Watching the past

By sea199

4.3K 47 10

The gods teleport brotherhood of the tofu and other familiar faces to watch yugo past life ... Find out som... More

Gathering everyone
Chibi come on
Coronation ceremony

Learn how to fly

756 10 6
By sea199

requested by hunger-games- 123 After eating they go back to the theater talking about what they seen so far ,The screen went on and everyone back to their seats .
In beautiful field yugo was walking peacefully enjoying the day when a scream cut through something threw yugo to the ground little baby blue like wings shot up a little boy stands up quickly " am so sorry you're majesty I didn't see you " said the boy in panic while yugo stands he laughed " don't worry nothing happened you ok kid" yugo asked the boy nodded " that was my first flight I always ended up in the ground " the boy explain " it's okay i was like you in my first flight ask pharis , so what your name kid" yugo asks as he Niles down to the boy level " my name is John" John answers shyly " so John why don't we start with the bisects " yugo said standing up taking his hat of showing big dark blue dragon wings
the room went silent every head in the room turns to look it Yugo who was holding his hat uncomfortably because of the attention
" you have wings on your head" dally asked points to Yugo's head "yea " said unsure, " SHOW US " elely and flopin shouted excitedly " yea Yugo show us and why you didn't tall us that you have wings " amalia said hands on her hips " i will show you after the memory ends " yugo told them " will let's keep witching " said adamai , the memory start playing again
" wait we? " asked John surprisingly staring at the young king " yea am going to teach you how to fly and am free today so let's make it useful " yugo explain to the boy smiling it him John nodded he was happy the king himself gonna teach him that so cool , so they been training for couple of hours " I think that enough for today " yugo informs John as he puts his hat on his head " thank you for helping me " John said kneeling " no need to thank me and please don't kneel " yugo told him John nodedd " i have to leave now be careful nixt time not to bump to anyone okay " smiling yugo walks away from the boy .
the screen went black the memory is over
" so yugo show us your wings" Eva said walking to him yugo sighs " okay here it is " taking off his hat to show the same dark blue wings but smaller "wow there cool can you really fly " flopin ask him nodding he jump and he was floating in the air " fascinating the eliatrops are really special "Otomaï said while looking at yugo wings" I agree with you otomaï the eliatrops are special people " the sadida king said yugo smile " you don't think that weird " he asked them the brother hood shack there heads " no we don't everyone is special even you no one is weird " Eva told him yugo laugh " your right " so yugo want to race and see who's faster " adamai challenges yugo " your on brother"  looking it him dead in the eye " 3 2 1 GO" flopin  putting his arm down the tow brothers begin there race around the room the other cheers for them.
And finish thank you for reading and sorry if there any mistakes request an idea to write or some know character to bring in the next chapter. I hop you like the chapter  please vote.
Sea shine out ❤️

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