Part 5

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Hi friends ,Here with a update . Lets peep into it without delay.

The next day .

As the sun rays peeped in from the window , Arnav's sleep was disturbed where he got up from the bed completely in a messy state . His hair was messed up , his eyes were red and his head was aching as if someone was banging a hammer in it .

He clutched his head in pain .

And that is when Aravind came in with a glass of lime juice .

" Have " said Aravind .

Arnav sighs and has the juice without speaking anything .

" Tablet " said Aravind giving the tablet where Arnav took that also and had it . He then closed his eyes trying to recollect what had happened . It was as if he was blank after he had waken up . But now slowly he was getting all the things that had happened yesterday and with the remembering about the same , tears started rolling from his eyes .

" What happened ?" asked Aravind sitting near him .

" She cheated me " said Arnav with a choking tone where he was holding himself to not break more.

" Come here " said Aravind .

" You come here " said Arnav asking him to come inside the middle of the bed .

Aravind mumbles something and got inside the bed where Arnav laid on his laps and started crying .

Aravind just caressed his hair slowly .

" How could she do this to me Papa. I believed her so much " said Arnav .

" She didn't love you at all . Everything was a facade "said Aravind.

" I didn't know " said Arnav .

" Everyone tried to warn you . But you didn't pay heed Arnav " said Aravind .

" I am sorry . I was wrong and I am wrong " said Arnav .

Aravind just sat silent .

"  And papa , Khushi . I spoke so much bad about her . I thought so much low about her but she still ... she didn't even say a word to anything " said Arnav .

"I warned you Arnav . I kept on saying you to mind but you didn't ever listen .You know , it is not you who got affected to a great extent nor Lavanya . Its just khushi . Only khushi because everyone keeps on blaming her as if she is a scape goat and she always keeps numb " said Aravind .

" I was not in the state to think " said Arnav .

" Okay . Can't your brain register a very small thing . For anything blame her .You kept on ordering her as if she is your servant and insulted the every second you got  chance . For example take day before yesterday itself . That girl was solely doing all the jobs and I just wanted to help her and mistakenly my hands got slit . But what you did blamed her and accused her also very hardly of trying to lure you . Do you know exactly of what your words do mean ? And she having affair with Akash ? Arnav , You know one thing , I called them three here since that day was her birthday . But you ruined it everything . Even that one special day " said Aravind .

Arnav just looked down registering all his words .

" Its fine if you are angry . But she is too a human right ? She needs to be respected right ? She too have a feeling and she isn't a rock to stay till . But she is and that is a different case . I am just saying that you should have seen her at least given a respect which you give to a human . I tried many times to tell you but you , you never listened any of my words"

Why do you love me this much ? ( On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora