Undercover || Taekook

By mxvn13

322K 13.7K 3.6K

"Don't fucking touch me..." Jungkook muttered his tears finally escaping from his blood shot eyes and rolling... More

Part (1)
Part (2)
Part (3)
Part (4)
Part (5)
Part (6)
Part (7)
Part (8)
Part (9)
Part (10)
Part (11)
Part (13)
Part (14)
Part (15)
Part (16)
Part (17)
Part (18)
Part (19)

Part (12)

14.4K 694 78
By mxvn13

(3rd POV)

"Are you deaf or am I just not being clear?" Jungkook spat grabbing the older by the collar.

Taehyung was shocked at the youngers action....but what shocked him the most was the death glare that Jungkook was shooting towards Namjoon.

That deadly glare was very familiar....that's the same glare Jin has when Jungkook got hurt.

As soon as he realized that, Taehyung knew that Jungkook was very close to murdering Namjoon.

"Jungkook...let go of him". Taehyung spoke putting a hand over Jungkook tightly clenched fist.

Namjoon simply stood there silently....he didn't know how to react nor what to say.

Jungkooks grip only tightened as he tried to ignore Taehyung....but for some reason he couldn't.

Jungkook averted his gaze to Taehyung and as soon as his eyes met Taehyungs he unconsciously loosened his grip.

Taehyung felt the youngers grip loosen and he smiled slightly as he moved his hand away along with the youngers.

"We saw him on our way back from the lake...he came to apologize". Taehyung lied hoping the younger would believe him.

He couldn't let Jungkook know they knew Namjoon....that way their identities would get exposed.

"Well he came to apologize to the wrong person". Jungkook started before averting his gaze to Namjoon.

"And as for the apology then you can shove it up your-" Jungkook continued but was cut off by Taehyung putting a hand over his mouth.

"Let's give him some time to explain". Taehyung gave the younger a small smile.

Suddenly Jungkook felt mischievous...

"What the hell!" Taehyung exclaimed pulling his hand away and trying to wipe it on his jeans.

Jungkook chuckled which earned him a glare from the older who was still wiping saliva off of the palm of his hand.

Hearing Taehyungs girly scream, Jimin suddenly came out and saw everyone standing there.

His eyes fell on Namjoon who was standing there with a pained look on his face....

"Hyung...." Jimin whispered giving Namjoon a small smile.

Although Namjoon did hurt his uncle, Jimin knew how much Namjoon loved Jin.

Jungkook didn't remember but Jimin remembered every single thing....he remembered just how much Namjoon loved the older.

"Come in". Jimin made way for the older to come in...and before Jungkook could protest Jimin had given him a stern look.

And so Jungkook simply huffed in annoyance before making his way inside with Taehyung following behind.

Although Namjoon wanted to just leave he knew that would only make things worst...and so he nodded and went inside without any protest.

That's when Jimin looked up and his eyes met the same honey brown eyes that made him forget his own existence.

Yet as soon as their eyes met Yoongi averted his gaze else where and walked in ignoring the younger.

A strike of pain shot through the youngers chest....and yet he could only ignore the burning sensation in his chest.


"Uncle Jin wasn't at fault here Hyung...." Jimin started handing the older a glass of water.

"He was simply trying to protect us". Jimin continued taking a seat next to Jungkook so that he was facing Namjoon.

"I know it's hard to forgive him for lying to you for this long....you work for the government and he comes from a family that doesn't follow the law". Namjoon didn't respond...he sat silently and listened to the youngers words.

"But Jin hyung left the business...he did what he had to do to protect me and Jungkook". Jimin smiled remembering all the things Jin did for them.

"I'm sorry he had to lie to you....but you are in the wrong as well". Those words shocked Namjoon, what did he do wrong?

"You only told him about your job after you proposed and he said yes...." And that's when Namjoon swallowed all his words.

"He loved you....you were literally the best thing to ever happen to him". Namjoons chest tightened at Jimins words.

"He couldn't bare lose you...he had lost too many people....we all have". With those words Jimins eyes started stinging.

"Jin hyung is like a father to me and Jungkook....thanks to him we got to live a normal life". Jimin smiled through the pain.

"He can't lose you too Hyung....I'm not telling you what he did was right....but it was for all the right reasons". Namjoons grip tightened around the glass.

"So please don't do this to him....don't ruin the best thing that has ever happened to him". And with that a tear slipped from Namjoons eye and fell into the glass of water.

"I'm sorry....." Namjoon muttered remembering the pained look on Jins face yesterday.

Jungkook got up from his place and stood in front of Namjoon, his fists tightly clenched on his side.

Namjoon looked up slowly and noticed the tears that filled the youngers eyes.

"I might not remember you....but I know for a fact that Hyung loves you....so don't you dare hurt him". Jungkook muttered.

Jungkook grabbed the older by the collar and that action had everyone instantly on their feet.

"Kookie what are you doi-" Jimin started walking towards the two but he was stopped by Jungkook.

"Go...and I swear to god if you hurt him again....I'll kill you with my bare hands". Jungkook threatened before letting go and heading to the kitchen leaving everyone shocked.

While everyone stood there shocked, Namjoon couldn't do anything but smile.

'They really are similar...." Namjoon thought seeing how similar Jin and Jungkook are.

Namjoon excused himself knowing that he messed up horribly yesterday.

After hearing Jimins words he felt more than guilty for being so childish and u reasonable.

He needed to get to Jin right now...he needed to go back to his husband.


"You've got guts threatening someone who works for the government like that". Taehyung jumped up on the counter.

He found Jungkook sitting in the kitchen with a bottle of vodka which was already half empty.

"I meant every word". Jungkook muttered before lifting the glass of vodka up to his lips and gulping it down.

"Okay that's enough". Taehyung grabbed the glass from Jungkooks hand but the younger ignored him
and took out another cup.

"I remembered something...." Hearing those words, Taehyung sat quietly and decided to listen to the younger.

"I remembered when Jin hyung came to tell us he got engaged..." Jungkook started staring at the glass bottle.

"He was so happy..." Jungkook chuckled before grabbing the bottle and spinning the lid.

"And yet he was so close to rejecting Namjoon....and why?" Jungkook continued lifting the bottle up to his lips.

"Because he loved him..." He added before gulping down the rest of the bottle.

"But I know that wasn't the real reason....the real problem was me..." Hearing those words Taehyung felt his chest tighten.

"I was like a magnet for danger....and if Hyung decided to stay with Namjoon then he would be in danger....because he would have a relation to me". Jungkook added.

"Maybe that's also why Sehun isn't answering any of my texts and calls...." Jungkook chuckled hiding all the pain.

"I just wish I wasn't here....maybe then people would actually get to live their lives norm-" Jungkook ranted but was interrupted by a soft pair of lips connecting themselves to his.

Taehyung didn't know what had gotten into him....but hearing the youngers painful words and seeing that pained look....

He unconsciously felt the need to protect him...and so he grabbed the youngers face and pulled him in for a kiss.

A kiss that wasn't like any other...


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