The Cheerleader and The Bad B...

By Mira49_94

23.5M 448K 240K

"You're afraid of temptation." He said pinning me to the wall. "No, I'm not." I snapped at him. Who am I kid... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Sorry, another authors note.
Aaron's POV chapter seven
Chapter one Aarons POV
It's been a while.

Chapter eleven

539K 11.6K 3.5K
By Mira49_94

Hey guys here's another upload. Please please please comment or vote. I would love it so beyond much. I would love some comments on how you guys feel about this. It would be fantastic. :) Enjoy lovelies. 

Dedicated to kitkatgall for being amazing. :) 


Chapter eleven

I nearly stumbled down the stairs because I was late for school.

I tripped over my own feet and nearly slammed into my dad who seemed to be running late this morning too.

He looked me up and down before rolling his eyes.

“What dad?” I snapped not in the mood for this. I checked myself over to make sure I didn’t look crazy. I’ve had that dream where you walk around pant less and no one tells you. I had on black yoga pants with a grey waist line, a floral tank top, and brown Uggs.

“You’re going to school like that? You look like you just jumped out of bed.”

“Well I kind of did dad…I’m running late.” I pointed out grabbing a granola bar from the pantry.

“Change.” He demanded through gritted teeth.

“No, I look fine.” I said starting to walk to the door.

“No one will respect you if you’re dressed like that!” I heard him shout before I slammed the door shut behind me.

I had texted Aaron telling him I was running late and that I would drive myself today. He’d said he didn’t mind being late but I insisted on driving myself.

I got to school still mad about my dad arguing with me and once I’d gotten home from the competition he didn’t say anything about it. He didn’t ask me how it went or how we did or anything.

I got to dance class and took all my anger out on dancing. By the end of class I felt rather gross. I sprayed myself with more perfume and put my hair in a ponytail.

“Hey.” Aaron said kissing my cheek when I plopped down next to him in chemistry.

“Hi.” I smiled not letting on that something was bothering me. I’d decided during dance that I would confront my dad later today because we had dinner plans because he was getting off work early for once. I was going to ask, no demand why he wasn’t at my competition yesterday.

He could’ve taken time off work and it’s not like it was that far away. It took us an hour or less to get there.

Dad didn’t go because he didn’t think dancing or cheerleading was a responsible career choice. But what he didn’t understand was that I didn’t think I could do that professionally. I just do it for fun. Also since I’m good at it I thought that my dad would be proud that his daughter is actually good at something.

I have average grades which makes my dad angry. He thinks I should have straight A’s. But I have a B average which is good enough for colleges.

My dad used to go to my competitions or shows when I was in elementary school, but as soon as middle school came around he stopped. He started telling me that I needed to spend more time on my grades and not in ‘stupid hobbies.’ I cried myself to sleep after that fight.

“Sage?” Aaron laughed waving a hand in front of my face.

“Huh?” I said snapping out of my thoughts. “Sorry I was day dreaming.”

“It’s ok. I was just asking if you wanted to go out after school today?”

“I would…but my dad and I are having dinner later today.”

“That’s ok.” He smiled. “Maybe tomorrow?”

“I would love too.”

“Of course you would…have you seen me?” He said with his signature smirk causing us both to laugh.

“Mr. Williams.” Mr. Smith snapped at us in the front of the classroom. “Would you like to share you’re conversation with the rest of the class? It must be more interesting than what I’m teaching for you to not pay attention.”

“I was just telling my beautiful girlfriend how I was going to take her on a date tomorrow.” He grinned back at Mr. Smith who fumed.

People around us smiled or made ‘awww’ sounds which only made Mr. Smith angrier. I did however notice that Nadia was sitting at the front of the class glaring and whispering to her friend. I figured she was probably whispering profanities or death threats.

“Well please keep that kind of talking out of school.” Mr. Smith said before turning back to the white board about to write more on it.

“Don’t worry this was a onetime thing.” Aaron continued. “I usually keep it to the bedroom.” I saw Mr. Smith tense but he didn’t say anything even as the whole class burst into laughter and mocking tones. I smacked Aaron’s arm lightly giving him a playful glare. “You’re blushing.” He said smiling.

“Because you just talked about our relationship to our chemistry teacher and the whole class.” I laughed.

“I’m sure they didn’t mind.” He said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

“Mhm.” I murmured leaning my head on his shoulder. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”

“Hey…I prefer the term sexy.”

I shook my head but otherwise didn’t say anything.


I got home after cheerleading practice and quickly showered and changed my clothes.

My dad had told me he was taking me somewhere nice so I had to dress good today. Especially because he hadn’t been a fan of my clothes lately.

I slipped on a strapless salmon pink dress that stopped around mid-thigh but had see through material hanging down diagonally to my right. I also put on my charm bracelets and pale gold heels.

I carefully walked down the stairs after putting on light make-up and straightening my hair. I sat on my couch waiting for my dad to get home so we could leave.

Half an hour later I was still sitting there wondering why he was so late.

I pulled out my phone and called him.

He picked up on the second ring.

“Andrew Thompson speaking.” My dad answered curtly.

“Hey dad…are you almost here?” I said quietly.

“Oh Sage…I forgot to call you but I can’t go out to dinner tonight.”

“What? Why not?” I said astonished that he was canceling on me.

“I have to stay later at work then I thought I did.”

“Dad you didn’t even call to tell me!” I said my voice starting to rise as tears threatened to spill over my cheeks. “I’ve been sitting her for half an hour waiting for you all dressed up and everything.”

“I’m sorry Sage but I’m busy.”

“You weren’t even gonna tell me where you?” I said letting the tears slide down my face. “You were just gonna let me sit here alone.”

“Sage-“ He began before I cut him off.

“Why didn’t you come to my competition?” I said scrunching my eyes closed and feeling my fist begin to shake as I dug my fingernails into my skin.


“Why didn’t you come to my competition on Saturday? I told you multiple times when and where it was and when I walked out on stage you weren’t there.”

“I didn’t have the time-“

“You did!” I screamed. “I know you did because you were home before I left and when I got back.” I said crying more freely.

“I didn’t want to waste my time on stupid things.”

I nearly dropped the phone. That hurt. It made me want to scream and yank my hair out and cry. “My cheer team got tenth place…and my duet with Brad got twelfth. We’re moving on to the next round…”

“That’s nice.” He said quickly.

I sighed. “Thanks for all of your support and love dad.” I said with heavy sarcasm before hanging up on him.

I raked my hands through my hair before dialing another number.

“Hello?” Aaron said from the other line sounding groggy.

“Hey…do you still want to hang out?” I asked hoping he wouldn’t say no.

“Ya of course…what do you wanna do?” He asked sounding happier and more awake.

“Well remember when you said you’d take me drinking?”


After I had changed into a dark red tank top with dark skinny jeans black ankle boots a multiple chain necklace and a tight leather jacket Aaron picked me up.

He gave me a once over as I buckled myself into the car.

“So I feel like this is a rebellion stage.” He said as he began to drive. I didn’t say anything I just looked out the window. “It’ll only get worse before it gets better you know.”

“I can live with that.” I mumbled.

“Alright.” A moment of silence passed before he spoke again. “So I can’t get us in a bar because we’re not of age, obviously. But Kalina’s brother is at a college party.” He said grinning at me.

“On a Monday?” I said with a small laugh.

He shrugged. “It’s college.”

Once we got there I was jostled around by people smiling and laughing clearly most of them were drunk.

A guy nearly knocked me down and Aaron caught my arm before shoving the guy away.

After walking into the backyard I saw glowing lanterns and tiki torches and bright Christmas lights lighting the whole yard.

I saw a mob of dancing people and a keg stand and a place to do belly shots.

I ran my fingers through my hair rather nervous as someone handed me a drink in a red plastic cup.

I saw that Aaron had one as well. “So one of us has to be the sober one.” He said before dumping his drink on the ground and tossing the cup behind him. I widened my eyes surprised that he’d decided he would be the responsible one. He shrugged. “I figured you needed to let loose and forget about a few things.” I smiled at him before taking a sip. It tasted bitter and not good at all. I made a face which Aaron laughed at. “Ya doesn’t taste very good does it?”

I shook my head. “No not really.” I said before taking another huge sip.

Aaron took me onto the dance floor after my second drink and everything was beginning to get a little fuzzy and I felt happy. I couldn’t stop laughing or smiling.

I leaned back into Aaron and started grinding with him. His hands automatically went to my hips. Before long he was kissing my neck and I leaned my head on his shoulder, opening my neck up more to him.

I turned around and put my arms around his neck and started kissing him. As our tongues danced together we continued to move our hips together.

Someone bumped into us making me look up.

“Oh my gosh.” I slurred leaning into Aaron. “I wanna do that.” I said pointing at the keg stand.

He laughed before taking my hand as I began walking closer to it. “I don’t think you have the balance for that right now.”

“I do too!” I said sounding appalled. “I’ll show you.” I said sticking my chin in the air and marching towards the keg stand as the person currently dropped back on their feet.

“Sage…I don’t think that’s the best idea.” I heard him say behind me. I kept walking until I could put both hands on it. I heard him sigh. “Ok but if you fall I am not responsible for it!”

“Don’t be such a baby.” I said over my shoulder before kicking myself up into a hand stand as someone gave me the tube to drink from.

I could hear people cheering and clapping and I swore I heard outraged Spanish. “You let her come here? And drink?” Kalina said as I looked over at her and Aaron. “What were you thinking?”

“She wanted to…I didn’t suggest it, she called me.”

“So you should have told her no!”

I dropped back onto my feet and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

They continued to argue as they followed me back to the dance floor. I raised my hands above my hand and began dancing as they stopped a few feet away.

“She sounded like she had a bad day, she needed to have fun.”

“Does she look like she’s having fun?”

I could feel both their gazes turn to me as I did a back flip.

“Ya actually she does.”

I laughed as I stumbled towards them and nearly into Aaron’s arms.

“Can we go do that shot thing?” I said still on shaky legs.

“You mean the belly shots?” Aaron said laughing and Kalina shot him a glare.

“Ya those things.” I mumbled.

I could tell Aaron and Kalina were having a silent argument where Aaron kept shrugging and motioning to me while Kalina shook her head.

“Don’t be a buzz kill Kalina.” I groaned while taking her hand and dragging her along with me.

“Sage you have more than a buzz.” She said rolling her eyes. I didn’t say anything I just scoffed at her and kept tugging her along.

“Let her do one shot then we’ll cut her off.” Aaron said trying to make everyone happy.

“Ya!” I said jumping and throwing my fist in the air. I could hear them both laughing but I chose to ignore it.

Once we got to the table I nearly shoved Kalina into someone as I made her go first. She sighed but didn’t argue.

There was a tan guy lying on the table with no shirt on at all. He put a lime in his mouth so the peel was facing his tongue and a guy standing on the other side put some salt on his chest before pouring a clear liquid in his belly button.

I heard Kalina sigh again before she bowed her head. She leaned down and sucked what I assumed was tequila from his belly button. Then she moved to his chest before licking the salt off and nearly touching his lips when she took a bite of the lime.

She wiped off her mouth before putting her hands up. “Ta da.”

I stepped forward trying not to giggle but Aaron stepped in front of me. “I’m not letting you lick that boy’s body.” I thought he wasn’t going to let me do it and I was about to get mad as he ushered the guy off the table but Aaron quickly stripped off his own shirt and hopped up on the table before lying on his back.

I grinned as he put the lime in his mouth while rolling his eyes at me. The same guy put salt on his chest before pouring the shot in his belly button.

I shot Aaron another grin before lowering my head and sucking out the alcohol. I could hear his intake of breath as I kissed my way up to the spot on his chest where the salt was before I licked it twice making sure all the salt was gone. I slowly put my face near his before taking a bite of the lime. I took longer than I needed too so I could brush his lips with mine.

His eyes were closed as I pulled away giggling. He sat up and threw his shirt back on.

I was going to walk away when he shot his arm out and stopped me. “I get a turn too, don’t I?” He said with his signature smirk.

I put my hand my hips shaking my head. He gave me a fake pout before I sighed and stripped off my jacket and shirt.

I saw him glance around as boys shouted and howled at me.

I laid back on the table. I put the lime in my mouth before salt was put on my upper stomach below my bra and the alcohol was put in my belly button.

I gasped as his tongue dipped into my belly button before he licked the salt off my stomach. He looked into my eyes before kissing me and taking a bite of the lime.

When I sat up I nearly fell to my knees.

“Woa.” Aaron said catching me as Kalina prepared to be a backup catcher. I laughed as they continued dragging me away.

Kalina had picked up my shirt and jacket and was trying to hand them to me but I kept shoving them away. “No, it’s too hot.” I complained.

Aaron sighed before taking my shirt from Kalina. He nearly forced it on over my head. I sighed as I put it back on normally and Kalina made me slip my jacket back on.

“There.” Aaron said pushing some of my hair behind my ear while he smiled.

“You guys are no fun.” I complained before a boy with a tray of shots came up to us. “Oooh!” I said grabbing two. I quickly downed the first one and stepped away so they couldn’t snatch the other one from my hand. I grinned as I stepped farther back as Kalina lunged for me. I quickly dumped the last shot down my throat before sticking my tongue out at them.

“Ok Sage, no more drinks for you.” Aaron mumbled grabbing my arm and dragging me back towards his car.

“I don’t wanna go home.” I whined. “I’m having fun.” I tried tugging away from him but he tossed me over his shoulder. “Stop it!” I yelled hitting his back. “You can’t drive you were drinking too!” I pointed out.

“I had one shot. I’m fine.” He said continuing onto his truck.

“That’s enough to be drunk!”

He laughed. “Trust me, it’s not.”

“Is too.” I murmured crossing my arms.

He sat me in the passenger seat of the truck before quickly getting in the driver’s seat.

I crawled into his lap smiling before kissing him.

Our tongues wrestled with each other and I heard him groan before pushing me back by my hips. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

“Sage, stop.” He whispered.

“Why?” I asked trying to kiss him again but he turned his head. I started biting and sucking on his neck.

“Because…because-“ He stuttered.

“Don’t you want to sleep with me?” I said slurring my words.

“I do, but not like this.”

“Like what?” I asked continuing to kiss his neck and back up to his lips.

He kissed me again but quickly pulled away. “While you’re drunk and in my car, that’s a plan for disaster.”

“Please?” I said sticking my bottom lip out.

He gently kissed it before placing me back in my seat and buckling my seat belt for me. “Ask me again when you’re sober.”

I sighed before leaning my head against the window and closing my eyes as he began to drive back to our houses.


“Sage.” Aaron whispered shaking my shoulder.

“Hm?” I said with my eyes still closed.

“We’re in front of your house.”

I groaned. “I don’t wanna go home.” I said turning away from him. “My head hurts.”

“I know.” He said after walking around the car and picking me up bridal style.

I groaned again as he put me down on my porch. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” I said putting a hand to my head.

“Ya.” He said smiling and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. “Take some pain killers and maybe drink some coffee or water, then go to bed.”

I nodded my head before slowly unlocking the door as quietly as humanly possible. Well as quietly as a drunk person can.

I walked into the kitchen before taking three ibuprofens and heading back to my stair case. I got to my door and was about to open it when I heard a sharp voice behind me. “Sage.”

I closed my eyes and leaned my head on my door hoping it was just the alcohol making me hear things.

I slowly turned around to see my dad who was so angry his face was turning red. “Hi dad.” I murmured.

“Do you know what time it is?”

“Late?” I said shrugging.

“Sage it’s two in the morning.”

“That’s not that bad.” I said turning to open my door again.

“Sage!” He screamed at me. I jumped and stumbled before nearly falling but I caught myself on my door handle. I looked back at my dad and he was scrunching his eyebrows together showing that he was thinking. “Sage?...Are you drunk?” He said walking closer and sounding even more furious which I hadn’t thought was possible.

“No.” I attempted lying.

“You’re lying. I can smell the alcohol on you.” He said getting even closer to me.

I sighed before turning around to face my door. “I’m going to bed.” I was able to open my door before he spoke again.

“Sage this isn’t acceptable.”

“No dad.” I snapped and turning so fast the world spun. “You know what isn’t acceptable? A father missing one of the most important competitions his daughter has!” I said starting to cry again. “I was so happy that we were moving on but I was so sad…that you didn’t care enough to be there.”

I took a few steps back before slamming the door in his face.

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