I'm Afraid (KIRIBAKU)

By phantom_lares

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Bakugou and Kirishima had been brought up to become famous piano prodigies. They both loved music, and they b... More



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By phantom_lares

   The day was relatively normal. They had received an order to finish before the end of the day, and since it was an easy order, they managed to bake and decorate the cake easily. It was a custom order, so that did make it a bit difficult, but Asui and Bakugou have the eyes for details, so they make the decoration absolutely perfect.

   After Bakugou and Midoriya's phone call, things were much calmer at the patisserie. Bakugou was more cooperative, and the trio of Asui, Uraraka, and Midoriya weren't stuck to customer service. Iida did his fair bit of customer service that day actually, since the order needed Bakugou, and while Midoriya helped Iida a few times, and Uraraka did some customer service alone, these two also had quite a lot to do, mostly because of how their own creations' stock was rapidly decreasing. 

   In the end, they all had a good work day. They joked around as they closed the store, and they managed to joke with their boss, who's usually not even here. Their evening was about to start, and right as Bakugou handed the keys to Uraraka, he felt two pairs of arms grabbing one arm each, and he was about to punch whoever had grabbed him until he heard their voices.

   "Come on, Kacchan! We have a big surprise for you!" laughed one voice.

   "Kirishima told us to kidnap you, so you'll have to be nice-" started another.

   "Hah?! Fuck off!" 

   Their grip was loose, so Bakugou shook them off easily.

   Midoriya, Uraraka, and Asui laughed at them, while Iida almost looked worried for their coworker.

   "Pikachu, Soy Sauce Face," began Bakugou, glaring at them, "I'll fucking kill both of you."

   "Can it wait?" asked Kaminari, chuckling. "Kirishima does want to see you," he smiled.

   The two grabbed Bakugou and began dragging him again, but Bakugou was having none of it, so he led the way to Kirishima's apartment instead, making sure that they weren't attempting to walk in front of him.

   "Have a fun weekend, Bakugou!" called Uraraka, twirling the shop's keys on her index.

   "Don't stay up too late," joked Midoriya.

   "Have a wonderful, and restful weekend, Bakugou!" said Iida.

   "Just come to work on Monday," reminded Asui.

   Bakugou sighed. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever," he shrugged, flipping them off at the same time, making sure it also faced the two idiots behind him.

   They all just laughed at his antics. When they left the main street, Bakugou calmed down slightly and let the two behind him walk closer.

   "So, how have you been since we last saw you? You look the same, and you sound the same," commented Sero, putting his hands behind his head, while he watched the sky. 


   "Yep, you definitely seem fine," nodded Kaminari, in agreement. "We've been great, since you were probably wondering. I finally have a good job, and Sero, our bro there, has been doing even better!" grinned Kaminari.

   "I sure have. You keep wasting your money on stupid stuff. Why do you spend your money on gems and coins in mobile games, but don't spend it to feed yourself?" asked Sero, sighing. 

   "Don't act like you haven't been spending your money on unnecessary stuff. You keep buying manga-"

   "That's not unnecessary! I'm supporting creators! You definitely aren't as you only read it online for free," frowned Sero.

   "Why would you buy if you can have it for free, though?" asked Kaminari.

   "Why even read it?" grumbled Bakugou, under his breath.


   Sero and Kaminari creeped up to him, and each placed on hand on his shoulder, and before he could shrug them off with a few curse words, they both grinned.

   "Stop lying to yourself," sighed Sero.

   "We all know you watch anime and read manga every single second of your life," smiled Kaminari.

   "I do fucking not, Calamari!" growled Bakugou.

   "It's Kaminari! Like thunder, bro!"





   "He's just calling you that out of spite," grinned Sero, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Do you guys ever stop fighting? You're like siblings," he stated, jumping lightly that the offended stares he received.

   "Me? Brother of angry Bakugou?" asked Kaminari, pouting.

   "He will not ever be my fucking brother!" exclaimed Bakugou, loudly enough to shake the birds out of several trees. They watched as they flew away, then Sero frowned.

   "Shh, man. We are in a neighborhood, and people will not hesitate to report us," he warned.

   "As if you weren't being loud either," he growled.

   "Actually, he's probably the most quiet out of us three," pointed out Kaminari.

   "Tch, why am I even talking to you like we are close friends?" asked Bakugou, growling lightly. "We haven't seen or contacted each other in what? Three years?" he asked.

   "Since we all left uni-"

   "Yeah, three years ago," agreed Sero.

   'Has it really been this long since?' thought Bakugou, glaring up at the pavement in front of them. They weren't that far from Kirishima's place anymore, but he felt like he would be left alone with the duo behind him for a long time. Why did they make time go slower?

   "Uwah, we really haven't changed, have we? I feel like Kirishima is the only one who did," said Kaminari, probably with a huge smile. "He's got a girlfriend, they moved in, what's next? Their wedding?"

   Sero grinned. "Probably," he chuckled. "Knowing Kirishima, he's already planning kids, and knowing Himura, she's already got the wedding plans down," he stated.

   "As if," commented Bakugou, hissing lightly. His distaste for Himura came back up, and it seems he really can't keep it down at any mention of her. He just tries for his friend's sake. "She still goes out like a uni student, getting fucking drunk and probably sleeping with others-"

   "What the hell, dude!" exclaimed Kaminari. "She wouldn't! She was so honest and nice, I bet you are just overreacting. Anyone under thirty would still want to go out," he laughed lightly, his voice portraying doubt.

   Sero stayed silent, and Bakugou respected that. That was probably a smarter response than to address it.

   They finally approached Kirishima's apartment, and the trio sighed in relief. They all needed a break. It is tiring being around each other, especially with Kaminari, since he never seems to run out of energy.

   Bakugou knocked three times, politely, and as soon as Kaminari heard a click, he stormed inside the apartment, greeting the two already inside.

   "Kirishima, Mina! How are you all!" he grinned, jumping over the couch to sit himself beside Ashido.

   "Ah, hey," grinned Kirishima, waving from his spot on the floor, next to his laptop. "How was your day, Bakugou?"

   Bakugou gave him an unimpressed look as he motioned Sero and Kaminari, but then shrugged. "It was fine. We had an exciting order at the shop, and it was fun making it," he said, the slight notice of a smile on his lips.

   Kirishima almost missed it, but when he saw it he brightened up more than he already was. "Was it?" he grinned. "What did you have to do?"

   "Kirishima! Press the next one! Let us see the next meme," grinned Ashido, motioning the laptop wildly with her hands. Kaminari cheered beside her.

   "Two seconds... here," he mumbled, smiling as he changed the photos displayed on the screen. "So?" he asked, addressing Bakugou again.

   "It was just a normal cake with a lot of decoration. Asui and I spent the most amount of time on it, as we received great feedback when we gave the customers the order. Since it was custom, it was fun," he said.

   "That does sound fun," grinned Kirishima. "Ah, come see those great memes Mina and I collected this afternoon. We put them all in a slideshow, we have about two hundred slides so the laptop is lagging a lot, and we plugged the HDMI thing from the laptop to the television so we can admire them while they are on the television screen," he explained rapidly, and happily.

   Bakugou glanced at the laptop, then the television. He squinted his eyes, then leaned back slightly. "Huh. It isn't really funny," he commented.

   "The heck are you talking about, Blasty?" pouted Ashido, suddenly getting very defensive. "Some aren't supposed to be like jokes. They are so relatable, so they are funny," she stated, motioning the screen. "See this one? The front camera when you don't expect it? That's what your face looks like," she said, explaining the meme.

   Kirishima chuckled dryly. "Bakugou's pride is so strong he doesn't even see himself as ugly when he opens the camera on accident," he said.


   "Eh, he would probably actually look good even if he doesn't expect the sudden camera angle. He seems like a photogenic person," said Kaminari, chuckling.


   "He makes really ugly faces sometimes, though," reasoned Sero. "Like, did you see his face when we saw him the last time before now? He was so ugly," he laughed. "Sorry, Blasty," he grinned.

   "I hate you all."

   "Anyway! I rate this meme a five out of ten," said Kaminari. "It's good, so it deserves the halfway mark, but it isn't very original. We need something... unusual," he said.

   "Check out this next one then," grinned Kirishima, changing the meme.

   They all laughed, with the exception of Bakugou who didn't understand it, and they rated it a nine out of ten.

   "Okay, okay, we only rate it ten out of ten if Bakugou laughs or smiles at it," grinned Ashido, expressing her idea loudly.

   "Oh! Yeah!" grinned Kirishima. "You are the judge, whether you like it or not," he said, patting Bakugou's back.

   "I'm not going to laugh at half-assed memes," he growled.

   "Yeah, yeah, we'll see," challenged Kaminari.

   "Fuck off."

   In the end, they went through two hundred memes, most that Bakugou didn't understand, and those in which he he did just weren't funny in his opinion. Ashido was frustrated because it just seemed so hard to make him laugh, and Kaminari was just getting more fired up.

   In the mean time, Sero had given up on them completely. He decided to retreat to the kitchen, and he ordered three pizzas for them to share. One that was spicy, one that had just meat, and then one that was just cheese. He would order a normal one, like pepperoni, but he wasn't bothered to. 

   When the pizza arrived, they all jumped to the door, except Bakugou who was flipping through the memes by himself, and they all started eating after the pizza delivery man finally escaped Kaminari and Ashido's enthusiasm. 

   They had watched more memes, then old yet legendary vines on YouTube. Kaminari was sad when they finished all of the three pizzas, but dessert was next! Kirishima pulled out a cake out of the fridge, and they all sat down at the dining table.

   "It's from the shop down the street," he stated, as he opened the box and cut a piece in the cake.

   "It's from a supermarket, then?" questioned Bakugou, eyeing Kirishima.

   "Yeah," he nodded. "No offense. It was closer."

   Bakugou looked away, but they all saw his pout.

   "Don't worry bro. Next time we can, we'll order your whole stock!" grinned Kaminari. It was meant as a reassurance, but there was a slight spark of fear in Bakugou's eyes as he said that.

   "Don't make us need to re-order ingredients early. We aren't rich," he said.

   "Okay. One shelf per week."

   "Shut the fuck up."


   "Have a taste of this!" rushed Ashido, shoving a spoonful of cake in Kaminari's mouth. 

   His eyes watered at the shock, but then he hummed happily. "Taste good!" he nodded, his mouth still full of food.

   "You're so gross, Kami," frowned Sero.

   "Aren't we all?" asked Ashido.


   They stared at Bakugou, then shrugged. "There are some exceptions? I guess..."

   "Nah! Bakugou is gross too!" Kaminari grinned. "Have you seen him when he's ugly? He also looks gross."

   "But is he actually gross?" asked Ashido, humming in thoughts.

   "I'm right fucking here," growled Bakugou, his plate already cleared of the cake that was on it. "Don't talk shit, you dumb fucks."

   "It's okay if you are here when we do it," shrugged Kaminari.

   "I don't think it's okay in any case-" started Kirishima.

   "If it's joking, then I believe it is," smiled Ashido.

   "He does insult us whenever he can," stated Sero.

   Eventually, the conversation went into memories of something they did together a few months back. Bakugou wasn't interested, especially since it was about an outing to a club, and Kirishima quickly noticed how he wasn't listening. The others weren't paying any attention to them either.

   Kirishima took his chance, and stood up, motioning Bakugou to do as well. He reluctantly stood up, and dragged his feet on the floor as he followed Kirishima to another room. When he entered, he sighed at the familiar sight.

   "I know you probably don't really want to think about our upcoming performance, but you see... I don't really want you to be getting worse while I get better," chuckled Kirishima, as he closed the door. 

   "You won second while I won first in our last competition together," said Bakugou, an amused grin on his lips.

   "Yeah, but I've been practicing a lot. I know we are going in different careers, but I don't want your skills to get dusty," he reasoned, shrugged as he looked away.

   Bakugou shook his head with a smile. "I get it," he murmured, looking at the shelves around them, filled with music sheets. Some were for the violin, some for other instruments, but most were for the piano. "You learned every single piece in this room?" he asked, his eyes glancing over all the shelves, then over towards Kirishima.

   "Not yet. I'm lazy, you see?" he chuckled. "I know so many pieces already, so learning more and more just makes my mind tired," he said. It was his attempt at an excuse. 

   "Mmh... I'm sure you can remember a few more. Anyway, why are we here?" he asked, already knowing the answer as he let his eyes wonder to the upright piano against the wall.

   "I wanted to know if you already learned Flower Dance or not. I'm sure you haven't been practicing a lot," sighed Kirishima, lifting the case covering the keys, then wiping the keys once to make sure they weren't dusty.

   Bakugou sat down at the stool in front of the piano, adjusting it to his height, and then he played an experimental scale. He played it two or three more times, then Kirishima put up a video on his phone.

   "That's the original song," he stated, starting the video.

   Kirishima put his phone of the stand where they usually put the music sheet, and then sat down on a nearby chair. He looked up at the ceiling while he listened.

   Bakugou, on the other hand, had his eyes closed. He was listening for every single detail in the music. He noticed most, missed a few, but he found a few sounds he hadn't noticed at first. When the song ended, he opened his eyes again.

   Kirishima turned his phone off, and glanced at Bakugou. He decided not to say anything, until Bakugou spoke.

   "I'll try it," he mumbled, placing his hands over the keys.

   "Okay," nodded Kirishima, leaning back in his chair.

   Bakugou breathed in once, then twice. "One, two, three... one, two, three, four," he murmured, then he started playing.

   Kirishima watched his fingers move across the keyboard, and if Kirishima didn't think too deeply, then he would be convinced this was the original, and not a cover. 

   Bakugou's Flower Dance wasn't anything except melody. It was a beautiful melody, but apart from being a copy from the original, it wasn't anything. Kirishima admires him though. There's no way he could ever play a piece without spending hour checking what note is what by ear. He learns pieces through music sheets. It's the easiest, he believes. But sometimes it makes him think less about what the notes are, but instead what they mean. He could play the score as it should be played, but if he takes a few liberties with a piece, he can make it his own, and he can play it like no one else can. That's why he practices. 

   Kirishima listened closely to Bakugou's Flower Dance, and with an internal sigh, he smiled. Bakugou's music will always be beautiful. No matter the harshness, no matter the loudness. Even if he plays something so discordant it should hurt anyone's ears, Kirishima knows it will always be beautiful. 

   When Bakugou finished, he snapped his gaze towards Kirishima, who grinned. 

   "You're just playing the song as you hear it," he said. "Not as you feel it. At least... you aren't yet," he added.

   "Yeah, well, I haven't practiced it that much," shrugged Bakugou.

   A knock caught their attention, and with a glance to the opened door, they saw Ashido peek inside the room.

   "Bakugou's playing piano?" she asked.

   "Yep!" grinned Kirishima. "If all goes well, that's what he'll be playing at our upcoming performance," he smiled. 

   "Uwah! It sounds so nice! I really enjoyed listening to it," she smiled, brightly. "How much practice did you put into it?" she asked.

   "It's the second time I've played it."

   Ashido exclaimed in amazement, while Kirishima blinked at him blankly. 

   "That's so amazing, and cool-!"

   "Two times! You only played it twice?! Bakugou!" he exclaimed loudly, grabbing his friend's shoulders and shaking him. "Only twice! No wonder it is so... so... so blank!"

   Instead of scowling, Bakugou snickered. "What? At least I can play it on the second try," he sneered.

   "Shut up!" pouted Kirishima. "You should be practicing more... and don't you dare say you didn't have time. You can't tell me you haven't been spending all your free time on YouTube or watching television."


   "You haven't been practicing," stated Kirishima, his tone final, yet truthful.

   "Shut up. It's not like it is tomorrow. I have more time to play it than you believe," he sighed. "You are just rushing it," he said.

   Kirishima sighed, and let go of his shoulders. "Whatever," he muttered, looking away.

   Kaminari and Sero peeked inside the room. "Yo! Bakubro! You play piano these days? Huh," thought Kaminari, aloud.

   "I haven't stopped."

   "Can you play us something else?" asked Sero, grinning. "Something nice," he added.

   Bakugou thought a bit, then shrugged. "Alright."

   The three who had just entered the room sat down on chairs they could find, and they made themselves comfortable. Each other them could see the keyboard, and Bakugou's hands as  he did another experimental scale.

   Then, Bakugou breathed in deeply once and twice. "One, two, three... One, two, three, four," he counted in a whispering breath. Then he started playing.

   At the first note, Kirishima's breath was knocked out of his lungs. He couldn't breathe as he heard the first note from the piece. The other notes following made him feel like he was drowning in the melody. It was beautiful, like everything that Bakugou plays, but something in that melody felt so blue it was like a vast ocean.

   For all he knows, he is just overthinking it, but after staring at the way Bakugou moved his fingers, and then his eyes, Kirishima could just see how this piece was just him being sad.

   Kirishima couldn't help but smile. Bakugou was being way softer with his piece than he should be. The louder part were quieter than the quiet parts, and Kirishima felt like his mind was sympathizing with Bakugou's feeling without thinking. Something about the way he played it made it seem immature. He hadn't practiced that piece either. He hadn't interpreted it enough for it to be genuinely him.

   When Bakugou had finished playing, Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero clapped loudly, cheering as they blurted out praises. After they had let out more than enough praises, Bakugou turned to Kirishima, who had been silent.

   Kirishima opened his mouth when he felt it was his turn to speak, but he closed it. "It was beautiful..." he started, but then he looked down.

   "But?" encouraged Bakugou, raising an eyebrow.

   "I felt like it was unnecessarily sad," he said, his eyes glancing up to watch Bakugou's reaction.

   Bakugou nodded, and pouted. "I'm not a player as capable as you, Kirishima," he mumbled, looking down at the keys. "I struggle with interpretation," he murmured, unwilling to have the others hear him. "I play as I hear other, or as I read the notes, but not as I feel."

   Kirishima frowned, but then smiled. "Then I guess that's why you need more practice. Maybe to think about who you want to play for, and why you are playing that piece," he shrugged.

   "I don't even choose to learn most of the pieces I learn," muttered Bakugou.

   "Maybe, but why did you learn them, even if you didn't choose them," smiled Kirishima. "Move over. I wanna play," he grinned.

   Bakugou sighed, and they exchanged seats.

   Kirishima, being the wonderful cheerful man he was, invited his friends to play with him, and they were laughing as they hit random notes of the keyboard. It was fun, and even Bakugou joined in. If they saw Bakugou laugh, they didn't mention it, and instead laughing along together.

   "By the way, Bakugou," started Ashido, standing up and leaning away from the keyboard. "What was that piece you played called? The one before Kirishima took your seat?"

   Bakugou leaned away from the keyboard too, and shrugged to himself. "Arabesque No. 1 by Debussy," he stated, pressing a few more notes on the keyboard before the walked a few steps away from it to stretch.

   "It was a beautiful piece. Sometimes, I really underestimate classical music," she chuckled.

   "Don't sweat it. A lot of people do as well," he sighed.

   "Ah, I want to play board games now," she laughed lightly. "Ei-chan! What games do you have?" she asked.

   "Uh, Monopoly? Uno?"

   They returned to Kirishima's living room, and like teenagers, they took any food they found and placed it on their laps while they leaned over the coffee table where they were playing their board game.

   They had started their game night with Monopoly. One would say that wasn't the best choice, but Kirishima and Kaminari were there, so no too much hate could stay around for too long after. In the end, Bakugou lost after getting bankrupt in one turn even though he was the richest. Sero didn't trust him with a loan, so he got kicked out of the game. He was very bitter about it, but promised to destroy them at Uno next. Kaminari lost after, and after a few more turns, Sero won. Some would accuse him of cheating, but with no proof, they couldn't. 

   They played Uno next. Bakugou had generously offered to shuffle the cards first, but the glare and sneer they were given as he shuffled the cards were nothing but venomous and they all were intimated. When Bakugou finally distributed the cards, everything they had was completely normal, so they could help but think that Bakugou might have all of the bad cards. Turns out he didn't. He won the first round anyway, after strategic planning. For the next few rounds, Kaminari and Bakugou were having equal wins, and the trio left behind were tired of losing. They decided to have one last match, a match to finally choose a winner, and then that was their longest game. Kaminari found himself with twenty cards at some point, and Kirishima and Bakugou were stuck between only having one card, or having two cards. Finally, Kirishima won, and Ashido and Sero declared him winner of everything, although he only won once. No one could find the will in their-selves to overthrow his victory. Kirishima deserved it. Plus, it's his house so his rules. Sadly.

   Just as they were choosing another game to play, the door opened loudly, and they all went silent.


   Kirishima jumped to his feet with a smile. "Himura! I didn't think you'd come back until much later," he chuckled, going to the entrance of his apartment to greet his girlfriend.

   Ashido didn't miss the way Bakugou's face soured, but when she saw Himura, she brightened up.

   "It has been so long since we've seen each other!" she exclaimed, jumping up to give Himura a very short hug. "Did you get a haircut? Your hair is so cute at this length!" she grinned.

   "You think so?" smiled Himura, twirling a strand of her hair with a smile. "I wanted to have really long hair, but I don't really want people touching it so much, plus it had split ends, so I wanted to cut it," she said. "I'm glad it looks good."

   "Himura? Wow! I didn't think we'd see you," laughed Kaminari as he stood up, letting about three small empty crisps bag fall to the ground. Bakugou picked them up. "How are you? Aren't you tired after being out for so long?" he asked.

   "I'm good," she smiled. "And yeah. I am quite tired," she chuckled. "Should we get ready for bed, Kiri?" she asked.

   Kirishima chuckled and ruffled her hair gently. "Yeah. It's late, and it's past Bakugou's bedtime so he must be extra grumpy and tired," he chuckled.

   Himura hummed a chuckle, and leaned onto Kirishima. "Well, goodnight then," she said, waving at them as she went into the bedroom she shared with Kirishima.

   "Goodnight!" exclaimed Kaminari and Ashido, waving as she left.

   Kirishima was about to follow her, but then he stopped. "Uh... you guys know where everything is, right? The futons, the bathroom? Oh, and how our couch also expands into a bed?" he asked, pointing at stuff as he talked.

   "Yep! Bakugou can do the couch bed thing since he is stronger," smiled Ashido.

   "I'm tired," growled Bakugou, as an excuse.

   "Shut up, I'm also tired," she said back.


   Sero quickly turn the couch into a bed, and then asked Kirishima for where the futons were.

   Kaminari quickly settled onto the couch bed, and Mina also settled on it, since it was double. She's sure that they could all fit on it, but Bakugou wasn't so keen on contact while sleeping so she knows that Sero is getting that futon, or mattress, for him.

   Eventually, the living room was like a shared bedroom, and they all got settled under their covers. Bakugou was about to fall asleep, and he knew that as he felt himself falling, but then his eyes shot open as he heard loud whispering.

   "Yo, why does Kirishima's girlfriend come home at like, midnight?" asked Kaminari.

   "I don't know, bro," said Sero, probably shrugging at the same time. "Kirishima says that she goes clubbing a lot."

   "Isn't that weird though? Don't you go there with friends or your girlfriend or boyfriend? Not like... on your own?" asked Ashido.

   "She always with her other friends," whispered shouted Bakugou, hinting that lower their volume as they were speaking normally gradually.

   "Oh! He's awake," chuckled Ashido, quietly.

   "Shut up then if you want me to be asleep," he growled, also quietly.

   "But she has Kirishima, so why does she go clubbing without him?" asked Kaminari.

   "I don't know," sighed Ashido.

   "I bet she might be getting along too well with another of her friends," suggested Sero, his opinion clear.

   "I can't help but agree," sighed Bakugou. "I'm almost completely sure that she's cheating on him."


   Ashido tackled Kaminari, placing her hands on his mouth to prevent his shout from being heard. "Shh!" 

   "Sorry," he mumbled. "But why? She seems to be so nice to Kirishima," he whispered, frowning.

   Ashido pressed her lips into a thin line, and Sero closed his eyes. It wasn't so easy to think about it, especially when it considers their close and great friend. Himura wasn't mean either. Maybe distant, but she never said anything mean to just be mean.

   Bakugou huffed. "Maybe she's being too nice. She's making it up to him for behaviour she shouldn't have been doing," he growled.

   "At least she's making it up to him then-"

   "If she isn't loyal completely, then she isn't at all. She might want to keep Kirishima for intimate reasons because she likes spending time with him like that, but the fact is, she's still fucking distant. She doesn't look at him like he's her sun, and he certainly doesn't believe she likes him. He's so fucking unsure," he spat out, still slightly quiet.

   "Bakugou-" began Sero, frowning.

   "If she cheating, then we shouldn't let her continue," he scowled.

   "But Kirishima doesn't want us to do anything against her. It'll break his heart if we do," added Ashido, sighing. "He may be mentally strong, but he has weaknesses. He likes her. He probably loved her at some point. I can't ignore it any longer, but it is impossible to not see how their relationship is breaking down on both sides. Himura's infidelity, and Kirishima's uncertainty," she said.

   Sero opened his eyes, and sat up. "What else can we do but support them though?"

   "Support Kirishima?" asked Kaminari.

   "Let them be until they figure this shit out themselves," stated Bakugou.

   Ashido nodded. "Yeah, I agree. For all we know, she might actually be going out with just friends, and being just friends, nothing more." She let out a huge sigh, then closed her eyes. "They'll figure it out. They're adults."

   "Yeah." Kaminari pouted slightly, but he also closed his eyes. "Goodnight?"

   Sero and Ashido stayed silent, although they were still very conscious.

   Only Bakugou answered, but his answer was a very loud snore.

   The awake trio snickered and giggled among themselves, then smiled gently. "Goodnight!" they said.

   The rest of the night was peaceful, even if their dreams weren't all laughter and flowers.


wow, look at me, I almost forgot to put up a chapter today xDDDD
it is literally 23:30 right now, and lmao thirty minutes until this chapter is officially late xDD

i guess mondays are just long D;
why can't it be weekend, everyday? xDDDDDD

anyway! Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

There is some drama stirring up ( I guess) and just remember, lmao, endgame krbk. happy endings ;D

Until next time~! ;DD

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