A Wild World- A Witcher FanFic

By AdaliaBlack

27.4K 923 89

Cassiopeia dreams of adventure which led her to a normal group hiking trip...or so it was supposed to be. Af... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 1

4.5K 96 11
By AdaliaBlack

A.N. - Warning I may use some stronger language, but if younger audiences read this i'll be staring out the words so... I guess you'll know it when you see it.


Plat Plat Plat.

Thick drops of rain steadily hit the tarp. I stared out from under the thick canvas that separated my head from the sudden storm. I had finally built up enough courage to join a hiking group headed for the mountains, and all I got was rain. I was 21 with a burning desire to try an adventure. Something to get me out of the house and away for a while. Now all I had was rain...well, to be fair the hike had been very sunny and the whole group of hikers, eight including myself, had actually been having a pleasant time. The Rocky Mountains were spectacular and there was almost too much to see. Lakes, meadows, wildlife. That was until the sudden storm hit. Now you were all stuck on the side of the mountain.

"Ugh. Looks like we'll not make the summit till tomorrow." The trail guide Luis moaned as he peered out from under his nearby hiding spot. The falling rain leaving his thick black hair plastered to his head.

Everyone, tired from the already seven hour hike, groaned in unison. I looked over to my trail buddy Kya, the other guide, who had already taken out a protein bar and was lazily munching while watching the rain. Here hazel eyes catching my gaze.

"Hey Kya do you think we could go another few kilometers?" I looked up towards the trail that sunk into the thick pine forest.

She shifted her weight a bit so she was now facing me more directly. "I'd say we stand a good chance Cass." Munch crunch munch " We cunn aswk Loos. May-" gulp "-maybe, we can get this soaking crew up a few clicks further to the clearing we normally use for base camp." Shifting her narrow eyes she surveyed the remaining hikers. "Yeah, setting up a camp would do much more good than sitting here and soaking." She shook her head and her long brown plait followed suit.

"Ok, I'll talk to Luis." With a little more purpose I crawled out from under the tarp and scurried to where Luis crouched.

"Luis, Kya thinks we can make it to the upper camp site. We're all soaking here and there is no telling when this burst will stop." I tried to make my suggestion sound more convincing but it was hard to keep my teeth from chattering.

Nodding he pulled out a small canteen and took a swig. "That's too true. S***. I hate when Kya's right." Glancing at his thin wristwatch he frowned. "If we hike a little father we can make another few clicks and then we can set up a dry camp. Maybe even get some hot food going." sigh " D***, I'll rally the group."

I couldn't help but feel a small smile creep onto my lips. I'd rather be moving than sitting in this cold rugged place.

After some pep talks from Kya and, well sort-of Luis too, the whole group was on their feet and moving further up and into the mountains. Miserable and damp. But moving. Slowly. Each step and each meter felt like an eternity. Although you were still in the treeline the last obstacle everyone had been dreading once the rain started had arrived. The waterfall crossing.

To get to the campsite everyone had to haul their packs and their tired feet across fifty feet of churning waters that dipped into a series of waterfalls with very sharp rocks at the bottom. The rain which had been irritating had now become unbearable. It fell sharp, like ice, on my neck. The river was churning wildly. Ancient stepping stones lay just beneath the water... at least that was what Kya insisted. I pulled my dirty blonde hair into a tight ponytail and shoved it under my old blue cap. Kya led the group single file into the river and using her long hiking pole she tapped out where the rocks and boulders were. One-by-one we filed into the frigid waters. I knew that I was going to regret the cold soggy socks I'd have afterwards but the thought of apple-cinnamon oatmeal kept me chugging forward.

"Keep your eyes sharp everyone." Luis shouted over the waters from the back of the line. "We don't need anyone getting a second bath after all this rain."

Some of the other hikers started joking about the hike and their next trip plans. I tried to keep my eyes focused on my footing. The river fighting each step of the way. A strong hand willing me towards the falls. Fighting the urge to stand still I pushed on through the now knee deep waters.

Halfway. I was halfway. Kya was almost on the other side and Luis brought up the rear behind me. Suddenly a large surge of water hit the hiker in front of me. A young girl who was here with her boyfriend. In a second she was off balance and tumbling into the river. Flailing her arm and legs she tried to stand but the waters kept pushing her on. Luis and I jumped forwards to try and slow her down.

"Keep calm! Try and face parallel!" Luis commanded as he tried to pass his pole towards the terrified girl. Kya barked other orders to the hikers to get out of the river and keep moving. Someone was trying to hold back the boyfriend.

I was already closer in the water to her and with each bounding step I tried to stretch out my hand farther. "Grab it!" I strained to reach.

The girl was frantic. Legs and arms in all directions. As she was tumbling she managed to slide near a boulder and straighten up in the water. White foam racing around us as we all got nearer the rapids. My hiking boots barely standing against the relentless current. We locked eyes. Her piercing honey eyes were like that of a caught animal. I tried to imitate Luis' idea and hold out my pole to her. She sung her arm around trying to grab it. Desperately I slid another step closer, the gravel giving under my feet all to willingly. The spray and wind were wild.

"Cass be careful!" I hear Luis call from a nearby boulder.

Tug. A firm tug! She had it. I pulled and tried to back up. Turning I saw Luis with a firm grip on the rocks holding his pole out to me. I grabbed it and held on for dear life. My eyes were stinging with the constant rain. The girl shakily climbed past me and grabbed onto Luis' pole. As she moved from the pole the small grip I'd held on the rocks gave way. Shrieking I fell face first into the river.



I couldn't see, couldn't breathe, couldn't hear. Survival was all I could think about. Writhing in the water I tried to reach for air. I felt rocks slid elusively under my hands and feet. Nothing would give me a chance to stand. I tried to open my eyes in the silty river. The water seemed to glow an off yellow. Now I knew I was losing it. I could feel the start of consciousness drifting away. I felt myself being dragged along and dropped several times over what must have been falls and rapids. Abruptly I grazed my arm on a large sharp rock and grabbed on for dear life. Feeling along its edges I heaved myself into the air and gasped for a breath.

Finally opening my eyes I searched for the other hikers. Luis or Kya. The river churned and white surges burst over other equally large rocks. But no one was on the river. I must have been swept really far downstream. I need to get back. Scanning the shore I saw I was barely a few feet from the edge so using what little strength I had left I pushed off. Parallel to the river I dragged my very battered self onto the gravelly- sandy shoreline. It took all I had left to unstrap the cumbersome hiking pack (that had somehow managed to survive with me) off. I'm alive... I'm alive. Ground sweet dirt. I could almost kiss it like in the movies... I squinted against the sunlight that was now streaming through the trees. Sure now the sun comes out. I wonder where everyone is and if they'll find me. I pushed my hair out of my face and clumsily sat up. The sun was out and sending warm rays as it dipped behind the mountains. Its getting close to sunset...

The river was now wider than before and was even more wild, if that were even possible. The falls were a ways away and looked much bigger than Kya or Luis said they were. What was this hiking trip. For sure not beginner friendly and the reviews lied! Shaking my head I felt a twang of pain in my shoulder. Wincing I pulled back my plaid shirt to examine the damage. A nice blue bruise complete with a bloody cut ran across my shoulder.

"Well that nice," I remarked dryly. But quickly I shook my head again "No stop Cass. We promised to be more positive in life. Lets look at this more optimistically. On one hand you fell off a waterfall, buuuut then again you lived. You got a nasty bruise and cut, buuuuut the sun is still shining. And everyone is probably looking for you now." Nodding to my own semi-convincing assessment I sighed. "Yup everything will be just fine."

I reached for my now soaked pack and pulled out my phone. Thank goodness your crazy prepared Aunt Elinor insisted on putting it in a ziplock bag. Giving it a little tap the screen came to life. No bars. Ummmm ok then.

" Well maybe I'm too low or something for the signal...," I scratched my neck. "So I can't call Luis or Kya... there is no way back up the falls... guess I'll just have to wait for help." Man I wanna cry. No, no no Cass positivity! Think about the now. Trying to recall every survival show I'd ever seen I began to examine my injuries and bag for supplies. Ok so no full first aid... right Kya and Luis had those. Food, well enough for a few days. Water? Canteen in tact but enough chemical treatment pills to last a few days. "I need to really give Aunt Elinor a serious 'thank you' for all the extra she packed for me." I snorted. "I should take a picture of this to commemorate my first adventure, man will Aunty get a kick out of that." Pulling out the slightly battered phone I swiped to the camera. Nothing like a selfie to make a terrible mess into a memory.

As I angled the camera to catch my disheveled self another darker form was stalking out of the woods and it was coming towards me.


A.N- Hello. Hoped you liked the first chapter. Its really more like the prologue but oh well. It'll get into more detail later on. ;-) and yes her nickname is Cass.

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