn instead, who shoves the blue saber right through a trooper.


His head snaps in your direction and you see Han and Chewie not too far away.


Finn faces off against a trooper with a taser staff. Multiple troopers attack you over and over again. You kill them and throw them to the ground. Finn is in desperate need but is quickly blasted back thanks to Han and Chewie. You run over to the trio, BB8 chirping behind you.

"Where's Rey?" Han asks. You shake your head. Unsure.

"Don't move!"
"There's the droid!"

Stormtroopers corner you. Every angle on the battlefield.

"TK-338, we have targets in custody."

Before you can draw your saber. It's stolen from you. As well as the one Finn is holding. BB8 tries to zap troopers ankles, but gives up when too many stir around.

"Y/n, leave her alone!" Han yells. You grunt as a trooper grabs you and forces you and the unit away from your friends. You show them a look of sympathy, trying to assure them it'll be okay before turning back to the trooper. "You won't get away with this." You growl through gritted teeth. The trooper merely laughs, grabbing your chin with his fingers. "Oh, my pretty lady. We sure will."

You spit on the helmet which gets you thrown to the ground. Chewie's roar can be heard in the distance as BB8 goes off with a scream.

"We have incoming at 28. 6. Move, move, move!! Scramble all squads. Repeat, scramble all squads."

The confusion starts to fill your brain. Why are the troopers suddenly getting so worried? You lift your shaking head up as you can, staring out into the sea where they're aiming.

Your eyes widen as you watch in the distance. X-Wings. But not just any X-Wings.


BB8 tugs at you and you look over in the distance. Falcon. You look down at BB8. Is that such a good idea?

You stand to your feet and grab the saber with the force. Clicking it on and swinging it around every trooper around you before pushing every other trooper back. You and BB8 make a quick speed to the Falcon. Chewie roars as you get on it and shut it behind you.

"BB8 hold on tight because we're dumbasses in a Falcon!!"

BB8 assists himself on the copilot chair even though he has a high chance of rolling off of it. You flick the switches of the Falcon and it rises. Alerting all troopers and X-Wing fighters.

"Who the hell is that?"

POE!! He's on the speaker!! Desperately, you flick the switches to communicate before fumbling with the microphone. Putting it around your ear.

"POE!! Poe can you hear me!?"


BB8 lets out a scream and you laugh.

"Funny I can't fly an X-Wing but my father's ship is easy as pie!!"


The relief in Poe's voice is absolutely refreshing and gives you more confidence than you could ever believe. But now you're in some trouble.

"It's impossible to fly this thing Solo! I'm struggling to be on my own and there's no one in the ship to fire! I will distract every TIE fighter I can as long as you will cover me!!"

Should've gotten the others on board...Han is going to be pissed.

"You know I will! I have to see you as soon as this is over!!"

"You're a legend Poe!! I have so much to tell you!! I promise, I miss you!!"

Before he can say anything more, you leave him on the edge and flip the communications off. You roar around, doing flips and circles distracting all the TIE fighters by making you think you are the bigger target. Poe takes advantage to this and knocks them down in the speed of light.

"WHOO! That's one hell of a pilot!!" You hear a faint voice scream from down the bottom of the ground. You know they aren't talking about you. Poe Dameron is doing the most work.

"WHOO-HOO!" You hear Poe scream, the realization hits knowing you can still hear him and he cannot. BB8 who is beside you writhes with happiness and overjoy.

"OH Hell yeah little lad! I'm just as happy to hear his voice as you! WHOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!"

Your voice could probably be heard outside the Falcon from how loud you are. You look down to see Kylo Ren on the ground. Carrying.


You quickly soar the ship to the ground. Getting out as soon as possible but by the time you do, Kylo is already carrying her unconscious body to the ship. You scramble down for the closest blaster. Picking it up and firing. It hits the corner of the ship and Kylo turns around. He pushes you back and you land on something sharp, but not sharp enough to stab you. You land on your back but your head dangles with a loud click.

Your ears ring and your eyes go blurry.

"Y/N!! Y/N...hear....can!"

Your vision is blurry as the last thing you see is BB8.

* * *

You jolt awake and sit up. You soon realize you've been brought back in the Falcon as the ship is already landed.

"This is why I don't trust my kids with my ship."

"Love you too, Dad."

"Resistance came with a carrier. I just brought you back to the Falcon. Finn went in the carrier as well as Chewie."

You groan slightly, rubbing your head. Han scoffs, getting out of his seat.

"I have business to attend to so stay here."

Han leaves, but you follow him out and he turns to you.

"Arrogant daughter."

"Stubborn father."

He chuckles, before walking off. You turn your glance to see BB8 with Poe. Finn who has also seen Poe alive and well. Runs at him and the two men hug.

You smile to yourself, before lowering your head slightly. Seeing Poe alive is the happiest thing right now but it's best to not ruin the men's moment.

You watch as Finn tries to lead Poe off but he's looking around somewhere. For you?

"I need your help. We need to go."

"No. I can't. Not right now."

"What do you mean?"

"Violet. I heard her. Before. I need to find her."

"Y/n? Over there?"

You look up, only for a moment. Poe turns his head over to you and he starts walking over in your direction within seconds. You'd think that'd be imitating but you start to do the same. BB8 rushing over in your direction, Poe starts picking up in speed, trying to run at you.


You pick up in speed, running full speed at the pilot man like it's the last thing you could do.

"Violet! You beaut!"


He slows down for a couple of seconds as do you, but he quickly throws his arms around you. You hug him as tight as you can, feeling your body begin to shake. Tears sting your eyes as you grip his sleeves slightly. He senses this and rubs your back a bit.

"Hey, don't cry on me!"

"I won't you big asshole!" You shiver, speaking into his shoulder. Finn watches from afar from how far everyone has come. Seeing both of you holding each other so close when you could not remember the man before.

"I thought you were dead."

"I'm so happy to see you!" Poe exclaims. He puts his hands on your jaw softly, leaning his forehead against you and shutting his eyes. From the buzz of the moment, you could care less. You're just happy to see him.

His eyes flutter open and he pulls away a bit.

"I'm so glad you took care of BB8. Learned how to fly the Falcon and-that's my jacket."

Your eyes widen nervously and you quickly pull it off. "NO! NO don't."

"But it's yours." You tell him, furrowing your eyebrows.

"No." he shakes his head. His eyes are filled with so much delight and pride. "I like you in my jacket."


"I um, you look good in the jacket. It suits you." He coughs.

You smile, nodding your head. Poe's eyes sparkle so brightly, it makes your heart feel so fuzzy. You quickly give him another hug and sigh happily into his chest.

"Didn't think you'd miss me that much, Violet."

You only hum a response but not letting go. He wraps an arm around your lower back and he rests his chin on your hand as you stand there for a moment, but your other hand brushes against his. Blush rises to your cheeks and you secretly bite your lip to which Poe can't see.

"I hate to ruin the moment but I really need both of your help." Finn says, coming up to you. Poe pulls away and looks at him cautiously. 

* * *

"General Organa. I'm sorry to interrupt. This is Finn."

Poe lead the two of you to your mother, Leia once you heard about Finn's plan. Knowing Rey was kidnapped wasn't something that made you keen and delighted. She was now your friend. Which allowed you to convince Poe to bring the two of you to Leia.

"He needs to talk to you."

"And I need to talk to him." She replies, eyeing the man. "That was incredibly brave what you did. Renouncing the First Order, saving these two lives."

"That you, ma'am. But a friend of me and your daughter's was taken prisoner." Finn explains seriously. Leia looks at you which you quickly adjust the jacket on your shoulders.

"Han told me about the girl." Leia says to you. "I'm sorry."

"Finn's familiar with the weapons that destroyed the Hosnian system." You say to her. "Finn told me he worked on the base, hear him out Mom."

She nods her head then turns to Finn. "We're desperate for anything you can tell us."

"That's where my friend was taken. I've got to get there fast."

"I will do anything I can to help but first you need to tell us all you know."

"Alright. When?" Finn asks.

"Not right now. We will all go for a meeting tomorrow, gather up Resistance and you three can explain your plan."

"All three of us?" Poe asks. She nods her head.

"You three are very special. My daughter. The best pilot. And a Stormtrooper with knowledge. You three will have to tell us everything tomorrow morning, and come up with the plan to rescue her."

You nod your head firmly, and Leia excuses the three of you. Going off in her own direction. For a couple of hours, you. Finn, and Poe discuss the nutshell edition of it. Leaving the time till night and Finn goes off to a room in a complex he gets to stay in for now.

"I should probably get some rest." You say to Poe. His eyes turn to your thoughtfully before sighing.

"Yeah. I will too. Tomorrow will be a big day ahead of us."

The base has many rooms for people to sleep in. Like a complex. But with quarters in one main base. Poe proceeds to leave, but your heart pounds a bit and you call out to him. "Hey, Poe!"

He turns to you and you quickly dash up to him.

"When we get Rey back. Can you show me a couple of things?"

"Like..?" He asks curiously, tilting his head slightly and crossing his arms.

"I can only fly the Millenial Falcon a tiny bit. But you're the best Pilot and I want to learn how to fly X-Wings and other ships."

Poe smirks at you, letting himself loose. "Yeah, sure. I'll teach you to fly."


"Well, I don't want you getting a concussion again."

You pout at him and cross your arms, rolling your eyes. He chuckles, with those perfect teeth.

"Honestly. I'll teach you. Anything else?"

"That was kind of it. I repair all vehicles as my job here in Resistance so far but being a spy and becoming a pilot might not give me the chance to do that so I'll ask Leia later if there's a more simpler job to do."

He nods his head firmly. "Yeah, sounds right. The general never liked you repairing the vehicles because she was worried about you."

Aww...thanks Mom.

"She'd probably prefer it. We'll figure it out closer to the time and I'll guide you through the X-Wing first. Okay?"

This is astounding to you! And you beam happily at the man.

"Thank you so much, Poe. You are amazing!" You give him a kiss on the cheek as thanks but feel his body heat up under your lips.

"Y-Y-Yeah no p-problem." He flashes you a weak smile and you grin happily.

"Goodnight Poe!"

"Goodnight Violet!"

"Don't call me Violet, POOKIE!!"

* * *

Poe, you, and Finn discussed the plan. Star Killer base is much more bigger than the Death Star. Finn said it extracted power from the sun. And Leia said that your D'Qar's system is the next target.

Obviously, that didn't sound fun anytime soon. Poe explains that they'll destroy the oscillator that's inside it, which holds all the thermal power.

The plan ended up like this. Poe assists himself and other pilots to go in and destroy the Starkiller Base from the outside. You, Finn, Chewie, and Han will get Rey out of there safely before she can be dragged off to Snoke. Which is something Kylo might plan to do.

"All right, let's go."

You start heading off but Poe grabs your arm. You turn to him and his eyes show a look of sincerity.

"I hate to be split up from you again like this but once this is over, we can catch up again. Okay?"

You nod your head firmly at the pilot. "Stay safe out there, Poe."

"Only if you don't get captured."

"I won't." You whisper to him. He smiles at you then nods his head.

"Stay safe, Pookie."

He rolls his eyes and walks off. You giggle at him. "What you get for calling me, Violet."

"I'll get used to it." He quickly turns, salutes and continues off. Finn nudges you and you get back on track.

Everyone goes to their points. You and Finn go outside and notice Poe hop down from an X-Wing. Passing him, he uses a fist for each of you but patting your shoulders. You both turn to him and he grins.

"You're my friends, stay safe out there."


"Will do! Come on, Y/n."

You nod your head firmly but bite the inside of your cheek. Finn works with the explosives as you try and help Han.

"You know, no matter how much we fought Han..."

You instinctively turn around before seeing Leia stand not too far away.

"I've always hated watching you leave. Both of you, in fact."

"Well, that's why I did it. So you'd miss me."

"I did miss you." Leia says to him.

"Some things never change." Han says in a soft tone. He wraps an arm around you and Leia which you smile at him. This is your family. You're just missing one more.

He pulls you both in for a hug, Leia's head resting on his chest while your head in against his arm.

"If you see our boy...bring him home."

"We will do our best. I promise, Mom."

"Thank you. I love you, two."

Han pulls away and he ushers you into the Falcon. Han says his goodbyes before Finn and Chewie also go in.

"How we getting in?"

"Leia trained me to be a spy for a little while so with the force. I can help us all in. Otherwise, they have a small fraction of shields that keep anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through." You explain.

"We're making our landing approach at lightspeed?" Finn asks you seriously.

"Gotta listen to the women." Han mutters.

Chewie growls at you which Han looks down at the controls. "Get ready."


You're suddenly shown with snowy hills, one wrong hit and you're done for. Chewie growls at you and Han aggressively as you fumble with the controls.


You pull the Falcon up but even then do you hit some trees. You gasp but tense your muscles to pull up a bit higher.

Unfortunately, out of the trees you land roughly on the snow. The Falcon slides along the snow up until the ledge, a few rocks crumbling.

"That wasn't fun." You mutter.

"Tell me about it." Han growls. "Put warmer clothes on than that pilot jacket. We're heading out."

Everyone puts some warmer clothes on and you secretly throw on a puffer jacket atop the pilot's jacket. You don't want to lose Poe's jacket because that could be infuriating.

You manage to sneak into a building after Han Solo got pissy about Finn working as sanitation and his assumption of how the force works, or for the fact that Chewie was cold.


Chewie zaps the trooper and he lies flat on the ground as you stand in the elevator.

"The longer we're here, the less luck we're gonna have." Han growls. Finn steals one of the metal Stormtroopers and forces her to take down the shields, keeping your eyes open for Rey. Or Ben for that matter. Within moments you hear the pilots come in, including Poe's significant leading Wing.

Turning around the hall, you suddenly see her and she gasps. Raising the blaster. You all yelp and quickly grab it. Which she socks you in the face.

"Rey! What the hell!?" Finn whisper yells.

"Oh my God! I thought you were somebody else! I'm sorry!"

Your eyes is now bruising and throbbing as you cover it with your hand. You stick your tongue out at her and she lets out a sigh.

"Good to see you too, Rey."

She quickly throws her arms around you and sighs. "What are you guys doing here?"

Chewie growls and Finn gets confused, Rey pulling away to instantly look at Finn.

"What'd he say?"

"That it was your idea."

"Escape now, hug later." Han whispers. You all agree and quickly runoff.

"We're aiming to take this Starkiller base down. But once it's over, we'll get you back soon enough."

Rey smiles, and you smile back. "It's good to have a friend like you."

"Always necessary." You wink. You all manage to make it back out to the snow but seeing X-Wings fall and collapse makes your heart pound. Poe is still out there somewhere somehow.

Han comes up with the plan to use the explosives Chewie has. So you all go back into the building and set up the bombs in different areas of the base. You, Finn, Rey.

But when you make it into the columns area, something catches you off guard. Han is down at the bottom, where Chewie is up the top with you.

"Chewie, what's going on?"

Chewie growls. And you feel your heart begin to pound. Loudly ringing in your ears. And then it hits you, hard in the face.


Kylo is down there. Kylo is one side of a bridge. Han steps onto the other.

"I have to go down there." You whisper. Rey quickly holds you back. "No, let Han do this!"

You bite your lip and look down at them. This is insane...This is insane...

"Han Solo."

Kylo's head lifts up slightly.

"And my beloved sister. I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Kylo is a monster, Han is old. Everything else goes quiet, and the air does not chill you.

Only fear.

Everything has gone quiet. The rush silences.

"Take off that mask. You don't need it." Han states.

Kylo pauses, only for a moment. "What do you think you'll see if I do?"

"THE FACE OF MY BROTHER!" You shout out. Getting Kylo's head to look up.

"And my son." Han states gruffly. There is no fear in his voice. Han seems to know what he is doing. Thus, the helmet hisses and shows his face.

Cold expression. Black hair. Brown eyes. Ben Solo.

"Your son, your brother. Is gone." Ben hisses. He has anger dripping in his voice in a cool complexed manner to imitate the weak. "He was foolish. Like his father. Like his sister."

Your grip gets tighter on the hand railing. You desperately want to go down there. To your family. But you're sure either man wouldn't want that.

"So I destroyed him."

"Ben you are still alive! You're my brother, and I love you for that!"

Even with his distance, you see Ben flinch. Han takes his steps closer. Rey and Finn don't look at you knowing that the pressure would still. They're eyes remain down there.

"She's right, you know. My son is alive. Snoke wants you to think all of that. All of what you're saying."

"No." Ben says, in a deep dull tone. "The Supreme Leader is wise."

"Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you."

Ben again, flinches with how close Han is now. You gulp harshly. Your throat drying up.

"You know it's true." Han mutters.

"It's too late."

"No, it's not. Leia, me, Y/n. We're all here for you."

"That's what family is for." You say this in a calm voice. Ben can still hear you.

"Leave here with her and me. Come home. We miss you."

There's a moment of silence between the men. Pressure building up.

"I'm being torn apart." Ben says. His voice cracks like it was the most difficult thing for him. "I want to be free of this pain. I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?"

"Yes. Anything." Han tells him. His helmet clangs on the bridge, echoing through the room.

Something does not feel right.

He pulls out his saber. Your heart pounds louder. Han grasps it. And in moments of breaths as the sun fades away.

You hear the saber click on. And multiple screams, echo through the walls. Louder, louder than anything before.

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