Afili Aşk Imagines

By afiliaskim

2.1K 46 7

Just small short stories of my favourite couple Kerem and Ayşe More

Mario Kart


1.4K 26 4
By afiliaskim

Before you read: These are small bits and pieces I have written of Kerem and Ayșe going through pregnancy (mostly Ayșe) This is just what I imagine them to be like while pregnant... wish we could see this in the show... but we probably won't. 

Enjoy reading!


It wasn't very shocking.

She should have expected it, they weren't exactly being safe... you could say. But it was still scary, pregnancy wasn't easy and she knew Kerem would love and support her through it all. That thought of him being there for her through all of it is the main thing that kept her from not breaking down from nerves and insecurities.

'Ayșe hey how are you?'Gonca asked and it seemed like such a small thing to ask someone but if Ayșe answered that question honest she would have needed a lot of time to talk about it all.

'I uh I am fine just waiting on Kerem to be done,' She replied. Tonight she was gonna tell him the news.

'It's still early Kerem will be done in like an hour, want to order some food and eat on the terrace? I have to wait on Volkan anyway.'

'Sure,' Eating on the terrace and talking with Gonca seemed like a better idea than sitting alone and allowing her thoughts to run wild. And maybe she could tell Gonca about her pregnancy.

So they ordered their food and Ayșe sat down not even for 3 seconds and the question came.

'Are you pregnant? I am sorry not that your fat or anything it's just that you've been so nervous and been more careful with everything and... are you?'"

'I am pregnant,' It felt so nice saying that after keeping it a secret for a week.

'Really? Awh omg, come here!' Gonca got up and hugged Ayșe. Both of them enjoyed their food and talked about the pregnancy it was late and everyone had already left the building so no one heard them talk.


'Knock, knock,' Ayșe was getting impatient and Kerem was taking forever. 

'Hi, are you finished? Cause I am hungry and it's late and we already missed din-' Kerem smiled and closed his laptop. 'Sorry I didn't mean to finish so late,' He got up and started packing up. Ayșe smiled and got his coat for him and helped him put it on.

'Thank you,' He leaned down for a kiss and Ayșe smiled and gave him a small peck. She ran off and Kerem smiled. He loved her he loved her lots. And he missed her today even though they were in the same building all day.

'Ayșe come back! You don't even know where my car is!' He yelled after her and she giggled. He loved her laugh it made him smile again. He was tired of the atelier and their partnership with the Americans was a lot.

'It's always in the same place hayatim, I am not gonna get lost walking to your car,' Kerem had caught up to her and he was a little out of breath, but together in hand, they walked the last bit to the car.

Ayșe was waiting in the car while Kerem went to go get some food at the food chain near the company. She couldn't wait to tell him, it was eating her alive not being able to tell him. He was so clueless too not noticing her change in behavior.

She had a small box with the positive pregnancy test in it, she was gonna give it to him when he got back. It felt like forever waiting on him but in reality, he was only gone for 10 minutes.

'I got you-'He started and while putting the food in the backseat, but she interrupted him. 'I got you a present,' she smiled and handed him the box.

'Really what did you get me? why? did I miss an anniversary?' He looked a little panicked and Ayșe couldn't help but smile at him. 'Nothing bad I promise just open the box,' she looked up at him hopefully and it took him a second but he finally opened the box.

He was quiet for a total of 10 terrifying seconds.

'Is this real?' He pointed at the test which he hadn't even touched. 'You mean the test because-' 'Are you pregnant?' She was still for a second, she thought it was obvious with the test, but he needed to hear the words to confirm.

'Yes, I am pregnant,' Ayșe didn't expect Kerem to pick her up from her seat to hug her. She yelled at him but he laughed.

'Say it again,' Ayșe rolled her eyes at him. 'I am pregnant,' she said back slowly and Kerem smiled and kissed her repeatedly. 'You're really pregnant?' He managed to get out between the kisses 'Yes, Kerem I am really pregnant I am not joking this is real there's a baby here,' she pointed to her belly. Kerem smiled and kissed her again before moving up her shirt, exposing the skin on her stomach. He leaned down and pressed a kiss against it. She laughed at him and he moved back up and kissed her lips again.

'Kerem stop what if security sees us? I won't be able to go back into the office anymore if they do,' She said in between his kisses.

'Fine,' he sighed and Ayșe awkwardly moved back into her seat.

'I am gonna be a dad,' he looked so happy. 'I am gonna be a mom,' she said back. Both of them smiled at each other.

'Can I please sleep next to you?' Kerem begged but his wife was ruthless. 

'No, you're gonna sleep on the couch, every time we try to sleep in the same bed you take all the blankets,' she didn't care if his back hurt from sleeping on the couch. She had tried her best for him and had even gotten him a new couch months ago. He was gonna be fine. It wasn't like he was the one who was 6 months pregnant with a baby that wouldn't stop kicking his ribs.

'But you keep sleeping with that pillow and I feel left out, I am right here you can sleep on me!' He was desperate he missed his bed and he missed sleeping with his wife.

'No goodnight Kerem,' Ayșe turned away from him and went to sleep.


Kerem laid awake on his couch waiting to fall asleep. Over the months of Ayșe being pregnant, this couch had become his buddy. He remembered the last time he slept in his bed with Ayșe.

'Kerem you took all the blankets again! stop,' she yelled at him. 'I didn't take anything I've been freezing all night!' he yelled back.

'Go sleep on the couch there's a blanket in one of those cabinets go!' He rolled his eyes, grabbed his pillow and got up. He looked back at Ayșe who was sleeping peacefully. He smiled and walked over to her side to kiss her forehead.

'Kerem your beard tickled don't do that,' She murmured out making him laugh. He kissed her once more and walked towards his new bed.

It wasn't the smartest thing to go into the office 7 months pregnant. But Ayșe really needed to see Kerem and show him her ideas. One of the drivers had dropped her off at the office. He actually didn't want to bring her at first.

Apparently, a certain someone named Kerem Yiğiter told him not to. But Ayșe was persuasive and eventually, he agreed.

People stared at her, she had a big pregnant belly. And the last time Ayșe had gone into the office was a month ago.

'Ayșe, what are you doing here?' It was Feyza who had dared talk to Ayșe first as the other ones stared and mumbled.

'I came to see Kerem, is he busy?' 

'He's in a meeting right now, but he'll be done in just a minute. Can I get you something? Tea coffee? You can sit here?' Ayșe couldn't deny that she was tired of going up with the elevator and walking across the hall.

'I'll have some water,' Feyza smiled and walked off to get Ayșe some water. In the meantime, Ayșe got her sketches out of her bag.

'Așkim, what are you doing here?' Ayșe smiled and hugged Kerem tightly.

'I missed you, and I have some ideas I want to show you,' Kerem smiled when he left their room this morning Ayșe told him off for being too loud and waking her up. But here she was not even an hour later wearing a gorgeous summer dress and a bright smile.

'Can we do this in my office?' He asked her and she complained about crinkling her sketches before following him. Feyza handed her her water on her way to his office and Kerem grabbed it from her taking a sip.

'Hey, that's my water!' 'Sorry, here you go,' he gave her back her water and she drank the whole glass and sat down.

'Ayșe what are you doing here? And how did you come here?' 'That doesn't matter Kerem I am already annoyed at you for this morning I couldn't sleep and now you complain about me being here,' Ayșe was in a mood.

'Sorry hayatim, show me your sketches,' Kerem knew better than to test Ayșe he did not want her to yell at him again.

So they discussed her sketches and Kerem promised her he would show them to Hulya and Samet next time he saw them (they hadn't come to the office yet). While talking Volkan had arrived.

'Ayșe, what are you doing here?' Ayșe rolled her eyes why did everyone ask her that this morning?

'Good to see you too Volkan how is the wedding planning going?' Ayșe said that on purpose just to annoy him she knew the wedding planning was stressful for Volkan. Gonca had told her so.

'What's the name of the baby?' He tried and she laughed. 'Nice try Volkan, but I am not gonna tell you.' 'Please tell me I will pay you money!' he begged.

'No, Volkan we're not gonna reveal the baby's name until she's born,' She looked back at Kerem who was smiling at this ridiculous conversation.

'At least I tried,' he sighed in defeat.

'Do you have anything to tell me? If not can you take over for a second while I drive Ayșe back home?'

'No, I just heard Ayșe was back and came to see her,' Kerem rolled his eyes and got up grabbing his and Ayșe's coat.

'Come you can't stay here all day,' Kerem said while putting her coat on her. Volkan handed Ayșe her bag but Kerem grabbed it before she could.

Both of them walked back to Kerem's car but Kerem was a little faster than Ayșe.

'Kerem you're going way too fast!' she yelled at him and he stopped to wait for her to reach the car.

'You're too cute, be careful,' he told her as she got into the car.

On the drive back Ayșe confronted Kerem about him telling the drivers to not bring her to the office. He told her it was for her and the baby's protection, but Ayșe told him off saying she was perfectly fine to go wherever she wanted with or without him.

He apologized to her and promised her that he would take her out tonight. And asked her to not come into the office unannounced (because she's pregnant) and he would take her if she wanted to go.


Authors note: I would have written more if I could, but it's late. I'll probably add a part two somewhere in the future...

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