Bound to you(ON HOLD...foreve...

By DreamBig98

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His finger tips trailed along his most valuable possession. Fierceness gathered in those dark pools called ey... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

641 14 5
By DreamBig98

"Do it because they said you couldn't."


ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! *Cough* *Cough* Clears throat.

Read below.

This chapter is dedicated to Lillebit for being an amazing reader. You know we all came a very long way with our stories and they are people like Lillebit who makes you want to keep writing. Nothing makes me happier to know that for once I'm doing something right. And I want to say thank you all including Lillebit for helping me reach my goals each and everyday. I could never repay you, Lillebit, for the things you do for not just me but plenty others. So thank you so very much!

¹ Guys I'm going to warn you before you continue. There is strong sexual content, please if it's uncomfortable feel free to skip the part. I will mark the section where the content will occur. Those of you who doesn't know what the ¹ up above is please go back to middle school. The ¹ is to tell you that when you see this in the passage refer to this message. So if you must scroll back up.

*Guys please be mature about this. There is probably a multiple amount of uncomfortable scenes in here. I dare you to comment about this because I just went over it.

Thank you!!!


The first paragraph is supposed to be italicize...Pardon it.

Nora's POV

A gasp rang through my ears and I scanned the cold grey room instantly. My arms flopped around the bed as I tried to search for something, someone. My mind was trying to unfold why he wasn't there, why Seth Mallace wasn't there. My body reacted quickly and I threw the cold covers off as if it was acid to my skin. My heart felt congested as it weakly pounded against my rib cage. If Mallace was no where in sight that could only mean one thing, he was in someone else's head, invading their thoughts and dreams. I quickly walked out the door and into the unfamiliar hallway, breathing heavily as if I just ran a mile. The hallway was more clouded and more tight than I thought it would be. The darkness engulfed me completely and all I could see was these eyes.

Those eyes. I looked down at my left leg in complete denial that that couldn't be blood. Couldn't be my blood. That was a sign that this had to be a dream.

And I had to wake up.

My eyes sprung open and I grunted (quickly covering my mouth with my other hand) as the Chinese in scripted dagger plunged itself into my flesh. When I finally got a hold of myself, I pulled the dagger out dropping it on the dressing table beside me. Blood coated my hands and I was in disgust with myself, I hated doing this. There were times in my dreams where I grew so accustom to the pain, I didn't feel anything but the trickling sensation and the blood and that would somehow tell me this had to be a dream.

No one should have to do that in order to wake up from a dream. A silly little dream. So why did I feel so offended when I put it that way? I know it never is a silly dream. I was lucky enough to not see Seth but those tormenting eyes I couldn't erase. They steady haunting me. I would rather them haunt me than to still be in the clutches of that evil man, to feel the trickling blood but can't wake up. That was the worst.

I slowly shifted my body. I didn't want to disturb my injured leg. Since I wasn't on human blood only vampire blood, my leg normally didn't heal as fast. If I was taking human blood it would heal much faster. But on vampire blood it takes about five hours to heal properly. I limped over to the bathroom that was in my bedroom, and without hesitation I ran the cold water sinking into it clothing and all. I watched as the water turned from pink to red. I just wanted to forget everything to be alone to wallow in my self pity. I sunk further into the water until my head wasn't visible. Trying to disappear from this life.

For a second I did, but the abrupt pounding on my bedroom door told me different. It was impossible to vanish to slip away from this life without consequences. Consequences from fate.

I sat back up in the tub and stared at the wall in front of me, in a complete daze until the pounding sound increased rapidly. Knowing Blake or the pact members they were persistent when it came to doors. I would know. So I snapped out of my small trance and began undressing only because I needed to bandage my thigh.

After I finish bandaging my thigh I walked out into my room in search for some clothing. I decided on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white tank top. I had to do something about the bed sheets because unfortunately it was white and I had a great deal of blood on it. I was about to take the sheets off when a small gentle knock vibrated through my ears. I opened the door half way only to be surprised. A girl. No older than sixteen stood there by the entrance waiting to be welcomed in with a tray full of food in her hand. "Hello I'm Marietta," She greeted politely.

My eyes examined her, like a question on a test. She had long sandy, dirty blonde hair that cascaded down her shoulders and big brown eyes, which highlighted her features. She surprising looked similar to someone I knew, but I couldn't put my finger on it. She shifted uncontrollably and I averted my eyes.

I must've given her the wrong impression because as soon as she said that she flinched. My face soften and I mentally rolled my eyes. She was too innocent. "I'm sorry I'm Nora," I replied and to give her a better impression I opened the door wide enough for her to come in. She smiled a genuine smile while I struggled to. I probably looked constipated but she appeared to open up to me a little.

"So are you like the servant or something?" I questioned. My comment came out a little too nonchalant and I cleared my throat before restating the question. "I mean you look too young to be a servant but," I paused before picking back up again. "You never know," I finished. She just rested the tray on the table before laughing. It was a sweet laughter.


"No I'm not. I'm just here to help out the new pack members and..." She trailed off. I watched as her eyes landed on my sheets and she gasped. "Did you have a accident?" She questioned. I tensed up. "Oh that psst, that's nothing really," I said using my hand to imply that it was no big deal. She stared at me before walking over to the bed and my eyes landed on the knife on the dresser. I raced over to the dresser pulling the knife off and tucking it hastily in my pants. She turned back around catching me off guard, my hand was dugged in my pants. "Did you mess up your pants too?" She questioned.

My lips turned up into what I felt was a smile but she appeared to stare at me like I was crazy. Yeah I looked constipated for sure. "Why are you doing that? You looked pained. Do you need some pills?" She questioned. Pills? Wait. "Its okay to have accidents Alianora, all women do at some point in life," She said proudly. "Wait what?" I questioned, then it hit me. My cycle? "Your period silly," I stared gapping at her. Then I decided to play along. "Right that. Well thanks for breakfast I'll get this sorted out," I said pulling the sheets away from her.

"Nora. Let me help you," She said sternly. This was so uncomfortable and I didn't want her help. "No really I got this," she smacked my hand away and removed the sheet instantly. I grumbled to myself. "Do you need a pad? Or do you use tampons?" She questioned. "Look Marie it's really nice that you have a caring nature but I don't want to have this talk with you. I haven't used tampons or pads since I converted. I just want you to go, I can deal with this by myself," I said, the anger was evident in my voice. She appeared un phased. "Right. Okay well let me know if your in any pain, oh and its Marietta," She said happily.

I stared at her. What the hell was she talking about? As if she read my mind she answered. "You called me Marie, it's Marietta." She said. I gaved her a questioning look before replying "I know. I shortened your name," She stood in a thinking position before she came into realization. "I never had a nickname," She said. I just nodded and she took that as the permission to leave.

That damn girl. After I pulled the sheets I cleaned it with gusto. I just hope that there wasn't more people like that girl around here. She was really nice and oh was she so hospitable but that was the problem, she was too hospitable. How could someone be so kind and so nice, I feel like she could've seen right through me. And the way she rushed to get my blanket out of the way I just didn't know how react that. She was pretty persistent and demanding and I guess I kinda sorta liked her. Just a small bit.

Stop. I couldn't think that, I can't think that. I was only there to help them train, to help them work together and that was it. I couldn't stay longer, not while Seth Mallace paraded my mind like a fiesta. I felt like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, because while I'm two steps back he's already five steps forward. Sooner or later he would posses me but the question is can I fight it long enough to get away from the pact he was destin to kill? The man I couldn't quite understand my feelings around? I need to fight it. I have to there was no if's or but's.

I didn't know what the hell I was thinking when I tried to tell him there was something better in him, when there was none. He was cold, and conniving, deceiving and spiteful he is the epiphany of evil. Why did I ever let him into my mind, into my sanctuary? It's all my fault because if I only just stayed in the house, if I only just stayed there nothing would've happened. Meeting the pact putting everything in danger, Blake in danger.

I limped out of the now tidy room. If anyone asked about my leg I'll just say I injured it in a recent battle and its just acting up. Something along those lines. I didn't want to make it a big deal because then the pact members would insist I go seek medical help and I didn't want that. What I wanted was to just get a normal work day and draw less attention to my thigh as possible. I checked the time on the microwave and I was slightly aggravated because I was growing impatient. I was too impatient to wait until two o'clock in the after noon.

What could I do until two? I walked around the living room in search for a remote. Where the hell is the remote? I sighed as a black rectangular control stuck out of the couch cushion. After I decided on what to watch I prep my foot up on the table and leaned back. This was relaxing.

2 years ago...

"Nora come down here now!"

I slowly got out of bed, I couldn't quite understand why he was calling me in the middle of the night but I obliged anyway. I couldn't sleep and I'm guessing this had to be important or something. I slowly and cautiously walked out of the creaky room and into the living room where he dwelled.

He just sat there, in a straight posed posture. I looked around confused as to why he called me down. His hands shaking, as he finally got up, walking slowly to me. My heart raced, there had to be something I did wrong...think Nora think! As he approached I backed away slowly.

"Nora. Do as your papa says and come forth," his voice scared me more than his body. His cold dark voice, just like his eyes. I trembled as my weakened legs stepped forward. I knew the consequences if I didn't come, I had to do it. "Take off your clothing,"

I just stood there, in shock. "I said take it off!" He yelled, my hands trembled as I fumbled to take my shirt off. I pulled down my pants and I watched as he nodded his head. God what did I do to deserve this? I stripped until I was bare. This next part surprised me. I don't know why it did though but it did.

He walked up to me grabbing my arms into a tight bound, he dugged into his pocket in search of something, cuffs. He cuffed my hands and led me outside into the cold hectic wind. The cold did more than nip my skin, it attacked me fiercely, digging its way into my flesh, seeping into my bones. I fought, pushing him away from me and to the end it was no use because it just earned me a slap.

I couldn't stay out here was he trying to kill me? And that was just it, he was trying to kill me. End me. I glanced up at the big oak tree and I shuttered. This was it. He tied me around the tree by my hands and feet, repeatedly, and the funny thing was I didn't fought it, I didn't care anymore. "Do you know why I tied you to this tree?" He questioned, humor traced his lips and I just closed my eyes. If I was to die who cares if I didn't answer. I didn't answer his stupid question but I did stare. "Answer me you stupid bitch!" He yelled. I opened my eyes and what caught my eye was his hands and how they tightened due to the amount of rage suppressed.

"No I don't know why you fuck face. But you know, lately I'm starting to wonder that. Why do you abuse me? Why do you hold my mother's death against me? Why do you do the sick shit you do? Now I know. Deep down you blame yourself, and your so sick of me because I remind you of her. And the abuse is killing you but you can't change, because you've been doing it for so long, and its eating at you. It-"

"Shut up, shut up!" He yelled. "It is you! And you gave up on yourself soon as mom died, you gave up on me. But you know what? When I finally die I won't be alone, unlike you. You'll be here drinking yourself to death, and I'll be laughing because that's all you are. Worthless," as soon as I said that, he uppercut me. It didn't hurt, it didn't hurt because the cold already arrived leaving its mark.

He couldn't stop because after he punched me another one was sent and then another one. The pain was very similar to a brain freeze. My head rolled down and I was forced to stare at the snow. The red drops was evident, stuck out like a sore thumb. I didn't know what really happened after that. All I saw was his back of his legs and the footprints that he left as he progressed further away from me.

The feeling of softness and warmth was the first thing that spread through my skin and I smiled. " Ik wou dat ik kon blijven zoals deze voor eeuwig. (I wish I could stay like this forever),"I mumbled. I heard a chuckle and my eyes snapped open, and with that I jumped up. "Jesus Christ, what are you doing here?" Blake just stood there with a look of fondness and heat flooded my cheeks. "You speak Dutch?" He questioned. I just stared before pushing myself off of the couch. "What time is it?" My eyes narrowed at his lips and a new feeling developed inside of me, a sense of longing.

But that was something I can't have, because of him. I like you, but I can't be with you. This might not even be a sense of liking more

"Did you hear what I just said?" His face was about a inch away from me and I wanted so bad just to pull him in and kiss him until our lips fell off. "Y-yeah, no I'm sorry repeat that," He just stared at me as if I just told him something interesting. "No I was just saying it was time for training," "Yeah totally I forgot." He just stared as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. Oh my. I quickly got up and prepared myself for training before I did something I might regret. Something that involved Blake.

Blake's POV

She dawned on me by the minute. She was something special. I feel like she was a puzzle waiting to be solved, she was not who I expected to be. Which left me with one question. What happened when she left? She's become so much bolder and yet so compressed. She was...something. I closed my eyes to calm my anger, guilt invaded my mind. It was my fault, all mine.

I had to figure out what my father was hiding, what was his motive in kicking Nora out. I had to figure out exactly what her father did to her, because the way she sounded the other day made it seem like he didn't do anything outrageous.


The delicious sent of blood filled my nostrils and I urgently looked around. Mate! I turned head to the smell and I've never been more confused in my life. A girl stood there with a short cut hair blonde hair and that was when I really began to question myself. Mate? As if she heard me her head snapped up and a smile spread throughout her beautiful face and I couldn't resist smiling back.

She strutted over and I tried to compose myself while she smiled at my nervousness. "Hey beautiful." I fumbled to speak. Does she not know I'm her mate? But what about Nora? I honestly didn't know all I know is wolves make mistakes all the time picking their mate. Maybe I made a mistake. "Mate." Was the only word I could sputter before I pulled her into the closest closet she latched onto my lips like a leach on a human.

I greedily kissed her until she took off her shirt. "You like that," she whispered seductively, before rocking her body against my harden manhood. No! But it was like I was captivated by her, it was like she put a spell on me. I couldn't wait anymore I licked her neck before I felt my canine extend, piercing her neck as she screamed in delight. She pulled my jeans off and I was on her in an instant.

As I entered into her she moaned in escasty. My thrusting movement were fierce as she begged for me to continue, I could feel her nails as it dugged into my back. "Harder," She screamed. I continued for what felt like hours before reaching her climax and then mine. It felt like I roared to life as I spilled my seed inside her. She continued licking me and I smiled against her lips.

I finally found her.


What do you think happened to Blake's instinct to control his hormones?

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