Troublesome Cousin

By Mat49324

330 4 6

Clover's cousin, Alice (an OC) makes a surprise visit to the spies' beach house, much to Clover's dismay. Mea... More

Chapter 1: The Arrival of Alice

Chapter 2: Trouble Home and Away

99 2 4
By Mat49324

The spies got a big break when Alice looked at her arm and realized she forgot one of her pieces of jewelry. She turned around and didn't see all the commotion going on. As soon as she was gone, Alex and Mat were the ones sighing in the most relief.

"That was TOO close!" Alex exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Clover was outside near their pool with her makeshift nunchucks.

"I don't know HOW you tracked us down to where we live, but we're NOT going down LIKE THIS!"

Clover whipped the nunchuck at the said enemy before one of the tubes of sunscreen went in the air and she caught it. She opened it and squirted some in his eyes.

"HA! Take that, rookie!"

She ran back in to see Alex was able to keep the other enemy at bay. In fact, she'd used said chair as a makeshift joust and forced the enemy onto his back. Clover assisted her by a lights-out kick to his head. Alex added an additional one.

"Never underestimate karate skills," Alex quipped.

On the other hand, Clover saw the other two enemies that trapped Sam and Mat; instead, they retreated. After that, the two of them got Sam and Mat out of the blanket.

"Thanks, girls," said Mat. "I owe ya one."

"Let's see if Jerry's figured out our next destination," said Sam.

"Hehe, no need for that," Clover smirked. "When that big guy tackled me, I planted the tracking device on the back of his neck. He should lead us straight to their hideout."

"Nice one, Clover! You saved us so much time!" Alex exclaimed.

"All right," said Mat. "We should go back to WOOHP first to get some more offensive gadgets to deal with these guys, but what do we tell Alice?"

"Tell me what?" Alice asked.

The four of them froze in shock.

"W... Well, we have a few errands and we need you to take care of the house while we're gone," Sam said, thinking something up.

"Again?" Alice asked. "Are you going to fun places without me?"

"I wish that was the case," answered Clover. "But, unfortunately, we do have responsibilities, which sucks sometimes."

Alice looked a little surprised, but she agreed to the terms. She found some food and enjoyed some TV of her own. The 4 spies left through the front door and got to the garage for full privacy.

"So, Clover, where do we go?" asked Sam.

"Let's hear it," Alex added.

Clover had her X-Powder out and that's when Jerry's visage popped up.

"Jerry?!" Mat exclaimed.

"Sorry for the surprise, spies," said Jerry. "But we have the said location AND who's behind this, too."

"Well, let's hear it," said Sam.

"We managed to track our enemy all the way to an abandoned factory back in Greece," Jerry said. "As for who is behind this, we are not sure."

"Well, that's not good," said Clover. "We don't know who they are, but they know who we are now! Totally not fair!"

"That's a good point," Alex declared. "How did they find us?"

"... Wait!" Sam declared and got out her X-Powder.

She changed into her police detective outfit and searched her back only to find a tracker.

"This is how they found us!"

"But when did they put it there?" Mat asked. "They had no opportunity during our fight in the museum!"

"So it had to have been before that," Sam deduced. "Hmmm... the curators! Jerry, can you check the cameras of the museum before we arrived and find information on a woman named Sasha?"

"Right away!" Jerry exclaimed and checked his files. "Let's see... got it!"

"Well?" asked Clover.

"Her name is Sasha Broadwood. She was a formal archaeologist 7 years ago," Jerry said. "She got fired due to people thinking she was crazy because she believed that she found information related to magic; since then, she has been working as a curator on several museums and other tour guides."

"That's how she knew where to find the obsidian," said Sam. "She searched each old building herself."

"So, why's she replacing stone walls with the obsidian?" Mat asked.

"That's for you four to find out," said Jerry. "I'm picking you up now."

The four spies were sucked through the glove compartment of their car.

5:54 PM – Greece

"Keep an eye open, spies," said Sam.

"It'd be nice to know what to look for, first of all, Sammy," said Clover.

"As long as we stay away from the Greek warriors, I'm all good," said Mat.

"Totally," Alex added.

"I'm picking up something," said Sam as she held her X-Powder.

"Let's hear it, Sammy," said Mat.

"There seems to be some heat signatures two rooms from here," Sam said.

"Ok," Alex declared. "Everybody ready? You all know the plan, right?"

"Yeah!" All 3 exclaimed.

The four went through some rooms until they reach the center of the building. There, they found a dozen of those guys in grey suits gathered in one place with Sasha in the middle. They snuck around to get closer to hear their conversations.

"My plan's going smoothly," Sasha cackled.

"Figures you'd be the brains behind this," Sam declared.

"And we man-handled your chumps at our house!" Mat exclaimed. "After a bit."

"Totally!" Alex exclaimed.

"So, now it's our turn!" Clover added.

With that, the battle commenced.

Our heroes charged in on the 12 men in gray suits, and the four took a gadget from their pockets. It was four heart-shaped explosives that they threw at them. The enemy quickly turned into smoke to avoid the damage.

"Now!" Sam exclaimed.

Clover immediately grabbed a gadget from her jetpack backpack. It was the Insanely Powerful Portable Vacuum and she used it to suck the smoke inside trapping at least 8 of the enemies.

"You fools think you're so good..." Sasha cackled.

The 4 remaining enemies turned back to normal and decided to use weapons from the previous museums – swords, spears, etc.

"Oh geez, I didn't think they could do that!" Mat exclaimed.

"Any plan in mind, Sammy?" asked Clover.

"We're all ears, Sammy," Alex added.

"Gimme a little time, guys," said Sam as the enemies surrounded the 4 spies.

"Maybe I might buy you a little more time," said Mat, rummaging through his pockets.

Mat picked out from his pocket a small metal stick (from "Stuck in the Middle Ages with You") and began threatening the enemy with it. "Back off!"

All 4 enemies just laughed.

"I warned you!" Mat exclaimed and pushed a button from the metal stick and it extended to the size of a javelin. He pierced one of the enemies in the stomach, then grabbed it with both of his hands and swung it, hitting the other 3 in their faces.

"Great job!" Sam exclaimed at Mat. "Here we go!"

Sam took her expandable cable bungee belt to wrap all four remaining enemies; Mat then went closer to them with the vacuum.

"If you turn into smoke, I will use this..."

"Clover, Alex!" Sam exclaimed. "You go after Sasha – Mat and I will handle this!"

"Uh oh," Sasha replied.

"Game's over, Sasha!" Clover declared.

"Totally!" Alex exclaimed. "Your goose is cooked!"

"Never!" Sasha declared.

She then started to come toward the two spies and attacked them. One of her attacks sent them on their stomachs.

"We warned you..." Clover grunted as she reached for a gadget of her own.

Clover took out the extendable rod throwing net mascara and shot it at her.

"Nice try," Sasha laughed.

As the net flew at her, Sasha surrounded her hand with smoke and manifested a sword to cut the net.

"What the—" Clover proclaimed.

"Turning our bodies into smoke is not the only thing we can do with the obsidian," Sasha reminded them.

"Then I guess we'll have to get creative!" Alex said with a smirk.

"Totally!" Clover added. "You're not fazing us at all..."

Meanwhile, Mat and Sam had just rejoined Clover and Alex.

"No matter how you slice it, Clover's right," Mat said. "You'll lose anyway!"

"And it's time we cut your stunts down to size," Sam declared.

Sasha used the smoke to manifest a gun and shot fire from it. The 4 spies dodged each shot with acrobatic maneuvers as Alex threw the heart-shaped bombs at her destroying her gun. "Damn!"

She manifested 2 small blades and charged at them. Mat used his metal bow staff and clashed with her. They kept attacking and blocking each other while Clover and Alex attacked from the sides using their kicks.

"Nice try..." Sasha sneered.

As a last-ditch effort, she covered her whole body in smoke and manifested a suit of obsidian armor.

Mat used his staff at Sasha's suit. It left a scratch, but it didn't affect Sasha.

"Uh oh... shoulda seen that coming!" Mat exclaimed.

"We better think of something fast!" Alex added.

"Sammy, anything come to mind?" Clover asked, getting a little stressed out.

"Don't we have another heart-shaped grenade?" Alex added.

"I think I saved one last one," said Sam. "But we'll need a lot more than that to blast that armor away."

"Laser lipsticks come to mind?" Mat quipped.

"Nice thinking, Mat," Clover commented.

"It's worth a shot," Sam quipped at Mat. "And we've only got ONE shot at this!"

The 4 charged at Sasha, performing a variety of combos of punching, kicking, and blocking. Sasha then punched Mat in the stomach, which sent him flying away. She also grabbed Clover and Alex by the collars of their red and yellow jumpsuits and smacked their heads together. Then, she cast them aside. Lastly, Sam went and tackled Sasha to her stomach, but Sasha hit Sam with both arms and kicked her away.

"Fools!" Sasha gloated. "I told you... you can't beat me!"

"Oh really?" Sam sneered. "Check again..."

Confused, Sasha looked down and saw the heart-shaped bomb stuck inside the stomach area of her armor. She realized Sam put it there while she was being tackled. With a panicked look, Sasha tried to take it out.

"Sorry, but game over!" Sam declared and held her laser lipstick. She accurately shot the bomb at Sasha's stomach, causing it to explode, blowing up the armor from the inside. After the smoke cleared, Sasha fell to the floor, unconscious, yet still breathing.

"Victory!" All 4 screamed.

"Nice thinking, Mat!" Clover exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm proud of ya!" Sam added and rewarded Mat with a kiss on the cheek.

"Yes, excellent work, agents," said Jerry, coming into view with other WOOHP agents.

"Thanks, Jer," said Alex.

"Uh, one thing, Jer," Mat said. "What are we gonna do about the stone walls?"

"Not to worry," said Jerry. "WOOHP will handle that; in the meantime, I think you four have a duty of your own back home to tend to."

"Right, Alice!" Clover exclaimed.

"Yeah, let's hope she didn't mess up our house again," said Sam.

"I would lean towards a 'no' to that," said Clover. "After we set her straight."

"I'm a little jealous Alice didn't ruin anything of your own, Mat," Alex said, realizing.

"Luck works in mysterious ways," Mat said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll give you a lift home if you're ready, spies," Jerry said.

8:09 PM – Spies' Beach House

After several hours, our heroes finally returned home. As they went to the living room, they all sat down on the couch in exhaustion.

"I'm glad that's over," said Clover. "My body is killing me!"

"Totally," Alex quipped in agreement.

"But I will say that was an interesting experience and weird, too," Mat commented.

"Trust me, Mat," Sam quipped. "We've been on way weirder missions before you joined."

As they were resting, Alice came out of her room. "Oh, hey, you're back! Wow! What happened to you?" she asked.

"Don't ask..." said all four of them.

"All right, not my business," said Alice. "Oh, by the way, I'll be hanging out tomorrow with some new friends I met at the skate park."

"Skate park?!" Clover exclaimed.

"Wow, she was out while we were gone?" Mat asked.

"Of course I got out," Alice said. "I didn't wanna sit at home waiting for you to handle school business or whatever it was you were doing..."

"Good point," said Sam.

"And since when did you get a skateboard?" Mat asked.

"She's a skateboarding JUNKIE!" Clover declared.

"Well, that explains it," Mat quipped.

"I'm as sure of that as I am knowing that a biker's among you," Alice said.

"Then you must be talking about me," said Mat in surprise.

"Kinda figured the only boy among you is the biker," Alice deduced.

"Hey, they like it," Mat said. The girls nodded in agreement.

"Well, for now, let's worry about tonight," said Alex. "And we can hit the skate park tomorrow with you, Alice; I like skateboarding myself."

"No kidding," said Alice.

"Well, if anybody's taking suggestions for tonight," said Mat. "Clover and Alice are the only ones who have been poolside lately, so I thought..." He turned to Sam.

"You don't need to ask," said Sam with a smile. "I'll swim with you."

"Smooth move, Sammy," Alex quipped.

"Totally," said Clover. "And Alice and I can go pick up some dinner while you wait."

Meanwhile, Sam and Mat were in the pool together and enjoying the night sky.

On the next day around the afternoon, Clover, Sam, and Alex were chilling, relaxing, and all around being lazy. Mat was sent out to buy ice cream and sodas, while Alice was nowhere to be found. Sometime later, the girls heard the doorbell ringing. Sam got up and opened the door to see a delivery girl with a package.

"Congratulations, you won a lifetime supply of Maria Santoro cosmetics," said the delivery girl.

Clover and Alex heard that and immediately got up, ran to the door, and Clover grabbed the package to open it. When she did, a small explosion occurred and the 3 girls were covered in flour.


The delivery girl removed her cap to reveal that it was Alice pulling yet another prank.

"What is this, Alice?! You said no more pranks!" Clover exclaimed.

"No, I said no more mean pranks," said Alice. "That stuff will easily wash. Since I'm leaving tomorrow, I might as well end it with a bang."

The three girls covered in flour looked at each other and started grinning evilly. They were prepared for this and discussed in advance what to do in this situation. All three then grabbed Alice and dragged her to Clover's room.

"Hey!" Alice exclaimed. "What are you doing?!"

"Yeah, you said 'no more mean pranks' after all," said Alex.

"But that was kinda mean," said Sam.

"So, consider this your 'punishment,' Alice," Clover smirked, taking some cosmetics.

Meanwhile, Mat was just coming back with the ice cream and sodas. As he walked to the kitchen he left them in the freezer and went to the living room to watch some TV.

Meanwhile, Alice was tied to a chair while the girls were making her beautiful. Alex was doing her nails, making them perfectly manicured and pink nail polish was added as well.

"No, not pink!" Alice begged. "Anything but that!"

"Sorry, but you asked for it," Alex teased.

Sam was styling Alice's hair. She started to brush it nicely, trimming some split ends, and then used the curling iron to make Alice's hair wavier. Sam also added a bit of hair spray. Alice coughed at the hair spray.

While Alice had her eyes closed from the coughing, Clover took the opportunity to add light blue eyeshadow to her eyelids and some mascara on her eyelashes, giving them a fluttery effect. Clover then grabbed her favorite pink lipstick and painted Alice's lips with it, making them shiny and attractive.

"Eww, it tastes terrible!" Alice complained.

"You'll get used to it," said Clover.

"I doubt it," said Alice. "Are we done yet?"

"Not yet," Clover answered.

As she said that with an evil smile, she held a pair of heart-shaped earrings and some golden bracelets in one hand and an ear piercer in the other hand.

"Oh no!" Alice screamed. "Nonono!"

A scream was heard all over the house, but Mat was too focus on the movie to pay attention to it.

"Looking good!" Clover quipped. "Now, let's get you dressed."

The three girls carried Alice to Clover's big closet and began dressing her up. After minutes of struggling, the makeover was finally completed and the three spies took a step back to admire their work.

"OMG, you look super cute!" Clover exclaimed.

"Totally!" Alex added.

"I'd say our work here is done," Sam quipped.

Alice exited the closet looking absolutely gorgeous. The manicure made her hand look more delicate; her hair was fluttering like there was wind inside; the makeup and jewelry made her face shine and her new clothes which consisted of a pink crop top, white skirt with a black belt in the middle, white heeled boots, a scarf wrapped around her neck, and some pink feminine sunglasses on her head, giving her a very attractive figure. Alice was not happy about this.

"This is so embarrassing!" Alice exclaimed. "Ok, you win! Nice prank! I'm gonna go change."

"Sorry to tell you this, but we hid all your clothes," said Clover.

"What?!" Alice screamed.

"And if you want them back, you will have to go out with your friends looking like that," Sam added. "We all will come too; this could be a fun girls' night out."

"Also, you need to flirt with a boy," Clover added. "Don't worry, I will teach you how."

"You can't be serious!?" Alice retorted.

"Look at the time – your friend should be arriving at any time. Let's go," said Alex.

"W...Wait! Stop! Let go!" Alice demanded, but the spies would not hear any of this.

Sam was quick to get Mat's attention.

"Mat, we're taking Alice out since she leaves tomorrow, you wanna come?" She asked.

"Not gonna say no," said Mat, shutting off the TV and getting up.

When he got a look at Alice, he was surprised.

"Holy smokes!" Mat exclaimed. "They got you good!"

"You shoulda seen what she did to us earlier, Mat," Alex declared.

"Well, you know what they say," Mat quipped. "Payback's a bitch."

"Totally," Clover quipped as she got the keys to their car. "Let's get to the Groove, everyone!"

Sometime after that, our heroes and some other people were at a dance club. Mat and Sam were at the bar drinking some tropical juices (non-alcoholic of course); Alex and some of Alice's friends were dancing together; Clover was making Alice flirt with some guys the same way she would, which worked. Alice got a lot of attention, and one guy even leaned her back to try to kiss her – in which Clover kicked him in the head for being too pushy.

"Ugh, thanks," Alice groaned.

"Don't mention it," said Clover. "Being beautiful has its ups and downs."

"I don't think I could get used to this," Alice replied.

"But you're a natural," Clover retorted. "Hey, maybe someday you'll get 10 boyfriends at once, like me."

Alice just scoffed.

They spent the remainder of the night having fun and enjoying themselves.

11:43 AM – Spies' Beach House

The next day, everyone was outside saying farewell to Alice as she was carrying her luggage, and putting them on the car, ready to leave.

"Well it's been fun, guys," said Alice.

"Hopefully you learned your lesson," Sam quipped.

"Nope," said Alice. "I'm still gonna pull pranks, but I learned to restrain myself a bit."

"Well, I suppose that's a start," Clover sighed. "Take care."

"You too," Alice said back.

All 5 joined in for a massive group hug. After some time, Alice went inside the car, and she was driven away.

"Bye, Alice!" Alex called out.

"Safe journeys," Mat added.

"Thanks," said Alice, and with that, she was long gone.

"That went well," said Mat as Clover came back in through the front door.

"Uh-huh," said Clover as Sam and Alex nodded in agreement.

"So, anybody got any idea of what they'd like to do next?" asked Alex.

"Well, we didn't get to do that water balloon stint Alice suggested," said Mat.

"Or the pool day I had suggested if Alex took her cardio to the pool either," said Sam.

"I say we do both," said Clover. "Water balloon, then the pool."

Our heroes spent their time having fun and relaxing until the sun had set.

"Hey, everyone, let's take a picture together," Clover then suggested.

"All right," said the others.

They prepared themselves for the photo. Mat and Sam looking at the camera while hugging, Alex smiling and doing a peace sign, and Clover doing a kissy face. Clover pushed the button on her phone and with a flash, the picture was done.

The End

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