momma i'm in love with a crim...

By gtafanfics

14.7K 510 133

BOOK ONE OF MOMMA I'M IN LOVE WITH A CRIMINAL a story on how a college student, Bella, falls in love with a c... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
book 2 out now!!

Chapter V

1.4K 51 6
By gtafanfics

Mind Games - Sickick

His jaw dropped when he saw the difference in my looks. I couldn't tell if he was surprised or absolutely in love.

    His hands grabbed mine, he pulled me into the trailer, shutting the door. My body slammed against his and a soft gasp left my lips. He smirked at me, hugging me against his chest.

    "You are..." he trailed off. "Beautiful!" Trevor yipped. He forced a big kiss on me and I loved it all. I didn't expect our first kiss to be like that, but it happened and I'm happy about it. I couldn't stop smiling, neither could he.

    "Your hair, you look so fucking psycho, I love it." Trevor swung me around and set me back down. I giggled and placed my hands behind his neck, pressing our foreheads together.

    "Take me flying, Trev," I whispered. He didn't expect me to say that. His hands tightened on me. "You know I'm a flyer, huh? Did a little research on me?" His voice was so haunting. "Maybe," I chuckled.

    Quickly, he wrapped his arm around my waist and took me outside. "I've got something to show ya." He was practically dragging me along with him but I wanted to see what he was about to show me.

    We took a small walk and soon we came up to a building and something that looked like a runway. This must be where Trevor flies.

    "Sandy Shores Airfield!" He let go of me and took off to the garage, almost skipping with excitement. This was so wicked. I loved it already.

    I chased after him, almost out of breath when I met him again. There was already a chopper outside on a helipad but he took me inside.

    "Trevor Philips Industries," he proudly spoke. I stared, dazzled. "You own this?" I sneered. "Of course!" He spread his arms out, showing off the place. "Wow, you've gotta teach me how to fly someday!" Admiration was all over my face. "I totally will, but I want to take you in the sky first," he winked, grabbing my hand.

    He once again started walking me somewhere and this time we were headed to the chopper. My heart raced in excitement.

    "This is so sick!" I squealed as he opened the door for me. I climbed in and took a deep breath. "Sure is, baby," he agreed, shutting the door. He got in next to me and strapped me in. I looked at his handsome, good-looking face. Every time I'd look at him the more squirmy I got.

    "Trevor," I said before he could start the engine. He looked at me with sparkling eyes. "I love you," I conceded, charmingly. He smiled and, in a flash, smashed his lips against mine. It was such a sweet but very passionate kiss. He caressed my cheek before pulling away.

    "Oh, I love you, honey!" He started the chopper. I giggled at him, butterflies rolling in my stomach. I gripped onto the straps that held me against the seat and watched as we ascended off the ground.

    All I could think about was how perfect this was already. In the air, with my crazy sidekick. Like Bonnie and Clyde. Oh, I was so in love with him. I'm so glad I can accept it proudly. The love of my life. I was so happy he came into my life at the perfect moment.

    Oh, I love you. I love you. I fucking love you, Trev.

    The ground got smaller and smaller and the sky engulfed us, the blades on the chopper spinning at hundreds of miles. If one thing went wrong we'd die, both die together, and that is all I want. But that didn't matter right now. Right now I was with my love.

    Trevor placed a headset in my lap, he already had his on, so I put it on, too. Even better, we could speak while taking in the lovely views of Sandy Shore.

    "So, Mr. Philips, what else do you own?" I buzzed. "Vanilla Unicorn," he returned. "No way!" I was astonished. I was actually surprised. I didn't expect him to own a strip club.

    "We've gotta go there, the bartender bitch said I couldn't order drinks because I looked too young." Still was really unbelievable. I looked fifty years old. Mainly because I didn't take care of myself. "Believe me, that lady is nearly forty. She's gotten five abortions, she's a hooker! Born in the pimp life," Trevor explained. "Damn, rough life. Poor lady," I cringed. "Oh, she's just fucking great. Lives off of daddy's money," he went on.

    "Hey, is your boyfriend cool with this?" he said directly after. Boyfriend?

    "B-Boyfriend, what?" I confusedly glanced at him, he was paying attention to flying and didn't notice me.

    "You told me, when we first met, that you had a boyfriend. Your bruises." Oh fuck. I laughed, trying to play it off. "No, I lied. No boyfriend."

    "The bruises?" He peered at me for a second. Should I tell him? I kept quiet.

    "Bella, who the fuck is hurting you?" He quickly sounded infuriated. I have to tell him.

    "My Mom," I admitted. "But I'm okay. She's gone."

    Trevor was just as silent as me. There was a mix of depression and anger on his face.

    "You okay, Trev?" I could sense his sadness. "Yeah, yeah, I just... relate," he cheerlessly said. "I'm sorry," I withdrew. "No, it's fine, she's an... interesting woman," he muttered. "We don't have to talk about it," I pointed out. And so he didn't continue talking. I sat back and thought about his mother. What the hell happened?

    I didn't expect our ride to turn out like this but I tried to forget about it.

    We flew over some mountains and could soon see the city of Los Santos. Still, it amazed me. The view was so breathtaking.

    "Trevor!" I smiled and put my hand on his thigh. "It's so beautiful!" One of his hands came down to mine, he squeezed it tightly. "Los Santos, baby! It's fucking great!"

    He took us closer to downtown where all of the skyscrapers were. I looked down at all of the busy streets and all of the people. I'm glad I wasn't afraid of heights. This is the life I always wanted to live.

    "You know, I think I want to die from falling at high heights," I specified. "It's so peaceful yet so frightening."

    "Baby, your mind is fucking insane." He wasn't wrong. But for real. Dying from falling seems great.

    "What if we die together?" He grinned at me. "Fuck yeah!" He shouted.

    "You've gotta meet my friends," he revealed. "Are they crazy like us?" I asked. "Sort of, none of them are exactly like me, though. I think they'd like you," he said. Sounds like a plan.

    He said some more things about his friends. Their names were Michael, Franklin, and Lester. Well, Lester the Molester to Trevor. I plan on calling him that once I meet him.

    We got back to the helipad in Sandy Shores. I got out on my own and slammed the helicopter door a bit too hard.

    "I wonder what sex is like in there," I joked. "We should try it n' go fucking hard!" Trevor growled, taking my hand again. "Let's plan that." I kissed his cheek and softly giggled.

    "Woah, what the fuck, Trevor? You've got a new tool?" A man's voice came from ahead of us and I didn't even notice him. "Michael," Trevor mumbled. So this was Michael. Brown hair, hairline starting to recede, fairly tall, looks like a businessman but also a high-class dad. Huh, interesting.

    "Hi, Michael," I greeted. I guess I'm a tool to him. "Who is this?" He completely ignored me. "Her name is Bella, and please don't call her a goddamn tool," Trevor grunted. Michael looked between him and me.

    "Hi," he finally said. I rolled my eyes at him. "Look, Trevor, are you just going to use her for some fun time then screw her off like you do with other girls?" Michael seemed like a dick. I didn't like him so far.

    "Fuck you, Michael, I've changed. I've never met anyone like Bella before." I was starting to get pissed.

    "Patricia? Yeah, how is she?" Patricia?

    "Don't mention fucking Patricia, she's long gone. I don't love her."

    "Bella, Trevor's going to end up leaving you when he finds another kind lady, just saying." Just saying.

    "And I'm sure your life is just great, I'm sure you have the greatest wife and kids back at home who just absolutely adore you but then fuck you over whenever you fuck yourself over, but just saying!" I let go of Trevor and walked past them, going back to the trailer.

    I could hear Michael behind me, asking how I knew all of that. I didn't know any of that, actually. But I'm not surprised it's true. Just met Michael and I already despise him.

    I picked out a crumpled piece of paper from my pocket and set it down on the kitchen counter. It was my essay for college but honestly, I'm not treating it like my essay anymore, I want to publish this. I also wasn't sticking to the whole three thousand word rule. But so far, my story sounds like satire poetry but that's sort of the point.

    Michael had pissed me off so much, I just had to write about him.

Then there's always the despising scent in the lovely rose garden field. The bug that kills them all. Where you picked my appropriate blossom, my grave may scream if they come close! Watch out for garden bugs. I cannot fathom your existence, it's indecipherable.

You've ruined my white, porcelain wedding dress. You've spilled your red wine all over my scorching throne. I live here, not you. My dress is not your tool.

Maybe this could be framable for the White House. No, I'm thinking ahead of myself. I could hear people's voices coming closer so I stuffed the paper into my jacket again and tried acting naturally.

    "Well, you're a dickwad," I listened. Trevor said that. "Stop putting your family issues onto everyone else, you make me want to fucking rip my hair out," Trevor snarled. "Fuck you, Trevor!" Michael yelled. I want to punch you. I really do.

    "Love a guy of words! You know, you really are the type of guy to start shit then eat shit, believe it or not," Trevor laughed. That seemed very true.

    "I'm done with your psychotic bullshit," Michael complained. "Why did you even come here? To fuck me over?" Sounded like something I'd say. "No, I just haven't seen you in a long time, it's been since our last heist." Heist? Oh my.

    "Just leave, Michael." Trevor walked in and slammed the door, sighing. He noticed me just standing there. All I was thinking about was their heist.

    "I'm sorry, sweetheart"—he cleared his throat, but I spoke up—"Heist?" I asked. Trevor licked his dry lips and could not stay still after I mentioned it.

    "Yeah, it's—" he stopped talking. "I want to do a heist," I begged. His emotions changed real quick. "Oh, no, no, no, we don't... we don't do those anymore," he frowned. "It can still happen," I bugged. He froze.

    "Not now, baby," he shrugged, grabbing my hands and pulling me close. "Okay," I didn't fight. I gave him a smile and kissed him softly. He looked pretty down after Michael.

    "I really need you." He roughly kissed me, even bumping me into the counter. I know, Trevor. I know. You're a broken soul.

    He was kissing me so much I almost couldn't breathe. I stared into his eyes and could see his sadness, I hoped I was helping. Trevor couldn't be sad. This wasn't him.

    "Trev," I beamed, my hands on his back pulling up his t-shirt a bit. I don't think he was ever going to let go of me. "Yeah, Bells?" Bells. I love that nickname.

    "It's okay." My arms tightened around him, squeezing him real tight. I buried my smiley face in his chest. "Michael's an ass, so fuck him up."

    Trevor laughed quietly.

    "I've been weird lately," Trevor mentioned. I looked up to his face, curious. "How?" I wondered. "I've just... been calm. Calmer, I guess," he pondered.

    "Is something wrong?"

    "No. You make me calm and I'm rarely calm around people."

    Trevor rolled his eyes and got out of my embrace. "I'm a fucked up person! I-I kill people!" He began walking in circles around the trailer. "I should be sniffing my gasoline"—he eyed it—"I should be... I don't know... robbing a goddamn bank. Look, Bella. I don't want you to change for me."

    So much nonsense was coming out of his mouth. I just wanted to shut him up.

    "You never changed me, I discovered myself through you. I've been hiding for so long and this feeling of freedom is... delicious!" I croaked.

    "And sniffing gasoline? Yes, please. You're so cool, Trev. So. Cool."

    His lips came up in the biggest smile ever, he laughed joyfully, running over to me.

    "Bella! You are insane! It's perfect!" He picked me up and ran over to his bedroom. He dropped me on the bed and stood over me as I sat on the edge.    "You're so fucking beautiful, you're making my mouth water," he growled, biting his bottom lip.

    I didn't know what to say, he was so... alluring.

    "Trevor..." I breathed. "What?" He picked me up again and moved me further back on the bed. I grunted when I hit the mattress.

    "Just kiss me," I mumbled, grabbing the back of his head and pressing our lips together. I touched his body, feeling every perfect thing about it.

    He was getting rough, tugging on my shirt, ripping my jacket off and throwing it on the floor. His hand rubbed down my thighs and to the button of my jeans. He was just about to undo it but someone's voice rang through the walls.

    "Trevor! Where are you?" It was Ron. I already knew this wasn't going to go well. Trevor got off of me quickly and stormed out of the room. I didn't want to see what was going to happen, or hear.

    I heard yelling but I wasn't paying attention to the words that were being yelled. That was probably for the best. It sucks that my moment with Trevor had to end so abruptly. But maybe some other time it could happen.

    It's okay, I told myself, sitting up on the mattress.

    "Hey, Trevor?" I shouted, the yelling stopped. "Yes, baby?" He stepped into the room, looking concerned. "Let's go," I encouraged, getting off the bed and pulling his arm with me.

    "Wait, wait, Trevor! Where're you going?" Ron asked. Trevor ignored him.

    "Where are we going?" Trevor asked once the door shut. The night sky was starting to appear.

    "Let's just... get away for a few hours, okay? Vanilla Unicorn."

    Vanilla Unicorn. I'm going to try you again. If you fuck me up, I'm fucking you up.

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