Why do you love me this much ?

By ankitha21

40K 2.3K 640

A selfless love story of Khushi who loved her special friend Arnav . They both are married in a very unfortun... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9

Part 7

3.7K 251 48
By ankitha21

After 1 month .

" Where are you idiot ?" asked Akash with an angry tone.

" I ... Akash.  I am on my way . Please sorry " said Khushi .

" My marriage is in 2 hours and pre rituals are going to start by 15 minutes and  still now you are not here . Is it fair Khushi ?" asked Akash .

" What to do Akash.  I was very badly struck up and all the above my flight got delayed . Coming soon baba . I already got the cab to the place . Just ask payal to make my dress ready. I would be ready in 5 minutes " said Khushi .

" Fine . Come soon " said Akash cutting the call .

Khushi took a huge breathe after speaking to him . She knows he is hell irritated as she wasn't able to make it for any rituals.  And she was very badly struck up in her new high position she had got since last 1 month .

It was too hectic for her to the extent that she didn't speak to Akash nor payal for many days and that resulted in they both turning to meet her at the camp where she got a huge scolding from both of them .

But then , her heart was too happy seeing that there was actually someone who worries for her . It provides a warmth that none of the things can explain .

Kash Arnav was like this for at least one percentage . She just hoped that this had happened . But no . It is not going to happen and never going to happen . What is use in thinking like this when everything was over .

" Oh Khushi , Control your thinking " said Khushi to herself .

She reached the venue of the place by 30 minutes and then immediately rushed inside . Akash and Payal was ready and was having a photo shoot . Her lips twitched to a smile seeing her best friends too happy . What more else she wants than this ?

She ran towards them taking her bag in one hand and stopped immediately after reaching them by keeping the bag now .

" Ah Finally the queen is here " said Akash .

Khushi just made a face and then hugged them both tightly .

" Both are looking too pretty and I wish that not eyes falls on you " said Khushi .

" You loosed your weight too much  . Are you having the food or not ?" asked Payal looking at her keenly .

" Yes , I am having . Stop worrying about me . Today is your day and enjoy this to the core . Let me get ready " said Khushi .

" I have kept all the things in bride's room . Go and take and get ready . Beautician is also there " said Payal .

" I don't need any beautician , I am enough for me . I would leave" said Khushi .

" Had something ?" asked Akash .

" I have to . After getting ready " said Khushi .

" Wait . Waiter , Starters and juice please " said Akash .

" Akash  , I would have it later " said Khushi .

" Shut up " said Akash where the waiter gives her the tray with what Akash had asked .

Khushi made faces and left to the room holding the tray .

" Mam any help ?" asked Beautician .

" No fine . Could you wait outside for sometime please . I would get ready " said Khushi .

" Okay mam " said the beautician exiting and leaving to the hall .

Khushi kept the food on the table and saw the lehanga which was kept ready for her . She with a huge smile caressed the lehanga in her hand . It was actually too beautiful. She quickly came washing her face and hand and changed herself to the lehanga . She then sat on the chair to have the amazing starter which was actually making her feel more hungry . 

She relished each and every taste of the starter as it was too tasty .  And then she finished her snacks having the juice that was also kept on the tray . She then started to get ready for the special day of her friend .

 "Hey Uncle " said Akash hugging Aravind where Arnav had also accompanied him .

" Congragulations Akash . You are looking great " said Aravind with a smile .

" Ah . Thank you. Welcome Arnav " said Akash .

" Congrats " said Arnav with a blunt smile to which Akash nods his head with a smile .

" Please be seated " said Akash .

" Sure " said Aravind where Arnav and Aravind gets seated .

" Would she have come papa ?" asked Arnav to Aravind .

" This is the 100th time you are asking me today . She would come . It is her friend's marriage offcourse " said Aravind .

" What would she think of me if I go and speak to her after all this ?" asked Arnav .

" She would think you are completely shameless and idiot man " said Aravind .

" Papa " said Arnav .

" What ?" asked Aravind .

" I want to start fresh with her . I want us to forget the past and move on " said Arnav .

" Its all in her hand . But it is not easy for her too Arnav" said Aravind .

" I know papa . I completely understand " said Arnav .

" What do you exactly feel for her ?" asked Aravind .

" I don't know " said Arnav with a perplexed tone . But in his heart he know what he wanted . He wanted her to be his special friend which she had always had been . He missed her so much in these many days . This 1 month was like hell for him where he was always going to her room in the hope that she would be there any day .

To be frank , his house felt too empty without her . There was some kind of ray in the house when she had been there . It was somehow different from what it was used to be . But now it was too bad with just his father and him .

There was no one to care for him like her despite of all the words and deeds he had done .  She never stopped showing her care to him despite of whatever situation it was .And that warmth of her , he was missing .

He now felt that why should she be so selfless like this . Why couldn't she have been stern and taught him a good lesson for whatever he did 

Why Khushi ? Why did you go with this much patience . If you had scolded me too , then I wouldn't have taken that much . But this tolerance towards me and my deeds is just making me feel more guilty . I feel that why the hell I did something like this to you ? Why I failed to trust you ?

Okay , I am guilty and I wanted to say sorry to you very badly . But I won't apologize as sorry cannot revert back what I did .I know it very well .

But then , I want everything to begin from the base Khushi . I wanted us to build our friendship back to the form by making a new start . I wanted your support and I want to be your support like how I used to be in your childhood to do things .

Let us start a new start Khushi and all I need is you to be in my side Khushi . I would never repeat this mistake now . I was misguided and used as a bait unknowingly but from now on , I won't ever do such kind of things .

I am feeling painful for every single deed and word I had thrown at you  and you punish for me however you want . But then give me your friendship and your support to me . I don't know why I wanted to be by your side badly these many days .I am feeling too restless as the days passes on .

Where are you khushi ? I want to see you , I want to speak to you badly  There are lots of things to say to you thought Arnav .

" Papa , She would be in any of the room right  if not here . Let me search from Bride's room " said Arnav in a fast pace 

" Why are you this much fast ?" asked Aravind with a worried tone .

"  I want to see her papa . Its been one month since I saw her . I am going " said Arnav leaving in search of the room .

Aravind sighed .

" Both are idiots to the extreme . One is too tolerant and one cannot even hold it for few minutes too. What type of connection are you making lord ? Please , make khushi to hold herself high and live her life as she wants. Arnav should learn and respect her life of which she is made and then unite them both . I don't want Arnav to get easily Khushi because he had already played with her once . Please let it be like this . Even Though I speak to my son in encouragement , this is my wish " thought  Aravind in his mind .

She came out of the room completely dressed and with a minimal make up .The Golden light just everywhere just added more beauty to her . She closed the room and was coming to the corridor while she bumped to someone in the turning .

Her balance slipped as she was a very petite figure and this heavy lehanga and jewels were too heavy on her .She closed her eyes in fear of falling .

But meanwhile the person was Arnav who wrapped his hand on her waist where he balanced himself and her perfectly .

He was actually stunned to see her with closed eyes where the whole dress was complimenting her . She was really beautiful . Very very beautiful .

Khushi slowly opened one of her eyes to check of what had happened.  But then she was shocked seeing herself in his arms. To be precise in her love's arms .

He was so lost in her that he still kept holding in the same position ..

" Arnav "called Khushi .

Arnav came out of his trance where he made her stand straight.

Khushi gives a smile to him .

" How are you ?" asked Khushi.

" I am good . How are you doing ?" asked Arnav.

" I am good " said Khushi.

" I .. want to speak something to you Khushi " said Arnav.

" Yes . Tell me " said Khushi

" I. .. " said Arnav with a stammer as he was searching for his words .

" I know what you wanted to talk about Arnav . Our divorce is filed tomorrow right.  You came to remember me about that right ?" asked Khushi .

" What ??? " asked Arnav with a little stunned tone.

" Yeah . I got an official note from the court and I hope you too had got it " said Khushi.

" I didn't get I think so " said Arnav in a hurt tone.  He wanted to actually speak to her to convince her but she .. she is into the divorce topic once again.

" It's okay. Now I told right" said Khushi .

" I want to ..." Said Arnav but before that Khushi interrupts.

" Where is Papa ?" asked Khushi .

" Outside " said Arnav with a blank tone .

" Come lets go to him.  I wanted to meet him badly " said Khushi .

She and Arnav went outside to the hall where Aravind was seated .

" Papa " said Khushi rushing to him and hugging him .

" hey Khushi " said Aravind too hugging her .

" How are you ?" asked Khushi coming out if his embrace.

" I am good . But seeing you I can say that you are not good as you have lost weight.  Why are you not eating properly?" asked Aravind cupping her face.

" No time at all papa . Everytime work . There are lot of works to be done too " said Khushi .

" So ? . Food is  only important than all your works.  You need to eat for working right ?" asked Aravind.

" Okay ,I would have it for sure from now onwards. Pakka sure  " said Khushi.

" Fine " said Aravind .

" Let us sit ,I have lot of things to say " said Khushi .

" Come " said Aravind where Khushi and him got seated in a seat .

" I got a boyfriend papa " said Khushi with a excited tone .

" What the ?" Said Arnav getting seated with them with a perplexed tone .

" How much years he is ?" asked Aravind with a smile .

" 7 years . In palampur he just keeps coming around my place and we have a great time . I promised him that I would gift him something when I come back " said Khushi .

" So you are  going to go back ?" asked Aravind.

" I am thinking to shift to delhi " said Khushi .

" Why ?" asked Arnav

" Being there would make my job easier . Mostly the camps are there only . I need to travel a lot.  So thinking to shift soon . And anyways I don't have that much things too as I need to buy  newly everything " said Khushi .

" Oh okay . If you want you can take my house there " said Aravind .

" Really . You would give me the house for rent ?"asked Khushi.

" Yeah . Give me 10 crores as rent " said Aravind in a mocking tone

" Papa " said Khushi with a pout .

" Take it for free or I am not going to give my house " said Aravind .

" I can't accept like that . Then someone will again blame me for using you or your property . For instance my parents themselves would speak me as gold digger again " said Khushi .

Arnav stiffens as he felt she had pin pointed him . She meant only him . No one else .

" I don't bother what other tells . It's my property and it's my wish.  You are taking it or else don't speak to me at all . Infcat don't even show me your face" said Aravind with a blackmailing tone .

" Fine.  I would take it. Anyway it is near to the hospital ,so it would be useful . Arnav is it okay if I use your house ?"asked Khushi looking at Arnav .

" No problem Khushi " said Arnav .

" And why are you asking his permission.  He is an utter useless piece " said Aravind .

" What did you tell , I am useless ?" asked Arnav .

" Yeah of course " said Aravind .

Khushi giggles silently by keeping her hand on the mouth .

" Come home , I would hide your chocolate packet somewhere " said Arnav with a fuming tone .

" No" whined Aravind like a child . 

" Are you still eating chocolates ?" asked Khushi with a widen eyes .

" Yes " said Aravind.

" I didn't see you eating when I was there " said Khushi .

" You didn't see because , He hides and eat like a thief . Go and check the locker of his cupboard , you would find it in packets in number " said Arnav .

" You hide it Arnav . He is getting aged and eating this much chocolates is too bad " said Khushi .

" Done " said Arnav showing his thumbs up .

" You are too bad " said Aravind looking at Khushi .

" I am a doctor and you can never hide anything to me Mr Aravind papa " said Khushi pinching his nose .

Aravind rubs his nose .

" Khushi "called Akash from other side .

" I would go papa , I need to help right . I already came too late and that Akash is so so angry at me . Stay comfortable . If you need anything call me , I would be here" said Khushi .

" Sure . Carry on " said Aravind .

" Be comfortable " said Khushi looking to Arnav and then she walks towards Akash .

" What happened spoke to her ?" asked Aravind .

" Our court hearing is tomorrow " said Arnav .

" You got the letter?" asked Aravind .

" I don't know .  But she informed me " said Arnav .

" What to do now ?" asked Aravind .

" First let the court hearing end tomorrow . We would see what to be done later ." said Arnav . She was right .  Divorce is needed .It was not needed to hold to the bad past which had almost shook their world .  Let them first get rid of that and have a new fresh start  . That would be good for both of them and also make him know more about her from this new start thought Arnav .

Aravind sighs seeing Arnav . He could have told the reason of why she wanted the divorce to Arnav. But he wanted him to learn more about her naturally and not through someone . He remembers his and Khushi's conversation about the divorce matter  in a coffee shop next day in the mall where she had asked him to meet her in spite of her busy schedule to buy things for her trip .

" Papa " said Khushi .

" What ?" asked Aravind .

" I know you are angry at me " said Khushi .

" Then why have you called me when you know I am angry " said Aravind turning his face .

" Look at me papa . You always encouraged me to decide right . This time I took the decision " said  Khushi .

"  Why this decision in haste ?" asked Aravind .

"  No . This would be correct for both of us . I cannot bind him with me since he came to know the truth . And he with his guilt would try to make steps with me as he had no other go to undo whatever had happened . I don't want things to be like that where he would burden himself . I want some kind of peace in his life and that is why I am doing like this " said Khushi .

" So you are going to give up on your love ? Why did you hold it till this time then ? You could have asked divorce the first time itself " asked Aravind .

" I got selfish . I got selfish to be his wife for at least few days . But then , now I want it like this . I want him to be happy  " said  Khushi .

" What about you ,fool ?" asked Aravind with a quite angry tone .

"  I am happy . I got a promotion , I am going to camp . My life has given me a new journey . I can live with that and his memories which I had got " said Khushi .

" Do you think he can be happy if you do things like this ?" asked Aravind .

" Papa ,  I know how much does first love means . I know what crazy things it does .  He loved lavanya true from his heart and erasing it from his heart and replacing it with me would be too difficult and painful . And at the same time erasing Arnav and replacing with someone is never possible " said Khushi .

Lavanya betrayed Arnav " said Aravind .

" So ? He loved her truly right .  Love doesn't need to be two sided papa " said Khushi .

" I am not getting what you are trying to say . You want divorce and you are firm in it , right ?" asked Aravind .

"  Yeah " said Khushi .

" I am with you then " said Aravind .

" Papa ?" asked Khushi with a shocked tone .

"  Who told I am angry on you . I was actually proud that  you took something decision like that . But then this explanation just made me little angry " said Aravind .

" I am telling what is my pov " said Khushi .

"  I am again repeating , I have never met a fool or selfless girl like you who could always think for your love and have this tolerance limit " said  Aravind .

" Then let me be that fool " said Khushi with a chuckle .

" Just stay happy okay . Don't forget me with all this . No matter whatever happens you would always be my daughter " said Aravind .

" I know papa and I would never forget you  " said Khushi with a smile ..

Aravind comes out of his thinking and then concentrates on his phone .

" What is it Akash ?" asked Khushi coming to Akash .

" Come with me " said Akash holding her hands and taking her to few people who was standing near the food section and speaking . 

" Hey guys" said Akash .

" Wow , Akash , Who is this beautiful lady " asked Ruhaan .

" Couldn't recognize her still now ?  The Class Monitor of our class .  6 th std c section .Khushi Gupta " said Akash with a smile .

" Oh my goodness , Khushi ?" asked Ruhi with a shout .

" Yeah , For that what ?" asked Khushi with a puzzled expression .

"  Khushi , Ruhi , Ruhan and and Aman " said Akash pointing out to each and every one of them .

 " Oh Hi " said Khushi with a  smile and Excitement .   She was actually surprised to see them over here . It was long time since they had met as the three had shifted to other school after the 6 th grade actually .

" You have changed too much yaar . No resemblance between that Khushi and this khushi " said Ruhi .

" Yeah . You are looking too beautiful and hot by the way " said Ruhaan with a wink at her .

Khushi smiled widely 

" You didn't change at all Ruhaan " said Khushi looking at him with a wide eyes .

" I am always the same " said Ruhaan .

" And like always , he gets beatings from me for his so called behavior " said Ruhi .

"  He is always like that " said Akash .

" Hey Aman . Why are you being so silent ?" asked Khushi looking at Aman who was just looking at her till now .

" No nothing . Just some old thoughts . Nice to meet you Khushi after a very long time  " said Aman forwarding his hand .

Khushi shakes his hands .

" Hope this time at least you don't get my name written in the blackboard again " said Aman .

" I doubt because I know your tape recorder won't stop at all " said Khushi with a teasing smile .

" Then , I am elated to get scoldings from the teacher for the same  " said Aman .

" So , I got her to meet you . Now ,I am taking her as there are few works . She would join you soon . Excuse us guys " said Akash taking Khushi along with him .

Ruhi , Aman and Ruhaan looked at them leaving .

" Oh my god , Why didn't I see her before " said Ruhaan with a sigh look .

" Hello Mr .. Stop this . Speaking these things infront of your wife is too bad . So just stop it " said Ruhi .

" Ah fine " said Ruhaan .

Aman was just gazing at Khushi who was speaking to someone else being with Akash .

"Hey aman , Where are you lost " asked Ruhi .

" I never didn't know that she is this much beautiful . I thought her to be too rude and too strict type  , nerd type . But now she is too different . I feel like seeing her like this for all the time " said Aman .

" Oh man love at first site ah ?" asked Ruhaan .

" I don't know " said Aman by shaking his head where he then looked at Khushi who had went to other side to speak to the guests  ...............................................................

How was the update ?

What do you think about Aman's entry into this story ?  Would it change the equations it had earlier ?

What do you think about  Arnav now ?

Whats next ?

Any doubts ?

Would be waiting for your likes and comments .

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