Break the Broken boy

By grumpystakki

12.2K 312 136

"You ruined my fucking life!" I yelled as I swung the bat, hitting him on the back. "You hurt me!!" I hit... More

Disclaimer and Characters
~The Truth~
~Happy birthday~
~Happy birthday Pt.2~
~School project~
~New mother and sister~
~Taking the blame~
~The brother she always needed~
~A case of insomnia~

~Meet up~

1.3K 34 16
By grumpystakki

Liam's pov
"What's up bitches?" I said as I walked towards the park bench, I sat down beside Noah. Mark sat on my left while Mia and Shaun were on the other side of the table. Noah and Mark were my closest friends, I had known Mark since he moved here at the start of middle school.

But Noah, I've known Noah since I first started school, he's been there for me since as long as I can remember. He's stuck up for me and helped me out when no one else would, he's healed me a lot, physically and mentally.

Something happens to me that only Noah knows about, I get abused.

My dad has hit me ever since I was four years old, ever since I could understand why. My mom died giving birth to me and my dad hated that. He hated me. So everyday since I was four, he has hit me, kicked me, strangled me, drowned me. He's found any way he could to make my life a living hell, and he sure as hell has succeeded.

I'm sixteen now, that's twelve years of broken bones and bruises, bloody lips and swollen eyes.

Twelve years in hell...

"What's up man? I wondered when you'd get here." I smiled at Noah, I threw my bag down, grabbing out some papers. I pushed them over to Noah with a childish smile, he looked at them before looking up at me. "You are really doing this?" I nodded me head at Noah, the cheeky grin still evident on my face.

"Yup!" I said, popping the p. It was a sheet that had my dad's signature on it, allowing me to get tattoos. Of course, Noah knew I had forged dad's signature. "When are you getting it done?"

"Tonight, this is what I want." I pulled out my phone, showing Noah the pictures. "Damn bro... that's gonna look fucking sick as!" I showed Mark the tattoos, the cheeky smile still on my face. "I agree with Noah, those are gonna look sick as fuck man." Mark handed my phone back, I put it away as I grabbed out the chips I had bought earlier.

I started to munch on them when someone shoved their hand in, stealing a handful of my chips. I glared at the person, Ella. Just great.

"Fuck off Ella, these are my chips. Go get your own." I growled at her, like actually fucking growled. I seriously hate this chick, the only reason she hangs with us is because of Mia.

"Damn Li, I never knew you were secretly a wolf." Noah said with a smirk, I stuck my tongue out at him before turning back to Ella. She tried to snag more of my chips, with my quick reflexes, I whipped the bag away from her. "I said fuck off Ella. My. Chips." I growled out again, Ella simply smirked before she sat down. "Anyone would think you don't eat at home." She said, I simply glared at her.

She's not wrong though, I don't eat at home, I'm not allowed to. Dad says burdens don't deserve food, they make it. I am forced to make dad a meal when he asks, I'm not allowed any of the food at home, not even if I make it.

"Chill Li. Ella, leave Liam's chips, he bought them, they are his."

"Why you gotta ruin the fun Noah?"

"I'm about to ruin something if you don't shut the fuck up." I muttered, angrily shoving three chips into my mouth. I shoved my unfinished chips back into my bag, saving them for later.

Noah tried desperately to hide his laugh as he watched me pout, I simply glared at him. Most people would be terrified, I have a mean ass glare. But not Noah, Noah knows I'd never hurt him, or anyone for that matter.

"I'm sorry Li, I can't take you seriously!" Noah started cracking up, I still had a pissed expression. Everyone was silent, looking at Noah like he was a mad man. "Just fuck up." I sighed, taking a drink of my coffee.

We sat at the table for a few hours, we were currently talking about space, my favourite thing.

"I highly doubt there is any other life form out there. If there were it would have shown itself." I looked at Mia and Ella with wide eyes, are they serious? "Are you guys serious? How do you really think there isn't more life out there? There are more than a billion stars out there! Every star is a sun and you don't think that not even one has some sort of life surrounding it??"

I shouted out, Mark and Noah shared a glance before turning to Ella and Mia. "You two have made the biggest mistake of your lives..." Mia's face paled while Ella just smirked.

We argued for about ten minutes about aliens, then about space which I would not shut up about.

"I don't get why you like space so much." Ella said, Noah and Mark's eyes went wide as they looked at Ella. "Why?" Mark asked, shaking his head. "Why say that?" Noah asked. They both turned to me with a look of fear in their eyes.

I jumped up onto the table, joy flashing over my eyes. "Space? Why do I love space? The thought of how big it is, how endless every part of it is! The thought of other life forms like us, of other planets with beautiful life on them! How many stars there are! Space is just so open and free! That's how I want to feel, free and open. I want to feel like space... if there was a program to send volunteers into space, I would be first there. I wouldn't care if there was a 100% chance of death, I would care if there was no chance of coming back... I would give up anything for a chance to go to space!!"

I jumped off of the table, lying down on the soft grass as I looked up into the sky. "Everything about it... it's natural beauty that shines over us each night. The stars guiding lost sailors across the open ocean... the moon guiding a wolfs howl. Everything about space I love, I want to go there... I want to be free like everything out there... space is where I belong."

I laid down on the grass, a smile wide over my face. Space had always brought me such joy, ever since I found out that mom had a dream of space... it became my dream. Since I never got to be with her, have her beside me as we watched the stars, I went with the next best thing. Space.

From the young age of four, ever since dad started hitting me, I would sneak out each night to watch the stars. I'd sit in the grass for hours, I didn't care how hot or cold it was, I felt free. Whenever I was watching the stars, I felt like mom was here... like she was lying right beside me, pointing out the constellations that danced across the dark sky.

Space just felt right.

"Nothing will ever change my love for space..." I whispered out, a stray tear rolling down my face. I quickly wiped it away, I'd never show people I cry, it's not what I do.

I sat up, moving back to the table. Noah looked at me, giving me a sad smile. I smiled back at him before I got a text of my phone.

Get your ass home
right now, I'm
hungry so get me
food and some
beers too. You
better be home in
the next half hour.

I sighed as I put my phone away, slinging my bag over my shoulder. Noah looked up at me, I mouthed "dad" before starting to head away. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, dad wants me home."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Noah said, giving me a fist bump before I walked off. I made my way to Macca's, knowing that's what dad wanted. I got myself some dinner, eating it there before going to the shop.

I got the beers before heading home, bracing myself for what I knew was to come.

I had barely placed the things on the bench before a fist collided with my face. I fell to the ground, hitting my head against it as I groaned out. "You're late."

"I'm sorry, the line was long-" I shut up as his foot kicked my stomach, hard. "I didn't ask for excuses, and that not how you address me, is it."

"No sir, I'm sorry sir. I have no excuses for being late sir." I said, I mustered all the will power I could to not let my voice crack. "You were late by five minutes, do you know what that means?" He asked, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Y-Yes sir." I said in a whisper, closing my eyes as I waited. He pulled my shirt off, literally ripped it off. My muscles tensed as I felt his cold hand on my back, keeping me in place.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I bit hard on my lip, causing it to bleed in order to hold my cries in. The cigarette bunt burned my skin, pain searing through me as my tears began to fall.

Five painful stings later, dad stopped. He picked up his dinner and beers before heading to the lounge. I knew full well he was silently telling me to fuck off, to leave his sight so he doesn't have to see me.

I got up, making my way upstairs as my tears fell freely down my face, landing on my chest to fall some more. I went into my room, pulling out another shirt and my bag. It still had my school stuff, like my textbooks, money for food and my first aid kit.

I couldn't reach the marks on my back, I won't be able to treat them myself. I sent Noah a text telling him I was on my way over. I threw the shirt on, throwing a hoodie on over that. I pulled the hood up to hide the tears that fell as my back ached and burned.

I climbed out of my window, shoving my phone in my pocket as I climbed down the side of the house. I made my way out of the backyard and towards Noah's house. It was late at night, probably around 9 or 10 because no one seemed to be out. No cars zoomed past as I walked down the silent streets, no birds chirped a morning song, only the crickets played their midnight concert.

I walked up to Noah's house, straight to his bedroom window. I gently opened it, not bothering to knock. I walked over to the door, flicking the bright light on with no mercy. Noah groaned as he rolled over, trying to cover his eyes from the light. I walked over to his bed, ripping the covers off. "What the fuck mom?"

"I'm pretty sure I don't have a vagina to push you out of." I said, yet no humour was in my voice. Noah opened his eyes groggily, taking in my shadowed form. "Liam? What are you doing here?"

"I sent you a fucking text but clearly your fat ass was asleep and didn't see it." I said sourly, Noah sat up immediately, a look of sympathy crossing over his face. "What happened?" I turned around, pulling my hoodie and shirt off. I winced as the fabric brushed against the burns, causing a wave of pain to come crashing over me.

I felt Noah's hand drag over the burn, I groaned as I squeezed my eyes shut. Noah sighed before grabbing the med kit he keeps in his closet. "Lay down on the bed, back to the roof and try to relax." He said, I climbed onto the bed, lying down on my stomach as I rested my head in my arms.

Noah came back a second later, holding the med kit. "Do you know how to treat this? This is the first time I've had to do this."

"I rinsed it before I came over, you need to put antibiotic cream and then cover it with band aids. That's all I ever did." I said, wincing as Noah started to apply the ointment. He did that for about a minute on each burn before pulling out five bandaids. He placed them on each burn, covering them up.

I laid still for a few minutes before climbing off of the bed, throwing my shirt and hoodie back in. "Thanks Noah, I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled at him as I pulled my bag back into my shoulders, climbing out of his window.

I did this a lot, I'd go and ask for help but never stay. I'd always leave and go sleep at the park or in my little sanctuary. It was beautiful, it was just a random lake I once found that over looks some mountains. No one knows about it, only me.

There was a thick oak tree that had a low hanging branch, I had brought a hammock here, tying it to the tree. I climbed into the hammock, curling into a ball as the cool winded whipped me like a lion tamer guiding a Lion.

I closed my eyes, trying my best to sleep yet I couldn't. My back ached and my mind was racing, millions of thoughts rushing through my head like cars on a race track. Yet only one stuck with me...

Why does dad hate me so much?


Awwwwe 🥺 poor Liam! But what a good friend Noah is 😊

Isn't Liam's sanctuary beautiful?!?!

I'm working as best I can to have a good story line, trying not to rush things to quickly but I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, stay cool dudes!


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