Rejected for another

By JMCinar

137K 4.3K 1.6K

Every werewolf dreams of finding their mate. Some can go a lifetime without finding the other half of their s... More

1. Broken
2. Lost
3. Ghost
4. Howl
5. Glass
6. Decision
7. Alone
8. Promise
10. Truth
11. Brace
12. Impact

9. Offer

18.8K 615 521
By JMCinar

My alarms irritating buzz woke me at five and I grumbled as I pulled myself out of bed to turn the damned thing off. I intentionally moved it to the other side of the room so it would force me to get out of bed to turn it off. I quickly turn off the alarm and and yawn and rub the sleep from my eyes and waited expectantly. I felt better today? There was no crushing pain, no burning, just a bearable ache. I rubbed my chest and sighed in thanks to whatever the reason for this. 

A sudden loud growl startled me from my silent thanks and made me look down at my stomach in confusion, suddenly feeling sick and hungry. I quickly walk into the kitchen and swore at myself when I noticed how bare my cupboards and fridge were. How had I survived this long? I look down at my bony figure in embarrassment and disgust. How had I let it get this bad? How had I let someone else affect me like this that I actually neglected myself? Well no more, I was going to start looking after me from now on, no more neglect and no more self pity. I was better than this! I quickly pull out my notepad and pen to start a shopping list but quickly changed my mind. I needed everything. I turn the kettle on and quickly jump in the shower and get dressed in my usual black trousers and t-shirt for work and make my coffee before walking out the front door.  

The lights were already on and Jeff was busy in the kitchen preparing for the day. His usual radio channel could easily be heard as I walked in and I smile.

"Morning Jeff." I shouted over at him making sure that he knew I had arrived. 

"Morning Tabby." He shouts back as I headed towards the staff room and pulled my apron out of my bag and put it on. I then walked back out into the kitchen and looked at Jeff. 

"Could I trouble you for a breakfast Jeff, just something small and quick?" I ask hesitantly as i stood just outside the kitchen. I knew he wouldn't say no but it felt wrong asking. I wasn't used to asking Jeff for food. Jeff threw me a massive smile as I stood there fidgeting while I waited for him to answer. 

"Of course you can. Been waiting for you to have one of my breakfasts since you started." He said happily. "Go grab a coffee and I'll bring it over." He ushers me away from the kitchen with a wink. My heart warms at his enthusiasm to eat his food. I remembered when I first got the job he thought I didn't want or like his food. But he soon discovered that I had little to no appetite. I quickly make a large coffee and and grab a copy of the local paper and take a seat near the window. I was quietly reading the advert section when Jeff shoved his food under my nose causing my stomach to growl loudly. I silently shushed my stomach and thanked Jeff. 

"Eat up girl, can't have you wasting away on shift." He says giving me a small smile. "Enjoy."

"I will Jeff, it smells divine." I smile and pick up my knife and fork. My mouth waters as the smell continues to tempt me. Bacon, eggs, burger, fried tomatoes, mushrooms, hash browns, beans and toast. I dug in without hesitation and didn't look up until my plate was empty. I lean back and sighed in bliss, my stomach uncomfortable with how full I felt but it felt so good! 

"Never seen anyone eat like that." Jeff's chuckle brought me out of my food coma. I felt my face flame as I realised Jeff was sitting across from me and I give Jeff an embarrassed smile. "I don't know why you've never really eaten before, but I'm glad you've started." He says getting up and grabbing my plate. 

"It's fine Jeff, I can take it." I say.

"Don't be silly. Finish your coffee and let the food settle before you start running around." He pats me on the back and disappears back into the kitchen. I smile at Jeff's back and relax with a sigh on contentment. I felt so much better. I could feel my wolf agreement on how good this feels. I look back down at the adverts and take a few numbers for handymen in the local area as I had a more than a few things that needed to be fixed around the house. 

The morning passed quickly and soon enough Georgia came in for the afternoon shift. "Hey Tabby." She says cheerfully as she placed her bag in the staff room. She was pretty with her thick brown hair and grey eyes and had a kind temperament to go with it. I smile at her as I put my dirty apron in my bag. 

"Hey Georgia, ready for the shift of mayhem?" I laugh evilly as I wiggle my eyebrows at her. She mock punches me in the arm. 

"No but I could use the tips." She says seriously, her grey eyes troubled by whatever reason she needed the extra cash for. 

"Why what's happened?" I ask her softly, hoping that it wasn't anything too serious. 

"The care home has increased their rates." She shrugs. "But I can't look after mum full time, take care of Jake and work to put food on the table."

"How much have they asked for?" I ask concerned.

"It's not too much." She smiles. "But I'll have to do extra shifts when I can to cover it." She answers. I nod at her in understanding. She didn't want to discuss it.

"If you need any help just let me know ok." I say earnestly. "I can take less lunch shifts if that helps too." 

"Thanks Tabby." She smiles. "But I should be ok and if not you'll be the first to know."

"I'll hold you to that." I quickly give her a hug. "Don't be worried about asking for help OK?."

"I won't Tabby." She gives me a sad smile. "Thank you."

"Anytime." I say. "Well I need to get going but you have my number if you need it." I gently remind her as I picked up my things. 

"See you later." She replies as I walk out. 

Now I needed a present. What do you even buy a baby? I start my car and pull out of the parking lot while mentally going over a list of the things a baby could want. Do babies actually want anything? I pull into a parking space in the town centre and walk towards a baby shop. The whole place was dedicated to babies. I didn't realise that there was so many things a baby could need. I quickly start looking at clothes and pulled out a baby blue onesie that looked like the cookie monster and smiled. This was cute! I quickly pulled out the six to nine months size and held it in my hands and moved on. By the end of my little shopping spree, I had a bag of clothes, some baby toys and books that I thought would be lovely for Michael. I felt a little sad at the thought of not having a baby of my own, my own beautiful baby to hold in my arms and sighed. I promised that I wouldn't do this anymore.  Besides I had Michael to adore. I quickly headed to the card shop to pick up a congratulations card and some gift boxes to put the baby stuff in. Now I just needed a quick shower and a change of clothes before I headed over to my parents house.  

I decided on my ripped blue jeans and a black tshirt and quickly brush out my long brown hair and grab my boxes and lock up. I wasn't filled with dread on the ride over or crushing pain. I felt a small pang of heartache but not the 'I can't breath' sort of pain. I felt lighter, better.

I frown as I pull over outside my parents house and I notice a car i didn't recognise there too. Were they expecting company? I look down at my casual clothes and shrug my shoulders. I wasn't informed that there were any official meetings today. I quickly get out and grab the boxes and walk over to the front door, I didn't bother knocking and walk straight in and stop dead in my tracks. My eyes landed straight on a furious looking Gabe, his massive shoulders moving moving up and down with each heavy breath he took. Looking at him right this second I couldn't doubt that he was ready to rip anyone within reach apart He looked deadly. My eyes then cautiously moved over to his prey and notice Daniel standing opposite Gabe looking just as furious. What the hell did I just walk into? Deciding it was best to try and distract them, I put on my most cheerful voice on.

"Nice to see you again Gabe." I approached casually. "Daniel." I say Daniel's name a little more firmly to catch his attention. "I come baring gifts for Michael." I say shaking the boxes. 

Gabe growls suddenly causing me to halt and growl back in warning. This was not his house or territory. Gabe suddenly peels his eyes off of Daniel and shakes his head before looking at me. His golden brown eyes remained sharp as they studied me. 

"Tabby." He finally smiles and acknowledges my presence. "Lovely to see you again." He says warmly.

"And you Gabe." I smile tightly. 

"Wait." Daniel bites out. "You know Gabe?" Daniel asks suspiciously. I raised my brows at that. You would think that I didn't meet anyone with where I worked. "And you know him well enough to use his name?"

"I don't know him, I've just had the pleasure of meeting him before." I say looking at Daniel as if he'd lost his damn mind. What is he talking about?

"When and where did you have the chance to meet Gabe?" He asks seriously. "You don't do anything." 

"Thanks Daniel." I snicker back at him. "Let everyone know that I'm the life and soul of any party why don't you." I snapped.

"How did you have the chance to meet him then, of all people?" Daniel growls at me and taking a step towards me. At this point I was starting to get annoyed. Why did it even matter? 

"How do you think!" I growl back at him. "Think about it and let me know when the wheels start turning again." 

"Don't you dare speak to me like that!" He suddenly shouts at me furiously. "I'm your Alpha, not you." His eyes are completely golden now, his wolf right there with Daniel and royally pissed off along with him. If I had been any other pack member I know I would've had his jaws wrapped tightly around my throat right now. But me and my wolf didn't care, we were in complete agreement on this, we didn't see or respect him as our Alpha. 

"That can be easily be changed." I whisper threateningly while gripping the boxes tightly to me. Daniel suddenly looks hurt by my threat while absently rubbing his chest. 

"You don't mean that." He says quietly to me, his eyes pleading with me to take that back. I didn't answer, I couldn't help but feel that that may be my only hope to some sort of normal happy life. 

Gabe, who I had momentarily forgotten was here, was now looking directly at me with his head cocked to the side while his eyes asking me a silent question, one I refused to answer, before looking back over to Daniel. His golden eyes remained deep in thought as he kept looking back and forth between us causing me feel to feel slightly uncomfortable. His eyes suddenly cleared and raised his brows, a suddenly a look of disgust showed plainly on his face before looking back at me. The look in his eyes now as he gazed at me made my heart hurt. My eyes started to burn as my companion of pain joined me once again with the thought of everything I'd lost smack me in the face. My heart started beating erratically as he continued to watch me. I suddenly felt like I was splintering on the inside again. Please not now! I silently begged myself. Don't break. The heartache and shame I felt intensified as his eyes told me that he knew.

"Where's Kate?" I ask hoarsely, looking for an excuse to get out of his line of sight. I needed space. 

"Kate?" Gabe suddenly asks, his questions quickly forgotten as his interest turns to another. His back straightens and his eyes quickly look around the entrance expectantly.

"Yeah, my sister." I say as I shake the boxes with my trembling arms slightly like an idiot. I immediately felt like smacking myself. How would he know that my sister had just had a baby? "For my nephew." I clarify. 

Gabe looks concerned as he mulled my statement over before a look of rage passes over his face, his scar pulling tightly across his cheek as he gritted his teeth. I could practically feel the rising anger radiating from him.

"You ok Gabe?" I ask curiously. Was he a threat to the pack? The thought hadn't even crossed my mind before now. Gabe seemed to shake himself out of his anger and his piercing golden eyes zeroed in on Daniel.

"This had better be some kind of joke." He spits out menacingly.

"What are you talking about?" Daniel asks in confusion, his posture becoming defensive. 

Gabe chuckles at Daniel's reaction but not in a nice way. "Oh don't worry pup, we'll find out." 

Pup? I looked at Gabe more closely and wondered how old he really was? Yes we lived longer than humans but I still had a hard time believing that Gabe could be much older than us. 

"Right." I say slowly, having had enough of whatever was going on between the two of them. "I'm going to give these to Michael, will you two be ok?" I didn't exactly want to leave them alone to tear up my parents house. 

"Fine." They both growled back. I silently shrugged at them and walked towards the living room, smelling the fresh cookies and tea on the way. My stomach rumbled again at the smell and I smile. My appetite was back with a vengeance it seemed. As I walked into the front room I see my mum, sister and dad sitting on the large sofa, Michael wrapped safely in my mum's arms. I smile warmly at him before heading over to Kate.

"Hi Kate." I say cheerfully. "I didn't really know what to get Michael but I got him a few things I thought he'd like." I grin giving the boxes a little shake. Kate frowns at me before smiling tightly. I frown slightly as I quickly looked her over. Her hair was a mess as if she hadn't brushed it today; and her usual bright blue eyes were dull with black smudges under her eyes. 

"Thank you." She says crisply, pulling me out of my inspection. "You can put the boxes over there." She points to the corner of the room. I frown at her. Didn't she want to know what I had got?

"Don't you want to see what I got first?" I ask her bluntly, feeling slightly annoyed. I know we haven't been on the best of terms but this was for Michael.

My mum and dad looked at Kate's tight face, both looking shocked at her response, before my dad jumped in. "Of course she does Tabby, she's just a little tired." He excuses her while giving her a sharp look.

"Yeah just tired." She agrees but her eyes tell me another story. She didn't want what I got for Michael and she didn't want me here. Tough. I've stayed out of the way for far too long.

"Would you like some tea Tabby?" My mum cheerfully chimes in to break the tension in the room. 

"Yes please." I say while putting the boxes in front of Kate and taking a seat. "How is my favorite nephew?" I say looking over at him. Again I notice his eyes are on me and is grinning like a loon. 

"He's perfect." My mum says adoringly down at him. "Here have a cuddle." Mum gets up and places Michael gently in my arms. Kate's body tensing as Michael settles into my arms, her nails digging into the sofa so hard that I can see the skin around the knuckles turning white. Does she think I would hurt him? I wouldn't. Deciding it would be best to ignore her I look down at Michael's baby blue eyes.

"Hello handsome." I smile at him. "And how are you feeling today?" He starts babbling back at me and I pretend to understand him and and nod my head at him as if I agree with him. "That good huh?" I continue. "Well you have a big family that loves you." I kiss his head and take his scent in again. He truly was perfect. 

"Here's your tea." Mum says and places in on the table in front of me. 

"Thanks mum." I say not really taking any notice of the tea she placed down on the coffee table. Michael was still babbling to me and I soaked it in. I played with his tiny fingers and rubbed his soft cheeks and soon enough Michael was asleep in my arms, knowing he was safe with me. I look back up after he was asleep and see everyone watching me. Mum and dad looked at me with a happy yet sad look, one that I knew that they wanted me to settle down with a mate happily too. It was a bitter thought. Kate on the other hand looked completely opposite, her eyes clearly displaying her distaste with me being here. I give her a small smile to try and mend some of the rift between us but recieved a look of hatred instead. Deciding on ignoring her for now I lean back more comfortably on the sofa, careful of Michael and looked casually over to the door only to see Daniel and Gabe standing there both watching me. How long have they been standing there? I hadn't even scented them. I look back over and towards my parents that were drinking some tea and notice Kate was glaring at me still. This was awkward. 

Gabe, deciding he must be bored at the door, walked into the room and took a seat next to me, careful not to jiggle me with Michael asleep in my arms. He looks down at Michael and takes in a deep breath. His body going absolutely still before looking over towards Kate. Curiosity thy name is Tabby, I look over at Kate who I now notice looks guilty and worried, her eyes darting towards Daniel. I look back over at Daniel and I'm surprised to see he's still watching me with a look of contentment written all over his face. I fidget slightly, feeling uncomfortable at his look. What a show we would make. I'm holding my mate's and my sister's baby. How messed up is this.

"It's such a pleasure to finally have you in our home Gabe." My mum says excitedly, looking star struck. "We've never had the pleasure of you're family visiting us before." She continues. "Though I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your father, he was a good man." She finishes on a serious note.

"Thank you." Gabe replies looking sad at my mum's words. "He will be missed dearly."

"Yes by all." My dad chimes in.

"I'm sorry that you've lost your dad." I tell Gabe softly. I didn't know his dad or that he had lost him until now, but I could imagine the pain he must be feeling right now. Gabe nods in thanks at my words before turning his attention to Kate.

"Congratulations." Gabe suddenly bites out next to me, causing me to jump. "I see you've been busy." I turn my attention back to Kate who now looks extremely uncomfortable. Did she know Gabe too?

"Thank you," Kate says hoarsely but looks anywhere but at Gabe. I look more closely between the two as a sick feeling settles into my stomach. 

"Oh do you two already know each other?" My mum chimes in excitedly. "I didn't realise."

"We met last year briefly." Gabe answered, accusation evident in his stormy eyes. My dad suddenly looks very interested, watching us closely while my mum continues to eat the biscuits on the table completely oblivious to the now thick tension in the room.

"That's nice. Where exactly did you two meet?" My mum continues. 

"At the gathering." Gabe answers without missing a beat. The sick feeling only intensifies as I watch Gabe watch Kate. I knew that look. He hid his better but I knew that look. I knew the devastating pain twisting in the heart and the crushing weight on the throat he would be feeling right now. If they were mates and had met before, why the hell did Kate mate with Daniel knowing full well she had a mate? This was beyond sick.

"Oh wonderful." My mum continues still blissfully unaware of the tension in the room. My dad on the other hand starts to fidget, sensing something was off. I look over at Daniel to see what he was picking up on and felt slightly bad for him, only slightly. He looks utterly devastated. Betrayed. He's looking directly at Kate now, asking Kate with his eyes. The jig is up it seems. My dad may not know that Daniel was my mate but he sure as hell knows Kate isn't Daniel's mate right now. My dad's wolf was peeking out in anger as he looked between Gabe, Kate and Daniel. His breathing harsh as he took it all in.

"So how long are you in town for Gabe?" I cleared my throat. It's getting a little warm in here 

"A couple of days." He says looking back at me. "I had planned on staying a while longer but it looks as though my reason for coming here has changed." He gritted out. I could see the heartbreak in his eyes and knew exactly what he was feeling right now. I smiled sadly at him, understanding the deep pain that this was causing. I had had a rough time of it, he will too. 

"Have you been back to Jeff's?" I ask trying to take him mind off of it. He smiles and shakes his head at me. 

"No not yet, but I will before I leave." He answers.

"You'd better or Jeff will think he needs to change his menu again." I chuckle at him. "He made my life a living hell the last time he tried to change his recipes and menus." 

"Who's Jeff?" My dad says confused all of a sudden. 

"My boss." I say helpfully, slightly hurt that he didn't know. I've spoken about where I work and who my boss more than a few times.  

"Oh yes, I remember" My dad smiles looking embarrassed.  

"Well I'll definitely make sure we come by again before we leave." Gabe chuckles. "Wouldn't want you going through that again." 

"Appreciate it." I smile back.

"Why don't you open the gifts Kate." My points at the boxes in front of Kate. Kate gives a tight smile at mum before leaning down to open the first box.

Mum and dad gush over the clothes, toys and books while Gabe, Kate and Daniel are less enthusiastic about this family moment. Gabe is still painstakingly tense beside me and Daniel is fuming by the door. He hadn't moved towards Kate to look at the gifts. Michael suddenly stirs in my arms causing me to look down at him. He instantly sees me and starts babbling happily. At least he was oblivious.

"He's probably hungry." Kate says jumping up and sweeps Michael into her arms and quickly walks out of the room without saying goodbye. Daniel quietly follows her. I look over at my mum and dad.

"Well I need to grab a few things before going home." I say as I stand.

"Aren't you staying for dinner?" My mum asks. "You too Gabe?" 

"Well I actually wanted to." I start but my mum continues as if I hadn't said anything.

"You promised." She says. "I know you have your own home now but I would still like it if you came for dinner every now and then." 

"Of course." I say taking my seat beside Gabe again feeling stuck.

"Gabe we're having steak tonight and it would be our honour to have the pleasure of your company for a little longer." She says pinning him to the spot. My mum may miss things but when she wants something it was hard to argue. 

"That would be lovely, thank you." He smiles kindly at her. 

"Brilliant. I'll see how things are getting along in the kitchen." She says cheerfully as she leaves the room. My dad cleared his throat in the silence that followed.

"I'd better set the table." He stands, wiping his knees with his hands. 

"Do you need me to do anything?" I ask as I was just about to get up. 

"No it's ok. Just keep Gabe company." He smiles looking troubled and leaves the room.

Gabe and I sit in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before he asks me the question I hoped he wouldn't.

"So Daniel is your mate?" I sit up a little straighter, my heart hammering in my chest as I thought about everyone finding out. Would they laugh at me behind my back? That Daniel didn't want me? "It seems that your mate and Alpha is not worthy of either position." He mumbles.

"Please don't say anything." I whisper unable to look at him.  

The silence that followed was deafening before he finally answered. "I won't." He agreed. "But I would like to ask you one question." 

My ears perk up and I turn cautiously towards Gabe giving him my full attention. 

"Why do you stay?" He asks seriously. I stop and think about my answer carefully before answering. Why do I stay? Why didn't I leave?

I look at Gabe and decided to answer him honestly. "I think deep down I had hoped that he would end things with Kate, that he would be mine." I shrugged hopelessly. "Even though I knew he wouldn't, I still hoped." I say rubbing my forehead. "Can I ask you a question?" Gabe looked sad at my answer but nodded for me to go ahead.

"Why didn't you mate Kate when you found her?" I asked curiously. It was unheard of that a wolf leaves their mate unmated after meeting them. Though from personal experience I knew it could be done.

"Kate wanted me to wait. We'd only just met and I agreed." His face then turned slightly red as he continued. "She told me that she would call me to arrange a date the next day but she ran off. I quietly searched for. I assumed she wasn't ready and ran off. I asked around about Kate and I was told that she left with another wolf." He growled. "I was too angry and proud to go chasing after her." 

I felt bad for him. But i was confused at Kate's actions. She had wanted a mate as much as I do. What would cause her to mate someone else after she had found hers?

"She thought I had no ranking." He laughed humourlessly, guessing my line of thinking. 

"Sorry." I mumble as I take this all in. Kate refused to mate a nobody? Was that all Kate cared about? "It just doesn't sound like Kate."

"Well here we both are." He shrugs. "But I think I've had a lucky escape if that's what my mate is like." He smiles. "And so have you." He nudges me.

He was right there. Did I really want a mate that would push his true mate to the side and mate another? No. Did I want a mate that would father a pup on anyone but his mate? Definitely not.

"I think you're right Gabe." I say as I take a sip of my cold tea as I mulled that over. It was a lucky escape. 

"Was you serious earlier?" He suddenly asks.

"About what?" I ask in confusion.

"About leaving?" He says while looking at me intently. Was I serious? At the time I was, yeah. But could I really do it? Could I pack up everything and leave and start a new life. It may be better in the long run. I could start over.

"Maybe." I say. "The more I think of it the more it seems appealing." 

"You could join my pack?" He offers. "You could start over." He shrugs again as if he didn't just offer me a place to go.

"Are you serious?" I ask him pointedly. "Would you really consider letting a stranger join?" I ask hopefully, double checking he wasn't joking with me. 

"Completely." He answers truthfully. "Think on it and let me know." He says, pulling out his card and handing it to me. I look down at the card and read his full name 'Gabe Demone'. I look back up at him in confusion. 

"Demone." I say feeling sick again. "You're." Before I could finish my sentence Gabe quickly grabs my hand in his. The second his hand touched mine, I felt the prickle of an electric current again. My heart starts beating wildly at the contact and my wolf takes notice of Gabe. Gabe seemed to feel it too, his face scrunched up in confusion. 

"That name is just a name." He says earnestly. "I know you didn't know who I was but I was checking on all of the packs and wanted your honest reactions and I'm sorry to say that I find this one seriously lacking". Gabe quickly let go of my hand and clenched and unclenched his. "Interesting." He mumbles and looks at me closely. "Your wolf is peeking out." He says in a low deep voice that seemed to bring her out even more. My wolf was watching Gabe with far too much interest and I felt myself getting warmer. My wolf growls in satisfaction as she watches Gabe, his eyes changing golden brown in return and growling back at her, answering her. 

I suddenly stand up before I make a fool out of myself and walk to the other side of the room and take a deep breath. I needed to cool down. This was a mess, I was a mess and so was he. Gabe suddenly clears his throat and stands, lookomg just as confused as I felt. 

"Could you let your parents know that I won't be able to stay. I need to make a few calls." He says looking at me intently. I feel his eyes burning holes through me, making me feel a self conscious. 

"Of course." I answer stiffly, slightly worried that his offer was now revoked. My worry disappears as he walks towards me and closes his hand over mine, setting off the sparks once more. 

"When you've made your choice, give me a call." He reminds me, his eyes questioning me. I nod stupidly at him and grip his card tightly.

"See you soon Tabby." He whispers gently in my ear causing me to shiver. I stood there in shocked silence as I watch him smile at me expectantly. 

"See you soon Gabe." I answer before he turns his back and leaves the room. He smiles one last time at me before disappearing around the corner. I look back down at his card, not believing in what I'm seeing. Could it be a joke? Doubt it. Nobody would pretend to be this, the consequences would be deadly. The king. The king of all wolves had offered me a place in his pack. Why was the king checking on the packs? When did his father pass away? How did I miss that piece of news? I felt excited, I felt sick, I wanted to scream and puke all at once. Could I really leave though? Could I really leave my family, Kate and Mark behind? I had a choice now and I needed to make one.

I slipped Gabe's card into my pocket and mentally prepared myself for dinner. This would be interesting as Gabe would put it. Let the show begin. 

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