Barry and Iris OS

By Rauraflash2020

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So we know that because of the negative speed force Nora is erased from memory and so this story starts from... More

No Nora No.
The time Barry almost died( the first time)
My version of how Barry feels when savitar almost kills iris
All Dolled up
Killer Frost
Null and Annoyed
Enter Zoom
King Shark
License to Elongate
Cause and Effect
Luck Be a Lady
Legends of Today
Legends of Yesterday
News Flash
Dead or Alive
What's Past is Prolouge
Run, Iris Run
The Flash and The Furious
Dead Man Running

Elongated Journey into the night

105 4 0
By Rauraflash2020

Hey everyone so I just love this episode from season 4. It's the most hilarious and crazy episode with Cisco and Breacher, Barry and Ralph. Anyways this episode I'm going to do now.

My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive. To the outside world I'm an ordinary forensic scientist but with my friends at STAR Labs I fight crime and find others like me. But I became lost in time. It took everything in my friends power to bring me back but in doing so our world was opemed up to new threats. And I'm the only one fast enough to stop them. I'm The Flash.

Previously on The Flash
"Each of these heat scans indicates a human body." Caitlin says.
" 12 markers, 12 metas." Cisco says.
" They identified the targets sooner than we planned." Marlize says.
" Perhaps." Devoe says.
" There's nothing within miles of here capable of creating dark matter." Cisco says.
" There was three weeks ago. This is where I came out of the Speed Force." Barry says.
" And a wave of dark matter washed out with you." Harry said.
" You think the guy behind the Samurai robot." Joe says.
" Samuroid." Cisco says.
" Wanted us to create a bus load of metas?" Joe asks.
" I think it's all connected." Harry says.
" Hello gorgeous. You ready to get your schoompy on?"Cisco asks Gypsy.
" Joe, I'm pregnant." Cecile says.

" Look, I've been thinking." Cisco says.
" Less thinking, more kissing." Gypsy says.
" Okay, but hold on a minute. This thing we got going on. This is really good." Cisco says.
" It's okay." Gypsy says.
" What?" Cisco asks.
" No, I'm just kidding." Gypsy says.
" It's better than okay." Cisco says.
" But because of that, I think we're at the place in our relationship where the guy says to his girl those three magic words." Cisco says.
" Wheat what three magic words?" Gypsy asks.
" What's your name?" Cisco asks her.
"Um oh, Well that's technically four words." Gypsy says.
" Mmm, well actually technically it's three words cause contractions are one word and that's how grammar works. That's not the point. What's your name?" Cisco asks.
" Gypsy. My name is Gypsy." Gypsy said.
" For real? So you were born and somebody was just like I'm going to name you Gypsy?" Cisco asks.
" Gypsy is what I like to be called. It is mysterious. It's moody." Gypsy said.
"Hmm. Moody's right." Cisco says.
" All right. I'm going to go to the bathroom. When I get back you'd better stop asking my name and be wearing less clothes." Gypsy says.
" I don't need to know your name. Mm, this girl about to rock your world." Cisco sings.
Just then someone breaches in and Cisco is thrown back.
" You're a dead man." Breacher says.
Then Cisco is thrown across the room and says,
" Those are collectibles. Aah. Who are you?" Cisco asks.
" Daddy." Gypsy says coming out of the bathroom.
" Pleased to meet you, sir. Is he gonna put me down?" Cisco asks Gypsy.

At the precinct
" You know, some of you may not realise but before I was mayor I was a cop in this very precinct. And it's because of these men and women every family in Central City can sleep comfortably at night." Mayor Bellows says.
" What's happening?" Barry asks as he comes up.
" Mayor Bellows is on his reelection campaign." Joe says.
" Detective Joe West. Keep up the good work. What do you say Joe?"Mayor Bellows asks.
The media pans to Joe and Joe says,
" I'll do that."
" And that's why he's not a politician." Mayor Bellows says.
" I hate that." Joe says.
" Yeah. Thought to run against him? Can you picture yourself shaking hands and kissing babies?" Barry asks.
" What? Ain't nobody said anything about kissing babies? You said you had a lead about this bus meta situation? Joe asks.
" Yeah, I do. Come here." Barry says as they walk up the stairs to Barry's lab.

" You took the photos down from your mother's case. " Joe says.
" Yeah, well that was solved. This one isn't. We got these two. Kilgore and Hazard. But that still leaves 10 meta humans that were created when I came out of the Speed Force." Barry
" How hard can it be to track down 10 bus passengers?" Joe asks.
" Well according to the Department of Transportation 900 people rode the bus that day." Barry said.
" What about the bus driver?" Joe asks.
" That's where things get interesting. He's dead. Drowned in his own bathtub." Barry says.
" That's not too suspicious." Joe says.
" Harry said it was all connected. I think he's right. I mean the Samuroid pushing you guys to bring me back, me not coming out of the place you thought I would the bus being in the exact place to be hit by dark matter. It was planned." Barry said.
" Yeah." Joe says.
" By someone smart." Barry says.
" We're pretty smart." Joe says.
" Well I think so." Barry says.
" Okay, let's look closer into the bus drivers death. It may give us a lead." Joe says.
" I'll have Iris pull up the autopsy report from the coroner's office. " Barry says.
" Sounds good." Joe says.
" What? I don't know. This morning, it's like you're " glowing. You got like a warmth about you, like a Lite-Brite." Barry says.
" There's no warmth, no glow and I ain't no Lite-Brite. You're wasting time. STAR Labs.
" Glowing and irritable." Barry says.

Later in the STAR Labs elevator
" How's Cecile?" Barry asks.
"Fine. The same. I mean nothings changed. If something changes I'll let you know." Joe says.
" All right." Barry says.
Just then the elevator opens and Breacher is standing there.
" This facility is poorly guarded." Breacher says.
" Clearly." Barry says.
Joe takes out his gun and Cisco comes in.
" Hey, hey, hey, hey. Power down buckaroo. Oh good. You're here." Cisco says.
"Cisco, who is this?" Joe asks.
" This is Breacher. AKA Gypsy's father." Cisco says.
" Oh. Yeah, I Um I can see the resemblance." Barry says.
" There is no resemblance." Breacher says.
"So you know how Gypsy is a big collector on Earth nineteen? Well her boss is her dad who decided to pay us a surprise visit at the perfect time. Which is why I decided to show him around where I work." Cisco says.
" You know I'm Barry Allen." Barry says.
" Cisco's personal assistant." Breacher says.
" His what?" Barry asks confused.
" And he is the best personal assistant I could ever have. He stays late, starts early. One day I'll be working for him." Cisco says.
" What are you doing?" Barry asks.
" I wanted to impress him and now I can't stop." Cisco says.
" Joe West." Cisco says.
" A fellow law man. You I can respect." Breacher says.
" And Harry Wells back there." Cisco says pointing to Harry.
" You look like someone I once sent my daughter to kill." Breacher says.
" I get that a lot." Harry says.
" Uh, I thought someone would like to give him the old look see." Cisco asks.
" Um Allen, Detective West, why don't you give Gypsy's father here the nickel tour of the facility?" Harry asks.
" Joe." Barry says as Joe walks away.
" I've had to pee for like three hours." Cisco says as he stands against the wall.

Harry motions him to go to his workshop.
" What is wrong with you?" Harry asks.
" Have you seen his face. The guy's killed people with that face. I'm not even joking. Gypsy said that literally happened. " Cisco says.
" You want his approval?" Harry asks.
" Yes. Of course I want his approval. He's my girlfriend's father." Cisco said.
" Cisco,listen you're a fine upstanding, smart, well groomed young man. Any father would be happy to have you date his daughter, except me. Can't date my daughter, okay. Can't date Jesse. Jesse's off limits." Harry says.
" Went for the compliment, did not stick the landing." Cisco says.
" Just take him for coffee all right. Go for coffee, get to know him better. I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised by how much you have in common, right? You both are breachers, both of you have the same powers. You have ridiculous hair, he has ridiculous hair and you both love Gypsy." Harry says.
" Are you giving me decent relationship advice right now?" Cisco asks.
" I am. You'll be fine." Harry says.
" I don't want to be here anymore." Breacher says.
" And we're leaving." Cisco says as he walks away.
" Have fun storming the castle." Harry says.

Later Caitlin is walking into the cortex and asks,
" Why is the scariest person I have ever seen roaming our halls?" Caitlin asks.
Joe and Barry say together,
" Cisco."
" Oh." Caitlin says.
" Okay, so I've got the coroner's report for the death of the bus driver but there doesn't seem like there's any signs of foul play." Iris says.
" Aside from him being the one guy who could have told us who was on that bus." Barry says.
" They logged his personal effects. Let's see. Credit cards, cash, receipts." Iris says as she continues.
" Wait go back." Barry asks her.
" Ralph Dibny. I'll be damned."Joe says.
"Who is Ralph Dibny?" Iris asks.
" He used to be a cop." Barry says.
" Dirty cop." Joe says.
" He got kicked off the force." Barry says.
" For what?" Iris asks.
" It's a long story." Barry says.
Iris pulls up his picture on the screen.

" That's him." Barry says.
" Oh he's handsome in an Oliver Queen kind of way." Iris says.
" For real?" Barry asks looking at Iris.
" Babe, you know I've only got eyes for you." Iris says.
" The IOU is dated the same day I came out of the Speed Force. " Barry says.
" You think Dibny was on that bus that day. Maybe now he's a meta human?" Caitlin asks.
" Let's pay him a visit." Barry says as he turns to leave.
" Hey. You seem something. What's up with you and this Ralph guy?" Iris asks.
" It's like Joe said. It's a long story." Barry says and gives Iris a kiss.
Once Joe and Barry are gone Caitlin says,
" Oliver Queen is hot."
" Amen, Hallelujah." Iris says.

Later at Ralph's office
" I promised there wasn't a single case I couldn't crack. And a promise is a promise kept. Dibny detects. Your husband didn't die in that plane crash, Mrs. Broome." Ralph says.
" He didn't? Then where is he?" Mrs. Broome asks.
" Turns out he got remarried and moved to Minnesota. Has two kids now. Twins. Twins in the Twin Cities." Ralph says.
Mrs. Broome starts crying and Ralph gets out of his chair and goes behind her.
" Oh,oh, oh, oh,hey, hey, hey, hey. Don't cry for that jerk. He doesn't deserve it. The sun still shines. The birds still chirp. Birds chirp, chirp. Mrs. Broome you are a very attractive woman and you will find someone else. Someone who will hold you. Someone who will wipe away those tears. Do you like shrimp?" Ralph asks.
Then Mrs. Broome slaps Ralph.
" This is definitely the place." Barry says.
" Reconsidered huh? Joe West.[ Then Barry turns to face Ralph] Barry Allen. Been a long time rookie." Ralph asks.
" Well I'm not a rookie anymore, Dibny." Barry says.
" Yeah. Got the spare tire out of the trunk. It happens. Might even happen for you slim Jim. So what brings you to Casa de Dibny?" Ralph says.
" Were you on the 405 bus four weeks ago around noon?"Barry asks.
" That's a very specific question." Ralph says.
" We found your IOU from the deceased bus drivers personal effects." Joe tells Ralph.
" Deceased? Hey that's one less "U" I owe. What's it to you?" Ralph asks.
" It's a simple question. Can you just answer it?" Barry asks.
" You walk into my office after five years like nothing ever happened, and ask me a favor? I smell a mystery." Ralph says.
"It's not a favor. It's information. " Barry says.
" And how much is this information worth?" Ralph asks.
" Are you shaking us down?" Joe asks.
" I know something you don't and you need to know it badly otherwise you'd never swallow your pride and face me after what you did." Ralph says.
" After what I did?" Barry asks confused.
" Ralph. The people on that bus were exposed to something dangerous. " Joe says.
" Dangerous? Dangerous like what?" Like Ebola. " Ralph says.
" Were you on the bus?" Barry asks.
" No." Ralph says.
" Okay. Let's go." Joe says.
" Hey I heard you shocked up with that hot DA. She got a sister? Good luck. All the best. " Ralph says.

Then the mayors cronies come in and throw Ralph off the building
" Let's talk about this. Put me down. Put me down." Ralph says.

" That guy hasn't changed a bit." Joe says.
" You really expect him to?" Barry asks as they walk away.
They walk back
" Whoa. Guess he was on that bus." Joe says.

Later at STAR Labs
Iris is walking in the corridor and sees Ralph's feet and runs towards the med bay.
" Hey guys, what the hell." Iris says.
" Yeah, yeah well you're welcome." Harry says.
" What happened to me?" Ralph asks confused.
" Breathe, okay." Harry tells Ralph.
" Okay. Clearly this guy is a bus meta." Iris says.
" This is interesting. The dark matter has polymerized Dibny's cells." Harry says.
" What the hell is dark matter and why is it in my cells?" Ralph asks.
" You're saying the walls of every cell in his body have elasticized?" Caitlin asks.
" I'm saying they've formed an unbreakable bond at the atomic level. Now you can stretch these cells and stretch these cells." Harry says.
" Like Silly Putty?" Caitlin asks.
" Like Silly Putty. " Harry says.
" I'm Silly Putty?" Ralph asks.
Caitlin and Harry say together,
" No."
" Kind of." Harry says.

" Who were the guys on the roof, Ralph?" Joe asks.
" Is that really the issue right now? Look at me! Allen, you and your STAR Labs nerds better put me back together."Ralph says.
" Get your hands off me. We're trying to help you." Barry says.
" You're not trying to help me." Ralph says.
" Shut up!" Barry says.
Caitlin then pushes Barry back and says,
" Come on. Oh come on! You can do this later. I just need a sample of your blood."
She pulls his hand and it completely falls off him. She throws it down and it doesn't go back together. Ralph sneezes and his face elongates.
" Whoa. Is that my face?" Ralph asks.
Then Joe pukes.
" Four years seeing this stuff, I finally puked." Joe says.

Later in Jitters
A guy wants to plug his device into the hole and asks Breacher,
" Can I plug in?"
Gypsy comes over and says,
"Daddy, I know you love me and I love you. I really love Cisco and I need you two to get along. So do you think you can do that?"
" I'll do anything for you, petal." Breacher says.
" Ah, three coffees. How about you huh? Ready for some hot java?" Cisco asks.
" We don't have coffee on my earth. Crop were destroyed. My world was attacked. Invaded by the worst, most evil creatures in the multiverse. I'll never drink coffee again." Breacher says.
" Two for me." Cisco says.
" It's okay. Daddy, shall I get you a tea?" Gypsy asks.
" Like a relaxing tea. Yeah. Please. " Cisco asks.
" Okay." Gypsy says as she gets up.
" Pops a squat. Uh, I know from a friend who is also a father how important his daughter means to him. And I just wanted to let you know how important your daughter is to me. And after your and I get to know each other a little, maybe we might find that we're not so different." Cisco says.
" I'm going to hunt you. You're not worthy of her. " Breacher says.
" Cisco chokes on his coffee and says,
"Isn't that for her to decide?"
" Ten." Breacher says.
" Also I could've sworn you said uh that you were going to hunt me? What like a deer?" Cisco asks.
" I have hunted some of the worst breach criminals in history. Marla the Dark Lord. Soolunga of Sheerdra. The sand people of scar. You will be easy prey. Nine." Breacher says.
" Listen, I have tried to be polite with you, but this is going too far. I get that you're overprotective." Cisco says.
" Eight." Breacher says.
" Are you counting?" Cisco asked.
" For the next 24 hours I will be hunting you through out this city. We will not use our powers. But when it's over she will be free of you. Seven. Breacher says.
" Do you do this with all her boyfriends?" Cisco asked.
" I hunted her last one yes." Breacher says.
" Where is he now?" Cisco asked.
" I don't know." Breacher says.
" He got away." Cisco asks.
" I don't know where you go when  you die. Five." Breacher says.
" You just skipped six." Cisco says.
" I know. Four. And don't try to breach. I'll know it if you do. So if I were you I'd start running Ciscky." Breacher says.
Cisco runs and Breacher says,
" Three, two, one."
" Damn. He's hunting him." Gypsy says  seeing the empty chairs.

Later in STAR Labs
" I finally calmed him down. Amazing what 50 grams of Lorazepam can do when you get it in aerosol form." Caitlin says.
" Is there anything you can do to put him back together?" Iris asks.
" Please, my stomach can't take much more." Joe says.
" I think I can stabilize his cells if I had a sample of DNA prior to when he was exposed to dark matter on the bus." Caitlin says.
" Why? So he can go out and start hurting people like our other friends here? I think we should lock him up in the pipeline." Barry says.
" He hasn't done anything." Caitlin says.
" Yet. Trust me. I know this guy. He's a bad guy. " Barry says.
" Barry, I took an oath to help people. I'm a doctor. I can't just leave him in there like spaghetti." Caitlin says.
Barry writes on the bus meta board " villains".
" Villains?"Iris asks.
" Yeah. Every person who was on that bus is now 1,000 times more dangerous to when they were before." Barry says.
" What if he's changed?" Caitlin asks Barry.
" People don't change." Barry said.
" I did. When I became Killer Frost you still believed in me." Caitlin said.
" You're a good person. He's not." Barry said.

" Barry, how about you and I go back to Dibny's office. Find a sample for Caitlin? Dad, you go to CCPD, see what you can dig up on Dibny?" Iris asks.
" Yes Boss."  Joe says as he leaves.

Later in Ralph's office
Barry and Iris entered his office and Iris says,
" Looks like someone tossed this place." Iris says.
" Yeah. Probably the same guys that hung Dibny off the roof." Barry said.
" Why do you think?" Iris asks.
" I dunno. Guy like that probably has a long list of people that want to toss him off rooftops. " Barry says.
" No seriously. What happened between the two of you?" Iris asks.
" It was one of my first cases as junior CSI. Dibny was the lead detective." Barry said.
" What case?" Iris asks.
" A woman Judy Gimlin was stabbed to death. Her husband Reagan was the prime suspect. But there was no evidence. Nothing to tie him to the crime scene. And then miraculously Dibny found a knife with the husbands fingerprints. Case closed. Dibny was a hero. I don't know. Maybe because my mom was stabbed I wanted to be sure. So I analyzed the knife. The serrations on the wound didn't match the vic."Barry says.
" So Dibny planted the knife?" Iris asks. 
" Yep. And then lied about it. Under Oath."  Barry says.
" And you busted him?" Iris asks.
" I mean, he didn't just bend the rules, Iris. He committed perjury.  Evidence tampering.  He was thrown off the force. Point is he was crooked then he's  crooked now." Barry says.
" Hey, how much DNA do you think Caitlin needs?" Iris asks Barry.
" Not much." Barry says.
Then Iris finds a bomb and shouts for Barry.  Then they phase through the floor. Once they are down, Iris says,
" I guess someone hates him more than you do."
After  that incident they get back  to the lab.
" And that's what it feels like to vibrate through solid matter." Iris says after giving the comb to Caitlin.
" I'm just glad you two weren't hurt." Caitlin says.
  " No thanks to your new buddy in there." Barry says.
" He's not my buddy.  He's my patient." Caitlin says.
" Caitlin, I just don't understand why you're defending him."Barry asks her.
" Because I know what it's like to suddenly find yourself with extraordinarily abilities and be totally freaked out by it. And so  do you,for that matter. You and I both woke up in this lab knowing our lives will never be the same. So why don't you give the guy a little sympathy. " Caitlin says.
" Guys." Iris says.
" Hey I pulled the LUDS on Dibny's  phone. There were 15 phone calls between him and the Mayor's office. " Joe says as he comes into the cortex.
" What is Mayor Bellows doing talking to Ralph Dibny?"  Iris asks.

Later in the med bay Barry confronts Ralph
" Oh look it's my good  friend Barry Allen. " Ralph says.
" Someone just blew up your office." Barry says.
" Sweet. Insurance claim." Ralph says.
"  My fiance and and I almost died." Barry tells Ralph.
" You landed West's daughter.  Wow everything's coming up Allen. The job. The girl." Ralph says.
  " Who's trying to kill you, Dibny?" Barry asks.
" Do you how many people I have pissed off in the last five years? Angry husbands. Angry wives. Not exactly dealing  with high society taking photos of cheating spouses." Ralph Ralph says.
" Then why are you talking to the mayor?"Barry asks.
" Who says I am?" Ralph asks.
" Your phone records." Barry says.
" Did you get a warrant for that? Cause I know you're all- by- the- book." Ralph says.
" What's your business with Mayor Bellows?" Barry asks.
" Nothing. Just calling to tell him what a swell job he's doing." Ralph says.
" 15 times?" Barry asks.
" 12 of those were butt dials." Ralph says.
" All right, look whatever.  We'll just go talk to the Mayor ourselves. You know he's  a huge fan of Joe's."  Barry says.
" Yeah, you go do that. I'm going to stay here. Stretch my legs." Ralph says.

Later with Cisco
" Ramon, do you think it's  wise to be sneaking around a technologically weaponized facility?" Harry asks.
" It's a lot safer than what I'm up against out there so." Cisco says.
" Coffee didn't go well, I take it?" Harry asks.
" Well, Gypsy's dad wants to hunt me for 24 hours to see if I'm worthy of his daughter. No powers, so don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do about that." Cisco says.
" Fight back." Harry says.
" I swear, it's like you're trying to listen but you just nod while you're doing something else.  You're doing it right now."  Cisco says.
" Fight back. Ramon what did you say? You said no powers?" Harry asks.
Then Harry sees Cisco putting stuff in his backpack  and says,
" Go ahead."
" Well in addition to being Vibe you have another super power. You're smart in here." Harry says pointing to his head.
" Alnl right, outwardly you're weak. All right." Harry says.
" Too much." Cisco says.
" But use your outwardly weak appearance to your advantage. He's going to anticipate a pathetic target. Well you're pathetic, you're weak." Harry says.
" Not helping. Just hurting." Cisco says.
  " All I'm saying is set as trap. Beat him at his own game." Harry says.
" Set a trap. That's right, a  trap I can do. Cause he may be the predator but I'm the Schwarzenegger." Cisco says.
Cisco then escapes as Breacher appeares.
" Where is he?" Breacher asks.
" He was here. He went that way. Harry says pointing to a random direction.

Later in the Med Lab
" I farted. I'm not sure everything is where it's supposed to be down there." Ralph says.
" Drink this."  Caitlin says as she hands him a beaker with blue liquid inside.
" What is it? I don't just drink stuff. My body is a temple." Ralph says.
"Clearly. Drink it."  Caitlin says.
" I wanna know what it is. " Ralph asks.
" It's 17% alcohol." Caitlin says.
" You should have led with that sister." Ralph says.
Once Ralph drinks it he reverts back to his own self
" Ugh. What was that?" Ralph asks.
" It's a serum of sulfer, zinc oxide and steric acid to cross-link your polymerized cells." Caitlin tells him.
" In English." Ralph asks.
" It's gonna fix you." Caitlin says.
Oh. You did it. I'm cured."Ralph says.
"  Well not cured. All I did was introduce a stabilizing enzyme to reset your body to shape through vulcanization. It's like muscle memory."   Caitlin explains.
" Muscle memory, huh? How back memory do you think?" Ralph asks.
" I don't know. Uh, think about the shape you want to be and be it." Caitlin says.
Ralph does it and goes back to his normal body shape.
" I'm back. I look like a Hemsworth." Ralph says.

Later with Mayor Bellows
" Joseph." Anthony says.
" Thank you for meeting us." Joe says.
" Quick stop on my way to a hospital ribbon cutting ceremony. No problem. What's with you? You're glowing." Anthony says.
" No. No I'm not." Joe says.
" You are." Barry says.
" Well how can I help you gentlemen? I've got a lot on my schedule today." Anthony says.
" Ah, we won't take much more of your time, Mr. Mayor. Uh, do you know a man named Ralph Dibny?" Joe asks.
  " Uh, doesn't ring a bell. Who is he?" Anthony asks.
" Well he's a cop, turned private investigator. Really? He called your office over a dozen times. " Barry says.
"  I'm going to have to check with my secretary." Anthony  says.

Joe then closes the door
" Anthony, you used  to be a cop. We are not talking to the mayor here. It's just three cops talking. Whatever cops say to each other, they don't say anything to anybody else. " Joe says.
" What's going on with you and Dibny?"Joe asks.
" I uh, made a mistake. " Anthony says.
" A mistake?   You mean like a mistake you make with a woman that's not your wife?" Joe asks.
" It  was only that one time, Joe.  I regretted it the minute I  did it, and I broke it off right away. And then Dibny shows up and he's got pictures of us. And he threatens to show it to my wife unless I pay him.   Anthony says.
" How much?" Barry asks.
" Not enough. All those phone calls it was him negotiating for a bigger price. I love my family, Joe. Just let me pay him and I'll be done with him." Anthony says.
" No Mr. Mayor, you won't have to do that. We'll take care  of it." Barry says.
" Joe,  Barry thank you." Anthony says.
" Mmm.  So much for Dibny changing." Barry says.
After he leaves the cronies who threw Ralph off the roof meet with him
" Dibny is alive and talking. Find him.I want the pictures and his head." Anthony says.
" And the cops?" They ask.
" What do I care about cops? Waste em." Anthony says

Later in STAR Labs
" Your  vitals are fantastic." Caitlin says.

" You're blackmailing the mayor?"Barry asks as he enters the  cortex.
" Classic Barry Allen. Enters room and accuses wildly." Ralph says.
" We know about the photos, Ralph.
" Bellows told us everything." Barry says.
" Hey I'm not the one who told him to steep out on his wife." Ralph says.
" That's your defense? It's his fault that you're extorting him?" Barry asks.
" Isn't that a little easy for you to say? Your fancy lab, your good job and your hot girlfriend.  People like me are just trying to get from one bill to the next. And I wouldn't have to be living like that if you hadn't cost me my job." Ralph says.
" You got yourself fired. You tampered with the evidence.  You framed that guy." Barry says.
  "  Because he was guilty. And he was going to get away with  killing his wife, and then you let him go.  I was a good cop. I was a good detective. I lost everything. Mayor's got plenty of money. He can spare a little. Consider  it the pension you  cost me." Ralph says.
" Good people don't destroy lives and  call it noble. You were dirty then and you're dirty now. You're not going anywhere." Barry says.
Barry then hits Ralph and stuffs his hand into Ralph's mouth
" Are you kidding me?" Ralph says with Barry's hand inside.
" Thanks for ruining my life twice,  Allen."  Ralph says as he leaves.

With Cisco
" Ciscky, show yourself. No one can avoid me forever." Breacher says.
"I'm not going to. Are you kidding me?" Cisco says as the gun stops working."
" Say goodbye my little enemy."  Breacher says.
Then Breacher figures out Cisco is a hologram and says,
" What the sheol?"
" Guess who's got a hologram? Ho, ho,  ho. Bet you're wondering what this site?  This is an anti vibrational force field with an oscillating power grid. Good enough for the reverse Flash, good enough for you. So you might as well wave your white flag cause you aren't getting out of this  until the clock sttikes Cisco's victory. Oh victory. Feels good. " Cisco says.
" I pulled this from a body of a Earth 48 hunter killer. You can't trap a trapper. " Breacher says.

Later at their Loft Joe turn up with alcohol
" I just needed to cool off." Barry says.
" I figured. " Joe says.
" Dibny seemed to have gotten underneath your skin. Why is it so important to you that he be the bad guy?"  Joe asks.
" When I first started at CCPD all I cared about were the rules. But you know we've  locked up meta humans without  a trial. Played with time and space, messed with other worlds." Barry says.
" Yeah but what does that have to do with Dibny?" Joe asks.
" Just that everything we've done we did because we were trying to help people. Keep them safe. Is that all Dibny was trying to do back then?" Barry says.
" Good people don't destroy and call it noble." Joe says.
" Did I make a mistake back then? Did I cost a good man his life?" Barry asks.
" I don't know Bare. He did  cross the line. But you didn't make him do that. And you didn't make him blackmail the Mayor. But maybe Caitlin was right. Everyone who's gone through what you and her and Dibny has gone through maybe he deserves a second chance. "  Joe says.

The doorbell rings and Barry says
" I got it."
" Allen, Detective West." They say.
"  Aren't you two on the Mayor's detail?" Joe asks.
" Sorry to bother you at home, but dispatch just radioed. Captain Singh needs you at the station. ASAP ." They said.
" All right, let me just get my jacket." Barry says.
Barry turns around and they shoot and he uses  his super speed to hold them down.
" That never gets old." Jo's says
"  Those two work for the Mayor. They just tried to kill us." Barry says.
"Dibny's next." Joe says.

With Cisco
" Ciscky, Ciscky, Ciscky come out. Come out and meet your end." Breacher shouts.
Then he sees Ralph on the screen
" Plastoid, you creatures destroyed my planet. Now I will kill every one of you."  Breacher says.
Cisco comes out of hiding when he hears Barry on the comms.
" Guys, anyone there?" Barry asks.
" I'm here.  It's me. What's up?" Cisco asks.
" I need you to activate the tracker  I put on Dibny." Barry says.
" You put a tracker on Ralph? Plastoid. Cisco asks.
" Cisco, do you know where he is?" Barry asks.
" He's at   City Hall." Cisco says.

With Anthony and Ralph
" You lost weight." Anthony says.
" Lap Band surgery.  Heh. " Ralph says.
" Since killing you didn't work out, what we agreed upon. 200K. Let me have the photographs." Anthony asks."
" Here are the pictures. Keep the money.Ralph says.
" What?" Anthony asks.
   " I take it back." Ralph  says.
" Take it back?" Anthony asks.
" I take my blackmail back. " Ralph says.
" Is this some kind of trick?" Anthony asks.
" No. I'm not dirty. And I don't what any part of this anymore. And don't you forget, I can tie you  to that bomb you had your goons plant in my office, so if you don't walk away, I will still go to the cops."  Ralph says.
" That's still blackmail." Anthony says.
" No. It's not." Ralph says.
" Yes, it is. You're telling me if I don't give you this money, you won't go to the cops." Anthony says.
" Okay fine. I am blackmailing you you into not being blackmailed." Ralph says.
" So, we're good then?" Anthony asks.
" Yeah. We're good.  Ralph says.
Then Anthony shoots Dibny and it bounces of off him.
" Bullet Booger. Super gross." Ralph says.
Barry reaches there and says,
" Sorry Mr. Mayor. It's over."
Breacher arrives
" Die Plastoid die. You will not infest this world as you did mine, plastoid."  Breacher says.
"Plastoid? What is he talking to me?" Ralph asks.
" Breacher stop. Okay." Barry says as he is thrown back.
"He dies speedster."  Breacher says.
"  Get in there Joe. You're coming with me." Anthony says.
" Flash." Joe shouts.

" Look you don't have to do this." Ralph says
"Yes. I do." Breacher says.
Cisco then comes and stand in front of Ralph.
" Leave him alone. This guy didn't invade your planet.  He didn't do anything. He's like this because of me and my team. So if you have got a problem with him and his powers, then you deal with me." Cisco says.
" Hey are we good here? Because I definitely have to change my drawers."Ralph says.

" The Mayor took Joe. I can't run fast enough right now. I will never have enough speed to jump off a building. Can you breach me up there?"  Barry asks Cisco
" No way. The event horizon would rip that helicopter apart." Cisco says.
" But we gotta save Joe." Barry says.
" What do we do?" Cisco asks.
" You can get me up there." Barry tells Ralph.
" Me?" Ralph asks.
" Yeah." Barry says.
" How?" Ralph asks.
" You can stretch. Grab it." Barry says.
" Are you are you crazy? I can't do that." Ralph says.
" Yes you can. All right? I know that you have it inside you to help someone other than yourself. I know you Ralph. "  Barry says
" How can you possibly know me?" Ralph asks and then Barry takes off his mask.
" Dude, are you kidding me? You're the Flash? Everyone else gets struck by lightening and dies and you get superpowers?" Ralph asks.
"  Ralph yeah, that's right." Barry says.
"  Your assistants a speedster?"  Breacher asks Cisco.
" I liked the Flash. Now I have to hate the Flash?" Ralph asks.
" Ralph, focus. I need you to do this. Joe needs you to do this. Please. Show me I was wrong about you. You said you were a good cop. Be one right now."  Barry tells him.
" What the hell? Help!" Ralph screams as he stretches to hold the helicopter.
" Hold on." Barry shout.
Joe then tells Barry as he sits next to him
" Cecile's pregnant."

" Well we've reached the end of our road. We've had some stumbles along the way. We made it home." Cisco says.
  " I hate you." Breacher says.
" Wow. I really thought that would work." Cisco tells Gypsy.
" But I respect you. You're a steadfast warrior  who would fight the fiercest of enemies and protect your friend and the only person I love." Breacher says.
" With my dying breath, sir." Cisco says.
" I know that, but I still hate you." Breacher says.
  " I have never seen him gush like that." Gypsy says.
" That's gushing? I'm terrified to experience him loving me." Cisco says.
" Well that's my job." Gypsy says.
" Oh right." Cisco says.
" It is." Gypsy says.
" I see a code 17 in progress. We have to leave now, Cynthia." Breacher says.
" Cyn, Cynthia? Whats your dad's name?" Cisco asks.
" Josh." Breacher says.
" Cynthia and Josh. That's great. Not so scary now, Cynthia." Cisco says.
" Keep calling me that.  See what happens." Gypsy says.
"  All right. See you around Gypsy." Cisco says.

Later at Ralph's office
" I fixed up your office " Barry says.
" Sweet Fancy Moses. Thanks for screwing up my  insurance claim. No payout money, no mayor money. I gotta pick up a case soon."  Ralph says.
" What if I have a  job for you? Barry asks.
" I wanna laugh really hard right now, but I'm afraid my face will fall off again." Ralph says.
" I can't change what has happened between between us in the past, but I can offer you a chance to change what happens in - our future." Barry says.
" How?" Ralph asks.
" Let me and my team and I study your powers figure our how to improve them, see what your limitations are.  And let me train you." Barry says.
" Train me? For what?" Ralph asks.
To do what I do. To be a detective again. Ralph. A real one. Like it's going to be easy. I'm gonna push you to your limit. It's safe safe to say some days you're going to hate me."  Barry says.
" Allen, it's safe to say that I always hate you. Do I get a cool superhero  name?Ralph asks.
" What do you think about  Plastic man?" Barry asks.
" That's the dumbest name I've ever heard." Ralph says.
" Yeah, Cisco comes up with the names." Barry says.
" Yeah, it's better that way." Ralph says.
" What do you say? There's just one thing I gotta ask you.What made you  look into Mayor Bellows in the first place."   Barry asks.
" Oh, it was a client. Asked me to follow the Mayor. Never met him though. He did everything over the phone." Ralph says.
"Who was it?" Barry asks.
" Only gave me his last name. Devoe." Ralph says.
" You and I have been enemies for years. Oh you had others yet, of courseThere's Thawne, Zoom, Devoe. " Kadabra says.
" This is where we came up with the cerebral inhibitor to use against Devoe." Savitar says.
" What wrong? The name Devoe mean something to you. I smell a mystery." Ralph says.

Hey guys so finally finished this chapter. From my personal point of view this episode is my favorite.
Anyway read, comment and vote.
Signing off

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