In Shadows of Night

By dstry0515

248 35 24

I woke to a sudden breeze invading the warmth from the heavy blanket that caressed my skin. Here, alone with... More

The Everything
A Distant Memory
The Screaming
In Two Days Time
The Great River
First Flight
The People of Light
I Forgive You
Candle in the Window
Sister Night
In the Light of Night
The Purpose
The Refugee
The Reunion
The Sorceress
The Okiyah
Exactly As She Promised
You Will Burn
Blood Moon
The Legacy

The Wailing Rains

4 1 0
By dstry0515


Theos was pissed or stressed, probably both, and every time he paced, his wings left behind a wisp of wind. His pacing triggered my anxiety something fierce, but I had to make it look like I wasn't scared. I could feel Jace watching and, for some reason, I didn't want him to know toying with us worked. I was nervous, but nobody needed to know that. I placed my arm on Theos' shoulder to calm him and his wings fluttered with startle. He turned at me and tried to smile, his facial features were fairly human again, but his wings were still out and he still stood considerably taller than when he was in his full human form.

"What can I do?" I asked, his eyes locking on to mine.

"Nothing. Just, do as your told when we take off. Stay close to Troia and don't panic if we're flanked. If he gets ahold of you, give him whatever he wants and I'll find you." He paused. "If he gets you, don't give up hope." A crack of light from lightning and thunder opened up a rainstorm so heavy, I swore someone was dumping rocks into a metal pail. The wind blew fierce and strong, a horrible crying sound coming from the trees.

"What is that?" I yelled. "Why is the treeline crying?" Theos laughed briefly, "The trees act as a tunnel for sound, it's the wind. We call it the wailing rains. It's only like this in the Far Forest." He took my hand and led me to Troia and Jocelyn.

"Ladies, this is Cora. Cora, Jocelyn will be taking your place at my side. Do not take off your suit. Troia will protect you in the front, follow slightly behind her and do not look away from her." Theos turned toward the women.

"Your bravery is exemplary, I applaud you. Jocelyn, you will likely be attacked first, be prepared." She nodded, her long ponytail tucking into her suit. "Troia, keep her safe. She dies and you die." My eyes widened at the thought. I looked to Theos, his wings expanding beyond his suit, he handed me mine and helped me climb into it.

"How does it work?" I asked.

"Right hand is take off, release to land. When you're landing, spread eagle so your exosuit will glide. Tilt your hand to turn. Like this." He squeezed his hand and jumped tilting it left and right to turn in a figure 8 position. "Be cautious how you lean your body, because where you lean, you'll go. Stay straight if you can."

I practiced as another burst of rain passed through. Soon, though, I felt an eerie feeling of discomfort crawl up my spine. The hair on my neck stood at attention as I looked around. I released my hand and tried to glide back down, tumbling and flipping as I fell. I felt an immense pressure overcome me as my body tightened and squeezed. I could hear the distant call of my name.

"Come, little dove. It's time." My heart raced and a sudden jolt hit my spine. Ground. I needed ground. Cries and screams ripped through my mind as Jace continued to reach me. "Come home. Back to me. Back where we belong."

"Cora, I've got you. You're safe." I could hear Theos' voice, but I knew Jace was watching.

"He knows." I cried, before another gust of rain pelted down on us.

"Who knows?" Birthryn responded.

"Jace, he's been watching, he knows what we're doing." I cried.

"She's communicating." Birthryn nodded. "Go on, then, child, show us what's happening." Before I could even explain it, my heavy eyes closed and I began to dream. 

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