Pernico - Survivor

By tianne789

424K 15K 12K

Pernico! Nico is going through a hard time, as is percy. Will the two succumb to the sadness, or will they be... More

Pernico - Survivor
Ch.2 I spotted a Foot
Ch.3 Science Make-out session
Ch.4 Let me help you
Ch.5 Unexpected Guest
Ch.6 The Offer
Ch.7 Crumbling
Ch.8 Wanna Spar?
Ch.9 Thank You
Ch.10 Biceps
Ch.11 A Good Day
Ch.12 Just Attack Already
Ch.13 Nemo
Ch.14 Body Heat
Ch.15 Have you been crying?
Ch.16 Persassy
Ch.17 I just had to jinx it
Ch.18 Do you have a thing for Nico?
Ch.19 Dear Journal
Ch.20 Quite so Alone
Ch.21 What time is it?
Ch.22 Everything is better with friends
Ch.23 A few minutes of normal
Ch.24 Everything is so beautiful
Ch.25 Free
Ch.26 Making faces
Ch.27 Too much dressing
Ch.28 Perfect in every single way
Ch.29 Sure thing, Ghosty
Ch.30 you're really something
Ch.31 What would my mom think
Ch.33 Carry on my wayward son
Ch.34 We've delayed it for too long
Ch.35 forever greatful
Ch.36 Want to play checkers?
Ch.37 Focus on moving forwards
Ch.38 Yeah, what he said
Ch.39 Now, who wants muffins?
Ch.40 I'm proud to be a survivor
Thank you

Ch.32 Its divergent, not divergence

6K 251 221
By tianne789

Nico's P.O.V

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm completely positive." I replied.

"What if he-"

"He won't." I cut him off.

He huffed. "Fine. I'll have the stuff for you after lunch, but you owe me big time. Getting my hands on a skateboard is going to be hard work."

"Thanks, Connor." I replied as he turned away.

"Yeah, yeah." He called over his shoulder as he made his way out of the fire pit. I looked around making sure nobody overheard us before making my way to my cabin. I clung to the shadows as I crossed camp to my gloomy cabin. The curtains were closed and had a thin layer of dust on them. I don't think I've ever actually moved them... I thought about opening them, but in the end, I decided to leave it for another day. I sat down on my bed and pulled out my sketch book from under the mattress. I opened it up to a new page and began to sketch out my prank idea. I had decided to get my prank over with tonight, so I wouldn't have to watch Percy's prank first. Maybe I can even intimidate him... I just hope Percy doesn't have the same idea, otherwise we could get into trouble.

After finishing my sketch, I stretched out, cracking my back at the movement. I felt nice to be planning pranks again. I haven't done this since before Bianca passed. I felt a smile grace my lips as I thought back to the past. Back to when Bianca and I had put hair dye in the neighbours shampoo, and he had to go to school with purple hair for a few days until his mother had re dyed his hair. I felt a laugh escape my lips just picturing his face when he walked into the school. I just hope I can pull this prank off. If it goes well, I'll get to have a boyfriend with a lip piercing. I always thought those were attractive, but I didn't think Percy would actually agree to my crazy demand. Although I didn't really expect to hear me replying to his demands either. I just got so caught up with out bet, that I didn't think about what I was agreeing to. Oh well, as long as I beat him in our bet, I won't have to worry about it anymore.

A loud noise sounded signifying the beginning of lunch and I immediately jumped up and sprinted out of my cabin. The faster I ate lunch, the more time I had to set up the prank. I slowed to a walk as I approached the pavilion. I couldn't let Percy catch on to my plan. I had to let him think that I wasn't doing the prank until tomorrow. I sat down at my table and before I had time to catch my breath, Percy slid in next to me.

"My good looks make you loose your breath?" He joked as blue macaroni appeared on his plate.

"Yeah, that's why I'm out of breath." I replied sarcastically.

"You're no fun." Percy pouted before taking a bite out of his pasta. At the sight of his food, I asked my plate for the same thing, smiling when the blue pasta showed up on my plate.

Percy raised his eyebrow in confusion. "You like blue food too?"

"I dunno. It just looked good, so I got some for myself." I explained before taking a bite. It tasted just like normal macaroni and cheese, although the blue colour did make it seem a little more appetizing. I quickly scooped up more noodles before shoving them in my mouth.

"You like it?"

I shook my head. "Yes." I said through a mouth full of noodles. I quickly swallowed them before repeating my answer.

"Maybe at dinner you can try blue steak. Everything tastes better when it's blue." Percy smiled.

I chuckled. "Okay, I guess I'm having blue steak for dinner."

"Now I want blue steak... I guess I'll have to wait until dinner..." Percy said like the ever hungry boy that he was. Sometimes I wondered if the lack of brain power make more room for food.

I sighed after realizing my fork had hit an empty plate. "Darn."

"You mean: dam." Percy smiled.

"Okay..." I replied confused.

Percy waved off the hidden question. "It's just an old joke."

"Explain." I demanded.

"Nope." Percy chuckled as he messed with my hair. I grumbled as I tried to pry his hand off my head. After he finally let go, he began to twirl his fingers in his own hair.

"So what's the plan for tonight's date?" He asked, pausing from twirling his hair for a second.

I froze. I had been so busy planning the prank, I forgot to plan the date. "We're going to watch movies." I made it up as I said it.

Percy smiled. "Sounds like fun. Should I bring some popcorn?"

"Sure." I replied, mentally scolding myself for being so forgetful.

"Can we watch Nemo?" Percy asked, with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

"No." I replied flatly.

Percy whined. "Why not?"

"It's one of the only movies that I've seen." I replied.

"Okay, how about Dolphin Tale?" Percy suggested.

"Is it about fish?" I asked.


"Then, no." I replied, so done with aquatic movies.

"What do you have against fish?" Percy whined.

"Nothing, I just don't think it'd be fun to watch another fish movie." I replied honestly.

"Well, what do you want to watch?" Percy asked with sass.

I hadn't actually thought that through yet. "That movie about that girl." I tried to say something as vague as possible and hope that Percy filled in the blanks.

"Oh, you mean divergent?" Percy asked with confusion in his eyes.

"Yeah... Divergence..." I replied as I scratched the back of my neck, very aware of my precious prank setting up time dwindling away.

"It's divergent, not divergence, but I wouldn't mind watching that." Percy smiled.

"Great. It's a date. I'll see you at dinner?" I asked as I stood up and began to bounce up and down in impatience.

Percy raised his eyebrow. "What's the rush?"

I scoffed. "What? I'm not in a rush..."

"Okay, whatever. I'll see you at dinner." He replied before I quickly walked off towards my cabin. Upon opening the door, I saw the stash of supplies sitting in the middle of the floor. I grinned to myself in excitement, as I thought about how much fun I was going to have pulling this prank off. Now, time to get to work...


:D there's chapter 32 finished! :P

Hopefully you guys liked this chapter enough to give it a vote! Also, comments are greatly appreciated. Haha

Thoughts on Nico's prank? Haha

Question: if you were an icecream flavour, what would you choose?

My answer: cotton candy because it's so delicious. (And sweet)

Bonus question: favourite movie that involves a fish?

Remember to smile! -Tianne

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