
By IAmQueenVader

7.3K 132 31

this is about Corey Scherer the YouTuber, dancer, and comedian. Some TFIL members will be in this and it may... More

Moving To Cali
Home welcoming
Wonderful Day
Story to tell
Family Meeting
Nightmare's Come True
Traphouse 2.0
Life update💜
New start
Win or Lose
Dreams into reality


778 15 7
By IAmQueenVader

Coreys P.O.V

I went around the house looking for something to do then i finally gave up and went up to my room but i ran into Y/n and i looked at her and she looked really beautiful i almost couldn't stop staring at her.

Y/n- " im sorry corey i was too busy looking at my phone."

Corey- " its okay, are you heading out?" I wanted to grab her and kiss her but getting nervous. So i told her id go with her to wherever she wanted to go and i waited on her then she got in the car.

Y/n- " first stop is target!" She loves target. I smiled at her she blushed and i started driving 20 mins later we arrive to target and she gets out the car she doesn't look ok tho and she grabs my hand as i walk towards her, my eyes lit up

Corey- " whats wro-" im blushing i think.....oh no... "Are you ok...y/n?"

Y/n- " yeah, i just um..when i go in public i dont like walking by myself past cars especially looking like this. Thats why im glad you said you would come with me so people can think im not alone...i usually get starred at..i guess because of my body..idk." she pushed her hair behind her ear and looked down then we looked both ways for cars.

Coreys- " y/n, not to sound weird or anything but your body is beautiful id look too but i understand what you mean, being by yourself in public is scary especially since your such a gorgeous female looking like that" i got us a cart and smiled cus i couldnt look her in the eye.

Y/n- " oh...thank you corey, its not weird but its very flattering and your not too bad yourself. I uh, have list of the stuff i need"

Corey- " no problem, and ok." As we headed towards the aisle with cookies she grabbed double stuff Oreos and put them in the cart and then i looked at her as she turned around and i just focused on her. She's not any regular girl y/n's a shy lowkey cute funny caring person if you get to know her. She has a body that is in shape but is thick in a good way, but she doesn't like to show it that much. Elton told me she doesnt have alot of confidence for some reason and she suffers from anxiety. As i admired her following her to the soap aisle and I started biting my lip and she snapped me out my thoughts

Y/n- " C-Corey, um you ok? Do you need me to get you anything from over here?"

Corey- " oh no im sorry i was thinking of something, im fine but um no im good thx tho" i giggled and smiled which caused her to smile. She got what she needed and we headed towards the meats and she got fresh chicken breast and frozen fruit for smoothies and then kale and spinach. I love how she stays on top of her diet its motivating. Once we finished up at target we got ready to go to the car with the cart, then i saw she was looking how she was when we got out the car so i grabbed her hand and the cart and we got to the car safe then we put up the groceries and we got in the car after i returned the cart. "Hey you ok?"

Y/n- " yeah, can we just go home now i don't feel that good, but can you get us food from panda Express?" She doesnt look herself we were fine in the store and she seems sad now.

Corey- " yeah we can , do you need medicine?" She shook her head no and pushed the seat back and layed down a little and put in her headphones. I drove us home and got into the driveway and woke up y/n she looked around unbuckled her seatbelt.

Y/n- " corey thank you for taking me to the grocery store and ill text you from my room and when you get back with the food let me know" she kissed my cheek and unlocked the door and left it open for me. I unloaded the groceries and put them away and then i put her stuff in her room since she went in her bathroom. The boys still weren't back yet so i txted elton

Text messages
Corey- hey what you up to?

UncElton- me, sam, and colby went to this forest and we are gonna do a overnight , which means no dinner as a family tonight which sucks, also Aaron is at the studio he said he'd be there all day. Is everything ok?

Corey- well, i went to take y/n to the store but once we were done at target she didn't seem herself and she said she didnt feel good. So i put up the groceries and im finna go get us food. 🥺and its ok ill spend time with her and make sures shes ok. Dinner can be for a special day maybe.

UncElton- ok & well idk whats wrong if the store was crowded then thats probably why and since youll be there with her all day, ask whats wrong.🤔

Corey- well she did seem down and she held my hand today💀🤦🏽‍♀️i kinda want to ask her but she's only been at the house for 2 days

UncElton- well ill tell you what you hang out with her today if she wants to and see what wrong and wait a couple days and see if she says anything or tells you if she does.

Corey- alright thx man, ill talk to you later🖖
End of Text Messages

I go to y/n's room and i wasnt paying attention but she was changing clothes. " Hey y/n what do you-oh im so sorry, didn't mean to walk in on you."

She was putting this on⬇️

Y/n- " its ok, i want orange chicken and chicken fried rice and a fortune cookie please and come here" i walked over to her she already put on her clothes. She hugged me and held me tight "i just needed a hug im sorry"

Corey- " its ok, do you mind telling me whats going on? You dont have to talk about it if you dont wanna." I felt a tear drop on my chest it was from her and i rubbed her back "do you wanna tell me when i get back?" She nodded and kissed my cheek went to lay down in her bed and i turned off her light. I left to get our food and came back 10 mins later. When i got back to the house i went upstairs and put my shoes in my closet and pet my keys down and took off my jacket and headed to y/n's room with our food and drinks, my hands were full. " Hey, can you open the door kinda have everything in my hands."

Y/n- " oh yeah im sorry." She helps me and takes it to her bed and we get settled with the food. I sit down on the end of her bed.

Corey- " so you ready to talk about whats going on?" She nods yes and drink some of her sprite.

Y/n- " so at the store i kinda was nervous and i was getting bothered by my anxiety because there was some people where we were and i get very isolated, i mean i feel a little better since im home...and i haven't really told anyone but i get deppressed sometimes. On of those says was today, i felt like the those other people looked at me like they were judging me and i kinda didnt want to be there..." She looked up at me and tears dropped from her eyes and said " and to be honest, i haven't been told elty yet but ive tried to....a couple times..." She got up and took off her oversized shirt and showed me her stomach and arms my eyes teared up and i got up and hugged her. " I felt ashamed to show and to tell anyone even elton and i did this to myself months ago. I promised myself ill never do it again and they healed properly, im sorry you had to see me like this." This breaks me

Corey- " it-its ok, im here and so are the rest of the boys if you need anything and i mean that y/n. Now lets lay down and eat and go to sleep ok, ill stay in here as long as you want me to." She smiled a little bit and nodded and put back on her oversized shirt. While put on some Billies Eilish thats her fav artist. And this song that i love by her played called i love you. After we finished eating, she got under the covers and i lay beside her on top of the covers with a blanket on me, She looked at me in my eyes deeply...

Corey- " y/n ?"

Y/n- " yes" i had my eyes closed for a second then opened them again

Corey- " i-i have a thing for you, I um i like you alot and i have for a long time to be honest. I just didn't want to be rejected and i didnt want to get my hopes up." I really never knew if she felt the same way about me  and now was the time id find out, im a lil nervous.

Y/n- " im glad we feel the same about eachother, i thought you never even looked at me that way. " She started blushing. I put her hair behind her ear, and i leaned in to kiss her passionately and she kissed back, i couldnt even wrap around my brain that this was going in real life, i thought I was in another dream. Her lips were soft and she gave gentle kisses that made me want to kiss her all day. We pulled apart and she got closer to me to lay down and we drifted to sleep since it was 12:10. "I love you" i felt complete hearing that from her.

Corey- " i love you too."


Ok ok, i know this part seems all over the place probably but i just wanted to make sure i was in detail. I dont like to skip anything and i lowkey feel like its boring🤦🏽‍♀️🖤but i dont know. It is a long part and i hope everyone loves this😊share to friends or anybody who loves Corey Scherer abd leave a comment and a 🌟.

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