Break the Broken boy

By grumpystakki

12.2K 312 136

"You ruined my fucking life!" I yelled as I swung the bat, hitting him on the back. "You hurt me!!" I hit... More

Disclaimer and Characters
~Meet up~
~The Truth~
~Happy birthday~
~Happy birthday Pt.2~
~School project~
~New mother and sister~
~Taking the blame~
~The brother she always needed~
~A case of insomnia~


1K 29 10
By grumpystakki

I walked into school, holding my third cup of Coffee. I made my way into the Cafeteria were I found my friends at our table. I sat down next to Noah, my hoodie falling back slightly.

Mark looked at me, cringing as he did. Noah turned to face me, his eyes widening slightly. "You uh... you got a bruise... there." Noah poked my cheek, I groaned as I glared at him, kinda making it seem like I growled. "I'm aware, so don't poke my cheek thank you very much." I said, taking a large sip of my coffee.

"Did you sleep at all?" I shook my head at Noah, a humorous smile on my face. "Can I tell you a secret guys?" Everyone at the table was looking at me, including Ella, Mia and Shaun. "What's the secret?" Ella asked, looking generally intrigued. "This is my third cup of coffee, I haven't slept at all..." I whispered before taking sip of my coffee. I threw my bag over my shoulder as I walked towards class.

Noah followed me, we both had English. "Why didn't you sleep dude? You know you got to. Where'd you even go last night?"

"My sanctuary, and trust me Noah, I tried, I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I never can." I said, walking into the class and straight to the back. I sat in my seat, burying my head in my hands. I'll just shut my eyes for a little...


"Stop! Please dad!! Stop! I didn't mean to burn the food!!" My dad was holding the jug over my head, the boiling water that he threatened to pour over me dropped from the top. I was cowering in the kitchen corner, tears falling down my cheeks as I tried desperately to escape the monster in front of me.

"You fucked up my dinner!! You're fucking useless, I asked for one thing and you couldn't even do that without fucking up!!" He shouted, the jug still above my head.

"I-I'm sorry dad- NO!!" I screamed, more fear rising as he tipped the jug a bit. "It's sir to you!! And you fucked up so now you will be punished!!"

I screamed as he poured the boiling water on my chest, the water seeping through the fabric of my shirt and clinging to my skin, burning every part of me. I let out blood curdling screams as I could feel my skin practically bubbling. Everything was burning, my stomach felt like it was on fire and I wanted to pass out.

My dad started to set up his plan.

He emptied the water into the sink before placing the jug on its side, right above where I was currently crying in agony. He walked away and got his phone, calling the ambulance.

"Hello?! Please, you have to help me! My son spilt boiling water over him!! All over his chest and I don't know what to do!! Oh my goodness! Thank you! Please hurry!!" Dad placed the phone down, his "concerned father" act disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"I hope you learned your lesson Liam, I would rather not have to pay your hospital bills again." He growled harshly before walking to the front door, leaving me in the kitchen as I screamed and cried as my body burned.


I jumped awake as I heard a bang on the desk in front of me. I looked up to see a grumpy Mrs Anderson staring down at me.

"Mr Parker, this is a classroom. A place of learning, not sleeping."

"Sorry Miss, I thought this highly uncomfortable chair was my extremely comfy bed." I snapped back, a smug smirk on my face. She huffed before looking at the class, scowling at those who laughed. "Mr Parker, I don't appreciate you sleeping in my class, please stay awake and pay attention. Oh, you will also have detention after school."

I groaned as Miss walked back up to the front of the class, a small smirk crossed over my face. I picked up my phone and wallet before standing up, gaining everyone's attention.

"Where do you think you are going Liam?"

"Well miss, you expect me to stay awake, I'll need a coffee to do that miss." I walked straight out of the classroom, ignoring miss calling for me to "Come back into this class this instant!"

I walked out of the classroom, I technically wasn't lying when I said I was going to get coffee but my first stop was the old gym. Walking into the dark room, I let my tears fall, my breathing becoming struggled. I gripped my hair, pulling it tightly, my scalp burning at the pressure. More tears fell as I could feel my chest closing, the air cutting off, my heart beating slower.

I hated it, I hated every single bit of it. I hated the pain I felt in my dreams, as though I was reliving every agonizing second of every torment. Every time I woke up, I broke into tears, the same tears I had cried for twelve years. Every time I woke up, I panicked, my mind was never able to comprehend that I wasn't in that moment, that I was actually safe for the time being.

I took about five minutes, my breathing finally calming down as my tears slowly dried. I wiped my eyes before making my way to a bathroom, splashing water on my face to erase the fact that I had been crying. I took a few breathers before making my way to the cafeteria. I smiled as I saw Suzy, the lunch lady. I had known her for awhile, she's always been really nice to me, for absolutely no reason too.

"Hey hon, what are you doing out of class?"

"Miss found me sleeping, got mad and told me I'd have detention after school. I walked out saying I need more coffee in order to stay awake. She 'tried' to stop me but failed horribly, what will she do anyway? Give me another hour of detention?" Suzy laughed at me before starting to make me a coffee, I went to hand her a $5 but she pushed my hand away. "Don't bother hon, it's on me."

Suzy handed me my newly brewed coffee, I gave her a smile as I took it from her. "Thanks Suzy."

"No problem hon, now get your ass back to class." She said in a playful tone, I chuckled as I walked out of the cafeteria. I walked to class, walking in without a care. "Okay miss, I have my coffee, I am officially prepared for class."

I sat down with a smug smile as Mrs Anderson scowled at me. "Right then Liam, please take out your text book..."


I made my way to lunch, smiling as I sat down beside Noah and Mark. "Hey man, want me to get you something to eat?" I asked Noah, he simply shook his head. I turned to Mark who smiled. "Could you get me a wrap please?"

"Sure thing man." I stood up, shoving my wallet into my hoodie pocket as I walked towards the cafeteria line. I accidentally bumped into someone, before I could apologise, he cut me off.

"The fuck is your problem mate?" He said, staring me dead in the eye and trying to be intimidating. "I don't have a problem, I just accidentally bumped into you and before you interrupted, I was going to apologise." I said, going to turn around but once again, he stopped me.

"Nah man, you don't just get to walk away. You bumped into me and now we have a problem." He pushed me back by my shoulders, I was starting to get pissed. "Look, mate, I was trying to be nice but now you're pissing me off. How about you back the fuck up before we have a real problem."

"We already do jackass!" The kid swung his fist, attempting to hit me. I caught his fist, holding it tight as I used my other one to punch him in the face. I let go of him as he stumbled backwards, his nose already starting to bleed.

"Get your friends to drag you back before I swear to god you'll look way fucking worse than you do now." I said, spitting on the floor beside him. I turned away and walked to the lunch line, not caring about how the entire cafeteria was staring at me in shock.

I got myself a burger and got Mark his wrap. I walked back over to the table, plopping down in my seat. Everyone at the table just stared at me, Noah was looking behind me however. He leant over to me. "Come by my house later tonight, I'll have the med kit ready." He whispered, I looked at him with confusion. He motioned behind me, just my luck, the principal is coming over to me, that kid walking behind him.

"Mr Parker, my office, now."


"This is unacceptable Mr Parker, you can't just go starting fights with people! We do not tolerate violence at this school!" Mr Freeman shouted at me. I was currently sitting in his office getting scolded at while Jeremy, the kid who I punched, got fucking babied because I "attacked him".

"Sir, I don't know how many times I have told you, I accidentally bumped into Jeremy and before I could apologise he shoved me and caused a problem. He then tried to punch me, missed and I punched him back. It's self defence sir, I did not attack him."

"This excuse is unacceptable Mr Parker! I'm afraid I'll have to call your father." He said before walking out of his office, wow. This is what Noah meant, he knew I will end up being beaten. I slumped back in my seat, a sarcastic laugh leaving my lips. I pulled out my phone, texting Noah.

I'm fucked man,
he's calling my
Dad, I'll swing
by yours after.

Shit man, I hope
everything goes
alright, but if it
gets bad, run.
Don't risk shit.

I sighed as I put my phone away, right as the principal walked back in. "Well, Mr Parker, you're father will be coming to get you. Go wait outside of the office, you too Mr Blake, your mother will be picking you up soon."

Both of us stood up, walking outside of Mr Freeman's office. I sat in one of the chairs, closing my eyes to try and calm down the panic that threatened to rise.

After about ten minutes, dad walked into school towards me. "Go wait in the car please Liam, I just have to speak to your principle." He said, giving me his "father" smile, I gulped, knowing full well the truth behind that smile.

As I was walking past him, he grabbed my arm tightly. "I'll make sure you learn your lesson when we get home." He whispered darkly into my ear, I looked at the ground, to scared to meet his eyes. He let go of my arm, shoving me slightly towards the school entry.

I sat down in the car, in the back like I was supposed to. I looked out of the window, fiddling with the bracelet I was holding. It was my mother's, dad thought it had been lost but I found it. I'd never tell him I have it, he'd take that from me.

I put it away as I heard him approach. He climbed into the car and started to drive away without a word. I sat silently, knowing not to talk, I'm not allowed to unless I'm spoken to.

We arrived home, dad got out. He pulled my door open, grabbing me by the hair and forcing me out of the car. I got out quickly, trying to prevent the pain on my head. He simply dragged my inside by my hair, he opened the door and threw me to the ground.

"What have I told you about getting into fights at school?" He asked, his foot landing in my stomach. I hunched over, clutching my aching stomach. "I'm sorry sir, he tried to punch me and I acted in self defence-" His foot collided with my back, sending me straight to the ground.

"I didn't ask for a fucking excuse! You deserved to have your ass beaten!! Since that boy could not do so... I will."

Pain rolled over me like a wave crashing down on a rock, my whole body trembling as my father continued to kick me, punch me and to hurt me. He let out a sinister laugh as I fell limp to the floor, tears silently falling down my face as I knew making a sound would piss him off even more.

When I thought he was finished, he rolled me onto my back. He pulled my shirt off and before I could comprehend what was happening, he was sitting on my hips. He held my hands above my head with only one of his as he held a knife in the other.

"You don't seem to understand how useless you are, I guess I'll have to remind you in a way you can't forget..." My lip bled as I held in agonising cries, the knife brushing over my torso, splitting the skin as it went. I could feel him writing letters. U S E L E S S.

He finally stopped, smirking as my blood slowly pooled around me. He got off of me, throwing the dirty knife in the sink before heading to his car. He came back in with my bag, throwing it onto my stomach. I held back the cry as my stomach ached more, Dad simply smiled before getting in his car and driving away.

I looked at the clock, 6:47 p.m. I sat up as best as I could only to fall back down, a painful sob escaping my lips at the pain. Everything hurt, my body throbbed and trembled as my head began to spin. But I had to suck it up.

I stood up, ignoring the countless tears that fell at the over whelming pain. I made my way over to the sink, cleaning off the bloodied knife before throwing my shirt in the bin. I walked upstairs, grabbing my aid kit and wrapping tourniquet around my torso for the time being.

I pulled on my grey hoodie, pulling up the hood as I threw my bag on my back, my phone in my pocket. I winced at every little thing I did, new tears springing to life at the unbearable pain.

I walked outside, now seeing the note on the door.

Take care of yourself, I've got someone to go see, don't eat any food in this house else there will be punishment.
~Dearest Dad

I scoffed at the last bit, I ripped the note off of the door, scrunching it up and throwing it away. I pulled my bag strap back onto my shoulder before making my way to Noah's house. I clutched my side the entire way, pain throbbing as I could feel more blood pouring.

I hate my life


Anyone agree that Jason is an asshole?

Liam never gets a break does he?

Next chapter will be in Noah's pov, and a certain someone might find out a certain something about Liam...

Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Stay cool dudes!


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