Don't Forget

By hazzasdimplezz

312 14 0

He was the mountains and she was the sea. He was stable, she was unpredictable. He was undertanding, she was... More

Prologue- Six Feet Deep
Chapter One: Across the World
Chapter Two: Rainy Days
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Three: First Day

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By hazzasdimplezz

Its 7:30 and I have just finished getting ready. I take one last look in the mirror, adjust my skirt and tights, and head to the front door where Jakob and Effy are waiting for me. When we get to the school we walk to the administrative office and register for our classes. Even though in California I was in tenth grade they tell me that in this country I am in year eleven. After they explain to me what that meant they handed me my times table and I was off to class. The first class I had was French and after finding it relatively easily I placed my hand on the handle, took a deep breath, and opened the door. I walk into the class and it had already begun and everyone looks to me. Great.

            “You must be the new student, am I right?” asks an older lady, probably mid-fifties whom I assume is the teacher.

            “Yes, my name is Julianna Ransic” I say tying to stir up the most confidence I can because everyone is still staring at me.

            “It’s a pleasure to meet you Julianna; you can take that seat on the far left.” I walk towards the direction she pointed to and take a seat next to a boy with a beanie on. The rest of class goes on and the curriculum is very easy for me since I already learned this back in the US. I look around the classroom and I see all the students watching the teacher intently. I try to pay attention to what she is saying but it’s hard to focus on what she is saying with all my thoughts circling in my head. Before I know it the bell rings and I gather up my supplies.

            “Hello” says the boy who sits next to me. I look up and see his face which has a boyish charm to it.

            “Hi” I reply back.

            “So you are new here, yeah?”

            “Erm yeah is it that noticeable?” I ask a bit embarrassed that I stick out so much.

            “We don’t get very many new people in Holmes Chapel and pretty much everyone here I’ve gone to school with since year 1” he says this a smile that immediately puts me at ease. I stand from my seat and start walking to the door with the boy. “Plus the American accent gives it away a bit” he says chuckling beside me. I give a slight chuckle while taking out my times table. Second period is dance class. Thank god. I’ve always been talented at dance and I was even on the dance team at my school in California. I then look at the room number and then struggle to find the school map in my backpack. He chuckles and then says, “Here, let me see where your next class is”.

“Thanks” I laugh and I give him my times table appreciatively.

“Dance is in the auditorium, I’ll walk you there.” I thank him and then we begin to walk. I look to my left to where he is and I notice how long and curly his hair is even when it in a beanie. I then realize I don’t even know this kind boy’s name.

“I’m Julianna by the way, just thought I should mention that” I say with a laugh.

“I’m Harry” he says with a laugh as well. When we reach the auditorium he stops walking and so do I. “My class is just a few rooms down so I’ll meet you here and show you were the rest of your classes are.”

“You don’t have to do that I’m sure I’ll be fine” I say not wanting to have him find me annoying or needy since he was my first… sort of friend?

“No really, I mean it, it’s not a problem. I’ll meet you here after class” and then he walks down the hall into his class.

Dance class was fine but for the first time I didn’t really feel like dancing. It just seemed so pointless to dance to songs that talk about pointless things when all I can ever think about are my parents and where they are right now. I wait outside the auditorium like Harry told me to. Students walk around me and stare a little but then continue whatever it was that they were doing before. I see a mop of brown curly hair walking towards me and once he sees me his smile grows.

“Okay where to next?” he asks me when he finally reaches me.

“History with Buchan” I answer and as I do his eyes light up.

“Really I have that too” he said with an even bigger smile.

“Well at least I will know one person in that class” I say relieved.

“My friend Melanie is in that class, you’ll like her” he said while opening up the door for me.

“Hopefully she’ll like me” I say a bit nervously.

“Don’t worry she will” he whispers into my ear from behind. I feel my body warm immediately and I get this weird feeling coursing through me but I quickly push it aside.

I walk to the teacher’s desk and give him my name. He nods and points for me to sit next to a boy with medium length blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen. I walk over to the empty desk and slide in, my eyes meeting with Harry’s instantly. Even though we don’t speak, the look he gives me relieves me from my nerves and my worries immediately and I am grateful. There was something about him that made me interested in him. He was different then the boys at my school in California. He was kind and considerate, traits that are displayed rarely in high school boys. He made me feel as if I had nothing to ever be afraid of. That he would be there for me. I had literally just met this boy two hours ago and he was already the closest thing that I had to a friend at this school, but there was more to it than that. This curly brown haired boy with piercing green eyes, matching dimples on his cheeks, and boyish charm had waken up something inside of me that had been dead for what seemed like forever. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I wanted to find out. 

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