
By IffieEffie

9.4K 275 86

An action romcom with Fatgum meeting Hinako Suzuki a new girl that has moved into his apartment building. The... More

Laundry Day
Sick Unicorn
Red Stain Orange Shield
Tamaki's Struggle
Sun-Eater's Stand
Sweets Girl

Visit with Grandma

378 13 8
By IffieEffie

"Living-Well is a long term residential care center, caters to your needs.", a friendly feminine voice says from the speakers of an old T.V.  "Here you know that you or a loved one will get good meals healthy meals catered to their needs.  There is a great activity center that will help you or your loved one keep in shape, all well our on staff care experts make sure all their medical needs are taken care of..."

"Tamaki I'm so happy you came by", the elderly woman walks slowly back over to the couch, her arm being gently lead by Tamaki.

"It's no problem Grandma", the old t.v his grandmother still uses catches his attention, as the commercial begins wrapping up.

"...within our walls you and your loved ones are always safe...", two elderly people stand happy in front of the building that Hinako works at, "So register yourself or a loved one today, at Living-Well, where you know they'll Live Well.", the camera pans out, fading into the logo, a number, then switches to another commercial.

He feels his grandmother playfully slap at his arm, "I may be slowing down, but I don't need a place like that just yet."

Tamaki laughs lightly, "I wouldn't think of it grandma!"

"Those places are just living...", she pauses as she slowly lowers herself down into her seat. "Graveyards..."

"...Living-Graveyards...", Tamaki mumbles to himself under his breath.

"MmHm, most of em, you get put in you don't come out.", she points a shaky finger at Tamaki, "But if I ever have to go, it better be a nice one like that got it. I at the very least should be pampered before I go.". She smiles warmly, despite the grim subject.  Tamaki chuckles at his grandmothers morbid joke.

"Grandma we could take care of you.", Tamaki says to her as he goes into the small kitchen area.  Her apartment is small, only a large open single room with a personal bathroom, she has a small kitchen area, wardrobe and a changing screen, an end table, her special bed and her chair but also a kneeling place on the ground and another chair for any visiters. She came to this place after her husband (Tamaki's grandfather) passed away.  He tidies the counter, a dirty cup for her, while he waits to pour the tea that she making when he came in. 

"Oh I know you probably could, but at a place like that, I get the food brought right too me. or they could just sit me out in the sun like Grandpa did.", he laughes a little, as she touches her 'hair' and several small leaves sprout out of it.  Her quirk is a limited plant only, version of the one Tamaki inherited, she is able to manifest plants that she has encounter recently, limited to her hair.  "We used to love sitting in parks on sunny days, and I would bloom flowers from the plants in the area and he would love to tell me all about them... but of course I already knew... I just liked hearin' 'em talk...", she trails off into her memory, Tamaki watches her closely, her lip quivers a little and her eyes become glassy slowly becoming wet and teary.

He sets her tea down beside her, and rubs her shoulder caringly, "I miss him too.", he gives her a moment to dry her eyes before he comes around to kneel on the cushion on the ground in front of her.  He knows how strong headed and proud she can be, and showing her emotions is something she doesn't do well.  "Um I ... was wondering if I could ask you a ... general question?"

She smells the tea, swirling it gently as she warms her hands on the sides, "What about?"

"Um... is it ever hard to use your quirk... because of age?", Tamaki grimaces as he asks, he didn't want to direct it to her needlessly.

"Well a lot of things get harder with age...", she shoots him quizzical look, fishing to see if it's something else he may be trying to ask about. "It's harder to grow larger blossoms like I once could, and sometimes my Reds are more faded or even pink.  There was definitely a time that I would say I was at the peak of my quirk performance.", she sips at her tea. "Although I was at the activity center down near Hisori Park, you know the one, And Mr. Geeki about a month back came in all worked up.  you know kinda jittery, but more than the usual old shakes, he was telling Ms. Yuki, who he broke up with 3 months before, so he was tellin' her about how he couldn't use his quirk no more, 3 days later.  I was eating little sandwiches at his funeral."

Tamaki's eyes swim trying to pars together everything his grandmother said, 'Month ago... Mr. Geeki... dumped Ms. Yuki? important? no? or yes? but now 3 months back? mmm sandwiches? wait no ... DEAD!', Tamaki's mouth drops, he gasps "Grandma you shouldn't talk like that...!"

She snickers into her tea, "Oh it's just you and me... I didn't even know the man, but others said that his quirk, the one he said he said he lost, allows him to see smells, which helped him be one of the best bounty hunters, back I think just after the big reform, for a while a bunch of us and villians just weren't used to hidding our quirks away.  So we were gettin' charged left and right, some even got put away... shame...".

"It's not like that anymore, not since All-Might", Tamaki knows his Grandmothers stance on how strict quirk regulation is, and she isn't alone, but things have been so much better since All-Might.

"He is no god, he is a man... you young people forget that, he is a bandage on an open wound...", Tamaki grimaces, both his Grandmother and mother were huge hippies back in their days, and not all their views or causes have aged well in the current mind set of strict regulation on quirks and quirk use.

"What was the mans name? ... I didn't catch it ...", he says sheepishly.

"Oh goodness sharpen those ears of your's boy, it was Mr. Geeki.",  she chuckles at the joke she has made throughout Tamaki's life. "...You know what... at the funeral there was a a couple nurses dressed in Living-Well scrubs...Yeah they were their showing their respects to the family...hmm lucky guy."

Tamaki stays at his grandma's until late, but as he leaves the apartment building, he takes out his cell phone clicking on Fatgum's contact icon.  "Hey... Yeah sorry it's a bit late I... Sorry I didn't mean to ... yeah it's about Living-Well... I changed my mind, I wanna look into it....uh yeah put me on speaker phone... Hinako?!... Do you remember a Mr. Geeki?"

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