Zombies 2 Wyatt x reader

By malloree1

225K 4.3K 1.1K

(Y/N) is Addison's twin sister. She's also a werewolf but never found her pack. She does believe tho that she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Quick Question
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (FINALLY!!!)
Chapter 19 (FINALLY!!!)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Little update

Chapter 2

20.5K 315 82
By malloree1

(Y/N)'s pov

I arrived at the city hall and rushed in. I looked around and saw Addison with our parents. I ran over to them and tackled Addi into a hug "Omg I'm so glad you're ok Addi!" She hugs me back. "I'm ok (Y/n) I promise." I sighed. "I know sis I believe you. But stay safe Addi. Not all werewolves are as nice as me." "I know (Y/n) I will be I promise." I nodded my head and looked at our parents. They looked worried too. I heard someone walk up to us. I turned around and saw Bucky. He wrapped his arm around Addi and looked at mine and Addi's parents and said "Don't worry Aunt Missy and Uncle Dale I was there to protect Addison. There's no one more brave than I am. But we-" I interrupted him by walking up to him closely and growled and flashed my fangs at him "I may have not been there but even I know that is bullcrap Bucky. I know you didn't do a damn thing. You've never cared for anyone else but yourself. So don't you dare and try and say you protected her." I growled again then turned towards Addi. "Who really protected you Addi?" "Zed did actually he found me." Addi said. I turned back to Bucky and growled at him again making him jump back scared. "(Y/n) stop that right now young lady." My dad said to me. I sighed and stopped. "You're lucky that they're here to hold me back." I backed up and stood beside Addi while glaring at him. Then Bucky said "Someone has to do something about those werewolves." Then my mom said "And someone will. Hold my purse." She gave her purse to my dad then walked to the podium. "As head of the city hall, I say the anti-monster laws are reinstated." My jaw dropped. Some people cheered and others stayed quiet. "MOM!" Me and Addi yelled at the same time. She just looked at us and made the 'zip it' hand gesture. I was hurt. That law involved me too since I'm a werewolf. I can't believe her. I looked at Addi hurt and she looked at me with sympathy. Zed then came up to us to talk to Addi about going to prawn with him. But I wasn't listening. I'm really hurt what my mom did. I took off running while crying. I needed to be alone. I got in my car and headed close to the forbidden forest. I parked my car and got out. I ran into the forest still crying. I stopped running since I couldn't see clearly due to tears. I found a stump and sat down there and put my head in my hands. I know it seems like I'm making a big deal out of this but it really hurts me that my mom did that. Its already been so hard on me being a werewolf and by reinstating that law made it worse on me. I sat there crying for a few minutes when I suddenly heard a branch snap. I jumped up and started growling causing my fangs and claws to come out. "Who's there? Come out now!" It was quiet for a few seconds until I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and quickly throw a punch and growled. "OOOWWW!!!" The person said. I stood down noticing it was a guy. Then I started coughing badly due to my moonstone necklace. I couldn't stop and I managed to sit back down. "Hey are you ok?" The guy asked. I finally stopped coughing. "Who the hell are you?" I ignored his question. I studied him for a minute. He had dark brown hair with blonde bangs. He was very tan. He had brown eyes that I could just get lost in. He looked pretty fit to me. "I'm Wyatt. Could you please answer my question." I sighed "I'm a werewolf. My moonstone necklace is losing its charge." I stated while looking away from him waiting for his reaction to me being a werewolf. "You're a werewolf? I am too. Where's your pack?" Wyatt said. I was shocked to hear him say he was a werewolf too. But i answered "Yes I'm a werewolf and I've never found my pack. I've been searching for about a year now and I haven't found them." Wyatt looked shocked. "Well what's your name and what type of werewolf are you?" "Oh I'm so sorry I'm (Y/n) and I believe that I'm the great alpha of my pack but I'm not 100% sure due to not knowing my pack." I said. "Hey my pack is looking for our great alpha actually." I looked at him shocked. "Do you think I'm your great alpha?" I asked. "Maybe. We'll have to find out. My pack has a fully charged moonstone thats for our great alpha so if you were to put it on you'd transform into a great alpha." I nodded my head but I don't know right now about them. "So why are you out here crying (Y/n)?" Wyatt asked me. "Oh um well pretty long story but basically my mom, who is head of the city council, reinstated the anti-monster laws at my town, Seabrook." I stated looking away from him as the tears start coming back. "Hey," he said quietly to me getting up amd squatting infront of me. "Look at me." He said quietly again. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up to look at him. I felt sparks run through my body as he touched me. "It'll be ok I promise." I blushed slightly and nodded my head. He smiled at me showing me his fangs. I smiled back at him. "Um I should prolly head home. My family might be worrying about me." I told Wyatt as I stood up. "Alright. See ya around (Y/n)." Wyatt said smiling. "See ya Wyatt." I said back smiling and walking back to my car.
Wyatt's pov
(Y/n) could be the packs great alpha. I need to tell the others. I have to admit she's kinda hot. 'What no what are you saying you just met her dude' I tell myself quietly. I shook the thought from my head and ran toward the wolf den.
-Time skip to the den-
"WILLA!!!!" I yell as I get back to the den. "What is it Wyatt?" Willa saod back. "I think I found our great alpha." I stated. "What?!?!? Who?!?!?" She asked shocked. "Her name is (Y/n). She's a werewolf and she said she believes shes the great alpha of her pack but she isn't sure because she's never found her pack." I stated. "Well where does she live she could know where the moonstone his." Willa said. "She lives in Seabrook. So we could go to her school tomorrow." I stated. "We go tonight!" Willa stated. "Or tonight." I said. "Lets find her and get that moonstone." Willa stated then she started howling which was followed by the rest of us.

Once we arrived at the school we hid in the air vent tunnels for the night so no one sees us. Tomorrow is gonna be crazy.

That's it for chapter 2 hope y'all like it. I know things are different from the movie. I wanted to add stuff to it so this story could be different and longer. Not all things that are in the movie will happen in this book. Anyways thanks for reading bye my little roses 💕

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