Infamous Second Son

By AssassinNovice72

6.3K 124 33

Ten years have passed since the Purge of Conduits and the end of the plague, but the story doesn't end there... More

Chapter. 1: The Akomish Tribe
Chapter 2: New Power, Old Tricks
Chapter 4: Secret Agent & Audio File
Chapter 5: Hidden Camera & Stencil Art
Chapter 6: Queen Anne District Showdown
Chapter 7: Secret Agent & Stencil Art
Chapter 8: Hidden Camera & Audio Log
Chapter 9: Market District Showdown
Chapter 10: Secret Agent & Stencil Art.
Chapter 11: Audio Log & Hidden Camera
Chapter 12: Seattle Center Showdown.
Chapter 13: The Gauntlet
Chapter 14: George Town Mobile Take-Out
Chapter 15: Secret Agent & Stencil Art.
Chapter 16: Audio Log and Hidden Camera
Chapter 17: George Town Showdown
Chapter 18: Paramount Communications Mobile
Chapter 19: Secret Agent & Hidden Camera
Chapter 20: Audio Log & Stencil Art

Chapter 3: Welcome to Seattle

429 7 1
By AssassinNovice72

Delsin ran up the hill into the lower city, "There he is, run!" a bystander calls out and they were running at the mere sight of him, "No! No, no, no, no! I come in peace." he assures them, but they ran anyway. Delsin sighs to himself and ran up the hill. "Return to your homes immediately or we will open fire!" an officer calls out. He stops and looks ahead, seeing a blockade the DUP left behind.

The people were gathered at the blockade and they open fire onto the people, "Hey, what the hell, man? You're supposed to protect them from me!" Delsin calls out, pulling the D.U.P.'s attention away from the people. "It's the Bio-terrorist, redirect fire!" the officer calls out and they fired at him, but he fired back at them. He then falls back into cover and peeks out "Delsin, I got access to the Seattle database. Turns out, the D.U.P. has eyes and ears everywhere..." Reggie informs him as Delsin smirks and climbs up the tower. "Well, let's gouge out their eyes and slice off their ears." he jokes as he fired at the soldier, knocking him down then subdue him. "All right, I've got you on my GPS. You're not far from one of their Mobile Command Centre. If you can shut that down, it'll limit their ability to track your movement." Reggie informs him.

As Delsin jumps down from the tower and fires at the Concrete soldiers, "Mobile Command Centre, got it. So what exactly does one of those look like?" Delsin asks him as he fires a charge blast knocking the soldiers off their feet. "Well, it should be a large, heavily armored Mobile unit with side ports and major communications gear on top," Reggie answers him. Delsin then climbs up the sidewall and pulls up and fired at the soldiers on the next level ground. "OK, I think I see it. Bad-ass RV with lights and metal crap on the sides." Delsin states as he spotted the Mobile. "Ok, there should be vent panels along the sides. Blow out enough of those the core will overheat and be exposed." Reggie informs him.

Delsin nods to himself, "Okay, blow out the panels. Got it. Oh, one more thing, think you could search through the police data and find a strange woman wearing a fox mask?" Delsin asks as he subdued two soldiers, "I should be able to, why?" Reggie asks him, "No reason." Delsin answer and he continued to fire onto the solider, but his powers were running low, making him retreat back and dash through and air vent and ended up on a rooftop. Then he looks around, finding smoke, then he ran long the roof, dashing into another air vent and found smoke coming out of the pipe. He ran over dashed over and held out his hand, draining the smoke of the pipe and was recharged.

He smirks to himself then ran towards the edge of the roof and jumps right off, he plummeted down to the ground, landing on his feet and looks out at the soldiers, they aim their guns at him, but Delsin raised his arm and fired onto them as he ran towards cover, "Remember, locate the Mobile Command Centre and destroy it. Should make things a little easier." Reggie reminds him. Delsin nods his head then took out the last remaining Soldiers, then he looks down at his phone, seeing that there were security cameras around.

He huffs to himself then places his phone away and, ran to the walkway and found a camera, he took out and dash towards the alleyway and took out the next camera, ran around the area, taking out the last remaining cameras. He dusts off his hands and walks towards the R.V. "Peeping Toms." he mutters then looks at the R.V. he saw the glowing vents on the side, then fired at them, exposing the blue light. He then charged his blast and took out the four vents on the left side, then he ran around, firing at the four vents on the right side, exposing them and firing at them, taking them out.

Then on top of the R.V a compartment opens up and Delsin pulls himself up on top of the R.V., "Find the main power core, it should be on top." Reggie informs him, but then the doors were open, this makes Delsin jumps down and saw two D.U.P men step out with their hands up, he walks towards them and subdue the both of them. Then he turns away and pulls himself back up then he pulls out the power core and shot at it repeatedly, it overloads and flickers then burst. He lets go, dashing off the R.V. and looks up at it. There was a little explosion, then followed by a bigger one, taking out the R.V.

Then cameras in the area began to power down, "He shut down the cameras, the D.U.P can't see us." a woman calls out, as the people were excited, but then a SWAT car then pulls up and everyone looks over at it and the back doors open and a man steps out. "Huh? you must be backup." Delsin mutters to himself. Everyone then ran away as Delsin took his stance. "I prefer the smaller guys. They are really stepping up their game. Definitely prefer the smaller guys." he states as he steps back then took off running.

But he trips over a leg and fell to the ground. Then he turns and saw the heavily walking towards him then he aims his gun at Delsin. The gun then started to turn and Delsin covers his head, closing his eyes tightly. The gun went off as it was firing, but Delsin didn't fell the bullets hitting him. He opens his eyes, raising his head and he saw the fox mask woman standing in front of him with an electric shield, blocking the bullets. He sat up and looks at her in awe.

She then marches towards the heavy, keeping her shield up as the Heavy took a step back. But then his gun ran out and he went to reload, but the woman drops her shield, zaps right towards him, saddling him as they crashed to the ground and she grips his head electricity him, the heavy cries out as Delsin pulls himself to his feet. Then the woman pulls her hands away and saw the man was out cold. She exhales then stood up, then more of the D.U.P. came running out.

Delsin ran towards her and stood back to back with her, they both looked at the D.U.P as they were surrounded, "Freeze! Don't move, we have you surrounded." one orders, as another turns to his walkie. "Commander, we have her. We found the Prime Bio-terrorist." he states and Delsin charges his hand, "Damn, I can't take them all out at once." he states, then the woman moves her hand to her hip. "Duck." she states and Delsin turns his head to her. "What?" he asks, "I said Duck!" he shoulder and Delsin drops low, covering his head as the woman charges her whip and with a twirl took out the soldiers surrounding them.

The electricity from her whip shot out, shocking the men as they twitched and gurgled from her electricity and they drop onto the ground, unconscious from the amount of electricity that coursed through their veins. Delsin then stood up and looks down at the men as they were still alive, but out. He whistles as she flicks her whip back around her waist. "Okay, that was cool," he states and then looks at her, seeing that her hood fell off to reveal she had black long hair and along the side of her neck... it looked like electricity was imprinted on her skin.

It was kinda beautiful in a way, but he was pulled out of it as she turns her head towards him. "Thanks, I mean, I could have taken them myself, you know. But the help is not unappreciated," he informs her, she places her hands on her hips as she was not amused with the false confidence. But then Delsin's phone went off and he searches his pockets and pulls it out, "It's my brother, so... I gotta take this." he answers, she shook her head at him, crossing her arms as he answers the phone. "Hey, Delsin, I just realized, all the D.U.P. have concrete powers, right? So all you have to do is drain one of them and we can go home. And if it doesn't work, It'll mean you were wrong about that and we can go home." Reggie informs him.

Delsin sighs and hung up the phone then looks over at the heavy and walks towards him. "It won't work." the woman calls out, then Delsin looks at her, "What?" he asks, "Absorbing his powers, it won't work. They were copied onto him, from the prime Conduit, the only way you can get that power is from the prime herself." she informs him as she strides over to the side and leans against the wall. "Never hurts to try," he states, then looks down at the man. "How about you, big fella?" Delsin asks, then he kneels down and grips the man's hand.

Nothing happened and he lets go and stood up, "Aw, crap..." he mutters looking down at his hands. "Told you." the woman states and he looks at her as she pushes herself off the wall and he looks away from her "Well, did it work?" Reggie asks him, "No time to check, man. Dups coming at me from every direction." Delsin answers him. "Then get the hell out of there," Reggie informs him. "Yeah, great advice." Delsin states and he looks over at the woman but saw that she was already done. He sighs to himself and looks away. "Hey, Reggie... hate to ask, but do any of your besties in blue know anything about these core relays?" Delsin asks as he paces. "Well, apparently they got them set up all over town. The Seattle PD's been keeping an eye on them since the D.U.P. won't tell them what they do." Reggie informs him. "But, you can find out what they are." Delsin states "Sure, like I said--" Reggie states "Good, I need you to send the locations to my phone." Delsin informs him as he looks around.

Trying to find that woman, "What, so you can keep tapping them for more powers? No, forget it." Reggie refused. "Wow, my own brother wants me to fight the ultra-mega-bio-terrorist of all times with less powers." Delsin threw back at him, "Look, I didn't say that--" Reggie argues. "Well, I guess I shouldn't put it off then. Better go straight onto Augustine now and get it over with. Not sure what gonna happen." Delsin taunts with a smirk on his face. Reggie sighs on the line, "Alright, alright, I get it. Look, just stay away from Augustine and I'll send you the ones I know of." Reggie said as he gave in.

Delsin smiles to himself, "Thanks, Reg. You're the best brother ever." he said to him, but Reggie laughs on the line, "No, the best brother ever lock up in a closet back in Salmon Bay for the rest of your life." Reggie informs him. "Wow, not sure a closet could hold a conduit long, but I appreciate your wanting to lock me up," Delsin informs him.

Then he ran around the city, finding the core drones, blasting them out of the air and taking the shards. Then he found cases of drugs and then he took them out as well. But as he was running around the city, there was almost D.U.P. everywhere. "Reg, you should this place. The D.U.P.s completely trashed this place. And people are walking hunched over and all nervous looking." Delsin states as he kicks a drug case. "That's how martial law works. You control the city and the people by breaking them down first." Reggie informs him. "Yeah, well, applying army sucks." Delsin states as he took off running and found another drone. "Keep that to yourself, for now," Reggie informs him as Delsin exhales aloud as he absorbs the blast core.

Then he makes his way to the first core relay, he shot through the vent, flying up into the air above the room then he uses his thrusters and glides out onto the roof and finds the relay was guarded. "Hey, Reg. Remember those core relays we saw on the way here, cracked and destructed. Must of sealed 'em up." Delsin states as he quickly hides behind cover. "I doubt the D.U.P.s going to let you barrow their keys, might have to force them open," Reggie informs him and Delsin smirks to himself. "Well, lucky I have same mad new breaking skills," he states.

Then jumps out of cover, then opens fire onto the D.U.P guarding the Relay. But some threw concrete bombs at him, making him stumble back a little. Delsin growls to himself and continues to fire, hitting them in the head, then he charges at them and subdued them quickly. Taking them out. Then he turns to the relay and fires onto it, break it open and the blue light flows freely. He walks towards it, then held his hand out and drains the power from the rely. Then the blue light flows into him, suspending him into the air and he reels his head back.

He saw himself jumping up into the air and slams down to the ground, knocking the surrounding D.U.P around him right off their feet.

Delsin then lands back onto the ground and looks down at his hands, "Oh, this is going to be awesome." he mutters to himself. Then looks over at the edge and jumps, look out below!" he calls out and the D.U.P below him look up and he thunder slams to the ground, knocking them off their feet. Then he stood up and smirks. "Not bad, huh? You wanna see it again?" he asks them. But they didn't respond. Delsin just laughs to himself as he walks past them and ran through the city, he found the D.U.P restricted area with the Mobile Command, he fired onto the soldiers surrounding the area, subduing them and taking them out.

Once that was taken care of, he turns to the R.V. firing at the vents, overheating them to expose the power regulator. He hops on top of the R.V, pulling it up and firing at it repeatedly until it began to break down and was ready to explode. He then dashes off the R.V and covers his ears as the explosion went off. Then the camera in the area then powered down. Taking out D.U.P Command Centre was weakening their hold on the two districts.

He took down drones, absorbing the shards that power them and he makes his way to the next shard. "Man, Reg. You should see this place. The whole place is deserted, no ferries going in or out." Delsin states as they walk past a few people. "Same here at the airport and train station. Now that they got the bridge out, the D.U.P.s got the place sealed down tight." Reggie informs him. Delsin nods to himself. "It's not gonna be easy, is it?" he asks him "It's too bad I forgot to mention that to you over and over during the last ten hours." Reggie reminds him. Delsin rolls his eyes and continued his search for blast shards.

One was out on the water at the water meters, he needed to get there, "You think the D.U.P does this to every town they're called to?" Delsin asks as lands in the parking lot and was confronted by D.U.P and he took aim and fired at them. "Pretty much, yeah." Reggie answers, Delsin knocks one to the ground and he scoffs to himself, not impressed, "Why would they even put up with that?" he questions aloud. "Because when it comes down to it, these folks aren't willing to trade life for liberty or the pursuit of happiness," Reggie answers him as Delsin took out the last D.U.P and he shook his head. "Nah, that can't be it," he mutters then walks over towards the edge of the waterfront and looks out, seeing the drone. He pulls himself up onto the fire, taking the drone out.

Then he climbs up onto the roof, ran across it then onto the walkway cover and jumps down onto the water meter line. He then jumps out, smoke dashes forward and lands on the next one. Then he was standing next to the drone. He then absorbs the shard, he exhales as he body was tingling. Then he looks back and jumps into the air, smoke dashes forward. Landing on the next water meter then dashes to the next one, then he was close enough to the cover walkway, he jumps over and lands on the side of the cover walkway, he jumps over and he climbs back on top then he ran back towards the grounds then jumps back onto the room, dashes off the roof and lands back into the parking lot.

Delsin then turns to the Core Rely and aims his hand, he fired at it a few times and it explodes, Delsin shields himself from the burst and he lowers his arm looking at the glowing blue light. He steps closer towards it, holding his hand out and he absorbs the energy of the core. He became suspended in the air and he reels his head back.

Delsin was throwing a smoke bomb right at the spuad of D.U.P and it explodes, knocking them right off their feet. He threw another at one of the D.U.P, it attaches to him, he tries to get it off, but it just explodes, taking him with it.

Delsin lands back on his feet and looks down at his arms as the smoke was swirling around them. "Oh, I have a good feeling about this one," he mutters to him. Then D.U.P came running at him, but he just raises his hand and fired the grenade at them and they were blinded by the smoke, Delsin smirks to himself and charges at them, subduing them. "You know, second-hand smoke is bad for you." he jokes with a chuckle.

Then he took off to the next District, taking out the hand scanners and the D.U.P truck, driving around the area. Then he heads right for the Mobile Command Centre, it was a small area but was still well guarded. He stayed on the roof and looks down at the army that was between him and the Mobile. "It'll take a miracle to take them all down." he mutters, "I don't believe in miracles." the Electric Fox calls out.

Delsin then exclaims as he jumps away and looks at her as she was sitting on the ledge behind him, looking bored. "How... where did yo... you scared the hell out of me!" he shouts at her and she just shrugs at him. "I get around, been here for quite a while, even before the D.U.P locked it all down," she states as she then leans back against her hands. He huffs at her and looks back down at the D.U.P "I see you're in a bind." she states. He shrugs "I can take them, somehow." he states.

The Electric Fox frowns at her, "Why am I not convinced?" she questions rhetorically, he then turns and frowns at her. "Ok, Miss. Know-it-all, you do it if you can," he states as he steps away from the edge. She hops off the ledge and looks down at the D.U.P below them, Delsin leans back against the edge with his arms crossing, thinking that she was going to get herself killed.

But she looks up at the sky as it was darkened and thunder was rolling over the clouds, she then looks down at the D.U.P as they noticed her, "There she is!" "The Electric Fox!" "Open fire!" the D.U.P calls out as they aimed their guns at her, but she raised her hands then thrust them down, summoning thunder down from the sky. Delsin jumps back in shock as she was commanding thunder at her will. He then carefully steps over towards the edge and saw that the thunder was moving from one D.U.P to another.

Then he looks at the Electric Fox, seeing that she was concentrating on the thunder, then he looks down at her hand, trying to time the right moment to grab it and absorb her powers, but then she was done with the D.U.P, then noticed that Delsin was going to lunge at her and as he did, right on cue, she zaps away from him, causing him to fall onto the roof. He then quickly pulls himself up and looks at the road, seeing that she was standing there with her arms crossed. "Nice try, but it's gonna take a little more than a newly born Conduit to steal my power," she informs him.

He huffs then smoke dashes at her, but she zaps away, back into the city, Delsin lands on the road and exhales as he places his hands his hips and exhales. "Damn, almost had her," he mutters to himself then sighs as he walks towards the edge of the bridge and jumps off, landing on the ground then he walks towards the Mobile, but then stops and saw that the R.V was completely fired to a crisp. He drops his arms and huffs. "I want her power." he declares to himself.

Then steps away and ran around the district, taking out D.U.P trucks, finding blast cores and contentiously searching for the Electric Fox as she was nowhere to be found. But alas, his search was in vain, so he makes his way to the last relay and found that it was untouched, but it was guarded "Ok, Reg. They got checkpoints and cameras on just about every corner." Delsin informs his brother as he stood over the Relay and the D.U.P "That's the benefit of having home-field advantage." Reggie informs him, "Except this isn't their home field." Delsin reminds him. "Try telling them that." Reggie rhetorically suggests. Delsin rolls his eyes at him, then jumps off and thunder slams down, knocking the D.U.P off their feet and they were out.

He then turns to the relay and fired onto it, destroying it, then he steps closer, holding out his arm and adsorbs the core inside. He became suspended in the air and he reels his head back.

He could see himself firing rocket blast at towers, squads, heavies, and truckers.

Delsin lands down on his feet as he looks out seeing a D.U.P truck coming in and blocking his way "Okay, so that was is not an option." he mutters to him, then he raised his and hand-fired the rocket, he was knocked back as the rocket hits the truck and took every D.U.P inside and the truck out as it went up in smoke. He laughs and looks at his hand, "That was awesome! That freakin' worked!" he laughed then quickly run out of the alley and looks at the damage he's dealt, "Hey, Reggie. I used up all the Core relays you sent me man. Come on! I need more." Delsin states as he was pumped. "No man, that's all you're getting. I mean, Bio-terrorist thing has you all worked up. You... you need to find someplace lay low and chill out for a while." Reggie informs him.

Delsin just groans to himself then threw a bolt behind him, taking out the D.U.P that was firing at him "What is it with you and laying low? I'm fine, I'm great? Gimme more." Delsin assures him. "No. Now I'm working on a possible lead with a detective on S.P.D, we're not moving until we have our heads on straight." Reggie reports to him. Delsin just sighs to himself. "Okay, okay I'll... lay low. Whatever the hell that means." Delsin mutters to himself and he walks out of the alley.

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